LA City Council Targets Companies Building Trump's Border Wall


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Sounds like they are going to refuse to allow companies to do business in Los Angeles if the companies help in any way to build the wall.

They fail to note the major difference between immigrants and illegal aliens. The wall will only help to keep out illegal aliens, terrorists and other criminals. It won't affect those that come legally so it's not shutting us off from our neighbors in the south, just ensuring that our immigration laws are followed. Mexico has even stricter immigration laws and you better believe they uphold them to the fullest extent. You are in big trouble if you get caught sneaking in to their country yet they have the nerve to complain about the majority of American wishing to secure the border.

Los Angeles must really love all the cheap labor illegals provide even as the liberals bitch and moan about raising the minimum for citizens. Hypocrites.

Maybe it is time for California to secede and then they can make their own laws, take in as many people as they want and they can pay for it all.

"On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council, determined to flout President Trump’s effort to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, voted to draft a law forcing companies seeking or doing business with the city to reveal whether they have contracts to help design, build or provide supplies for “any proposed border wall between Mexico and the United States of America.”

The Los Angeles Times reports that the law was proposed by Councilman Gil Cedillo, who said, “We want to know if there are people who do business with the city of Los Angeles ... who wish to profit from building a wall that would divide us from our nearest and dearest neighbor Mexico.” He added that the idea of the wall was “repugnant,” terming it a racist and xenophobic plan. Cedillo pontificated, “Immigrants are the foundation, here in Los Angeles, of our economy. They are tightly woven into the social fabric of this city. And you cannot separate them or divide their families here in this city without disrupting the character of this city.”

Cedillo has been chomping at the bit to target the wall for some time; in May, when he first announced the law he intended to offer, he said, “I would hope that those who want to do business with us share our values and understand the importance of a city that is significantly immigrant, that the foundation of our economy is immigrant, that our social fabric is immigrant.”

Before the vote, Council President Herb Wesson stated, “I do think that it’s important for us on this council to send a message as to ... what our values are and the type of people that we want to do business with.”

LA City Council Targets Companies Building Trump's Border Wall
Sounds like they are going to refuse to allow companies to do business in Los Angeles if the companies help in any way to build the wall.

They fail to note the major difference between immigrants and illegal aliens. The wall will only help to keep out illegal aliens, terrorists and other criminals. It won't affect those that come legally so it's not shutting us off from our neighbors in the south, just ensuring that our immigration laws are followed. Mexico has even stricter immigration laws and you better believe they uphold them to the fullest extent. You are in big trouble if you get caught sneaking in to their country yet they have the nerve to complain about the majority of American wishing to secure the border.

Los Angeles must really love all the cheap labor illegals provide even as the liberals bitch and moan about raising the minimum for citizens. Hypocrites.

Maybe it is time for California to secede and then they can make their own laws, take in as many people as they want and they can pay for it all.

"On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council, determined to flout President Trump’s effort to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, voted to draft a law forcing companies seeking or doing business with the city to reveal whether they have contracts to help design, build or provide supplies for “any proposed border wall between Mexico and the United States of America.”

The Los Angeles Times reports that the law was proposed by Councilman Gil Cedillo, who said, “We want to know if there are people who do business with the city of Los Angeles ... who wish to profit from building a wall that would divide us from our nearest and dearest neighbor Mexico.” He added that the idea of the wall was “repugnant,” terming it a racist and xenophobic plan. Cedillo pontificated, “Immigrants are the foundation, here in Los Angeles, of our economy. They are tightly woven into the social fabric of this city. And you cannot separate them or divide their families here in this city without disrupting the character of this city.”

Cedillo has been chomping at the bit to target the wall for some time; in May, when he first announced the law he intended to offer, he said, “I would hope that those who want to do business with us share our values and understand the importance of a city that is significantly immigrant, that the foundation of our economy is immigrant, that our social fabric is immigrant.”

Before the vote, Council President Herb Wesson stated, “I do think that it’s important for us on this council to send a message as to ... what our values are and the type of people that we want to do business with.”

LA City Council Targets Companies Building Trump's Border Wall

So are you for states rights or not? Make up your mind.
Sounds like they are going to refuse to allow companies to do business in Los Angeles if the companies help in any way to build the wall.

