Lack of massive strikes in America. What happened to this country what happened to our strong population?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
The fact that we don’t have massive strikes going on in this country right now goes to show us all the corrupt Republicans and Democrats are winning. They have the population right where they want them. They got so much of this country stoned out of their mind on marijuana that the American men and women don’t give a darn about the fact that they’re living in squalor…. with no hope of getting a house there stuck in tiny communist style ugly apartments. This is not a communist country what proud country this is America.

But because of the rise of drug use in America, the legalization of marijuana all over the place. The rise of Black Lives Matter and how they make white people and Black people who support them feel weak and feel like cowards and feel like they can’t do anything. We must take a stand for this country we must take a stand for the workingman in this country

If one takes a look at the photos from the 1940s basically everyone looks at the photos of strike actions from the 20th century in America…. you see men who were overwhelmingly Christian who were overwhelmingly physically fit. It’s nothing like that today we’re a very secular country in many ways. Americans who are poor or distracted by Black Lives Matter, they’re distracted by Instagram, Twitter pornography. Many of them are stoned out of their mind the bad guys in our government wants this. The government wants poor people to be high every day so they don’t want to go on a strike action to make their lives better.

And in the American past we had sweatshops or 10-year-olds would work 12 hours a day making a slave wage. That was literally fought against and people had to die to fight against that and to bring equal rights for workers to bring in the eight hour workday, bringing overtime pay period to bring in the union.

I think that we should see massive sit down strike at Walmart, at target at Tesla at Amazon. There’s not a whole lot to lose these companies don’t really do much for this country. It’s all about consumerism for them selling things that don’t really do anything for us. It’s not like they’re saying like General Motors or Ford or Bethlehem steel. Really think about this they don’t produce anything meaningful. They don’t provide union jobs. But you know it would force them to do something massive strikes. Thousands of workers across the country occupying Tesla plants, occupying Amazon plants .

But I don’t know if this could happen. We have a large number of immigrants in this country from Arab countries. Maddie arrow people will tell you that the once glorious Arab people the men and women of the Arab nation who built the eastern civilized world have fallen. Look at New York City for example an Uber took off there were so many Arab cab driver who could’ve gone on strike who could’ve fought for the rights but they didn’t. They allowed the anti-American criminal enterprise of Uber to take over

I pray I hope that the immigrant Americans, the white Americans in a black Americans can pay homage to the great men and women of American history and take a strike action very soon at Walmart. I have plenty of money I have a successful man I worked very hard. I’m a proud American I’m thinking of even joining up with Walmart just to do a strike.

It’s really quite simple you could have hundreds of people sit down strike at Amazon or Walmart bring a bunch of food in with them just occupied a place. Occupy Walmart. Do you see what it should’ve never occupied Wall Street that was a smokescreen.

So there you have it. This is something that my conservative friends might not agree with and I really hope that my liberal friends agree with me.

The idea is brilliant you simply have the workers at Amazon and tesla demand a union. Demand $30 an hour. They have nothing to lose our country to joke we look so ugly today we want to get favor in the world we want to look good to God this is what we do.

Unions have been broken. People have found out that they can be replaced. In the 1940s the economy was not as fluid. You couldn't relocate a manufacturing plant or distribution centers. Now they can be replaced with ease.

And the working population has been called lazy because they won't work for low wages. But someone will jump at the chance to make $12 an hour, when they are used to making $8 and hour.

You over-romanticize the past. You want things to return to a place it never really was.
Today young Americans are so high on marijuana, they’re so brainwashed by Black Lives Matter by ultra feminists by anti-Americans that they are content with making a slave wage. With being nothing their entire life. They are content with year after year of nothing of not being able to afford a family. Whereas in the American past we had pride we had dignity we had the strongest military and the strongest and healthiest and most physically fit population in the world. Now with consumerism on steroids so many Americans Are eating McDonald’s, stuffing their faces with big Macs. Look at how during the rise of the criminal enterprise of Uber the taxi drivers in New York City just allowed it to happen. They could’ve take it to the streets and fight against it but they didn’t because our country is so weak and on drugs. But if we stand together united we will succeed divided we will fall. The race dividers want people to be stoned out of their minds they want them divided.

Here we see America in motion this is what American greatness looks like. From the start of the turn of the 20th century all the way up until the year 2000 black men and women in white men and women were able to get a great job right out of high school. That was when our country had honor and how ugly we are today. Only through hard work and determination and paying homage to the American past will we make a comeback in this country.






