Laid Off

They keep their jobs through increases in labor productivity and skills. We have seen this happen time and again as economies evolve. It exists besides some growing pains, but we muddle through and we end up being better off for it. Have you ever spent time with impoverished subsistence farmers? Because I have and I have to tell you that they tend to leap at the opportunity for something better for their children.

As far as Bangladesh goes, the incidents create domestic dialogue within the country that places pressure on the government that leads to legislative and regulatory reform. They don't need us to police them, it is happening as we speak and the International Labor Organization just published an update specifically on Bangladesh the other day - a very positive one.
What, are billions going to be robotics experts?

In a sense: yes. They will transform from relatively low productivity unskilled laborers to highly skilled (and better paid) laborers and leave the low level productivity work to capital intensivity.

That seems to be where jobs are heading these days. Again, you fundamentally fail to realize capitalists always seek out the cheapest labor to exploit, and that capitalism literally, as a system, fails at distribution, cannot end extreme poverty, must rely on third world countries...

Indeed. And eventually capital investment will be the cheapest option like it often is here in the US.

Yeah, the productivity here in America has obviously been keeping jobs... Yeah, "time and time again" all we did was move it to third world countries and places like china/india don't lie to yourself. Something better? It doesn't make it right, and the working conditions are horrible.

It has kept jobs here: in different areas where skilled labor is valued. Why would more skilled labor keep high levels of unskilled jobs here? Why would we want them in the long run?
You've shown your ignorance in this post. Billions of people are not going to become robotics experts, that is not how the real world works, you fail to analyse history and our modern world. Yeah, keep dreaming, the world will collapse by the time your dream occurs.

How is it ignorant to state that people will become more highly skilled over time? We've already seen this happen in many areas of the world. It's called being able to go to college.
Yeah, yeah, billions will become robotics experts when people want colleges to be for profit. keep going with your wet dream.

I hope you understand that the world's labor population has absolutely become more skilled and productive over time and that there is no evidence of a reversal to this trend yeah?
Base resource extraction is another area that is improved through the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs and skilled labor positions such as IT services, so I'm not sure why you have room for complaint there. I would love to see mining in South Africa become more capital intensive and their population move into other market sectors.
You keep saying outsourcing... EVENTUALLY THEIR WILL BE NOTHING LEFT TO OUTSOURCE TO. Then again, the capitalist economy is already so destroyed, it doesn't matter.

Eventually we won't need to outsource. there is nothing prohibitive in that, nor does it in any way spell doom for anyone or for capitalism. I look forward to the day then most unskilled labor is capital intensive and when humans can all have higher standards of living.
Yeah, "eventually" when robots are doing all of the jobs, and billions are robotic experts, we might as well just go to communism at that point.

A stateless, classless, moneyless society where everyone could be provided for and would have the option to work.

Sounds like a society where nothing is produced because no one has an incentive to work and where there are no safety guarantees so lawlessness is rampant. No thanks.
I respect billions who aren't capitalists, yes. I don't champion them either, but they still wallow in filth while under capitalists, moron, and the capitalists get to steal from them.

I get it ... By your limited comprehension ... The successful person who achieves their goals and provides for themselves and their family is a moron.
The person who cannot accomplish their goals and provide a better life for themselves and their family is worthy of respect.

No wonder your ideas fail and you never see success ... You are messed up in the head.

What, are billions going to be robotics experts?

In a sense: yes. They will transform from relatively low productivity unskilled laborers to highly skilled (and better paid) laborers and leave the low level productivity work to capital intensivity.

That seems to be where jobs are heading these days. Again, you fundamentally fail to realize capitalists always seek out the cheapest labor to exploit, and that capitalism literally, as a system, fails at distribution, cannot end extreme poverty, must rely on third world countries...

Indeed. And eventually capital investment will be the cheapest option like it often is here in the US.

Yeah, the productivity here in America has obviously been keeping jobs... Yeah, "time and time again" all we did was move it to third world countries and places like china/india don't lie to yourself. Something better? It doesn't make it right, and the working conditions are horrible.

