Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

and what is this supposed to prove?

every pres. does same, they all start out well, hey, lets get together and have dialogue, so what?

when ti comes to nut cutting time, the dems went their own way,the ones who rule the roost get to fashion the agenda and if necessary ram bills thru by virtue of how much control they have in the chambers.

the fact is obamacare was carried with nary a single opposition vote, I invite you to find a bill so large and invasive ala SS, Medicare, civil rights etc. that did same, you won't.

Because Lyndon Johnson for instance knew the value of compromise, he had a supra majority too, in 1962- 64 senate seats and 262 house seats, in 1964- 66 and 258, now go check the votes for those bills.....

Further, it has been and will continue to b in the interests of the media to fashion obama as what he campaigned as, a hope and change , lets work outside of the old Washington paradigm, this is completely false when it comes to effect....

anopinion doesn't change or abrogate facts.....

Democratic version of "reaching out"- can you blame anyone for not wanting it

Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power,



Today is not the last 60 years. It's today.

We can't go back to the Great Depression or to WW2 or to the Great Society Days.

We have huge problems and the the only place to start from in fixing them is right here, right now.

The Big 0 has no ideas, no solutions and I don't think he even understands the situation. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That's only a metaphor. It means that the guy at the top is doing something, but that it has no healing effect. The problems get worse and the dope in charge allows the decline to continue either by purpose of through incompetence.

It doesn't really matter why he can't do anything right. All that matters is that he can't.

The next 18 months is about damage control. The entire country needs to unite to try to keep the Big 0 from taking the rest of down with him.

Honestly, it wouldn't matter if Obama or the Dems had any plan, because any responsible plan would include both spending cuts and tax increases, something that the Republicans continue to tell us is off the table.

But here is a suggestion for a plan. Bring all of our troops home from everywhere. Cut military spending by approximately $300 billion. Raise the retirement age to 70 and do it at a much quicker pace than we are on track to do now. Currently, anyone born before 1960 or 1961 will have to wait until they are 67 to receive benefits. That should be moved to 70. Next, freeze spending across the board for any program that is not being cut. Next, get rid of the Department of Education. Education should be a local issue. Next, end the Bush tax cuts and increase the long term capital gains tax to 25%. Next, reduce the home mortgage deduction to the first $500,000 of a single or multiple mortgages. Next, get rid of the cap on SS taxes for those who earn over $106,000 or whatever the rate is currently, but reduce the rate over that amount to 4%. Next, increase the Medicare rate by 1%.

There, now there is a plan to start with. I guarantee that nobody would be happy with this plan, but it includes both cuts in spending, short term and long term, as well as some tax increases. I'm sure the right will say that the tax increases will kill economic growth, but it won't. One of the biggest things killing economic growth currently is the uncertainty of the stability of our federal government. Get that fixed and employers and investors will have more confidence that our entire system isn't about to crash, and the economy will start to rebound.

My gawd, how much more are you all gonna BLEED from the WORKING American people?
Cut the damn government, fire some of the idiot congresspeople for all I care. give us CITIZENS a friggen break.
Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power,



Today is not the last 60 years. It's today.

We can't go back to the Great Depression or to WW2 or to the Great Society Days.

We have huge problems and the the only place to start from in fixing them is right here, right now.

The Big 0 has no ideas, no solutions and I don't think he even understands the situation. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That's only a metaphor. It means that the guy at the top is doing something, but that it has no healing effect. The problems get worse and the dope in charge allows the decline to continue either by purpose of through incompetence.

It doesn't really matter why he can't do anything right. All that matters is that he can't.

The next 18 months is about damage control. The entire country needs to unite to try to keep the Big 0 from taking the rest of down with him.

Honestly, it wouldn't matter if Obama or the Dems had any plan, because any responsible plan would include both spending cuts and tax increases, something that the Republicans continue to tell us is off the table.

But here is a suggestion for a plan. Bring all of our troops home from everywhere. Cut military spending by approximately $300 billion. Raise the retirement age to 70 and do it at a much quicker pace than we are on track to do now. Currently, anyone born before 1960 or 1961 will have to wait until they are 67 to receive benefits. That should be moved to 70. Next, freeze spending across the board for any program that is not being cut. Next, get rid of the Department of Education. Education should be a local issue. Next, end the Bush tax cuts and increase the long term capital gains tax to 25%. Next, reduce the home mortgage deduction to the first $500,000 of a single or multiple mortgages. Next, get rid of the cap on SS taxes for those who earn over $106,000 or whatever the rate is currently, but reduce the rate over that amount to 4%. Next, increase the Medicare rate by 1%.