They fail to note the major difference between immigrants and illegal aliens. The wall will only help to keep out illegal aliens, terrorists and other criminals. It won't affect those that come legally so it's not shutting us off from our neighbors in the south, just ensuring that our immigration laws are followed. Mexico has even stricter immigration laws and you better believe they uphold them to the fullest extent. You are in big trouble if you get caught sneaking in to their country yet they have the nerve to complain about the majority of American wishing to secure the border.

Los Angeles must really love all the cheap labor illegals provide even as the liberals bitch and moan about raising the minimum for citizens. Hypocrites.

Maybe it is time for California to secede and then they can make their own laws, take in as many people as they want and they can pay for it all.

"On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council, determined to flout President Trump’s effort to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, voted to draft a law forcing companies seeking or doing business with the city to reveal whether they have contracts to help design, build or provide supplies for “any proposed border wall between Mexico and the United States of America.”

The Los Angeles Times reports that the law was proposed by Councilman Gil Cedillo, who said, “We want to know if there are people who do business with the city of Los Angeles ... who wish to profit from building a wall that would divide us from our nearest and dearest neighbor Mexico.” He added that the idea of the wall was “repugnant,” terming it a racist and xenophobic plan. Cedillo pontificated, “Immigrants are the foundation, here in Los Angeles, of our economy. They are tightly woven into the social fabric of this city. And you cannot separate them or divide their families here in this city without disrupting the character of this city.”

Cedillo has been chomping at the bit to target the wall for some time; in May, when he first announced the law he intended to offer, he said, “I would hope that those who want to do business with us share our values and understand the importance of a city that is significantly immigrant, that the foundation of our economy is immigrant, that our social fabric is immigrant.”

Before the vote, Council President Herb Wesson stated, “I do think that it’s important for us on this council to send a message as to ... what our values are and the type of people that we want to do business with.”

LA City Council Targets Companies Building Trump's Border Wall

So are you for states rights or not? Make up your mind.
The city can do this if it wants, but that doesn't mean the politicians doing it aren't total complete scumbags and traitors to their country. They should be on a bus to Tijuana, not running an American city.
There is a border already , the wall won't stop illegal immigration. Ask Europe, there will be tunnels, boats and most come by plane and remain here.
And honestly there is room for people to come for a better life. If they came here illegally and they work and are harmless, let's legalize them. Latinos are the hardest working people I've ever come across. Generally very humble and respectful, the US should be thankful to them.
There is a border already , the wall won't stop illegal immigration. Ask Europe, there will be tunnels, boats and most come by plane and remain here.
And honestly there is room for people to come for a better life. If they came here illegally and they work and are harmless, let's legalize them. Latinos are the hardest working people I've ever come across. Generally very humble and respectful, the US should be thankful to them.
Hungary built a fence, and it stopped the invasion of Muzzie savages almost completely, so your claim is obvious horseshit.

It appears you care more about foreigners than you do about Americans. Every alien that enters the country illegal takes an American job or goes on welfare. By allowing that you are fucking Americans up the ass, but that's the kind of people Democrats are.

That's why you lost the election, douche bag.
Sounds like they are going to refuse to allow companies to do business in Los Angeles if the companies help in any way to build the wall.

They fail to note the major difference between immigrants and illegal aliens. The wall will only help to keep out illegal aliens, terrorists and other criminals. It won't affect those that come legally so it's not shutting us off from our neighbors in the south, just ensuring that our immigration laws are followed. Mexico has even stricter immigration laws and you better believe they uphold them to the fullest extent. You are in big trouble if you get caught sneaking in to their country yet they have the nerve to complain about the majority of American wishing to secure the border.

Los Angeles must really love all the cheap labor illegals provide even as the liberals bitch and moan about raising the minimum for citizens. Hypocrites.

Maybe it is time for California to secede and then they can make their own laws, take in as many people as they want and they can pay for it all.

"On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council, determined to flout President Trump’s effort to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, voted to draft a law forcing companies seeking or doing business with the city to reveal whether they have contracts to help design, build or provide supplies for “any proposed border wall between Mexico and the United States of America.”

The Los Angeles Times reports that the law was proposed by Councilman Gil Cedillo, who said, “We want to know if there are people who do business with the city of Los Angeles ... who wish to profit from building a wall that would divide us from our nearest and dearest neighbor Mexico.” He added that the idea of the wall was “repugnant,” terming it a racist and xenophobic plan. Cedillo pontificated, “Immigrants are the foundation, here in Los Angeles, of our economy. They are tightly woven into the social fabric of this city. And you cannot separate them or divide their families here in this city without disrupting the character of this city.”