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Unions have been broken. People have found out that they can be replaced. In the 1940s the economy was not as fluid. You couldn't relocate a manufacturing plant or distribution centers. Now they can be replaced with ease.

And the working population has been called lazy because they won't work for low wages. But someone will jump at the chance to make $12 an hour, when they are used to making $8 and hour.

You over-romanticize the past. You want things to return to a place it never really was.
Think about it brother. How could it be the government while the bad people in the government. Because there are good people in the government. But how could the bad people in our government have convinced a small but loud number of Americans to support BLM riots. How in can it happen? I’ll tell you why. Because our government is a drug dealer they got marijuana legalized all over the place so they can brainwash people easier. It’s not gonna last though

We got good people in our government and we got a great American citizenry that is ready for a better life. Give it some time we’re going to see some strike actions God willing at Tesla because that’s the only way forward. Look at Tesla, Amazon, Walmart some of the biggest employers in our country and they don’t even allow unions. How ugly our country has become when some of our biggest employers of today are mass consumer companies that really benefit nobody. We get nothing good from Amazon, target , Burger King and McDonald’s. And what are we gonna get from electric cars. Seriously we don’t get anything good from Walmart from target. Whereas in the past we got a great benefit from the steel and auto companies. That’s what is missing From America today. We lack strong Americans. It’s a problem

you can see how much of a Democrat I am here you can see on the most democratic liberal on this form. I stand with you
Think about it brother. How could it be the government while the bad people in the government. Because there are good people in the government. But how could the bad people in our government have convinced a small but loud number of Americans to support BLM riots. How in can it happen? I’ll tell you why. Because our government is a drug dealer they got marijuana legalized all over the place so they can brainwash people easier. It’s not gonna last though

We got good people in our government and we got a great American citizenry that is ready for a better life. Give it some time we’re going to see some strike actions God willing at Tesla because that’s the only way forward. Look at Tesla, Amazon, Walmart some of the biggest employers in our country and they don’t even allow unions. How ugly our country has become when some of our biggest employers of today are mass consumer companies that really benefit nobody. We get nothing good from Amazon, target , Burger King and McDonald’s. And what are we gonna get from electric cars. Seriously we don’t get anything good from Walmart from target. Whereas in the past we got a great benefit from the steel and auto companies. That’s what is missing From America today. We lack strong Americans. It’s a problem

you can see how much of a Democrat I am here you can see on the most democratic liberal on this form. I stand with you

Too many have been convinced that if people are paid higher wages that prices will skyrocket. Our population votes with their dollars. She them a store that sells thing cheaper, and they will flock there. She them a store that costs more but takes better care of their employees, and they will talk about it. But they won't spend money there.
Today young Americans are so high on marijuana, they’re so brainwashed by Black Lives Matter by ultra feminists by anti-Americans that they are content with making a slave wage. With being nothing their entire life. They are content with year after year of nothing of not being able to afford a family. Whereas in the American past we had pride we had dignity we had the strongest military and the strongest and healthiest and most physically fit population in the world. Now with consumerism on steroids so many Americans Are eating McDonald’s, stuffing their faces with big Macs. Look at how during the rise of the criminal enterprise of Uber the taxi drivers in New York City just allowed it to happen. They could’ve take it to the streets and fight against it but they didn’t because our country is so weak and on drugs. But if we stand together united we will succeed divided we will fall. The race dividers want people to be stoned out of their minds they want them divided.

Here we see America in motion this is what American greatness looks like. From the start of the turn of the 20th century all the way up until the year 2000 black men and women in white men and women were able to get a great job right out of high school. That was when our country had honor and how ugly we are today. Only through hard work and determination and paying homage to the American passed will we make a comeback in this country.

I think you overestimate the effects of marijuana on the working class. They are not content. They simply see no future in working for low wages.

