Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

I posted the real life topics and sentiments I hear while living in Arizona and working in the defense industry. You can read the comments section of the Arizona Republic or East Valley Tribune to verify my statements.

Looks like you are an enabler.
Okay, we'll play it your way.

Democrats call Obama "that n-gger in the White House"

Looks like you're an enabler.

Typical white people behavior, what's so shocking about that?
Are you one of those braindead morons who thinks -- sorry, wrong word -- feels that all white people are racist?

Doesn't that make you a bigot?

Hint: Yes. Yes, it does.
"I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

No one on the right said that when Bush was president. Worse, when challenged, they can't name a single Bush/Republican success during the entire time they had both houses and the presidency.

Obama got Bin Laden, you can start there.

Then go on to:

White House political aides knew that, no matter what they did, the economy would still be reeling one year later and that Obama would be unfairly blamed. They knew that little credit would be awarded for jobs that weren't lost or bankruptcies that were averted, and little credit has been. But credit is due.

Fred Hiatt - In Obama's first year, successes outweigh missteps -

What the heck has Obama done so far?

Love him or hate him, he's had many success as opposed to the right's zero. Unless tax cuts for rich people can be considered a success. Certainly hasn't helped the majority of Americans.
We're over two years into Obama's only term.

The economy is STILL in the shitter.

When are you going to hold Obama responsible...for anything?

Let me guess: Never.
"I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

No one on the right said that when Bush was president. Worse, when challenged, they can't name a single Bush/Republican success during the entire time they had both houses and the presidency.

Obama got Bin Laden, you can start there.

Then go on to:

White House political aides knew that, no matter what they did, the economy would still be reeling one year later and that Obama would be unfairly blamed. They knew that little credit would be awarded for jobs that weren't lost or bankruptcies that were averted, and little credit has been. But credit is due.

Fred Hiatt - In Obama's first year, successes outweigh missteps -

What the heck has Obama done so far?

Love him or hate him, he's had many success as opposed to the right's zero. Unless tax cuts for rich people can be considered a success. Certainly hasn't helped the majority of Americans.
We're over two years into Obama's only term.

The economy is STILL in the shitter.

When are you going to hold Obama responsible...for anything?

Let me guess: Never.

It's like asking a religious Muslim to admit that the Historical Documentation of the MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED is that this POS was a MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & A PEDOPHILIC RAPIST.

These delusional shitheads, Obamarrhoids and Muslims, will NEVER admit to their mental aberration.....and, you can take that to the bank.
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I don't know how Rs allowed these people to take control of their party.

the same way Sarah that the D's have allowed guys like Dean and TM to take control of their party....


Gotta admit that in your post to that LIEberrhoidal loon, Sarah G, you picked the LOONIEST and most IDIOTIC LIEBERRHOIDAL LOONS I have ever encountered in any FORUM ....... and, as you know.........There are a lot of LOONIEST LIEberrhoidal LOONS floating around like turds in a vast sewage plant.

Sara is a liberal Gaut.....but she aint a Loon.....she knows the difference between a person on the Far Right as opposed to a "Moderate" or "Liberal Republican.... ask Dean if he knows....if he actually answers see what he says.....there is the far as i am concerned anyway....
"I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

No one on the right said that when Bush was president. Worse, when challenged, they can't name a single Bush/Republican success during the entire time they had both houses and the presidency.

Obama got Bin Laden, you can start there.

Then go on to:

White House political aides knew that, no matter what they did, the economy would still be reeling one year later and that Obama would be unfairly blamed. They knew that little credit would be awarded for jobs that weren't lost or bankruptcies that were averted, and little credit has been. But credit is due.

Fred Hiatt - In Obama's first year, successes outweigh missteps -

What the heck has Obama done so far?

Love him or hate him, he's had many success as opposed to the right's zero. Unless tax cuts for rich people can be considered a success. Certainly hasn't helped the majority of Americans.
We're over two years into Obama's only term.

The economy is STILL in the shitter.

When are you going to hold Obama responsible...for anything?

Let me guess: Never.

It's like asking a religious Muslim to admit that the Historical Documentation of the MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED is that this POS was a MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & A PEDOPHILIC RAPIST.

These delusional shitheads, Obamarrhoids and Muslims, will NEVER admit to their mental aberration.....and, you can take that to the bank.
No, dean has drowned in the Kool-Aid. There's no hope for him.
Just remember murkins. If you vote like you always do, with an R or a D, and you will.
You're voting for your own demise. R+D=N.
Nazi's. The assholes you let in the barn that are controlled by the Jews and Eurotrash that breeds them.