Cedillo has been chomping at the bit to target the wall for some time; in May, when he first announced the law he intended to offer, he said, “I would hope that those who want to do business with us share our values and understand the importance of a city that is significantly immigrant, that the foundation of our economy is immigrant, that our social fabric is immigrant.”

Before the vote, Council President Herb Wesson stated, “I do think that it’s important for us on this council to send a message as to ... what our values are and the type of people that we want to do business with.”

LA City Council Targets Companies Building Trump's Border Wall

Wow, talk about fascism! :eek:

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce,
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There is a border already , the wall won't stop illegal immigration. Ask Europe, there will be tunnels, boats and most come by plane and remain here.
And honestly there is room for people to come for a better life. If they came here illegally and they work and are harmless, let's legalize them. Latinos are the hardest working people I've ever come across. Generally very humble and respectful, the US should be thankful to them.

I will never be "thankful" to anyone who comes here illegally and thumbs their nose at our immigration laws. Latinos need to go through the same legal steps that we ask of everyone.
Sounds like they are going to refuse to allow companies to do business in Los Angeles if the companies help in any way to build the wall.

They fail to note the major difference between immigrants and illegal aliens. The wall will only help to keep out illegal aliens, terrorists and other criminals. It won't affect those that come legally so it's not shutting us off from our neighbors in the south, just ensuring that our immigration laws are followed. Mexico has even stricter immigration laws and you better believe they uphold them to the fullest extent. You are in big trouble if you get caught sneaking in to their country yet they have the nerve to complain about the majority of American wishing to secure the border.

Los Angeles must really love all the cheap labor illegals provide even as the liberals bitch and moan about raising the minimum for citizens. Hypocrites.

Maybe it is time for California to secede and then they can make their own laws, take in as many people as they want and they can pay for it all.

"On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council, determined to flout President Trump’s effort to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, voted to draft a law forcing companies seeking or doing business with the city to reveal whether they have contracts to help design, build or provide supplies for “any proposed border wall between Mexico and the United States of America.”

The Los Angeles Times reports that the law was proposed by Councilman Gil Cedillo, who said, “We want to know if there are people who do business with the city of Los Angeles ... who wish to profit from building a wall that would divide us from our nearest and dearest neighbor Mexico.” He added that the idea of the wall was “repugnant,” terming it a racist and xenophobic plan. Cedillo pontificated, “Immigrants are the foundation, here in Los Angeles, of our economy. They are tightly woven into the social fabric of this city. And you cannot separate them or divide their families here in this city without disrupting the character of this city.”

Cedillo has been chomping at the bit to target the wall for some time; in May, when he first announced the law he intended to offer, he said, “I would hope that those who want to do business with us share our values and understand the importance of a city that is significantly immigrant, that the foundation of our economy is immigrant, that our social fabric is immigrant.”

Before the vote, Council President Herb Wesson stated, “I do think that it’s important for us on this council to send a message as to ... what our values are and the type of people that we want to do business with.”

LA City Council Targets Companies Building Trump's Border Wall

So are you for states rights or not? Make up your mind.

That doesn't mean we have to like what these pricks are doing.
There is a border already , the wall won't stop illegal immigration. Ask Europe, there will be tunnels, boats and most come by plane and remain here.
And honestly there is room for people to come for a better life. If they came here illegally and they work and are harmless, let's legalize them. Latinos are the hardest working people I've ever come across. Generally very humble and respectful, the US should be thankful to them.

All the current moves by the left are protecting the gangs and criminals. They aren't being selective in who they help. If it were a matter of keeping the honest people who would work and help us pay taxes, I bet a majority would support them.

As it is, criminals are being released onto the streets in sanctuary cities instead of being turned over to immigration officials. That makes no sense. If anyone is arrested for a crime, it should mean they are deported after serving time for the crime. If the sanctuary cities would cooperate with INS when it comes to criminals, it would make a huge difference. But instead we see dangerous criminals let loose in cities and they commit more crimes. No one in their right mind will get behind that.
Sounds like they are going to refuse to allow companies to do business in Los Angeles if the companies help in any way to build the wall.

