LA Union Files For Exemption From $15/hr Minimum Wage


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
They've been haranguing everyone for years about raising the minimum-wage.....and now that they got it....they immediately filed for an exemption for companies with union workers.

L.A. labor leaders seek minimum wage exemption for firms with union workers


Labor leaders, who were among the strongest supporters of the citywide minimum wage increase approved last week by the Los Angeles City Council, are advocating last-minute changes to the law that could create an exemption for companies with unionized workforces.

... For much of the past eight months, labor activists have argued against special considerations for business owners, such as restaurateurs, who said they would have trouble complying with the mandated pay increase.

But Rusty Hicks, who heads the county Federation of Labor and helps lead the Raise the Wage coalition, said Tuesday night that companies with workers represented by unions should have leeway to negotiate a wage below that mandated by the law.

"With a collective bargaining agreement, a business owner and the employees negotiate an agreement that works for them both. The agreement allows each party to prioritize what is important to them," Hicks said in a statement. "This provision gives the parties the option, the freedom, to negotiate that agreement. And that is a good thing."

Coalition representatives said the proposed exemption would ensure the city complies with federal laws which they say give collective bargaining agreements precedence over local ordinances. They also contend that it would keep L.A.'s ordinance consistent with previous city wage laws.

Some business leaders criticized the proposal, however, calling it ironic in light of union leaders' past opposition to special considerations for some employers.

"I'd refer everyone back to the statements of labor leaders over the past seven months that no one deserves a sub-minimum wage," said Ruben Gonzalez, senior vice president for public policy and political affairs with the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, which opposed the minimum wage increase passed by the City Council.

Gonzalez said the change sought by labor officials could pressure companies into letting employees unionize as a way to seek relief from the mandated wage hike.

Let's try to translate the contentions of Rusty Hicks and "coalition representatives":

  • Apparently the only way an employee can effectively negotiate with an employer is through a union. Individual employees are, in Hicks' world, completely unable to negotiate anything on their own, so a union must do it for them. By implication, union-employer agreements are the only ones which are legitimate.
  • Hicks' definition of "freedom" only includes agreed-upon union-employer arrangements. Again, one must conclude that he believes that individuals don't have the genuine freedom to negotiate their own circumstances. This is straight out of 1984 ("Freedom is slavery").
  • If "coalition representatives" are correct in contending that "federal laws ... give collective bargaining agreements precedence over local ordinances," i.e., that those agreements trump any city's, county's, or (possibly) state's attempt to regulate wages paid at unionized employers, they have told us that they're okay with their members receiving sub-standard pay (by their definition) — forever.
Yours truly and several others have been pointing out since late last year that many of the unions financing the OUR Wal-Mart and "Raise the Wage" movements targeting Wal-Mart and the fast-food industry represent workers at very large companies, e.g., Kroger, who are paid far less than even $10 an hour. Their attempt to exempt themselves from LA's minimum-wage law is a brazen admission that they want to preserve workplace arrangements for their members which they consider totally unacceptable for everyone else.

The LA Times story came out early this morning Pacific Time. As of when this post was prepared, and were among a very few establishment press sites which have taken notice.

At Slate, Jordan Weissman twisted himself like a pretzel defending the unions' move:

To be clear, this is almost surely an implicit acknowledgment by the unions that there are at least some local industries in Los Angeles, such as apparel manufacturing, where $15 per hour is too high a minimum, and workers might prefer to accept lower pay in order to keep their jobs. Otherwise, there would be no point to pushing for it. No rational employee would choose to organize and accept a lower paycheck—plus pay union dues—unless they really, truly thought their job was being imperiled by their wage. Admitting that $15 wasn't a great fit for every sector of L.A.'s economy probably wouldn't have been politically convenient in the early stage of the lobbying campaign. But now that the new minimum seems close to becoming a reality—the City Council has voted in favor of it in principle, but needs to approve final legislative language—it can't hurt to give workers and businesses a safety net if they need it.
In other words, "Now that it's almost a law, we can reveal the true motivations we've been hiding for months."

LA Mayor Garcetti, according to, "is open to studying an idea to exempt workers with union contracts from the city’s proposed $15 per hour minimum wage ordinance."

So it looks like organized labor's gambit will work — especially if, as I suspect, the nation's press will mostly ignore organized labor's breathtaking hypocrisy.

- See more at: LA Unions Lobby for Exemption From 15 Hr. Minimum Wage Law They Pushed
Of course they do, after they send their thugs out to demand it of non union shops. Just as they did with Obamacare.
They've been haranguing everyone for years about raising the minimum-wage.....and now that they got it....they immediately filed for an exemption for companies with union workers.

L.A. labor leaders seek minimum wage exemption for firms with union workers


Labor leaders, who were among the strongest supporters of the citywide minimum wage increase approved last week by the Los Angeles City Council, are advocating last-minute changes to the law that could create an exemption for companies with unionized workforces.

... For much of the past eight months, labor activists have argued against special considerations for business owners, such as restaurateurs, who said they would have trouble complying with the mandated pay increase.

