la county deputy tosses woman on ground

You can't just go around stealing anything you want because CNN told you that Winco owners Great Great Great Grandfather owned a slave. We owe you nothing. Slaves are still all over the planet. Always have been. The US tried to

Preposterous. Street Police are not the court. They bring in and charge suspects. They seldom mess up. Criminals continually mess up over decades.//
what did they steal??
I didnt see her struggle,, the cop walked up and grabbed her and threw he to the ground because she wouldnt stop filming,,
I believe that’s a fair recapitulation from what I saw.

Still, it’s different than tossing her to fall to her death from the top of a skyscraper.

My comment wasn’t intended to suggest that the cop might not have liability. He might. We will know soon enough.
Is rape by an officer legal till a judge says otherwise?
No of course not

If you kill a cop who is trying to rape you you are on solid ground

If you kill him for wrongly writing you a ticket for speeding you’re probably going to prison
No of course not

If you kill a cop who is trying to rape you you are on solid ground
Cool. So I guess together we proved this guy has no idea what he’s talking about.

How far does your vigilante justice extend?

Could she pull a gun and kill the cop if she thinks he’s in the wrong?

You are not legally obligated to obey an unlawful order or comply with an officer who is acting illegally.

You will not be charted with resisting arrest if the officer is not legally arresting you.
Can either one of you 2 racist explain to us how her filming what was happening equates to interfering with the cops.

The mumble mouth, racist only posted this to put her weak ass, racist twist to it.
Even a righteous action can be twisted to prosecution
on a recorded clip. I don't blame them at all. They can take that clip and go judge shopping until they find the right judge.
No, I’m illustrating a point. Police are not the ultimate authority and you are within your rights to defend yourself from them.

Police have no more right to rape someone as they do to issue an unlawful command.

Say, I have an idea: Why don't you test out your theory that you're within your rights to defend yourself from them, and post the results in a Youtube video, just for shits and giggles.
what the heck. these two are shoplifters and fought the cops and was impeeding their jobs. just to crooks getting arrested who did not want to be. all they had to do was comply and take responsibility for their crimes. but when do blacks ever do that ? same oh same oh in their world.

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