Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

I'm sure the president was waiting and wishing for this big important congress critter to show up..

Who gives a shit what that idiot does or doesn't do?? He's meaningless, a colossal failure, IMPOTENT.. Only you brain-dead sheeple seem to care and there aren't many of you.. THANKFULLY.

Oh...Landry your Congressman then?
I'm sure the president was waiting and wishing for this big important congress critter to show up..

Who gives a shit what that idiot does or doesn't do?? He's meaningless, a colossal failure, IMPOTENT.. Only you brain-dead sheeple seem to care and there aren't many of you.. THANKFULLY.

Oh...Landry your Congressman then?

Husband & a Dickless Wonder,

Oh......Bwarney Fwank your Congress(it) then ?
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LOL. Who the hell is Jeff Landry? Obviously, some low level "no name" Congressman from La., who promised the oil industry to vote for resumed drilling, in exchange for a other words, "a whore". He staged a protest in order to appear tough, at the president's expense. BS. Pathetic.

Landry is one of 435 elected Representatives with 1 vote in the House and deserves the same respect that I am sure you give to Barney Frank and Charley Rangel.

And what was it Barney Frank did? Don't repeat a "talking point". Make sure you have a link.

So whatever anyone says, you'll call a lie.

Conflict of interest. Drugs. Male-prostitution.

Well here's some links for you.

Barney Frank knocked on his Fannie -
Barney Frank's friends with benefits | Michelle Malkin | Columnists | Washington Examiner
Barney Frank present during marijuana bust
ABC on Barney Frank Scandal: No Political Hay for GOP, He's 'Truly Gifted' |
LOL. Who the hell is Jeff Landry? Obviously, some low level "no name" Congressman from La., who promised the oil industry to vote for resumed drilling, in exchange for a other words, "a whore". He staged a protest in order to appear tough, at the president's expense. BS. Pathetic.

Landry is one of 435 elected Representatives with 1 vote in the House and deserves the same respect that I am sure you give to Barney Frank and Charley Rangel.

And what was it Barney Frank did? Don't repeat a "talking point". Make sure you have a link.

ABC on Barney Frank Scandal: No Political Hay for GOP, He's 'Truly Gifted' |

Congressman Barney Frank’s scandalous tolerance of a gay prostitution business operating out of his house, uncovered by the Washington Times in 1989, drew from ABC nowhere near the dramatic amount of attention ABC gave Mark Foley. On the August 25, 1989 World News Tonight, Sam Donaldson noted it just once in passing, a mere 67 words:

"Massachusetts Representative Barney Frank, an acknowledged homosexual, today confirmed that his Washington apartment had been used as a callboy headquarters by a male prostitute for a year and a half until late 1987. Responding to a story in today's Washington Times, Frank said he had hired the prostitute out of his own funds as a personal aide and fired him when he found out what was going on."

That is one for starters.
Landry is one of 435 elected Representatives with 1 vote in the House and deserves the same respect that I am sure you give to Barney Frank and Charley Rangel.

And what was it Barney Frank did? Don't repeat a "talking point". Make sure you have a link.

So whatever anyone says, you'll call a lie.

Conflict of interest. Drugs. Male-prostitution.

Well here's some links for you.

Barney Frank knocked on his Fannie -
Barney Frank's friends with benefits | Michelle Malkin | Columnists | Washington Examiner
Barney Frank present during marijuana bust
ABC on Barney Frank Scandal: No Political Hay for GOP, He's 'Truly Gifted' |

You beat me to it, but I will leave my post anyway.

Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) skipped the White House meeting because he didn't have the time to sit around and listen to Obama lecture him, especially after he has proven to be a failure and outright lied that he has lifted the ban on drilling.

I think this would be my natural reaction to Obama if I was in his position. This is what they all should be doing.

Congressmen and woman tend to be such attention whores. I like how he says he won't be part of any political grandstanding by Obama that doesn't do anything for job creation or debt reduction, but then has some pointless grandstanding himself by this little walkout.

Oh, so you found a way to bitch about him no matter what he did.

Instead of showing some balls for not kissing Obama's ass, he's just a politician that's trying to score political points. Course that would be true if he was a DEMOCRAP!!! Problem is he's a freshman which means he hasn't learned the game yet.

But if he showed up you'd say he was Repug with no character. A pushover. Not worthy of YOUR stuck up President who tends to talk down at people that have tons more experience than he has.

So yeah he wasn't grandstanding himself then? You're doing a little here yourself with your fancy "not kissing Obama's ass" and feel good "stuck up President who tends to talk down at people" and "so you found a way to bitch about him no matter what you did." Emulating not only this congressmen but also the behavior your prescribing to Obama, why I think your cut to be a member of Congress! Ever consider running for elected office?
Congressmen and woman tend to be such attention whores. I like how he says he won't be part of any political grandstanding by Obama that doesn't do anything for job creation or debt reduction, but then has some pointless grandstanding himself by this little walkout.

Oh, so you found a way to bitch about him no matter what he did.