But Rusty Hicks, who heads the county Federation of Labor and helps lead the Raise the Wage coalition, said Tuesday night that companies with workers represented by unions should have leeway to negotiate a wage below that mandated by the law.

"With a collective bargaining agreement, a business owner and the employees negotiate an agreement that works for them both. The agreement allows each party to prioritize what is important to them," Hicks said in a statement. "This provision gives the parties the option, the freedom, to negotiate that agreement. And that is a good thing."

Coalition representatives said the proposed exemption would ensure the city complies with federal laws which they say give collective bargaining agreements precedence over local ordinances. They also contend that it would keep L.A.'s ordinance consistent with previous city wage laws.

Some business leaders criticized the proposal, however, calling it ironic in light of union leaders' past opposition to special considerations for some employers.

"I'd refer everyone back to the statements of labor leaders over the past seven months that no one deserves a sub-minimum wage," said Ruben Gonzalez, senior vice president for public policy and political affairs with the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, which opposed the minimum wage increase passed by the City Council.

Gonzalez said the change sought by labor officials could pressure companies into letting employees unionize as a way to seek relief from the mandated wage hike.

Let's try to translate the contentions of Rusty Hicks and "coalition representatives":

  • Apparently the only way an employee can effectively negotiate with an employer is through a union. Individual employees are, in Hicks' world, completely unable to negotiate anything on their own, so a union must do it for them. By implication, union-employer agreements are the only ones which are legitimate.
  • Hicks' definition of "freedom" only includes agreed-upon union-employer arrangements. Again, one must conclude that he believes that individuals don't have the genuine freedom to negotiate their own circumstances. This is straight out of 1984 ("Freedom is slavery").
  • If "coalition representatives" are correct in contending that "federal laws ... give collective bargaining agreements precedence over local ordinances," i.e., that those agreements trump any city's, county's, or (possibly) state's attempt to regulate wages paid at unionized employers, they have told us that they're okay with their members receiving sub-standard pay (by their definition) — forever.
Yours truly and several others have been pointing out since late last year that many of the unions financing the OUR Wal-Mart and "Raise the Wage" movements targeting Wal-Mart and the fast-food industry represent workers at very large companies, e.g., Kroger, who are paid far less than even $10 an hour. Their attempt to exempt themselves from LA's minimum-wage law is a brazen admission that they want to preserve workplace arrangements for their members which they consider totally unacceptable for everyone else.

The LA Times story came out early this morning Pacific Time. As of when this post was prepared, and were among a very few establishment press sites which have taken notice.

At Slate, Jordan Weissman twisted himself like a pretzel defending the unions' move:

To be clear, this is almost surely an implicit acknowledgment by the unions that there are at least some local industries in Los Angeles, such as apparel manufacturing, where $15 per hour is too high a minimum, and workers might prefer to accept lower pay in order to keep their jobs. Otherwise, there would be no point to pushing for it. No rational employee would choose to organize and accept a lower paycheck—plus pay union dues—unless they really, truly thought their job was being imperiled by their wage. Admitting that $15 wasn't a great fit for every sector of L.A.'s economy probably wouldn't have been politically convenient in the early stage of the lobbying campaign. But now that the new minimum seems close to becoming a reality—the City Council has voted in favor of it in principle, but needs to approve final legislative language—it can't hurt to give workers and businesses a safety net if they need it.
In other words, "Now that it's almost a law, we can reveal the true motivations we've been hiding for months."

LA Mayor Garcetti, according to, "is open to studying an idea to exempt workers with union contracts from the city’s proposed $15 per hour minimum wage ordinance."

So it looks like organized labor's gambit will work — especially if, as I suspect, the nation's press will mostly ignore organized labor's breathtaking hypocrisy.

- See more at: LA Unions Lobby for Exemption From 15 Hr. Minimum Wage Law They Pushed
Unions are the worst thing that has ever happened to Labor. Unions are partially to blame for our jobs going to foreign job markets. Unions sent the steel, textile, appliance, tool, furniture, and automotive parts industries to cheap foreign labor markets. Unions caused Detroit to file for bankruptcy. Unions have caused financial headaches for California. This country would be a lot better off if it weren't for greedy damn unions and greedy union workers.

Unions are getting weak, losing members, and have confined themselves to just a few industries and government workers. Of course, teachers and cops still love unions, but it's only a matter of time before those unions become extinct. State governments are having a very hard time paying union retirement to teachers, cops, and firemen.
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I thought unions shtick was they paid they brag about wanting to pay less........ what an advertisement join a union to get screwed.....gee wonder why unions are dying
They've been haranguing everyone for years about raising the minimum-wage.....and now that they got it....they immediately filed for an exemption for companies with union workers.

L.A. labor leaders seek minimum wage exemption for firms with union workers


Labor leaders, who were among the strongest supporters of the citywide minimum wage increase approved last week by the Los Angeles City Council, are advocating last-minute changes to the law that could create an exemption for companies with unionized workforces.

