Lame, lame excuse


Aug 28, 2003
New York
If this were true, then why did he even respond to the questions to begin with? In this article, Kerry's response was that "he was unable to reveal which foreign leaders precisely offered their support so as not to compromise them."

Now the reporter is claiming he never said that at all, that he transcribed the reporting wrong. BULLSHIT! Common sense tells you he would have claimed to have never said that if questioned about it. He gave an answer directly answering what he said. Now they want to make it go away. Do they think we're all as stupid as they are?


A BOSTON GLOBE reporter at the center of a growing controversy over comments made by John Kerry last week in Florida now claims he "screwed-up" -- and John Kerry never bragged how "foreign leaders" privately backed his presidential bid!

"I mistranscribed a key word," explains Patrick Healy, a political reporter for the BOSTON GLOBE who covered the event in a pool capacity.

"Listening to the audio recorder now, in the quiet of my house, I hear 'more leaders' and I am certain that 'more leaders' is what Senator Kerry said."

Healy claims in an e-mail correction: "Transcribing on the bus in Florida, and again on the plane ride to Tampa, I heard 'foreign leaders' rather than 'more leaders'. I am very sorry for this screw-up, and please feel free to hold me accountable to your editors and higher-ups."
This guy even flip flops on his lies! LOL What an idiot this guy is - "I'm not making anything up" - "I wont backup my claims". Sounds like most liberals that post on this board!

Kerry Sticks to Claim of World Support

WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) is not backing down from his claim that some foreign leaders privately support him against President Bush (news - web sites), dismissing suggestions by the White House that he is lying if he is not willing to identify the leaders.

"I'm not making anything up at all," Kerry told The Associated Press in an interview Monday. He accused Republicans of "trying to change the subject" from jobs, health care and other issues."
Originally posted by jimnyc
This guy even flip flops on his lies! LOL What an idiot this guy is - "I'm not making anything up" - "I wont backup my claims". Sounds like most liberals that post on this board!

This is great. He says that there are world leaders who support him, then there is word that it was a transcription error, and Kerry still stands by what he says (but of course he won't mention any names).
This is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Oh "More leaders"? well I still can't reveal their names!!!! :clap1: :clap1: :clap1:

:laugh: :laugh:
I guess it all depends upon what the meaning of more is.
What other leaders could they be, if not foreign? If they were American political leaders, Kerry would be adding their names to his endorsement list, and there would be no secrecy needed. By process of elimination, the "more leaders" have to be foreign leaders.

I said it before in a different thread, but Kerry is really walking on thin ice.
Here is my question:

How many people where in the room when he said it? Was Patrick Healy the only one?

Why does he have the only tape?

Where is the tape saying "More Leaders"?

Either way Kerry dropped the ball. Just by saying it he has betrayed thier confidence. If, in fact, he has gotten said support, they are probably thinking " "What a f-ing dope".......much like we are.
gop_jeff and Fletch:

I hadn't even thought of that. That's a good point. If they were in the US, he would say who they are, so clearly they could not be.
Originally posted by tim_duncan2000
gop_jeff and Fletch:

I hadn't even thought of that. That's a good point. If they were in the US, he would say who they are, so clearly they could not be.

Or they do not exist.

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