I've watched for my entire life idiots waving flags and voting against their own best interests .
You've had many, many chances to get it right but this R and D mentality won't allow it.

Me great granpappy were_______ and I is too.

Just remember murkins. If you vote like you always do, with an R or a D, and you will.

WOW !!!

This DOODOOGER has to be some sort of Extraterrestrial Wierdo that was kicked out of his habitation in some sort of out-in-space toilet bowl for supernatural morons.

This Extraterrestial Wierdo apparently is babbling that if you, a "murkin" (American), vote R(epublican) or D(emocrat) then you'll wind up as a (N)azi, or be under their control.

And who are these "NAZIS" this wierdo is babbling about ?

According to the Wierdo, these "NAZIS" are bred by the JEWS and the EUROTRASH that the Nazis were busy exterminating during WWII !!!

I realize that this Wierdo is a misplaced turd from Outer Space who is not familiar with Earth's History.......the question I have is: Is it Politically Correct to ROFLMAO ?

Dougar is a piece of shit who ran to Costa Rica because....
a)...he was dodging the draft.....

b)....was running from the law for selling Coke.....

c)...he is just a piece of excrement who cant live in the 1st world so he goes to the 3rd world because he thinks he will be superior to them,but yet has to make a living picking up horse shit after the parades.....and is no doubt sucking the tit of the Costa Ricans......i go with C.....
[B said:
Just remember murkins. If you vote like you always do, with an R or a D, and you will.[/B]"

WOW !!!

This DOODOOGER has to be some sort of Extraterrestrial Wierdo that was kicked out of his habitation in some sort of out-in-space toilet bowl for supernatural morons.

This Extraterrestial Wierdo apparently is babbling that if you, a "murkin" (American), vote R(epublican) or D(emocrat) then you'll wind up as a (N)azi, or be under their control.

And who are these "NAZIS" this wierdo is babbling about ?

According to the Wierdo, these "NAZIS" are bred by the JEWS and the EUROTRASH that the Nazis were busy exterminating during WWII !!!

I realize that this Wierdo is a misplaced turd from Outer Space who is not familiar with Earth's History.......the question I have is: Is it Politically Correct to ROFLMAO ?

Dougar is a piece of shit who ran to Costa Rica because....
a)...he was dodging the draft.....

b)....was running from the law for selling Coke.....

c)...he is just a piece of excrement who cant live in the 1st world so he goes to the 3rd world because he thinks he will be superior to them,but yet has to make a living picking up horse shit after the parades.....and is no doubt sucking the tit of the Costa Ricans......i go with C.....


I really don't know why I am still thinking about the spaced out wierdo DOODOOger .... maybe it's because of one of my M.A.s is in Psychology.

The reason I'm asking you, is that you seem to know a great deal about this idiot.

Why do you think he uses R, D, for Republicans and Democrats ? Is the clue that this whackjob uses "MURKINS" for Americans an indication that he realizes that he doesn't know how to spell properly and is not aware, or perceptive enough, to consult a dictionary ? Interestingly enough he seems to manage four letter words ex: Nazi.

Actually, no response is necessary ...... I was just thinking out loud, so to speak.

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Landry is one of 435 elected Representatives with 1 vote in the House and deserves the same respect that I am sure you give to Barney Frank and Charley Rangel.

And what was it Barney Frank did? Don't repeat a "talking point". Make sure you have a link.

So what? There is not a single Republican that I respect or that deserves my respect. The country is in the shape that it's in, precisely because of Republican led agendas.
And don't presume to know me or how I think. I don't respect Charles Rangel...he's fallen from grace, as has half of the Republican Senate and House. And Barney Frank wasn't the topic and I don't take instruction from anyone.

You brought up his name. There must have been a "point" buried there somewhere. Guess not.
"I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

No one on the right said that when Bush was president. Worse, when challenged, they can't name a single Bush/Republican success during the entire time they had both houses and the presidency.

Obama got Bin Laden, you can start there.

Then go on to:

White House political aides knew that, no matter what they did, the economy would still be reeling one year later and that Obama would be unfairly blamed. They knew that little credit would be awarded for jobs that weren't lost or bankruptcies that were averted, and little credit has been. But credit is due.