... For much of the past eight months, labor activists have argued against special considerations for business owners, such as restaurateurs, who said they would have trouble complying with the mandated pay increase.

But Rusty Hicks, who heads the county Federation of Labor and helps lead the Raise the Wage coalition, said Tuesday night that companies with workers represented by unions should have leeway to negotiate a wage below that mandated by the law.

"With a collective bargaining agreement, a business owner and the employees negotiate an agreement that works for them both. The agreement allows each party to prioritize what is important to them," Hicks said in a statement. "This provision gives the parties the option, the freedom, to negotiate that agreement. And that is a good thing."

Coalition representatives said the proposed exemption would ensure the city complies with federal laws which they say give collective bargaining agreements precedence over local ordinances. They also contend that it would keep L.A.'s ordinance consistent with previous city wage laws.

Some business leaders criticized the proposal, however, calling it ironic in light of union leaders' past opposition to special considerations for some employers.

"I'd refer everyone back to the statements of labor leaders over the past seven months that no one deserves a sub-minimum wage," said Ruben Gonzalez, senior vice president for public policy and political affairs with the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, which opposed the minimum wage increase passed by the City Council.

Gonzalez said the change sought by labor officials could pressure companies into letting employees unionize as a way to seek relief from the mandated wage hike.

Let's try to translate the contentions of Rusty Hicks and "coalition representatives":

  • Apparently the only way an employee can effectively negotiate with an employer is through a union. Individual employees are, in Hicks' world, completely unable to negotiate anything on their own, so a union must do it for them. By implication, union-employer agreements are the only ones which are legitimate.
  • Hicks' definition of "freedom" only includes agreed-upon union-employer arrangements. Again, one must conclude that he believes that individuals don't have the genuine freedom to negotiate their own circumstances. This is straight out of 1984 ("Freedom is slavery").
  • If "coalition representatives" are correct in contending that "federal laws ... give collective bargaining agreements precedence over local ordinances," i.e., that those agreements trump any city's, county's, or (possibly) state's attempt to regulate wages paid at unionized employers, they have told us that they're okay with their members receiving sub-standard pay (by their definition) — forever.
Yours truly and several others have been pointing out since late last year that many of the unions financing the OUR Wal-Mart and "Raise the Wage" movements targeting Wal-Mart and the fast-food industry represent workers at very large companies, e.g., Kroger, who are paid far less than even $10 an hour. Their attempt to exempt themselves from LA's minimum-wage law is a brazen admission that they want to preserve workplace arrangements for their members which they consider totally unacceptable for everyone else.

The LA Times story came out early this morning Pacific Time. As of when this post was prepared, and were among a very few establishment press sites which have taken notice.

At Slate, Jordan Weissman twisted himself like a pretzel defending the unions' move:

To be clear, this is almost surely an implicit acknowledgment by the unions that there are at least some local industries in Los Angeles, such as apparel manufacturing, where $15 per hour is too high a minimum, and workers might prefer to accept lower pay in order to keep their jobs. Otherwise, there would be no point to pushing for it. No rational employee would choose to organize and accept a lower paycheck—plus pay union dues—unless they really, truly thought their job was being imperiled by their wage. Admitting that $15 wasn't a great fit for every sector of L.A.'s economy probably wouldn't have been politically convenient in the early stage of the lobbying campaign. But now that the new minimum seems close to becoming a reality—the City Council has voted in favor of it in principle, but needs to approve final legislative language—it can't hurt to give workers and businesses a safety net if they need it.
In other words, "Now that it's almost a law, we can reveal the true motivations we've been hiding for months."

LA Mayor Garcetti, according to, "is open to studying an idea to exempt workers with union contracts from the city’s proposed $15 per hour minimum wage ordinance."

So it looks like organized labor's gambit will work — especially if, as I suspect, the nation's press will mostly ignore organized labor's breathtaking hypocrisy.

- See more at: LA Unions Lobby for Exemption From 15 Hr. Minimum Wage Law They Pushed
Unions are the worst thing that has ever happened to Labor. Unions are partially to blame for our jobs going to foreign job markets. Unions sent the steel, textile, appliance, tool, furniture, and automotive parts industries to cheap foreign labor markets. Unions caused Detroit to file for bankruptcy. Unions have caused financial headaches for California. This country would be a lot better off if it weren't for greedy damn unions and greedy union workers.

Unions are getting weak, losing members, and have confined themselves to just a few industries and government workers. Our course, teachers and cops still love unions, but it's only a matter of time before those unions become extinct. State governments are having a very hard time paying union retirement to teachers, cops, and firemen.
When unions were formed they were desperately needed, heck they were one of the major reasons we developed a large middle class. The problem is unions became self sustaining even beyond the point where many were no longer viable becoming a drag on the system as US and world economics changed.
The union's simply want an easier way to unionize companies. They figure the companies won't fight them if they can pay union workers less than minimum wage. Of course once the unions get all the companies they can unionized they will get back to their thug tactics. At that time they can demand to be brought up to date in wages.

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