There, now there is a plan to start with. I guarantee that nobody would be happy with this plan, but it includes both cuts in spending, short term and long term, as well as some tax increases. I'm sure the right will say that the tax increases will kill economic growth, but it won't. One of the biggest things killing economic growth currently is the uncertainty of the stability of our federal government. Get that fixed and employers and investors will have more confidence that our entire system isn't about to crash, and the economy will start to rebound.

How about we cut across the board anything and everything that isn't Constitutionally mandated?
Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power,



Today is not the last 60 years. It's today.

We can't go back to the Great Depression or to WW2 or to the Great Society Days.

We have huge problems and the the only place to start from in fixing them is right here, right now.

The Big 0 has no ideas, no solutions and I don't think he even understands the situation. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That's only a metaphor. It means that the guy at the top is doing something, but that it has no healing effect. The problems get worse and the dope in charge allows the decline to continue either by purpose of through incompetence.

It doesn't really matter why he can't do anything right. All that matters is that he can't.

The next 18 months is about damage control. The entire country needs to unite to try to keep the Big 0 from taking the rest of down with him.

Honestly, it wouldn't matter if Obama or the Dems had any plan, because any responsible plan would include both spending cuts and tax increases, something that the Republicans continue to tell us is off the table.

But here is a suggestion for a plan. Bring all of our troops home from everywhere. Cut military spending by approximately $300 billion. Raise the retirement age to 70 and do it at a much quicker pace than we are on track to do now. Currently, anyone born before 1960 or 1961 will have to wait until they are 67 to receive benefits. That should be moved to 70. Next, freeze spending across the board for any program that is not being cut. Next, get rid of the Department of Education. Education should be a local issue. Next, end the Bush tax cuts and increase the long term capital gains tax to 25%. Next, reduce the home mortgage deduction to the first $500,000 of a single or multiple mortgages. Next, get rid of the cap on SS taxes for those who earn over $106,000 or whatever the rate is currently, but reduce the rate over that amount to 4%. Next, increase the Medicare rate by 1%.

There, now there is a plan to start with. I guarantee that nobody would be happy with this plan, but it includes both cuts in spending, short term and long term, as well as some tax increases. I'm sure the right will say that the tax increases will kill economic growth, but it won't. One of the biggest things killing economic growth currently is the uncertainty of the stability of our federal government. Get that fixed and employers and investors will have more confidence that our entire system isn't about to crash, and the economy will start to rebound.

Honestly, it wouldn't matter if Obama or the Dems had any plan, because any responsible plan would include both spending cuts and tax increases, something that the Republicans continue to tell us is off the table.

cop out city:rolleyes:...if I could dance on a pinhead......

they spent 2 months fighting to keep cowboy poetry alive and finally acquiesced to a 30 billion dollar cut, becasue they did NOT do their job in 2010, that is creating a budget for 2011 and they had the numbers to do any damn thing they wanted please....they have zero genuine interest in cutting spending.

ITS THE Presidents JOB to submit a budget, do so, say add in a balanced budget amend. AND an expiration of the bush taxes cuts and see what the reps say.

but just to say hey they won't go along is BS its just symptomatic of the dem. mindset, not one step back on any spending.

where is the plan.....period.
Today is not the last 60 years. It's today.

We can't go back to the Great Depression or to WW2 or to the Great Society Days.

We have huge problems and the the only place to start from in fixing them is right here, right now.

The Big 0 has no ideas, no solutions and I don't think he even understands the situation. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That's only a metaphor. It means that the guy at the top is doing something, but that it has no healing effect. The problems get worse and the dope in charge allows the decline to continue either by purpose of through incompetence.

It doesn't really matter why he can't do anything right. All that matters is that he can't.

The next 18 months is about damage control. The entire country needs to unite to try to keep the Big 0 from taking the rest of down with him.

Honestly, it wouldn't matter if Obama or the Dems had any plan, because any responsible plan would include both spending cuts and tax increases, something that the Republicans continue to tell us is off the table.

But here is a suggestion for a plan. Bring all of our troops home from everywhere. Cut military spending by approximately $300 billion. Raise the retirement age to 70 and do it at a much quicker pace than we are on track to do now. Currently, anyone born before 1960 or 1961 will have to wait until they are 67 to receive benefits. That should be moved to 70. Next, freeze spending across the board for any program that is not being cut. Next, get rid of the Department of Education. Education should be a local issue. Next, end the Bush tax cuts and increase the long term capital gains tax to 25%. Next, reduce the home mortgage deduction to the first $500,000 of a single or multiple mortgages. Next, get rid of the cap on SS taxes for those who earn over $106,000 or whatever the rate is currently, but reduce the rate over that amount to 4%. Next, increase the Medicare rate by 1%.

