LaHood: We’re looking into technology to disable cell phones in vehicles

Do those of you who oppose this idea have anything to support your arguments other than Nazi imagery? An actual counterargument? Or do you just think we have a constitutional right to endanger ourselves and others whilst driving?

LibocalypseNow would have shouted down regulations requiring milk to be pastuerized if he could have -- are all of you this knee jerky?
You'll have to be thrown clear from your vehicle in an accident, with your cell phone...and live...before you can call 9/11 on your cell phone.
Do those of you who oppose this idea have anything to support your arguments other than Nazi imagery? An actual counterargument? Or do you just think we have a constitutional right to endanger ourselves and others whilst driving?

LibocalypseNow would have shouted down regulations requiring milk to be pastuerized if he could have -- are all of you this knee jerky?

It's always "For your own Good." The Nazis always told their people this very same thing. So did the Communists. Yup you giving all your Freedom & Liberty away is for your own good. Well that's what they want you to believe anyway. And so many Goose Steppers do believe it. Sad stuff.
Reagan did have the first Czar I recall hearing of. A drug Czar.
IIRC, LBJ had them too. The term Czar may have been made popular during Reagan though.

"New title, Cultural Attache." Gregor (the KGB spy) from the movie "Sneakers".

Yes perhaps same type of position, but I do not recall hearing the term Czar used in American govt before reagan.
Actually, there is at least one group that extols the virtues of milk that is not pasteurized, and produces and drinks it, albeit outside of the law.
You can produce all the non pasturized milk you want and drink it, just not sell it.
Perfectly legal

I trade for some every now and again to churn butter from.
Give the rest to the cats.
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Do those of you who oppose this idea have anything to support your arguments other than Nazi imagery? An actual counterargument? Or do you just think we have a constitutional right to endanger ourselves and others whilst driving?

LibocalypseNow would have shouted down regulations requiring milk to be pastuerized if he could have -- are all of you this knee jerky?

It's always "For your own Good." The Nazis always told their people this very same thing. So did the Communists. Yup you giving all your Freedom & Liberty away is for your own good. Well that's what they want you to believe anyway. And so many Goose Steppers do believe it. Sad stuff.

So, that'd be "no, I got nothing"?
The bumpkin lives in a world where she has to be told which direction in which to wipe her ass.
using a cell phone while driving is reckless endangerment.

Would you rather it be treated exactly like a DUI?

I would rather cops pull people over for reckless driving if their cell phone conversation is causing them to drive recklessly. Boy, what an idea.

Tell me something, genius. If they disable cell phone use in everyone's vehicle and you go sliding off the road night, smash into a tree, and are trapped in your car, how are you going to call anyone for help?

Disabling cell phones in cars = Bad idea.

Pulling over erratic drivers who are talking on their cell phones and giving them a ticket similar to a DUI = Good idea.
You'll have to be thrown clear from your vehicle in an accident, with your cell phone...and live...before you can call 9/11 on your cell phone.

Or you can pull over and step outside to chat and text.

That way you can avoid the accident in the first place.
So fining Citizens for using their Cell Phones in their cars isn't enough for the Government? Now they need to require Cell Phone "Scramblers" too? This just sounds like a Homeland Security ploy. They want to be able to control the operation of Citizens' Cell Phone use. This just seems like one little wormy way to do that. I'm sure they'll come up with other ways though. And as usual,it will be "For your own Good." I can't believe so many buy into this shit.
And the FCC is working to get the ability to shut down domains if they find somebody infringing copywrited material.

Big Brother is Touching All Your Junk.
And the FCC is working to get the ability to shut down domains if they find somebody infringing copywrited material.

Big Brother is Touching All Your Junk.

Bingo! The Socialists/Progressives are on the march. Beware,they might be coming for you next.
Disabling cell phones in cars = Bad idea.

Pulling over erratic drivers who are talking on their cell phones and giving them a ticket similar to a DUI = Good idea.

You want people who use their cells whilst driving to get criminal records and do jail time?

