Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

not this dumbshit. No he isnt. The government takes your money, like it has since the founding of this nation dipshit.
Taxes are a part of life, and i seem to remember Obama extending the Bush tax cuts.
So which is it fucktard? He cutting taxes or taking your money? You cant have it both ways.

You don't know dick about US history do you?

how about you answer the simple question about the taxes dipshit.

BO wants to have it both ways. This Health Care bill is worse than raising taxes.
My my, how far the mighty have fallen. Remember the BO hysteria just a few years ago? The floods were going to stop.......we would have world peace.......The polar ice caps would stop melting.......all nations would love us and respect us........everyone would have a college education and a job waiting for health care.......Utopia....

Whoops....."a few bumps in the road"........

We call those bumps "people", Mr. President.

yes indeed


Don't give up all hope

I am sure the MSM will do their best to get him across the finish line
this time
This clown is a rookie who will be out of there soon.

Again, Landry's time on Capitol Hill isn't likely to last past January 2013. Louisiana is losing a congressional seat, and in January, the state's other five House Republicans and Cedric Richmond, the only House Democrat, reportedly met over Chinese food and voted Landry off the island. Their plan, which the Louisiana Legislature later approved, sliced up Landry's district into three parts, leaving him a district that heavily favors the re-election of Rep. Charles Boustany.

You'd think that if Landry were making a list of people he doesn't want to meet with, his fellow Louisiana Republicans would come first. But more than that, you'd think that a lawmaker looking to accomplish things in Washington would know not to let ideological differences become personal. Actual friendships have been known to develop between Republicans and Democrats, and sometimes politicians from the two sides actually work together. It's why they're there, really: to work with the other side to get things done.

Antagonizing the president won't help him accomplish anything. That's bad news for his constituents; for not only is Landry's district doomed by redistricting, parts of it are being washed away by the Gulf of Mexico. Effective coastal restoration is going to require a commitment from the White House. It's the White House Landry chose to offend this week.

Norm Ornstein, a congressional scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, was not amused by Landry's self-publicized snub.

"It is more than a little arrogant," Ornstein said. "It belittles the office of the presidency and shows that Landry has little understanding of the political process, the role of the constitutional institutions, much less basic politeness."

Rep. Steve Scalise only has two years seniority on Landry. Scalise is reliably conservative. Still, the second-term congressman went to Wednesday's meeting, lobbied the president to speed up certain permits for offshore oil and gas exploration and said later that the president pledged to work with him on it.

That's how Washington works.
Below are John McCain’s remarks urging the passage of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, which he co-sponsored and which was rendered “Dead” in Congress.

Guess who prevailed and didn’t take heed? Or more appropriately, guess who deliberately “looked the other way”?

Read on!
Below are John McCain’s remarks urging the passage of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, which he co-sponsored and which was rendered “Dead” in Congress.

Guess who prevailed and didn’t take heed? Or more appropriately, guess who deliberately “looked the other way”?

Read on!
VP Bite Me? Really?
Uh huh. Nero fiddled while Rome burned..

Meanwhile Obama plays golf as the country he leads is going off a cliff by his design...

You are a fucking retard. He isnt designing the fall of America. Only dumbass drunks believe that bullshit. He isnt no more than Bush, Clinton, Bush, or Reagan were you fucktard.

But this is the main problem with people like you. All the education and facts in the world wont change your stupid opinion of whats going on. The perfect example is the " I won" statement. You where wrong yet said it was implied. No, No it wasnt implied, you implied it. Thats what you fucks do. You find another angle just to apply the sameline of thinking so your opinion is true. Bend a little here, bend a little there.

These people are not out to destroy a nation, why would people intentional boot themselves out of a job? This is another area you dumb shits dont seem to understand. Obama is doing what he thinks will work to fix this nation. One may disagree with the methods and thats fine, but to say he is intentionally destroying this nation? Take your hand, ball it up into a fist and punch yourself repeatedly in the face.

you stupid drunk.

Get lost *LOSER*
Massive Unemployment,Record Poverty,Record Debt,Skyrocketing Food & Gas Prices,another stupid War,and so on and so on...Yea Landry has a good point. "Hope & Change" has been a terrible failure.
Massive Unemployment,Record Poverty,Record Debt,Skyrocketing Food & Gas Prices,another stupid War,and so on and so on...Yea Landry has a good point. "Hope & Change" has been a terrible failure.

Indeed it has. Can you say double Dip Recession? Obama owns it, as do the Statists that voted his sorry ass into office.
You are a fucking retard. He isnt designing the fall of America. Only dumbass drunks believe that bullshit. He isnt no more than Bush, Clinton, Bush, or Reagan were you fucktard.