And yes, the days of getting a good job right out of high school is gone. But that is a different topic. There are fewer and fewer manufacturing jobs. For decades manufacturers have been automating their production lines. It is more efficient, saves a lot of money, and allows more precise manufacturing. No amount of storming the streets will bring those jobs back.
Too many have been convinced that if people are paid higher wages that prices will skyrocket. Our population votes with their dollars. She them a store that sells thing cheaper, and they will flock there. She them a store that costs more but takes better care of their employees, and they will talk about it. But they won't spend money there.
Yes and I also believe that the rise of pornography, the rise of marijuana the rise of hating America from a portion of our government has also led to a lack of interest in massive strikes. All the meanwhile our economy is terrible and we have so many young Americans who cannot afford a house. They’re content with eating McDonald’s every day they think that they’re winning by getting these discounts on DoorDash or GrubHub or from Uber. Again Uber is a criminal enterprise Uber doesn’t give one damn about their drivers. They fire their drivers at will this is what the service industry is in America. You could have a person who has done 10,000 or 30,000 jobs with DoorDash or Uber and then out of nowhere they can get fired due to a false customer complaint. This is a crime against humanity. Nothing is done about it though. Because we have a weak country we have a government that needs to do better. The American people can hopefully see this it’s a big fat lies by BLM And the marijuana in porn industry…. wow these industries make billions of dollars so many white Americans and black Americans are making a slave wage with no way up for the rest of their life. We gotta put a stop to this. We cannot go on having huge portions of our population high all the time, living year after year in a low rent apartments with no way up It cant continue or our country will be destroyed.

The only reason why I was able to have a good middle class life was because this country was able to give my dad a job at Ford motor company. My grandfather works at Bethlehem steel. Both were union jobs these world Rio unions un like the fake worthless union job today.

Fake unions, poor leader ship by the government has been able to convince good Americans that unions are our enemy. Couldn’t be any further from the truth. Black Lives Matter hates unions , they hate the site of the proud white man a proud black man working a union job. They absolutely can’t stand it…. for example that should tell you something

It’s a pretty solid take on the matter isn’t it. Logically speaking. Perhaps you don’t use drugs but you can see plenty more Americans they are using compared to the past. You can see for example the 1960s 35% of all jobs in this country were unionized and today that number of jobs is below 10%.

Our military is not as strong as it used to be that’s a cause for concern.
Yes and I also believe that the rise of pornography, the rise of marijuana the rise of hating America from a portion of our government has also led to a lack of interest in massive strikes. All the meanwhile our economy is terrible and we have so many young Americans who cannot afford a house. They’re content with eating McDonald’s every day they think that they’re winning by getting these discounts on DoorDash or GrubHub or from Uber. Again Uber is a criminal enterprise Uber doesn’t give one damn about their drivers. They fire their drivers at will this is what the service industry is in America. You could have a person who has done 10,000 or 30,000 jobs with DoorDash or Uber and then out of nowhere they can get fired due to a false customer complaint. This is a crime against humanity. Nothing is done about it though. Because we have a weak country we have a government that needs to do better. The American people can hopefully see this it’s a big fat lies by BLM And the marijuana in porn industry…. wow these industries make billions of dollars so many white Americans and black Americans are making a slave wage with no way up for the rest of their life. We gotta put a stop to this. We cannot go on having huge portions of our population high all the time, living year after year in a low rent apartments with no way up It cant continue or our country will be destroyed.

The only reason why I was able to have a good middle class life was because this country was able to give my dad a job at Ford motor company. My grandfather works at Bethlehem steel. Both were union jobs these world Rio unions un like the fake worthless union job today.

Fake unions, poor leader ship by the government has been able to convince good Americans that unions are our enemy. Couldn’t be any further from the truth. Black Lives Matter hates unions , they hate the site of the proud white man a proud black man working a union job. They absolutely can’t stand it…. for example that should tell you something

It’s a pretty solid take on the matter isn’t it. Logically speaking. Perhaps you don’t use drugs but you can see plenty more Americans they are using compared to the past. You can see for example the 1960s 35% of all jobs in this country were unionized and today that number of jobs is below 10%.

Our military is not as strong as it used to be that’s a cause for concern.

And what are your suggestions to remedy all this?
It would be pretty cool to get a job at Walmart and to become friends with a lot of workers there and convinced them to do a strike like occupy Walmart and just take it over. That’s how you make a major difference in the country. That’s how you get workers wages from the slave wage of 10 or $15 an hour to the American Christian wage of $30 an hour. Everything I’m saying is in line with the values of Jesus. What I am saying is in line with the American men and women who built this country.