Not a bad alternative.....
The reason talking and/or texting while driving is worse than other distractions is because of how our brain works and processes information. Even hands-free phones don't solve the problem because the problem isn't the holding of a phone.

Driving really requires 100% of our attention. When we speak on the cell phone while we are driving, we may think we are multi tasking. In fact, our brains do not really “multi task”. Our attention is divided between activities, and our brain switches quickly from one activity to the other.

The danger of talking on a cell phone while driving lies in the fact that the brain can’t process separate streams of information efficiently. Furthermore, it is “hard-wired” to prioritize attention to the cell phone conversation. Since words spoken during a cell phone conversation “disappear” once they are spoken, the brain must attend closely to the audio information to be sure it captures the conversation. The visual view of the road or highway does not change as rapidly as the audio information, so the brain periodically ignores some of the visual information. Also, when people are talking on the phone, they are not just talking; they are seeing all kinds of images in their mind.

This visualization may be harmless most of the time, but it can be a real tragedy when a pedestrian steps into traffic or a car swerves into another lane. When we are talking on the phone, the brain lacks the processing power to react quickly enough to these changing situations.

Conversely, driving and talking to a passenger in the car is not dangerous because adult riders help keep the driver alert and can also point out dangerous conditions, and are quieter in heavy traffic or hazardous weather.

So which cognitive skills are most affected by cell phone use?

Attention, visual scanning, information processing and decision making are the most affected cognitive skills. When you think about driving, you realize how much you need these cognitive skills, and how risky it could be to reduce the effectiveness of any of these functions when you’re driving.

The bottom line is that talking on the cell phone while driving is dangerous. Safe driving is not just about keeping our eyes on the road and our hands on the wheel; it’s about focusing our brains on one of the most cognitively-challenging activities we routinely perform.

How the Brain Works: Driving, Cell Phones and Cognitive Abilities | ITworld

I'd have no problem if states decided to ban cell phone usage while driving. Stiff fines similar to dui fines for those who break the law too.

Technology that disables the phone when you turn your car on? Pros and cons to it.

It's a shame people are too stupid to see how dangerous it is. Like Fitz, I see it all the time and have avoided being hit by an unaware cell phone driver many times.
The reason talking and/or texting while driving is worse than other distractions is because of how our brain works and processes information. Even hands-free phones don't solve the problem because the problem isn't the holding of a phone.

Driving really requires 100% of our attention. When we speak on the cell phone while we are driving, we may think we are multi tasking. In fact, our brains do not really “multi task”. Our attention is divided between activities, and our brain switches quickly from one activity to the other.

The danger of talking on a cell phone while driving lies in the fact that the brain can’t process separate streams of information efficiently. Furthermore, it is “hard-wired” to prioritize attention to the cell phone conversation. Since words spoken during a cell phone conversation “disappear” once they are spoken, the brain must attend closely to the audio information to be sure it captures the conversation. The visual view of the road or highway does not change as rapidly as the audio information, so the brain periodically ignores some of the visual information. Also, when people are talking on the phone, they are not just talking; they are seeing all kinds of images in their mind.

This visualization may be harmless most of the time, but it can be a real tragedy when a pedestrian steps into traffic or a car swerves into another lane. When we are talking on the phone, the brain lacks the processing power to react quickly enough to these changing situations.

Conversely, driving and talking to a passenger in the car is not dangerous because adult riders help keep the driver alert and can also point out dangerous conditions, and are quieter in heavy traffic or hazardous weather.

So which cognitive skills are most affected by cell phone use?

Attention, visual scanning, information processing and decision making are the most affected cognitive skills. When you think about driving, you realize how much you need these cognitive skills, and how risky it could be to reduce the effectiveness of any of these functions when you’re driving.

The bottom line is that talking on the cell phone while driving is dangerous. Safe driving is not just about keeping our eyes on the road and our hands on the wheel; it’s about focusing our brains on one of the most cognitively-challenging activities we routinely perform.

How the Brain Works: Driving, Cell Phones and Cognitive Abilities | ITworld

I'd have no problem if states decided to ban cell phone usage while driving. Stiff fines similar to dui fines for those who break the law too.