But this is the main problem with people like you. All the education and facts in the world wont change your stupid opinion of whats going on. The perfect example is the " I won" statement. You where wrong yet said it was implied. No, No it wasnt implied, you implied it. Thats what you fucks do. You find another angle just to apply the sameline of thinking so your opinion is true. Bend a little here, bend a little there.

These people are not out to destroy a nation, why would people intentional boot themselves out of a job? This is another area you dumb shits dont seem to understand. Obama is doing what he thinks will work to fix this nation. One may disagree with the methods and thats fine, but to say he is intentionally destroying this nation? Take your hand, ball it up into a fist and punch yourself repeatedly in the face.

you stupid drunk.

Get lost *LOSER*


If *I* were *you* i'd not call *anyone* else a *loser*


But i must thank you for not refuting my points, i knew you couldnt.

I'll refute them for him.

Obama is of the same philosophy that the only way to change the system is to crash it, tear it down, and rebuild it from scratch. The system has to be purified first, then restructured in the Progressive ideological mold. He's been using Progressive taxation as a threat to keep businesses on edge, meanwhile he's waiting for the right time to spring another massive crash on us.

It's pretty much cut and dried in Rules For Radicals and Keynesian Economics 101.

Progressive tax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Get lost *LOSER*


If *I* were *you* i'd not call *anyone* else a *loser*


But i must thank you for not refuting my points, i knew you couldnt.

I'll refute them for him.

Obama is of the same philosophy that the only way to change the system is to crash it, tear it down, and rebuild it from scratch. The system has to be purified first, then restructured in the Progressive ideological mold. He's been using Progressive taxation as a threat to keep businesses on edge, meanwhile he's waiting for the right time to spring another massive crash on us.

It's pretty much cut and dried in Rules For Radicals and Keynesian Economics 101.

Progressive tax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He knows...the guy has a hard on for me, and first I'll tell him that I don't swing that way, and second? Thank you for this cogent answer.
That's the way Obama has been governing from the beginning. He didn't give a crap what the Republicans thought. And since the Democrats had control of the government, they could do whatever they wanted. He still doesn't care what Republicans have to say even after losing the House. But one thing is for sure: He's made many of the same mistakes Bush made. That's why people (like myself) call Obama "Bush-III."

Not true...and I have links and pictures :D

Obama reaches out to Republicans

Post-White House Summit, GOP Leaders Pleased With Obama's Pledge to Reach Out

Obama Reaches Out to Republicans on Health Care, but Bipartisan Bill Looking Unlikely

Obama reaches out to Republicans on tax forms

And this is what President Obama get's in response:

Bipartisanship is overrated, says Steele

GOP rejects Obama's compromise offer on health bill

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." ~ Senator Mitch McConnell



and what is this supposed to prove?

It proves that the President has reached out time and again and got his hand slapped by the GnOP. They have, from the onset, shown no interest in compromise or in working with this President.

Despite a number of Republican ideas being included in Health Care reform, not a one voted for it.

Sorry, but all this obstructionism is SQUARELY in the hands of the GnOP (and most Americans realize it)
Not true...and I have links and pictures :D

Obama reaches out to Republicans

Post-White House Summit, GOP Leaders Pleased With Obama's Pledge to Reach Out

Obama Reaches Out to Republicans on Health Care, but Bipartisan Bill Looking Unlikely

Obama reaches out to Republicans on tax forms

And this is what President Obama get's in response:

Bipartisanship is overrated, says Steele

GOP rejects Obama's compromise offer on health bill

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." ~ Senator Mitch McConnell



and what is this supposed to prove?

It proves that the President has reached out time and again and got his hand slapped by the GnOP. They have, from the onset, shown no interest in compromise or in working with this President.

Despite a number of Republican ideas being included in Health Care reform, not a one voted for it.

Sorry, but all this obstructionism is SQUARELY in the hands of the GnOP (and most Americans realize it)

Does "Obama must fail" ring a bell?
End of the day...Landry is a douchnozzle of the highest order. You don't turn down a meeting with the President of the United States...period. He should KNOW that as a veteran of the US military. It's disrespectful, but par for the course from this new breed of Republican. Call 'em the "Newt Republicans". Mean, nasty and disrespectful. We deserve better from our politicians than "You lie" during a speech by the President.

Landry doesn't work for Obama. He works for his constituents.
and what is this supposed to prove?

It proves that the President has reached out time and again and got his hand slapped by the GnOP. They have, from the onset, shown no interest in compromise or in working with this President.

Despite a number of Republican ideas being included in Health Care reform, not a one voted for it.

Sorry, but all this obstructionism is SQUARELY in the hands of the GnOP (and most Americans realize it)

Does "Obama must fail" ring a bell?

For all of our sakes you'd better hope he does.

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