It has kept jobs here: in different areas where skilled labor is valued. Why would more skilled labor keep high levels of unskilled jobs here? Why would we want them in the long run?
You've shown your ignorance in this post. Billions of people are not going to become robotics experts, that is not how the real world works, you fail to analyse history and our modern world. Yeah, keep dreaming, the world will collapse by the time your dream occurs.

How is it ignorant to state that people will become more highly skilled over time? We've already seen this happen in many areas of the world. It's called being able to go to college.
Yeah, yeah, billions will become robotics experts when people want colleges to be for profit. keep going with your wet dream.

I hope you understand that the world's labor population has absolutely become more skilled and productive over time and that there is no evidence of a reversal to this trend yeah?
Yeah, and that is mainly in first world imperialist countries
I respect billions who aren't capitalists, yes. I don't champion them either, but they still wallow in filth while under capitalists, moron, and the capitalists get to steal from them.

I get it ... By your limited comprehension ... The successful person who achieves their goals and provides for themselves and their family is a moron.
The person who cannot accomplish their goals and provide a better life for themselves and their family is worthy of respect.

No wonder your ideas fail and you never see success ... You are messed up in the head.

No, I never said they're morons.. But I don't think billions call themselves failures
You keep saying outsourcing... EVENTUALLY THEIR WILL BE NOTHING LEFT TO OUTSOURCE TO. Then again, the capitalist economy is already so destroyed, it doesn't matter.

Eventually we won't need to outsource. there is nothing prohibitive in that, nor does it in any way spell doom for anyone or for capitalism. I look forward to the day then most unskilled labor is capital intensive and when humans can all have higher standards of living.
Yeah, "eventually" when robots are doing all of the jobs, and billions are robotic experts, we might as well just go to communism at that point.

A stateless, classless, moneyless society where everyone could be provided for and would have the option to work.

Sounds like a society where nothing is produced because no one has an incentive to work and where there are no safety guarantees so lawlessness is rampant. No thanks.
Too bad buddy, look into free Ukraine, the revolutionary Spain territories..
In a sense: yes. They will transform from relatively low productivity unskilled laborers to highly skilled (and better paid) laborers and leave the low level productivity work to capital intensivity.

Indeed. And eventually capital investment will be the cheapest option like it often is here in the US.

It has kept jobs here: in different areas where skilled labor is valued. Why would more skilled labor keep high levels of unskilled jobs here? Why would we want them in the long run?
You've shown your ignorance in this post. Billions of people are not going to become robotics experts, that is not how the real world works, you fail to analyse history and our modern world. Yeah, keep dreaming, the world will collapse by the time your dream occurs.

How is it ignorant to state that people will become more highly skilled over time? We've already seen this happen in many areas of the world. It's called being able to go to college.
Yeah, yeah, billions will become robotics experts when people want colleges to be for profit. keep going with your wet dream.

I hope you understand that the world's labor population has absolutely become more skilled and productive over time and that there is no evidence of a reversal to this trend yeah?
Yeah, and that is mainly in first world imperialist countries

On the contrary, third world countries are experiencing heavy increases in education consumption as well.
American Workers should just shut up and take their shitty wages. They should be happy they even have jobs.

Greedy Neocon fat ass throw that one out there yet? Wait for it... ;)
Eventually we won't need to outsource. there is nothing prohibitive in that, nor does it in any way spell doom for anyone or for capitalism. I look forward to the day then most unskilled labor is capital intensive and when humans can all have higher standards of living.
Yeah, "eventually" when robots are doing all of the jobs, and billions are robotic experts, we might as well just go to communism at that point.

A stateless, classless, moneyless society where everyone could be provided for and would have the option to work.

Sounds like a society where nothing is produced because no one has an incentive to work and where there are no safety guarantees so lawlessness is rampant. No thanks.
Too bad buddy, look into free Ukraine, the revolutionary Spain territories..

