LA Times says CA has only a year of water. I say toss the 10 million illegals and problem solved


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Article lists 3 things to be done but none of them address the horde of illegal invaders. Kick them out (as the law requires) and the drought problem would be solved overnight.

California has about one year of water left. Will you ration now - LA Times

march 12 2015

As our “wet” season draws to a close, it is clear that the paltry rain and snowfall have done almost nothing to alleviate epic drought conditions. January was the driest in California since record-keeping began in 1895. Groundwater and snowpack levels are at all-time lows.

As difficult as it may be to face, the simple fact is that California is running out of water — and the problem started before our current drought. NASA data reveal that total water storage in California has been in steady decline since at least 2002, when satellite-based monitoring began, although groundwater depletion has been going on since the early 20th century.
Right now the state has only about one year of water supply left in its reservoirs, and our strategic backup supply, groundwater, is rapidly disappearing. California has no contingency plan for a persistent drought like this one (let alone a 20-plus-year mega-drought), except, apparently, staying in emergency mode and praying for rain.

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It'll be funny to see how other states handle refugees from California.
like millions of Americans, I laugh at the people and leaders of the former great state of California. Only a product of the useless public schools would proclaim that California will run out of water within one year and ask people to ration the water supply now.
Geez if they aren't complaining about floods they are whining about not having enough water.
I agree. Send all the illegals back on the banana boat they came on. Or via the deserts of the SW

I have been rationing. I just cut my yard in half AGAIN this morning. So now I am using only 1/4th of it. I water the fruit trees but letting the grass die in the 3/4th section.
I do what I can. I like california. But if I could move to oregon or washington I would in a heart beat. Gotta have my pacific ocean.
What the problem is....NOT ENOUGH DESALINATION PLANTS. The whole coast is nothing but water. Salt water. WTF that they haven't built more.
California and the left coast generally is the future Appalachia written very large. On one side is an Ocean that covers one third of the world's surface and the other side has 5-8 mountain ranges until the great plains are reached. A future backwater comparable to central Asia.
What the problem is....NOT ENOUGH DESALINATION PLANTS. The whole coast is nothing but water. Salt water. WTF that they haven't built more.
A solar still would be the lowest cost in the long run but CA is broke and it would be an eyesore.
CA only has itself to blame, it uses water like it isn't Australia or parts of the Middle East. Whatever water conservation plan they have in CA is a disaster.

Though from an economic point of view, a moderately wealthy state can't 'run out of water', just the price of the commodity increases and the state is forced to import water at a higher market price.

Eventually desalination will become affordable in comparison to import costs, as demand increases.

So, they can either take a hardline approach to water conservation or pay a heavy price for inefficient water use. Up to them, though I don't plan to live in CA.
Let's see....rising ocean levels threatening tons of beachfront properties in CA...tons of sunshine...hmmm...

Solar thermal potential aplenty + desalination plants = steady supply of water for CA....oh...and energy too...

Solar Desalination Plant Waste Water Treatment Plants Solar Distillation System Technology
SWE is a U.S. based company that uses solar energy to efficiently convert raw water into fresh water and stored energy into electricity. We have been awarded two U.S. patents that enable us to convert the natural resources of ocean/contaminated water and solar energy to
  • Provide the world with abundant resources of fresh water Solar Distillation System 6,494,995 B1
  • Generate renewable energy Solar Thermal Energy Conversion System 7,127,849 B2.
The need for cost effective solutions to help solve worldwide shortages of fresh water and electrical power is greater than ever. At Solar Water Energy, we are doing something about it. We provide Green Solutions for a Thirsty World.

Solar Water Energy, has patented a new and exciting technology that converts saline water, brackish water, seawater, and most contaminated water into pure water utilizing solar energy. The Solar Distillation System combines water desalination technology and solar power to make fresh water and render it as potable water for irrigation or industrial use. Water purification plants can be constructed On-shore and off-shore. In addition, the solar thermal energy stored in each plant is circulated and reused again and again. The surplus heat in the system produces electrical power through a Solar Thermal Energy Conversion System, the second patent owned by SWE. The excess thermal energy also can improve the efficiency of existing power generating plants. Construction, operation and maintenance costs of plants are very competitive when compared to reverse osmosis.
What the problem is....NOT ENOUGH DESALINATION PLANTS. The whole coast is nothing but water. Salt water. WTF that they haven't built more.

Fourth desal plant mothballed. Billions more wasted

Expensive desalination plants in Queensland, NSW and Victoria have all been mothballed without producing a drop of water. All were built in preference to much cheaper dams, in part because of green bans and in part because warming preachers claimed the rains would not return.

Add a fourth desalination plant:

COMMONWEALTH Auditor-General Ian McPhee has been asked to investigate $328 million in federal funds handed over to the South Australian Labor government for its $2.2 billion mothballed desalination plant and pipeline.

Federal Labor initially provided $100m for a 50 gigalitre plant, then announced an extra $228m to double its size…

Under the original deal for extra funding, South Australia was to “reduce reliance” on the Murray by drawing less water from the river once the 100GL plant was fully operational, expected in December. The decision saw the cost blow out from $500m for the smaller option to $2.2bn, when pipe work was included, for the larger plant, with water bills for consumers trebling since 2008 to pay for it.

Five desal plants have been built in Australia. Only Perth’s is used.
What the problem is....NOT ENOUGH DESALINATION PLANTS. The whole coast is nothing but water. Salt water. WTF that they haven't built more.

That would cost a ton of money while kicking out the illegals would not only save water but also save a ton of money, For example there are prolly 2 million illegal kids in the CA schools and at $15,000 per year per kid, that's 30 billion every year right there saved!!
What the problem is....NOT ENOUGH DESALINATION PLANTS. The whole coast is nothing but water. Salt water. WTF that they haven't built more.
A solar still would be the lowest cost in the long run but CA is broke and it would be an eyesore.
Desalination has a significantly negative effect on the environment as well, and would harm water/sea life.
Sounds right for the most part but Support columns increase sea life as does warmer water generally. Also as the troll pointed out above energy is a spin off.

Still all solutions and non-solutions create problems. What do you consider the least bad alternative?
Still all solutions and non-solutions create problems. What do you consider the least bad alternative?

What's the problem with kicking out the illegal invaders - as the law requires? They are just illiterate indios with no skills and living off the working whites in the state. Tossing them would be all good and no bad for the state. THINK
About 80% of CA's water use is agriculture. Stand by for higher prices and or certain food shortages.
What the problem is....NOT ENOUGH DESALINATION PLANTS. The whole coast is nothing but water. Salt water. WTF that they haven't built more.
A solar still would be the lowest cost in the long run but CA is broke and it would be an eyesore.
Desalination has a significantly negative effect on the environment as well, and would harm water/sea life.
Sounds right for the most part but Support columns increase sea life as does warmer water generally. Also as the troll pointed out above energy is a spin off.

Still all solutions and non-solutions create problems. What do you consider the least bad alternative?
Conserving water:
- Support high rises as opposed to urban sprawl, and restrict building in some areas.
- Give up the lawn for a garden more suited to the climate.
- Build more energy efficient accommodation.
- Build desalination plants as a stop gap measure in case of major drought.

CA can do all of that or they will force agriculture there out of business through prohibitive water costs, unless they heavily subsidize local farmers - which will drain their state budget more significantly each drought.

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