There’s literally nothing to lose for these workers at Walmart … and everything to gain including glory and feeling amazing about yourself that you’re a part of something so big that is bigger than your own life. what they’re gonna lose a $15 an hour job. Watch out for our government for the bad people in our government who can convince potential strikers through marijuana through pornography that they shouldn’t take a strike action. They shouldn’t take matters into their own hands and be proud men and women like the men and women of the World War II era were. Our country is so fat and ugly literally. The government has been able to convince people just eat your McDonald’s. Just get your little 50% discount on Door Dash that’s winning!!!

The hell that is winning

Winning is the site of strong men and women in this country with a good middle class job. Walmart, Tesla and Amazon are slave companies. They produce slave wages. They are worthless. There nothing without the consumer. And yet they brainwash people to just keep buying the trash products. Together we will win united we stand divided we fall
It would be pretty cool to get a job at Walmart and to become friends with a lot of workers there and convinced them to do a strike like occupy Walmart and just take it over. That’s how you make a major difference in the country. That’s how you get workers wages from the slave wage of 10 or $15 an hour to the American Christian wage of $30 an hour. Everything I’m saying is in line with the values of Jesus. What I am saying is in line with the American men and women who built this country.

There’s literally nothing to lose for these workers at Walmart … and everything to gain including glory and feeling amazing about yourself that you’re a part of something so big that is bigger than your own life. what they’re gonna lose a $15 an hour job. Watch out for our government for the bad people in our government who can convince potential strikers through marijuana through pornography that they shouldn’t take a strike action. They shouldn’t take matters into their own hands and be proud men and women like the men and women of the World War II era were. Our country is so fat and ugly literally. The government has been able to convince people just eat your McDonald’s. Just get your little 50% discount on Door Dash that’s winning!!!

The hell that is winning

Winning is the site of strong men and women in this country with a good middle class job. Walmart, Tesla and Amazon are slave companies. They produce slave wages. The worthless. There’s nothing without the consumer. And yet they brainwash people to just keep buying the trash products. Together we will win united we stand divided we fall

They don't strike because they had rather have $15 an hour than have no income. Taking over WalMart? How? They will have the cops come in and remove the trespassers. Besides, Walmart is moving more and more towards self-checkout. Automation is going to replace the workers. Massive strikes will make that happen faster.

As for your claim that unions will bring an "American Christian wage of $30", that is simply not happening. Many companies that are supposedly Christian are not paying anything close to $15 an hour, much less $30.

And too many of the American population have been screwed by unions. The idea is a great one. But in practice it succumbs to corruption. The union will call for a strike to flex their muscle. And it is the workers who suffer. I saw it happen in my hometown.
They don't strike because they had rather have $15 an hour than have no income. Taking over WalMart? How? They will have the cops come in and remove the trespassers. Besides, Walmart is moving more and more towards self-checkout. Automation is going to replace the workers. Massive strikes will make that happen faster.

As for your claim that unions will bring an "American Christian wage of $30", that is simply not happening. Many companies that are supposedly Christian are not paying anything close to $15 an hour, much less $30.

And too many of the American population have been screwed by unions. The idea is a great one. But in practice it succumbs to corruption. The union will call for a strike to flex their muscle. And it is the workers who suffer. I saw it happen in my hometown.

Wait a second brother. I thought you are a Democrat. Almost all the Democrats I know are pro union. Are you a republican? By the way many Republicans support unions.

Cops ? They will be on the side of the working man. Police officers are part of unions. Just remember something vitally important sit down strikes are allowed. Americans are allowed to strike. What I’m talking about is pro American. It’s not illegal only the most evil people in the world would view it as some sort of a immoral or illegal action. We need to look at the criminal enterprise of Uber by the way…. and how they miss treat their workers. We need to figure out a way of how to unionize Uber.

$15 an hour is a slave wage. Those folks will be working at Walmart for decades with no way up. Its a horrific way to live and something that is against Christianity. Our l country now is ugly and weak. So here is how it’s done my friend.