I'm quite familiar with the economic fruits (or lack there-of) of socialism. It set Africa back decades.
You've shown your ignorance in this post. Billions of people are not going to become robotics experts, that is not how the real world works, you fail to analyse history and our modern world. Yeah, keep dreaming, the world will collapse by the time your dream occurs.

How is it ignorant to state that people will become more highly skilled over time? We've already seen this happen in many areas of the world. It's called being able to go to college.
Yeah, yeah, billions will become robotics experts when people want colleges to be for profit. keep going with your wet dream.

I hope you understand that the world's labor population has absolutely become more skilled and productive over time and that there is no evidence of a reversal to this trend yeah?
Yeah, and that is mainly in first world imperialist countries

On the contrary, third world countries are experiencing heavy increases in education consumption as well.
The majority of educated laborers come from first world countries, and here's the funny thing, In your ideal world run by robots, skilled labor wouldn't be a concept.
American Workers should just shut up and take their shitty wages. They should be happy they even have jobs.

Greedy Neocon fat ass throw that one out there yet? Wait for it... ;)

No one is talking about low wages for American workers. That's a bit of a strawman argument you have going there.
Yeah, "eventually" when robots are doing all of the jobs, and billions are robotic experts, we might as well just go to communism at that point.

A stateless, classless, moneyless society where everyone could be provided for and would have the option to work.

Sounds like a society where nothing is produced because no one has an incentive to work and where there are no safety guarantees so lawlessness is rampant. No thanks.
Too bad buddy, look into free Ukraine, the revolutionary Spain territories..

I'm quite familiar with the economic fruits (or lack there-of) of socialism. It set Africa back decades.
Oh yeah, tell me, did Africa give workers the means of production? Look at real examples of socialism please, by referring to welcome to socialism in my signature.
How is it ignorant to state that people will become more highly skilled over time? We've already seen this happen in many areas of the world. It's called being able to go to college.
Yeah, yeah, billions will become robotics experts when people want colleges to be for profit. keep going with your wet dream.

I hope you understand that the world's labor population has absolutely become more skilled and productive over time and that there is no evidence of a reversal to this trend yeah?
Yeah, and that is mainly in first world imperialist countries

On the contrary, third world countries are experiencing heavy increases in education consumption as well.
The majority of educated laborers come from first world countries, and here's the funny thing, In your ideal world run by robots, skilled labor wouldn't be a concept.

increases in productivity don't just come from college, they come from increases in primary and secondary education as well and education consumption in the third world has been increasing quite rapidly. If it hadn't then we wouldn't be able to outsource things like IT or even manufacturing to them.
A stateless, classless, moneyless society where everyone could be provided for and would have the option to work.

Sounds like a society where nothing is produced because no one has an incentive to work and where there are no safety guarantees so lawlessness is rampant. No thanks.
Too bad buddy, look into free Ukraine, the revolutionary Spain territories..

I'm quite familiar with the economic fruits (or lack there-of) of socialism. It set Africa back decades.
Oh yeah, tell me, did Africa give workers the means of production? Look at real examples of socialism please, by referring to welcome to socialism in my signature.

Many Africans already have the means of production: its called owning small farm plots or animal herds. It's also called rural poverty.
Yeah, yeah, billions will become robotics experts when people want colleges to be for profit. keep going with your wet dream.

I hope you understand that the world's labor population has absolutely become more skilled and productive over time and that there is no evidence of a reversal to this trend yeah?
Yeah, and that is mainly in first world imperialist countries

On the contrary, third world countries are experiencing heavy increases in education consumption as well.
The majority of educated laborers come from first world countries, and here's the funny thing, In your ideal world run by robots, skilled labor wouldn't be a concept.

increases in productivity don't just come from college, they come from increases in primary and secondary education as well and education consumption in the third world has been increasing quite rapidly. If it hadn't then we wouldn't be able to outsource things like IT or even manufacturing to them.
Or new technological innovations that take jobs while people struggle to get though education and miners mine to get what is needed for the machines. We outsource to exploit cheap labor, if we didn't, prices in a capitalist economy would be awful.
A stateless, classless, moneyless society where everyone could be provided for and would have the option to work.

