Lake is now calling herself the "duly elected Governor of Arizona. "

You dumb fucking leftard asswipe, for you to claim you're anything BUT a batshit crazy loon is the apex of hypocrisy.

You're calling people crazy, MILLIONS of them, who understand quite clearly we have a real serious problem with our elections.

You're calling them crazy so you don't have to admit there's a real problem. Which is the apex of STUPIDITY. Next you dumb fucking assholes will be trying to legislate the value of Pi.

It is fucking CRAZY what you leftard lunatics are into. You're staring a national security problem squarely in the face and you're denying it exists

If America has become THAT fucking stupid then we really do deserve to be taken over by Putin or Xi.

Leftards are dangerously fucking stupid.

It's thoroughly amazing that our national security apparatus let these fucktards get a foot in the door.

Probably because they're easy to manipulate. But they created a monster, didn't they?


Do you need a safe space, precious snowflake loon?
Yet every single one of you hypocritical leftard assholes agreed with Stacy Abrams and kept calling her the “Real Governor of Georgia” for years. Oops.
Yet every single one of you hypocritical leftard assholes agreed with Stacy Abrams and kept calling her the “Real Governor of Georgia” for years. Oops.
"The other guy did it too" stopped being a valid defense by the time you hit 4th or 5th grade... try another tack when making excuses for one of your Liars.

You prove my point.

You're so goddamn terminally stupid you don't even care.

You're the poster boy for a brainwashed leftard.

You are correct, I do not care about your rantings and delusions.

Well, except for the fact they are damn entertaining

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