They fail to note the major difference between immigrants and illegal aliens. The wall will only help to keep out illegal aliens, terrorists and other criminals. It won't affect those that come legally so it's not shutting us off from our neighbors in the south, just ensuring that our immigration laws are followed. Mexico has even stricter immigration laws and you better believe they uphold them to the fullest extent. You are in big trouble if you get caught sneaking in to their country yet they have the nerve to complain about the majority of American wishing to secure the border.

Los Angeles must really love all the cheap labor illegals provide even as the liberals bitch and moan about raising the minimum for citizens. Hypocrites.

Maybe it is time for California to secede and then they can make their own laws, take in as many people as they want and they can pay for it all.

"On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council, determined to flout President Trump’s effort to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, voted to draft a law forcing companies seeking or doing business with the city to reveal whether they have contracts to help design, build or provide supplies for “any proposed border wall between Mexico and the United States of America.”

The Los Angeles Times reports that the law was proposed by Councilman Gil Cedillo, who said, “We want to know if there are people who do business with the city of Los Angeles ... who wish to profit from building a wall that would divide us from our nearest and dearest neighbor Mexico.” He added that the idea of the wall was “repugnant,” terming it a racist and xenophobic plan. Cedillo pontificated, “Immigrants are the foundation, here in Los Angeles, of our economy. They are tightly woven into the social fabric of this city. And you cannot separate them or divide their families here in this city without disrupting the character of this city.”

Cedillo has been chomping at the bit to target the wall for some time; in May, when he first announced the law he intended to offer, he said, “I would hope that those who want to do business with us share our values and understand the importance of a city that is significantly immigrant, that the foundation of our economy is immigrant, that our social fabric is immigrant.”

Before the vote, Council President Herb Wesson stated, “I do think that it’s important for us on this council to send a message as to ... what our values are and the type of people that we want to do business with.”

LA City Council Targets Companies Building Trump's Border Wall
CA already has a wall up.
Sounds like they are going to refuse to allow companies to do business in Los Angeles if the companies help in any way to build the wall.

They fail to note the major difference between immigrants and illegal aliens. The wall will only help to keep out illegal aliens, terrorists and other criminals. It won't affect those that come legally so it's not shutting us off from our neighbors in the south, just ensuring that our immigration laws are followed. Mexico has even stricter immigration laws and you better believe they uphold them to the fullest extent. You are in big trouble if you get caught sneaking in to their country yet they have the nerve to complain about the majority of American wishing to secure the border.

Los Angeles must really love all the cheap labor illegals provide even as the liberals bitch and moan about raising the minimum for citizens. Hypocrites.

Maybe it is time for California to secede and then they can make their own laws, take in as many people as they want and they can pay for it all.

"On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council, determined to flout President Trump’s effort to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, voted to draft a law forcing companies seeking or doing business with the city to reveal whether they have contracts to help design, build or provide supplies for “any proposed border wall between Mexico and the United States of America.”

The Los Angeles Times reports that the law was proposed by Councilman Gil Cedillo, who said, “We want to know if there are people who do business with the city of Los Angeles ... who wish to profit from building a wall that would divide us from our nearest and dearest neighbor Mexico.” He added that the idea of the wall was “repugnant,” terming it a racist and xenophobic plan. Cedillo pontificated, “Immigrants are the foundation, here in Los Angeles, of our economy. They are tightly woven into the social fabric of this city. And you cannot separate them or divide their families here in this city without disrupting the character of this city.”

Cedillo has been chomping at the bit to target the wall for some time; in May, when he first announced the law he intended to offer, he said, “I would hope that those who want to do business with us share our values and understand the importance of a city that is significantly immigrant, that the foundation of our economy is immigrant, that our social fabric is immigrant.”

Before the vote, Council President Herb Wesson stated, “I do think that it’s important for us on this council to send a message as to ... what our values are and the type of people that we want to do business with.”

LA City Council Targets Companies Building Trump's Border Wall

It would be quick and easy to round up the city council members and toss them into prison
Sounds like they are going to refuse to allow companies to do business in Los Angeles if the companies help in any way to build the wall.

They fail to note the major difference between immigrants and illegal aliens. The wall will only help to keep out illegal aliens, terrorists and other criminals. It won't affect those that come legally so it's not shutting us off from our neighbors in the south, just ensuring that our immigration laws are followed. Mexico has even stricter immigration laws and you better believe they uphold them to the fullest extent. You are in big trouble if you get caught sneaking in to their country yet they have the nerve to complain about the majority of American wishing to secure the border.