Sounds like a society where nothing is produced because no one has an incentive to work and where there are no safety guarantees so lawlessness is rampant. No thanks.
Too bad buddy, look into free Ukraine, the revolutionary Spain territories..

I'm quite familiar with the economic fruits (or lack there-of) of socialism. It set Africa back decades.
Oh yeah, tell me, did Africa give workers the means of production? Look at real examples of socialism please, by referring to welcome to socialism in my signature.

America is moving more & more towards Socialism. It already is a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid. Much like China is. Your side is making progress. So don't let the greedy fat asses get ya down. ;)
A stateless, classless, moneyless society where everyone could be provided for and would have the option to work.

Sounds like a society where nothing is produced because no one has an incentive to work and where there are no safety guarantees so lawlessness is rampant. No thanks.
Too bad buddy, look into free Ukraine, the revolutionary Spain territories..

I'm quite familiar with the economic fruits (or lack there-of) of socialism. It set Africa back decades.
Oh yeah, tell me, did Africa give workers the means of production? Look at real examples of socialism please, by referring to welcome to socialism in my signature.

Many Africans already have the means of production: its called owning small farm plots or animal herds. It's also called rural poverty.
You didn't answer the question, and you know what I was referring to, although socialism is the next step after capitalism since capitalism brings about the initial means of production..
A stateless, classless, moneyless society where everyone could be provided for and would have the option to work.

Sounds like a society where nothing is produced because no one has an incentive to work and where there are no safety guarantees so lawlessness is rampant. No thanks.
Too bad buddy, look into free Ukraine, the revolutionary Spain territories..

I'm quite familiar with the economic fruits (or lack there-of) of socialism. It set Africa back decades.
Oh yeah, tell me, did Africa give workers the means of production? Look at real examples of socialism please, by referring to welcome to socialism in my signature.

America is moving more & more towards Socialism. It already is a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid. Much like China is. Your side is making progress. So don't let the greedy fat asses get ya down. ;)
No, it's not, I don't see China or America giving workers the means of production.
I hope you understand that the world's labor population has absolutely become more skilled and productive over time and that there is no evidence of a reversal to this trend yeah?
Yeah, and that is mainly in first world imperialist countries

On the contrary, third world countries are experiencing heavy increases in education consumption as well.
The majority of educated laborers come from first world countries, and here's the funny thing, In your ideal world run by robots, skilled labor wouldn't be a concept.

increases in productivity don't just come from college, they come from increases in primary and secondary education as well and education consumption in the third world has been increasing quite rapidly. If it hadn't then we wouldn't be able to outsource things like IT or even manufacturing to them.
Or new technological innovations that take jobs while people struggle to get though education and miners mine to get what is needed for the machines. We outsource to exploit cheap labor, if we didn't, prices in a capitalist economy would be awful.

Prices reflect labor costs, as labor grows more expensive we have incentive to replace it with capital. It is also all relative. Capitalism doesn't depend on abject poverty in order to exist.
Yeah, and that is mainly in first world imperialist countries

On the contrary, third world countries are experiencing heavy increases in education consumption as well.
The majority of educated laborers come from first world countries, and here's the funny thing, In your ideal world run by robots, skilled labor wouldn't be a concept.

increases in productivity don't just come from college, they come from increases in primary and secondary education as well and education consumption in the third world has been increasing quite rapidly. If it hadn't then we wouldn't be able to outsource things like IT or even manufacturing to them.
Or new technological innovations that take jobs while people struggle to get though education and miners mine to get what is needed for the machines. We outsource to exploit cheap labor, if we didn't, prices in a capitalist economy would be awful.

Prices reflect labor costs, as labor grows more expensive we have incentive to replace it with capital. It is also all relative. Capitalism doesn't depend on abject poverty in order to exist.
Yes it does... Literally, it cannot end poverty, fuck, look at the stories in my signature, they discuss this In great detail.. Unless you're assuming all is perfect 599 years into the future or some shit, no, it won't.

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