L.A. City Council votes to end the federal holiday...Columbus Day

The only thing I like about Columbus Day is that I get it off and my kids don't...they get Cesar Chavez.
Cesar Chavez, an Alinsky following communist. Honoring him is like honoring Stalin. But no one wants to talk about Chavez killing illegals and dumping their bodies do they?
All you idiot liberals pack your shit and move back to Europe as punishment for your ancestors conquering the indigenous people, nearly wiping them out.
what next? take down all statues of Jesus/St Pete/St John/St Paul/St George/St Ringo......did I miss anyone else?
Columbus sets sail in 1492, from Spain, with three ships"La Pinta" "la Nina" and "La Santa Maria" and discovered the New World.

That's how it is that's how it will be. Period.
All you idiot liberals pack your shit and move back to Europe as punishment for your ancestors conquering the indigenous people, nearly wiping them out.

Nah, I think I'll just do what I do every Columbus day, ignore it.
Columbus sets sail in 1492, from Spain, with three ships"La Pinta" "la Nina" and "La Santa Maria" and discovered the New World.

That's how it is that's how it will be. Period.
ask anyone who voted for Hillary to name the three ships,,,they all get brain farts......ahh,,,uhm....the Mayflower?
Columbus sets sail in 1492, from Spain, with three ships"La Pinta" "la Nina" and "La Santa Maria" and discovered the New World.

That's how it is that's how it will be. Period.
ask anyone who voted for Hillary to name the three ships,,,they all get brain farts......ahh,,,uhm....the Mayflower?

I know.

They know shit! lol:dunno:
Columbus sets sail in 1492, from Spain, with three ships"La Pinta" "la Nina" and "La Santa Maria" and discovered the New World.

That's how it is that's how it will be. Period.
ask anyone who voted for Hillary to name the three ships,,,they all get brain farts......ahh,,,uhm....the Mayflower?

I know.

They know shit! lol:dunno:
you could ask a snowflake any question regarding when Columbus passed thru the panama canal in 1776, and they will come up with an answer
The only thing I like about Columbus Day is that I get it off and my kids don't...they get Cesar Chavez.
Cesar Chavez, an Alinsky following communist. Honoring him is like honoring Stalin. But no one wants to talk about Chavez killing illegals and dumping their bodies do they?
does this mean that all 57 states are going to have to rename their local "Columbus" cities? what are they going to change it to? Redneck City?
The only thing I like about Columbus Day is that I get it off and my kids don't...they get Cesar Chavez.
Cesar Chavez, an Alinsky following communist. Honoring him is like honoring Stalin. But no one wants to talk about Chavez killing illegals and dumping their bodies do they?

I really don't give two fucks and a fiddle. All I know is my kids don't get Columbus Day, giving me a holiday all to myself.

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