Los Angeles must really love all the cheap labor illegals provide even as the liberals bitch and moan about raising the minimum for citizens. Hypocrites.

Maybe it is time for California to secede and then they can make their own laws, take in as many people as they want and they can pay for it all.

"On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council, determined to flout President Trump’s effort to build a wall between the United States and Mexico, voted to draft a law forcing companies seeking or doing business with the city to reveal whether they have contracts to help design, build or provide supplies for “any proposed border wall between Mexico and the United States of America.”

The Los Angeles Times reports that the law was proposed by Councilman Gil Cedillo, who said, “We want to know if there are people who do business with the city of Los Angeles ... who wish to profit from building a wall that would divide us from our nearest and dearest neighbor Mexico.” He added that the idea of the wall was “repugnant,” terming it a racist and xenophobic plan. Cedillo pontificated, “Immigrants are the foundation, here in Los Angeles, of our economy. They are tightly woven into the social fabric of this city. And you cannot separate them or divide their families here in this city without disrupting the character of this city.”

Cedillo has been chomping at the bit to target the wall for some time; in May, when he first announced the law he intended to offer, he said, “I would hope that those who want to do business with us share our values and understand the importance of a city that is significantly immigrant, that the foundation of our economy is immigrant, that our social fabric is immigrant.”

Before the vote, Council President Herb Wesson stated, “I do think that it’s important for us on this council to send a message as to ... what our values are and the type of people that we want to do business with.”

LA City Council Targets Companies Building Trump's Border Wall

Wow, talk about fascism! :eek:

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce,

Well, that is the specialty of the leftwing groups these days. While they can do what they want, they are seeking to punish companies for having views they don't like. It's a warning to all companies who do business in LA that they better toe the line or lose money. The same people who cheer this move by LA will turn around and say the right is fascist for wanting border security. Message is that it's okay to punish American companies but never step on the toes of the illegals who vote Democrat.
No problem.
These companies will do what a lot of companies are already doing....leave California.
There is a wall here in CA already. Immigrants do perform jobs that most Americans wouldn't do.
I'm very active in the community, and I deal with hundreds if not thousands of one ever felt threatened they will lose their job because of an immigrant nor do I know anyone who has a hard time finding a job....economy recovered and there are plenty of jobs. I say legalize the illegals and welcome to those who are looking for a better life.
Europeans were here illegally they started the trend, the Latinos work hard to provide their families and help the economy and they are not killing scores of people like the European settlers did.

There is a border already , the wall won't stop illegal immigration. Ask Europe, there will be tunnels, boats and most come by plane and remain here.
And honestly there is room for people to come for a better life. If they came here illegally and they work and are harmless, let's legalize them. Latinos are the hardest working people I've ever come across. Generally very humble and respectful, the US should be thankful to them.
Hungary built a fence, and it stopped the invasion of Muzzie savages almost completely, so your claim is obvious horseshit.

It appears you care more about foreigners than you do about Americans. Every alien that enters the country illegal takes an American job or goes on welfare. By allowing that you are fucking Americans up the ass, but that's the kind of people Democrats are.

That's why you lost the election, douche bag.
The city council cannot stop anyone from doing business in the city. Just stop them from doing business with the city directly.

I have lived with the hispanic flotsam and jetsam in Los Angeles for decades. When Trump called them rapists and drug dealers but some were good people he was being too kind.

They are here for a better life, preferably yours. Your house, your job, your car (judging from the carjackings). According to the latest cartel immigrants, they will literally eat your children.

Put a bounty on them. Make hunting them a sport.
If the wall doesn't work like so many liberals say, then why doe anyone, including LA, get so worked up about it?

In today's litigious atmosphere there must be a discrimination lawsuit in there somewhere.
Have any of the businesses filed a 'Conspiracy to Restrain Trade' lawsuit yet?

A complaint filed with the US Department of Justice might also do the trick.

Conspiracy to circumvent the enforcement of the Laws of the United States... Obstruction of Justice... indict and arrest the whole phukking City Council... and the Mayor.
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We love our Latinos. We don't like racists and bigots. We love the diversity that we have here. Keep your racism in your area, please don't tell us how to live.

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