There, now there is a plan to start with. I guarantee that nobody would be happy with this plan, but it includes both cuts in spending, short term and long term, as well as some tax increases. I'm sure the right will say that the tax increases will kill economic growth, but it won't. One of the biggest things killing economic growth currently is the uncertainty of the stability of our federal government. Get that fixed and employers and investors will have more confidence that our entire system isn't about to crash, and the economy will start to rebound.

How about we cut across the board anything and everything that isn't Constitutionally mandated?

Like the Air Force?
No, you don't. You don't turn down an invitation from the President of the United States. Regardless of what you think of him or his policies, you respect the office of the President, period.

Representative Landry, you are a DOUCHEBAG

Sorry dear, but he has brought disrespect to the office enough all by himself.

If you have to constantly deal with his consistently rude public smackdowns while you're sitting in the audience......I say screw him.

Riiiigght...and if someone had done that to "the decider" Bush...


Disrespectful and Landry is a douche.

You see that excuse doesn't work here.

Bush was pretty cordial with his opposition in public. Obama is not.
Sorry dear, but he has brought disrespect to the office enough all by himself.

If you have to constantly deal with his consistently rude public smackdowns while you're sitting in the audience......I say screw him.

Riiiigght...and if someone had done that to "the decider" Bush...


Disrespectful and Landry is a douche.

You see that excuse doesn't work here.

Bush was pretty cordial with his opposition in public. Obama is not.

You LIE!
Sorry dear, but he has brought disrespect to the office enough all by himself.

If you have to constantly deal with his consistently rude public smackdowns while you're sitting in the audience......I say screw him.

Riiiigght...and if someone had done that to "the decider" Bush...


Disrespectful and Landry is a douche.

You see that excuse doesn't work here.

Bush was pretty cordial with his opposition in public. Obama is not.

You tell the Truth !
Papa Obama must like it- He help keep the Bush tax cuts in place
Sadly, it is not enough to cover for Obama's failed economic policies


If the radical Left was being honest to themselves then they would love to have just a little of Bush's economic numbers that they
use to say were "just terrible". Really what is the problem? The MSM and the Left have set the bar so low for this guy, it should not be that hard. After all, if 5% unemployment was just terrible under Bush, then surely under Papa Obama 7% will be made to look like the 2nd coming of Christ.

Sounds just like his election... funny how that works

Nobody said 5% unemployment under Bush was terrible. They said that Bush standing like a deer in the headlights while unemployment rose from 4.5% to 7.8% was terrible
Honestly, it wouldn't matter if Obama or the Dems had any plan, because any responsible plan would include both spending cuts and tax increases, something that the Republicans continue to tell us is off the table.

But here is a suggestion for a plan. Bring all of our troops home from everywhere. Cut military spending by approximately $300 billion. Raise the retirement age to 70 and do it at a much quicker pace than we are on track to do now. Currently, anyone born before 1960 or 1961 will have to wait until they are 67 to receive benefits. That should be moved to 70. Next, freeze spending across the board for any program that is not being cut. Next, get rid of the Department of Education. Education should be a local issue. Next, end the Bush tax cuts and increase the long term capital gains tax to 25%. Next, reduce the home mortgage deduction to the first $500,000 of a single or multiple mortgages. Next, get rid of the cap on SS taxes for those who earn over $106,000 or whatever the rate is currently, but reduce the rate over that amount to 4%. Next, increase the Medicare rate by 1%.

There, now there is a plan to start with. I guarantee that nobody would be happy with this plan, but it includes both cuts in spending, short term and long term, as well as some tax increases. I'm sure the right will say that the tax increases will kill economic growth, but it won't. One of the biggest things killing economic growth currently is the uncertainty of the stability of our federal government. Get that fixed and employers and investors will have more confidence that our entire system isn't about to crash, and the economy will start to rebound.

How about we cut across the board anything and everything that isn't Constitutionally mandated?

Like the Air Force?

The USAF was part of the US Army until 1947. [See National Security ACT of 1947 ] STILL part of the miltary that is mandated for the defense of the Republic, which is the primary function of the government.

Weak arguement. Thanks for playing.

Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) skipped the White House meeting because he didn't have the time to sit around and listen to Obama lecture him, especially after he has proven to be a failure and outright lied that he has lifted the ban on drilling.

I think this would be my natural reaction to Obama if I was in his position. This is what they all should be doing.

