Lame Duck defined for dummies


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Chicago official (especially the president) in the final period of office, after the election of a successor.

The Congress is going into a lame duck session.

The President is not a lame duck President until after Nov. of '16 when he'll be helping Hilary Clinton transition into office.

I've seen some of the TeaBrain dopes around here call Obama a lame-duck President and I can only handle so much stupidity in a sitting.

Good luck. official (especially the president) in the final period of office, after the election of a successor.

The Congress is going into a lame duck session.

The President is not a lame duck President until after Nov. of '16 when he'll be helping Hilary Clinton transition into office.

I've seen some of the TeaBrain dopes around here call Obama a lame-duck President and I can only handle so much stupidity in a sitting.

Good luck.
Obutthurt has been a lame duck since day 1. If you can't handle stupidity stop talking, idiot. official (especially the president) in the final period of office, after the election of a successor.

The Congress is going into a lame duck session.

The President is not a lame duck President until after Nov. of '16 when he'll be helping Hilary Clinton transition into office.

I've seen some of the TeaBrain dopes around here call Obama a lame-duck President and I can only handle so much stupidity in a sitting.

Good luck.
Obutthurt has been a lame duck since day 1. If you can't handle stupidity stop talking, idiot.

Really? I guess Republicans in Congress were all in agreement when he got Obamacare passed? When DADT was repealed? Etc., etc.......On the other hand, nothing has changed just because conservatives managed to borrow the Senate for a couple of years.....nothing will continue to get done, however, President Obama will still be able to get things done via Executive Order...much to your chagrin. I would think you would be over your butthurt by now, but carry on. official (especially the president) in the final period of office, after the election of a successor.

The Congress is going into a lame duck session.

The President is not a lame duck President until after Nov. of '16 when he'll be helping Hilary Clinton transition into office.

I've seen some of the TeaBrain dopes around here call Obama a lame-duck President and I can only handle so much stupidity in a sitting.

Good luck.
Obutthurt has been a lame duck since day 1. If you can't handle stupidity stop talking, idiot.

Really? I guess Republicans in Congress were all in agreement when he got Obamacare passed? When DADT was repealed? Etc., etc.......On the other hand, nothing has changed just because conservatives managed to borrow the Senate for a couple of years.....nothing will continue to get done, however, President Obama will still be able to get things done via Executive Order...much to your chagrin. I would think you would be over your butthurt by now, but carry on.
Obutthurtcare passed with no republican voting forced thru by Reid and pissoli. Keep lying. Obutthurt said his policies were on the ballot, he should have kept his big mouth shut. This election was a message to him plain and simple, no denying it. official (especially the president) in the final period of office, after the election of a successor.

The Congress is going into a lame duck session.

The President is not a lame duck President until after Nov. of '16 when he'll be helping Hilary Clinton transition into office.

I've seen some of the TeaBrain dopes around here call Obama a lame-duck President and I can only handle so much stupidity in a sitting.

Good luck.
Obutthurt has been a lame duck since day 1. If you can't handle stupidity stop talking, idiot.

Really? I guess Republicans in Congress were all in agreement when he got Obamacare passed? When DADT was repealed? Etc., etc.......On the other hand, nothing has changed just because conservatives managed to borrow the Senate for a couple of years.....nothing will continue to get done, however, President Obama will still be able to get things done via Executive Order...much to your chagrin. I would think you would be over your butthurt by now, but carry on.
Yep, the socialist pig in chief will still do what he wants and America be dammed. Impeach his sorry ass.
And the real problem is the inefficiency of the US govt as a whole, but who'd talk about that when they can just bash each other. official (especially the president) in the final period of office, after the election of a successor.

The Congress is going into a lame duck session.

The President is not a lame duck President until after Nov. of '16 when he'll be helping Hilary Clinton transition into office.

I've seen some of the TeaBrain dopes around here call Obama a lame-duck President and I can only handle so much stupidity in a sitting.

Good luck.
Obutthurt has been a lame duck since day 1. If you can't handle stupidity stop talking, idiot.

Really? I guess Republicans in Congress were all in agreement when he got Obamacare passed? When DADT was repealed? Etc., etc.......On the other hand, nothing has changed just because conservatives managed to borrow the Senate for a couple of years.....nothing will continue to get done, however, President Obama will still be able to get things done via Executive Order...much to your chagrin. I would think you would be over your butthurt by now, but carry on.
Yep, the socialist pig in chief will still do what he wants and America be dammed. Impeach his sorry ass.

You're not very observant. The last time your party tried that trick it ended up back firing on you all pretty badly. Seems like that is all the Republican party is known for now, repealing, impeaching, digging up scandals, and whining when they are not in control.
he is a lame duck now. A dangerous one but one nonetheless

What is really lame is Congress, now that it's controlled by the "do-nothings" and "Vote No Lockstep" Republicans.
Huh? Harry Reid is a Republican? Did he jump ship already?

Harry Reid is still in control? I thought Mitch had won?
Until the new Congress is sworn in yes Harry is still in control in the Senate.
he is a lame duck now. A dangerous one but one nonetheless

What is really lame is Congress, now that it's controlled by the "do-nothings" and "Vote No Lockstep" Republicans.
Huh? Harry Reid is a Republican? Did he jump ship already?

Harry Reid is still in control? I thought Mitch had won?
Until the new Congress is sworn in yes Harry is still in control in the Senate.

And? Anything going to the President has to be passed by both houses....having obstinate Republicans in the majority in the House hasn't changed, ergo, nothing will get done.
And, let's not forget, Christmas vacation is in the very near future......:)
The definition is correct but isn't it interesting that people who are aware of the definition of "lame duck" still refer to Barry Hussein as a lame duck.
he is a lame duck now. A dangerous one but one nonetheless

What is really lame is Congress, now that it's controlled by the "do-nothings" and "Vote No Lockstep" Republicans.
Huh? Harry Reid is a Republican? Did he jump ship already?

Harry Reid is still in control? I thought Mitch had won?
Until the new Congress is sworn in yes Harry is still in control in the Senate.

And? Anything going to the President has to be passed by both houses....having obstinate Republicans in the majority in the House hasn't changed, ergo, nothing will get done.
And, let's not forget, Christmas vacation is in the very near future......:)
Harry has hundreds of bills sitting in limbo in the Senate that could be voted and sent to the President having obstinate Democrats in the Senate especially the majority leader has not changed either.

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