Lambda Legal Sues Social Security:Lesbian Seeking Spousal Survivor's Benefits

zzzzzzz another angry bull
Thank you so much for that brilliant and cogent commentary on an important issue. As always to seek to raise the level of intellectual discourse on the USMB to the highest level. You are such an asset and a blessing to behold!

Sorry but I don't agree with SSM errr pretend marriage so this shit won't go anywhere with me.


Nobody gives a crap what you agree with. You are living in a world that does not exist anymore. You are a dinosaur who will soon be extinct.
Yup, because, logically, evolution supports faggots. Not heterosexuals.

Fucking idiot.

Evolution supports both equally as evidenced by that fact that homosexuality has been part of the human experience for all of history. Fucking idiot.
As the public of Washington wasn't interested in legalizing SSM, there's not really much chance for this spouse to argue that they 'could' have been married ten years ago.
Screw the " public of Washington" The public does not get to decide matters of civil rights or to define discrimination,
Lambda Legal Sues Social Security on Behalf of Lesbian Seeking Spousal Survivor's Benefits

Heartless bigoted bureaucratic bastards !! This is one more reason why we can't let the SCOTUS move to far to the right!!

Lambda Legal today filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) on behalf of a 63-year-old lesbian seeking spousal survivor's benefits based on her relationship with her partner of 27 years, who died in 2006 before same-sex couples in the State of Washington were able to marry.

The lawsuit filed on behalf of Helen Thornton in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington argues that SSA's exclusion of same-sex couples from survivor's benefits based on their inability to marry is unconstitutional.

Outrageous! They would have been married if they could have been .To deny her survivors benefits is tantamount to blaming the victim of discrimination. court180925_lambda-legal-sues-ssi-survivors-benefits
Unfortunately nothing can be done about the Supreme Court – there will soon be five reactionary conservative ideologues hostile to the rights and protected liberties of the American people who as a consequence of their fear and bigotry will allow government to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.
Explain the alleged discrimination.
Thank you for admitting that you have your head so far up that smelly place where the sun don't shine that you do not know how LGBT people have been, and still are discriminated against,
You have yet to explain the discrimination. Insults and disparagement don't count.
Lambda Legal Sues Social Security on Behalf of Lesbian Seeking Spousal Survivor's Benefits

Heartless bigoted bureaucratic bastards !! This is one more reason why we can't let the SCOTUS move to far to the right!!

Lambda Legal today filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) on behalf of a 63-year-old lesbian seeking spousal survivor's benefits based on her relationship with her partner of 27 years, who died in 2006 before same-sex couples in the State of Washington were able to marry.

The lawsuit filed on behalf of Helen Thornton in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington argues that SSA's exclusion of same-sex couples from survivor's benefits based on their inability to marry is unconstitutional.

Outrageous! They would have been married if they could have been .To deny her survivors benefits is tantamount to blaming the victim of discrimination. court180925_lambda-legal-sues-ssi-survivors-benefits
Unfortunately nothing can be done about the Supreme Court – there will soon be five reactionary conservative ideologues hostile to the rights and protected liberties of the American people who as a consequence of their fear and bigotry will allow government to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.
Explain the alleged discrimination.
Thank you for admitting that you have your head so far up that smelly place where the sun don't shine that you do not know how LGBT people have been, and still are discriminated against,
You have yet to explain the discrimination. Insults and disparagement don't count.
OK Smiley. I' humor you

Many states do not have laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people in employment, housing and places of public accommodation

Some states are passing laws allowing adoption agencies -even those that receive federal tax dollars - to discriminate against LGBT people.

States are passing laws that allow discrimination against LGBT people by anyone who claims that providing a service to them somehow goes against some vague and broad sense of violating a "deeply held belief"

There are not protections on these matters at the federal level.

The Texas supreme court has upheld a lower court ruling that the same sex spouse of Houston City employees are not entitle to spousal benefits despite the fact that Obergefell mandates that same and opposite sex couple must be treated equally. The US Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal

Ant more stupid questions?
Lambda Legal Sues Social Security on Behalf of Lesbian Seeking Spousal Survivor's Benefits

Heartless bigoted bureaucratic bastards !! This is one more reason why we can't let the SCOTUS move to far to the right!!