Technology that disables the phone when you turn your car on? Pros and cons to it.

It's a shame people are too stupid to see how dangerous it is. Like Fitz, I see it all the time and have avoided being hit by an unaware cell phone driver many times.

Why don't we just ban Cell Phones and Cars all together? Problem would certainly be solved then no? And while we're at it why don't we ban Swimming Pools too? We all know how many people die from drowning in them each year right? Unfortunately this nation has allowed the Goose Steppers to take control of our Government. It's a "Throw the baby out with the bathwater" mentality.

A couple of stupid college kids die from drinking too many Energy Drinks that contain alcohol and the Government immediately bans these Energy Drinks for everyone? So all American Adults have to suffer because of a couple of stupid college kids? People really do need to wake up and start getting involved. "Throwing the baby out with the bathwater" is no way for a Government to work. We are adults for God's sake. We have rights. Time to stand up for them.
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The reason talking and/or texting while driving is worse than other distractions is because of how our brain works and processes information. Even hands-free phones don't solve the problem because the problem isn't the holding of a phone.

Driving really requires 100% of our attention. When we speak on the cell phone while we are driving, we may think we are multi tasking. In fact, our brains do not really “multi task”. Our attention is divided between activities, and our brain switches quickly from one activity to the other.

The danger of talking on a cell phone while driving lies in the fact that the brain can’t process separate streams of information efficiently. Furthermore, it is “hard-wired” to prioritize attention to the cell phone conversation. Since words spoken during a cell phone conversation “disappear” once they are spoken, the brain must attend closely to the audio information to be sure it captures the conversation. The visual view of the road or highway does not change as rapidly as the audio information, so the brain periodically ignores some of the visual information. Also, when people are talking on the phone, they are not just talking; they are seeing all kinds of images in their mind.

This visualization may be harmless most of the time, but it can be a real tragedy when a pedestrian steps into traffic or a car swerves into another lane. When we are talking on the phone, the brain lacks the processing power to react quickly enough to these changing situations.

Conversely, driving and talking to a passenger in the car is not dangerous because adult riders help keep the driver alert and can also point out dangerous conditions, and are quieter in heavy traffic or hazardous weather.

So which cognitive skills are most affected by cell phone use?

Attention, visual scanning, information processing and decision making are the most affected cognitive skills. When you think about driving, you realize how much you need these cognitive skills, and how risky it could be to reduce the effectiveness of any of these functions when you’re driving.

The bottom line is that talking on the cell phone while driving is dangerous. Safe driving is not just about keeping our eyes on the road and our hands on the wheel; it’s about focusing our brains on one of the most cognitively-challenging activities we routinely perform.

How the Brain Works: Driving, Cell Phones and Cognitive Abilities | ITworld

I'd have no problem if states decided to ban cell phone usage while driving. Stiff fines similar to dui fines for those who break the law too.

Technology that disables the phone when you turn your car on? Pros and cons to it.

It's a shame people are too stupid to see how dangerous it is. Like Fitz, I see it all the time and have avoided being hit by an unaware cell phone driver many times.

Why don't we just ban Cell Phones and Cars all together? Problem would certainly be solved then no? And while we're at it why don't we ban Swimming Pools too? We all know how many people die from drowning in them each year right? Unfortunately this nation has allowed the Goose Steppers to take control of our Government. It's a "Throw the baby out with the bathwater mentality."

A couple of stupid college kids die from drinking too many Energy Drinks that contain alcohol and the Government immediately bans these Energy Drinks for everyone? So all American Adults have to suffer because of a couple of stupid college kids? People really do need to wake up and start getting involved. "Throwing the baby out with the bathwater" is no way for a Government to work. We are adults for God's sake. We have rights. Time to stand up for them.

Stupid people who drown because they can't swim don't affect me. Stupid college kids who drink alcoholic energy drinks don't affect me. No need for ban.

Stupid drivers on cell phones in cars do affect me, and you, when they're out there on the road driving under the influence of their stupidity. States should make the call on whether to ban or not, not the Fed, imo.

Banning cell phones or banning cars altogether is ridiculous. But you knew that.
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