Fred Hiatt - In Obama's first year, successes outweigh missteps -

What the heck has Obama done so far?

Love him or hate him, he's had many success as opposed to the right's zero. Unless tax cuts for rich people can be considered a success. Certainly hasn't helped the majority of Americans.
We're over two years into Obama's only term.

The economy is STILL in the shitter.

When are you going to hold Obama responsible...for anything?

Let me guess: Never.

Bush had 8 years. Come back in 6.
"I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

No one on the right said that when Bush was president. Worse, when challenged, they can't name a single Bush/Republican success during the entire time they had both houses and the presidency.

Obama got Bin Laden, you can start there.

Then go on to:

White House political aides knew that, no matter what they did, the economy would still be reeling one year later and that Obama would be unfairly blamed. They knew that little credit would be awarded for jobs that weren't lost or bankruptcies that were averted, and little credit has been. But credit is due.

Fred Hiatt - In Obama's first year, successes outweigh missteps -

What the heck has Obama done so far?

Love him or hate him, he's had many success as opposed to the right's zero. Unless tax cuts for rich people can be considered a success. Certainly hasn't helped the majority of Americans.
We're over two years into Obama's only term.

The economy is STILL in the shitter.

When are you going to hold Obama responsible...for anything?

Let me guess: Never.

Bush had 8 years. Come back in 6.


Stupid and delusional as you are, even you should realize that because of this semi-black MARXIST MONUMENTAL Black Racist FRAUD our Nation is now in $14 TRILLION debt.......with this FINANCIAL PSYCHO, who is clueless, straining at the leash to SPEND MORE in addition to the RUINOUS OBAMACARE, on his pet entitlements !!!

"Come back in 6 !!!!"

Do you really think that this POS will be re-elected for a second term when we can't afford him in his First Term ?????

Answer: are one of the Looniest LIEberrhoidal Loons extant. But your delusions are not REALITY: that means that this MARXIST MONUMENTAL Black Racist FRAUD will NOT be re-elected. And, you can take that to the bank.
Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power, and yet all they can do is work to make Obama fail. One has to wonder if it would be better to crash the entire economy, stop support the old paid for SS and Medicare, and let corporations and wall street create another great depression. Well to do Americans are odd creatures that only work together when disaster strikes all. Sad bunch these greedy republicans. Big money has corrupted our nation's values in a way that is hard to fathom.

"Every Wednesday morning, a group of conspirators meets to plot out how to most effectively attack the federal government. This is not a group of rag-tag terrorists – they wear $2,000 suits and occupy powerful positions in society. But their ideas are politically radical and they do pose a real threat to the normal workings of government in the U.S. They are a group of leading conservatives who believe that government is a malevolent force in society and they have a fierce determination to drastically cut it back. They are convinced that the central problem in our country is too much government – too many social programs, too many regulations, and too much taxation – and they are committed to doing something about it." Government is Good - The Anti-Government Campaign

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy' [see also Democracy after Citizens United | MIT World ]

Gee ace, how much do you think your boy's suits cost? I know Michelle wore a 2000 dollar dress that looked like shit on her to meet William and Kate ( she was wearing a 340 dollar dress and made Michelle look like a clown trying too hard). You quote fools whining about elitist and that is exactly who you display in you avatar, nouveau elitist that eat 100 dollar a pound Wagu beef, wear 600 dollar tennis shoes to spoon out gruel to the poor people, waste 100s of thousands of gallons of jet fuel for opulent vacations on Hawaii, trips to Spain with 60 of their closest friend and reserving a hotel full of 2,500 dollar a night rooms...... you are as big of a hypocrite as your idiots in the White House are.
"I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

No one on the right said that when Bush was president. Worse, when challenged, they can't name a single Bush/Republican success during the entire time they had both houses and the presidency.

Obama got Bin Laden, you can start there.

Then go on to:

White House political aides knew that, no matter what they did, the economy would still be reeling one year later and that Obama would be unfairly blamed. They knew that little credit would be awarded for jobs that weren't lost or bankruptcies that were averted, and little credit has been. But credit is due.

Fred Hiatt - In Obama's first year, successes outweigh missteps -

What the heck has Obama done so far?

Love him or hate him, he's had many success as opposed to the right's zero. Unless tax cuts for rich people can be considered a success. Certainly hasn't helped the majority of Americans.
We're over two years into Obama's only term.

The economy is STILL in the shitter.