Outrageous! They would have been married if they could have been .To deny her survivors benefits is tantamount to blaming the victim of discrimination. court180925_lambda-legal-sues-ssi-survivors-benefits
Unfortunately nothing can be done about the Supreme Court – there will soon be five reactionary conservative ideologues hostile to the rights and protected liberties of the American people who as a consequence of their fear and bigotry will allow government to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.
Explain the alleged discrimination.
Thank you for admitting that you have your head so far up that smelly place where the sun don't shine that you do not know how LGBT people have been, and still are discriminated against,
You have yet to explain the discrimination. Insults and disparagement don't count.
OK Smiley. I' humor you

Many states do not have laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people in employment, housing and places of public accommodation

Some states are passing laws allowing adoption agencies -even those that receive federal tax dollars - to discriminate against LGBT people.

States are passing laws that allow discrimination against LGBT people by anyone who claims that providing a service to them somehow goes against some vague and broad sense of violating a "deeply held belief"

There are not protections on these matters at the federal level.

The Texas supreme court has upheld a lower court ruling that the same sex spouse of Houston City employees are not entitle to spousal benefits despite the fact that Obergefell mandates that same and opposite sex couple must be treated equally. The US Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal

Ant more stupid questions?
We’re talking about discriminating against rights.
‘Spousal benefits’ and adoption are not rights. Denying someone the right to express their religious beliefs is illegal discrimination.
Meanwhile, general discrimination exists everywhere but it can’t involve rights.
Liberal piggy bank. Are you saying that conservatives/Republicans do not partake of social security? What "problem" is it that needs solving?
Being able to invest you portion of SS payments in your own mutual fund would allow you to own it and not the government. Then your money could be willed to whomever you want and not the government. Liberals shot themselves in the foot opposing Bush's idea.
I'm sorry, but the law is the law. She wasn't a spouse so she doesn't get spousal benefits.
Ten years that's the law. I can't collect on my exe's SS because we weren't married for 10 years either. That's the way it works, sorry.
Unfortunately nothing can be done about the Supreme Court – there will soon be five reactionary conservative ideologues hostile to the rights and protected liberties of the American people who as a consequence of their fear and bigotry will allow government to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans.
Explain the alleged discrimination.
Thank you for admitting that you have your head so far up that smelly place where the sun don't shine that you do not know how LGBT people have been, and still are discriminated against,
You have yet to explain the discrimination. Insults and disparagement don't count.
OK Smiley. I' humor you

Many states do not have laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people in employment, housing and places of public accommodation

Some states are passing laws allowing adoption agencies -even those that receive federal tax dollars - to discriminate against LGBT people.

States are passing laws that allow discrimination against LGBT people by anyone who claims that providing a service to them somehow goes against some vague and broad sense of violating a "deeply held belief"

There are not protections on these matters at the federal level.

The Texas supreme court has upheld a lower court ruling that the same sex spouse of Houston City employees are not entitle to spousal benefits despite the fact that Obergefell mandates that same and opposite sex couple must be treated equally. The US Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal

Ant more stupid questions?
We’re talking about discriminating against rights.
‘Spousal benefits’ and adoption are not rights. Denying someone the right to express their religious beliefs is illegal discrimination.
Meanwhile, general discrimination exists everywhere but it can’t involve rights.

Clearly there is much that you don't understand. We could debate whether or not benefits and adoption are" rights" But when it comes down to the issue of arbitrarily treating one group of people differently than another group- there is no debate. It is discrimination.
Liberal piggy bank. Are you saying that conservatives/Republicans do not partake of social security? What "problem" is it that needs solving?
Being able to invest you portion of SS payments in your own mutual fund would allow you to own it and not the government. Then your money could be willed to whomever you want and not the government. Liberals shot themselves in the foot opposing Bush's idea.
Oh really? Bush crashed to economy . They would have lost their shirts. You have a short memory? Anyway, this is just a red herring intended to divert the discussion away from the real issue-discrimination.

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