Instead of showing some balls for not kissing Obama's ass, he's just a politician that's trying to score political points. Course that would be true if he was a DEMOCRAP!!! Problem is he's a freshman which means he hasn't learned the game yet.

But if he showed up you'd say he was Repug with no character. A pushover. Not worthy of YOUR stuck up President who tends to talk down at people that have tons more experience than he has.

So yeah he wasn't grandstanding himself then? You're doing a little here yourself with your fancy "not kissing Obama's ass" and feel good "stuck up President who tends to talk down at people" and "so you found a way to bitch about him no matter what you did." Emulating not only this congressmen but also the behavior your prescribing to Obama, why I think your cut to be a member of Congress! Ever consider running for elected office?

Nope. I wouldn't be able to call them "The distinguished gentleman from Vermont".

I'd call em "This prick over here".

No, I wouldn't be any good being a politician.
Just remember murkins. If you vote like you always do, with an R or a D, and you will.
You're voting for your own demise. R+D=N.
Nazi's. The assholes you let in the barn that are controlled by the Jews and Eurotrash that breeds them.

I've watched for my entire life idiots waving flags and voting against their own best interests .
You've had many, many chances to get it right but this R and D mentality won't allow it.

Me great granpappy were_______ and I is too.

Just remember murkins. If you vote like you always do, with an R or a D, and you will.

yea just like you did at one time dipshit.....

I've watched for my entire life idiots waving flags and voting against their own best interests .

there is the key word WATCHED.....and then ran to Costa Rica like the pussy you are.....
You've had many, many chances to get it right but this R and D mentality won't allow it.

yea a fucking Coward like you should be giving us advice......your not only a coward Douger your a fucking lowlife Anal Cavity is it sucking on the Tit of the Costa Ricans?....
Like last year during the 'Healthcare Summit' where he told McCain blatently: "...I Won..." And he told Republicans they could come along for the ride but they had to sit in the back?


all that shows is .....he is not a very good leader.....


[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bush the Decider‬‏[/ame]

Sallow i thought you said you kinda knew where i stand on things.....i have said in quite a few posts around here that Bush was one of the worst leaders we have ever had.....that jerk had one of the greatest opportunities ever handed to a President after 9/11 to be a Great Leader.....and look what he did with that.....Obama had a good opportunity after the death of OBL to maybe be a leader and build a bridge or two to unite this Country a little.....instead he goes and Bags on the Republicans in front of a Latino crowd......nice leadership its back to where it was before OBL was killed....the guy is a lousy leader......
You illustrate Obama's arrogance very well. Congratulations.

Obama didn't do anything but try to reach out to these dolts.

How do you reason with people who represent guys like this?

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Angry Tea Party Conservative assaults interviewer‬‏[/ame]

the same way you reason with people who represent guys like Dean.....
Exactly wrong.

And this illustrates what's wrong with Conservatism in general. Conservatives don't want compromise..they want capitulation. If you don't play by their rules..they won't play. Period.

And that's no way to govern in a representative democratic republic.

i think Pelosi had those same traits Sallow.....
Just remember murkins. If you vote like you always do, with an R or a D, and you will.
You're voting for your own demise. R+D=N.
Nazi's. The assholes you let in the barn that are controlled by the Jews and Eurotrash that breeds them.

I've watched for my entire life idiots waving flags and voting against their own best interests .
You've had many, many chances to get it right but this R and D mentality won't allow it.

Me great granpappy were_______ and I is too.

Just remember murkins. If you vote like you always do, with an R or a D, and you will.

WOW !!!

This DOODOOGER has to be some sort of Extraterrestrial Wierdo that was kicked out of his habitation in some sort of out-in-space toilet bowl for supernatural morons.

This Extraterrestial Wierdo apparently is babbling that if you, a "murkin" (American), vote R(epublican) or D(emocrat) then you'll wind up as a (N)azi, or be under their control.

And who are these "NAZIS" this wierdo is babbling about ?

According to the Wierdo, these "NAZIS" are bred by the JEWS and the EUROTRASH that the Nazis were busy exterminating during WWII !!!

I realize that this Wierdo is a misplaced turd from Outer Space who is not familiar with Earth's History.......the question I have is: Is it Politically Correct to ROFLMAO ?
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Obama didn't do anything but try to reach out to these dolts.

How do you reason with people who represent guys like this?

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Angry Tea Party Conservative assaults interviewer‬‏[/ame]

I don't know how Rs allowed these people to take control of their party.

the same way Sarah that the D's have allowed guys like Dean and TM to take control of their party....

I don't know how Rs allowed these people to take control of their party.

the same way Sarah that the D's have allowed guys like Dean and TM to take control of their party....


Gotta admit that in your post to that LIEberrhoidal loon, Sarah G, you picked the LOONIEST and most IDIOTIC LIEBERRHOIDAL LOONS I have ever encountered in any FORUM ....... and, as you know.........There are a lot of LOONIEST LIEberrhoidal LOONS floating around like turds in a vast sewage plant.

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