GOP lawmaker rejects White House trip, 'lecture' from Obama

By Daniel Strauss - 06/01/11 11:11 AM ET

A freshman GOP lawmaker rejected an invitation to the White House on Wednesday, saying he didn't want to be “lectured” by President Obama .

“I have respectfully declined the president’s invitation to the White House today,” Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) said in a statement. “I don’t intend to spend my morning being lectured to by a president whose failed policies have put our children and grandchildren in a huge burden of debt.”

Landry is skipping a White House meeting with the entire GOP House caucus. Obama will meet with House Democrats on Thursday.

Landry said he would not sit down with Obama to negotiate on a deficit reduction compromise until Obama produces his own budget plan.

“Until the president produces a responsible deficit reduction plan, I’m not going to the White House to negotiate with myself. Our conference has put out for months where we would start the process,” Landry continued.

GOP lawmaker rejects White House trip, 'lecture' from Obama - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

I like this guy!!!
End of the day...Landry is a douchnozzle of the highest order. You don't turn down a meeting with the President of the United States...period. He should KNOW that as a veteran of the US military. It's disrespectful, but par for the course from this new breed of Republican. Call 'em the "Newt Republicans". Mean, nasty and disrespectful. We deserve better from our politicians than "You lie" during a speech by the President.

You turn it down if the guy is a sneaky bugger trying to use anything and everything to destroy you.

No, you don't. You don't turn down an invitation from the President of the United States. Regardless of what you think of him or his policies, you respect the office of the President, period.

Representative Landry, you are a DOUCHEBAG

Look idjut! Republicans respect the Presidency but not the current President. There is no point in negotiating with a man who is only meeting with you for appearance's sake. You do not honor a dishonorable man.
He will eventually, figure out that the House controls the purse. He will have to negotiate or the country will default.
In what universe would anyone want to return to a Bush economy?

A stock market that LOST 2000 points over eight years and dropped 6000 points in his last year and a half?
A negative GDP in 4 of his 5 last quarters (3 in a row means recession)
A collapsed housing market
Auto industry in collapse
Financial sector in collapse
Losing 700,000 jobs a month

Bush left the country in worse shape since any President since Hoover

You do realize that all of that happened AFTER Democrats took control of Congress, don't you?
Nobody said 5% unemployment under Bush was terrible. They said that Bush standing like a deer in the headlights while unemployment rose from 4.5% to 7.8% was terrible

Yeah sure they didn't; just like they didn't complain about the "quality"of the jobs being produced

Strange, from Papa Obama's last dismal job report, where unemployment went up, half the jobs came from McDonald's.

The radical Left or the MSM does not talk about that;;
Funny how that works

Oh yeah gas prices , Pelosi and the radical Left could not say enough about those either under Bush

No doubt Papa Obama wishes he had some Bush's gas prices now too

Really the questions becomes...

How long can the Left and the MSM "carry the water" for this guy?
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Yeah sure they didn't; just like they didn't complain about the "quality"of the jobs being produced

Strange, from Papa Obama's last dismal job report, where unemployment went up, half the jobs came from McDonald's.

The radical Left does not talk about that;;
Funny how that works

Oh yeah gas prices , Pelosi and the radical Left could not say enough about those either under Bush

No doubt Papa Obama wishes he had some Bush's gas prices now too

Show where anyone complained about a 5% unemployment rate
You turn it down if the guy is a sneaky bugger trying to use anything and everything to destroy you.

No, you don't. You don't turn down an invitation from the President of the United States. Regardless of what you think of him or his policies, you respect the office of the President, period.

Representative Landry, you are a DOUCHEBAG

Look idjut! Republicans respect the Presidency but not the current President. There is no point in negotiating with a man who is only meeting with you for appearance's sake. You do not honor a dishonorable man.
He will eventually, figure out that the House controls the purse. He will have to negotiate or the country will default.

Indeed. The Office should be respected...NOT the occupant. Hell, the present occupant doesn't respect the office NOR the Republic , OR the Constitution that he had sworn to WHY should he be garnered any respect in return. he has turned it into a plaything and a platform for electioneering favouring groups of Americans over others, and sitting back and laughing at the ensuing squabbles....

Lord knows that the left were wringing their hands when Booooosh [sic] was in office that we were no longer respected...guess what? The present occupant has returned thier investment of worry with even more disrespect worldwide.

Just look at his foreign policy? Go around the world apologizing? Slam your closest allies? Praise the enemies of this Republic by policy(ies)?

Landry is quite correct...why bother? Landry isn't going to change his ensconsed ways one iota.

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