When are you going to hold Obama responsible...for anything?

Let me guess: Never.

Bush had 8 years. Come back in 6.

And you talk like all of the Bush years were bad. Well they really turned bad once the Dems took back Congress. The Bush years started out bad but he turned the economy around. But the problem is he didn't have cooperation from the left so it's difficult to get everything you want if you can't get everyone to work with you. Obama is finding that out. Problem is he's even had to fight members of his own party. Even they know that Obama is dangerous, but they just figure they can use the media to cover it all up.

If the media were to just do their jobs by telling truth to power Obama would be toast.
I'm sure the president was waiting and wishing for this big important congress critter to show up..

You illustrate Obama's arrogance very well. Congratulations.

Obama didn't do anything but try to reach out to these dolts.

It's just not possible that you could be this naive and still be able to figure out how to wipe your ass after taking an Obama..... err......I mean dump. I'm embarrassed for you.
You illustrate Obama's arrogance very well. Congratulations.

Obama didn't do anything but try to reach out to these dolts.

It's just not possible that you could be this naive and still be able to figure out how to wipe your ass after taking an Obama..... err......I mean dump. I'm embarrassed for you.

You should just sit back and listen for awhile, perhaps you'd realize that you need to be embarrassed for yourself. :cuckoo:
"I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

Bush had 8 years. Come back in 6.

Besides hope, of the economy improving.... there is no reason for the Left to think this guy will
be re-elected

If the radical Left was being honest to themselves then they would love to have just a little of Bush's economic numbers that they
use to say were "just terrible". Really what is the problem? The MSM and the Left have set the bar so low for this guy, it should not be that hard. After all, if 5% unemployment was just terrible under Bush, then surely under Papa Obama 7% will be made to look like the 2nd coming of Christ.

Sounds just like his election... funny how that works


Papa Obama, low in polls, Carter, smiling- won't be remembered as the pariah of Democratic Party

In some ways it looks so familiar

Indeed, at this point in time, most Americans feel this way about Papa Obama getting elected again

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He's got a point. When it comes to the economy, doing the opposite of what Obama does is usually the right move.

I actually agree with you somewhat. Obama should take up Bush's behavior in regards to Republicans.

Bush governed like Democrats didn't exist.

I think Obama should try to govern as if Republicans didn't exist.

That's the way Obama has been governing from the beginning. He didn't give a crap what the Republicans thought. And since the Democrats had control of the government, they could do whatever they wanted. He still doesn't care what Republicans have to say even after losing the House. But one thing is for sure: He's made many of the same mistakes Bush made. That's why people (like myself) call Obama "Bush-III."

Not true...and I have links and pictures :D

Obama reaches out to Republicans

Post-White House Summit, GOP Leaders Pleased With Obama's Pledge to Reach Out

Obama Reaches Out to Republicans on Health Care, but Bipartisan Bill Looking Unlikely

Obama reaches out to Republicans on tax forms

And this is what President Obama get's in response:

Bipartisanship is overrated, says Steele

GOP rejects Obama's compromise offer on health bill

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." ~ Senator Mitch McConnell


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Of course he did. It was during the stimulus debate though, rather than the healthcare debate.

'I Won:' President Obama Works to Be Bipartisan But Shows There Are Clear Limits - Political Punch

Unnamed source and indirect quote. Sorry, try again...

I clicked on the link and it was named. Perhaps you should try again.

Political Punch
Power, pop, and probings from ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper

Political coverage and musings on pop culture from ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper and the ABC News White House team.

No, the source of the quote is NOT named..."according to a source", the REPORTER, Jake Tapper, reported.
End of the day...Landry is a douchnozzle of the highest order. You don't turn down a meeting with the President of the United States...period. He should KNOW that as a veteran of the US military. It's disrespectful, but par for the course from this new breed of Republican. Call 'em the "Newt Republicans". Mean, nasty and disrespectful. We deserve better from our politicians than "You lie" during a speech by the President.
End of the day...Landry is a douchnozzle of the highest order. You don't turn down a meeting with the President of the United States...period. He should KNOW that as a veteran of the US military. It's disrespectful, but par for the course from this new breed of Republican. Call 'em the "Newt Republicans". Mean, nasty and disrespectful. We deserve better from our politicians than "You lie" during a speech by the President.

oh bullshit. I wouldn't meet with the Obama jerk either. he is not THEIR MASTER.

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