Lake is now calling herself the "duly elected Governor of Arizona. "

Even After Maricopa Official Testified Machine Settings Were Tampered With on Election Day, Judge Finds No Evidence of Election Fraud, Dismisses Kari Lake Lawsuit

Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson, an appointee of former Republican Gov. Jan Brewer, affirmed that the court did not find clear and convincing evidence that misconduct was committed in any of Lake’s accusations.”

Apparently Judge Thompson did not find the following to be “clear and convincing evidence of misconduct“:

  • Violation of state law under the Elections Procedures Manual (EPM) was to have “Contingency Plans” if waits to vote went “significantly” over “30 minutes.” In this election those waits were almost exclusively in Republican-leaning precincts, showing not just incompetence but clear and undeniable intent to disenfranchise one class of voters.

  • Active interference in normal election processes aimed at changing the results, according to a Maricopa County official’s testimony at trial that the ballot printer settings which made the tabulators reject ballots were changed on election day, after test runs of all the equipment were fine the night before.

Oh dear!

You have been so mislead, by your side of con artist fake news media, munkle.

The guy testifying about the size to fit page setting changes on election day, was one of the changes the technicians sent to fix the problems with the printers, tried later on election day, to see if it would fix the printer problems they were having.

The printer problems were not caused by these technicians, the printer problems were already occurring, silly one! And occurring with NO CHANGES TO THE PRINTERS BY ANY ELECTION WORKERS BEFORE THE ELECTION.

YOUR fake news cut off the cross examination testimony, and just simply MADE UP THEIR OWN FAKE NEWS TO FIT their lying agenda!

You really should be more careful in what you take in, as news!
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"Lake is now calling herself the "duly elected Governor of Arizona.""​

Will she be working from home - or McDonald's? What's the pay and benefits?
The ones you hate are becoming leaner and meaner for survival. Progs are fatter and or unhealthier in other ways including weight which is not a true barometer of health.
They are not crazy, they realize that Hobbs is not fit for office.
It does not matter what they "feel." She was elected by a majority of Voters. She is in office. Just because you think she is "unfit" does not invalidate her election. You sound anti-democratic. The US is not an Autocracy, as in the case of Russia.
Of course she has.

The rest of the country has grown tired of the batshit crazy loons.

This only appeals to the batshit crazy loons.
Batshit crazy loons believe a man can become a woman by proclamation….batshit crazy loons believe children should be taught faggotry, batshit crazy loons believe America, the once greatest nation on earth has been doing it wrong all along, batshit crazy loons want more free shit from our most productive but they want more wetbacks from the thirdworld as well.
Are you sure you know what a batshit crazy loon is?
It does not matter what they "feel." She was elected by a majority of Voters. She is in office. Just because you think she is "unfit" does not invalidate her election. You sound anti-democratic. The US is not an Autocracy, as in the case of Russia.
Hobbs is unfit for office.

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