One gets a job at Walmart for the intention of starting a union. You get about 10 or 15 workers together. What you can do is make friendships with people on an individual basis and it doesn’t take much to galvanize the people. You get together with 10 or 15 people maybe things grow you get a group of 30 people you strike all at the same time…. occupy the Walmart. They’ll be plenty of food and water for days and weeks and then this will galvanize the American public. They will see Americans striking at Walmart and this will create a chain effect in hope is that workers in Walmart all over the country will go on strike. My god what a beautiful feeling what a beautiful idea. It’s so amazing !!! It’s so pro American the feeling is riveting
The only reason we have a country today is because American men and women, black and white people went on strike actions to protest sweat shops years ago. To protest for the eight hour workday… there were sit down strikes where literally workers would occupy their factory. I’m so proud to be an American. I’m so proud to be a Democrat because I know my history. And I know how corrupt and brutal the bad people in the government could be by convincing large swaths Of workers to accept a disgusting life ….to accept living in a shit hole apartment with no way up. This struggle won’t last my friend America will prevail
Wait a second brother. I thought you are a Democrat. Almost all the Democrats I know are pro union. Are you a republican? By the way many Republicans support unions.

Cops ? They will be on the side of the working man. Police officers are part of unions. Just remember something vitally important sit down strikes are allowed. Americans are allowed to strike. What I’m talking about is pro American. It’s not illegal only the most evil people in the world would view it as some sort of a immoral or illegal action. We need to look at the criminal enterprise of Uber by the way…. and how they miss treat their workers. We need to figure out a way of how to unionize Uber.

$15 an hour is a slave wage. Those folks will be working at Walmart for decades with no way up. Its a horrific way to live and something that is against Christianity. Our l country now is ugly and weak. So here is how it’s done my friend.

One gets a job at Walmart for the intention of starting a union. You get about 10 or 15 workers together. What you can do is make friendships with people on an individual basis and it doesn’t take much to galvanize the people. You get together with 10 or 15 people maybe things grow you get a group of 30 people you strike all at the same time…. occupy the Walmart. They’ll be plenty of food and water for days and weeks and then this will galvanize the American public. They will see Americans striking at Walmart and this will create a chain effect in hope is that workers in Walmart all over the country will go on strike. My god what a beautiful feeling what a beautiful idea. It’s so amazing !!! It’s so pro American the feeling is riveting

I am an independent. I am not a member of any political party. In fact, I advocate for the removal of any and all party politics in our system.

A WalMart is private property. Yes, striking is legal. But if you try and have a sit-in in a WalMart, they will remove you from the building.

Your plan has one flaw in it. If you get a job and make friends at WalMart, and you start talking unions, the management will warn people that they can lose their jobs. $15 is better than $7.50 at a convenience store.
I am an independent. I am not a member of any political party. In fact, I advocate for the removal of any and all party politics in our system.

A WalMart is private property. Yes, striking is legal. But if you try and have a sit-in in a WalMart, they will remove you from the building.

Your plan has one flaw in it. If you get a job and make friends at WalMart, and you start talking unions, the management will warn people that they can lose their jobs. $15 is better than $7.50 at a convenience store.
It’s happened before brother

I disagree with you brother. Again with Americans living in trash apartments with no way up. They can be convinced that it is well worth it to occupy a Walmart it’s been done before in a lesser number

We could galvanize the mass media over to our side. And if they don’t support us they will be shown to be the con artist criminals that they might be.

Understand something here people go live on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube the whole world would be watching as private security thugs attempt to remove American workers. It’s not gonna work American workers are strong we can be strong and we would defeat the thugs easily. I believe police officers will be on the side of the workers and maybe the private security thugs many of them would eventually realize that they’re doing an evil deed and would not enforce any action upon workers. I mean just think about it the side of some thug forcing a worker to get up and move. boy you talk about a way to galvanize Americans to fight for the worker that is it.

If it’s done properly it would be unstoppable. $15 an hour is a slave wage. We need better jobs in this country.. we need a better country overall.

If we didn’t have the men and women of the American past Who fought and took to the streets for better workers rights…. you know what we would have today. ? We would have sweatshops that would be employing 10 year olds to be working 15 hours a day. We don’t have that because of unions.
Unions have been broken. People have found out that they can be replaced. In the 1940s the economy was not as fluid. You couldn't relocate a manufacturing plant or distribution centers. Now they can be replaced with ease.

And the working population has been called lazy because they won't work for low wages. But someone will jump at the chance to make $12 an hour, when they are used to making $8 and hour.

You over-romanticize the past. You want things to return to a place it never really was.
Mangement and Ownership are certainly culprits in the death of unions... Unions though have to shoulder much of the blame themselves. When I graduated High School, I received an alarming amount of mail from the military, trade schools, colleges, universities, etc... Nothing from unions.

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