Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

I'm trying to illustrate that your use of the broad brush is foolish.

Looks like you still don't get it.

I posted the real life topics and sentiments I hear while living in Arizona and working in the defense industry. You can read the comments section of the Arizona Republic or East Valley Tribune to verify my statements.

Looks like you are an enabler.
Okay, we'll play it your way.

Democrats call Obama "that n-gger in the White House"

Looks like you're an enabler.

Typical white people behavior, what's so shocking about that?
This President, from the get go, has made attempt after attempt to reach across to Republicans. When he first got into office he had meeting after meeting with them. They were given every opportunity to have a voice in his administration.

The GnOP, on the other hand, decided that their course of action was going to be to put up a solid wall of obstructionism. They were going to do their best to ensure this President's failure at all costs...even if that cost was our economy and the future success of our country.

Poll after poll shows that the American people want compromise. The GnOP ONLY wants the President's failure, no matter WHAT the cost...


I replicated your fist paragraph to underline the BLATANT LIE that you are attempting to foist.

READ THE FLAGRANT BULLSHIT that you just stated by considering this semi-black Dipshit's handling of his DISTROUS "OBAMACARE" .... and how it was concocted on his orders by his two Pelosi & Reid stooges IN TOTAL REJECTION OF ANY INPUT BY THE REPUBLICANS with only a final meeting that invited the Republicans for a lecture on the fait accompli.

Why do you practice revisionist history? Does it fit the narrative you have concocted for yourself?

Shitty Jones,

That's one of the weakest and lamest attempts at a rebuttal of IRREFUTABLE FACTS that I probably witnessed for at least a decade.

I replicated your fist paragraph to underline the BLATANT LIE that you are attempting to foist.

READ THE FLAGRANT BULLSHIT that you just stated by considering this semi-black Dipshit's handling of his DISTROUS "OBAMACARE" .... and how it was concocted on his orders by his two Pelosi & Reid stooges IN TOTAL REJECTION OF ANY INPUT BY THE REPUBLICANS with only a final meeting that invited the Republicans for a lecture on the fait accompli.

Why do you practice revisionist history? Does it fit the narrative you have concocted for yourself?

Shitty Jones,

That's one of the weakest and lamest attempts at a rebuttal of IRREFUTABLE FACTS that I probably witnessed for at least a decade.

I wasn't trying to rebut your typical white conservative tea party blather. You believe the nonsense you believe and the rest of us will continue on in reality. Revise history all you want. Go read some more David Barton.
Why do you practice revisionist history? Does it fit the narrative you have concocted for yourself?

Shitty Jones,

That's one of the weakest and lamest attempts at a rebuttal of IRREFUTABLE FACTS that I probably witnessed for at least a decade.

I wasn't trying to rebut your typical white conservative tea party blather. You believe the nonsense you believe and the rest of us will continue on in reality. Revise history all you want. Go read some more David Barton.

Hey bigot, is there any way of getting through the day for your without blaming white people?
Shitty Jones,

That's one of the weakest and lamest attempts at a rebuttal of IRREFUTABLE FACTS that I probably witnessed for at least a decade.

I wasn't trying to rebut your typical white conservative tea party blather. You believe the nonsense you believe and the rest of us will continue on in reality. Revise history all you want. Go read some more David Barton.

Hey bigot, is there any way of getting through the day for your without blaming white people?

Blaming white people for what? Not understanding the history of the Obamacare negotiations that happened between Obama and the Republicans? I wasn't blaming all white people, just the typical white conservative tea party member who is to clueless or dumb, your choice, to take the time to study what really happened.
Why do you practice revisionist history? Does it fit the narrative you have concocted for yourself?

Shitty Jones,

That's one of the weakest and lamest attempts at a rebuttal of IRREFUTABLE FACTS that I probably witnessed for at least a decade.

I wasn't trying to rebut your typical white conservative tea party blather. You believe the nonsense you believe and the rest of us will continue on in reality. Revise history all you want. Go read some more David Barton.

Shitty Jones,

Ah yes......the repetitive adjective "WHITE" as distinguished by simply omitting this adjective in almost all your posts whatever the issue.

Apparently, you are one of those fucking BLACK RACISTS like Bss the Racist Ass, and the other Black Racist jerk Rattle MarcATL......well, welcome to your feces glutted club, y'all deserve each other.

And, whatever your motive was for omitting the rest of my post.... which again exposed you as a Black Racist fool ...... I'd like to refresh your shitty black memory about the constant LIEberrhoid tactic which you neglected to post because it was probably too embarrassing for the Obamarrhoidal arseholes to countenance:

As I stated to Callow Sallow, the other LIEberrhoidal fool:

"As usual, you LIEberrhoid arseholes turn the TRUTH on its head......and then blame the opposition for what you are guilty of.

This is a perfect doesn't get any more clear.

We have a dipshit in the WH who is an OBVIOUS DISASTROUS FAILURE because of his failed MARXIST Agenda , which he is intransigently committed to ...... and you, and your Obamarrhoidal stooges are blaming the opposition for refusing to waste their time throwing eggs at this concrete wall."


BTW, thanks for popping up on my radar as just another Black Racist idiot slinging around Black Racist shit within the LIEberrhoidal context.
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Shitty Jones,

That's one of the weakest and lamest attempts at a rebuttal of IRREFUTABLE FACTS that I probably witnessed for at least a decade.

I wasn't trying to rebut your typical white conservative tea party blather. You believe the nonsense you believe and the rest of us will continue on in reality. Revise history all you want. Go read some more David Barton.

Shitty Jones,

Ah yes......the repetitive adjective "WHITE" as distinguished by simply ommitting this adjective in almost all your posts whatever the issue.

Apparently, you are one of those fucking BLACK RACISTS like Bss the Racist Ass, and the other Black Racist jerk Rattle MarcATL......well, welcome to your feces glutted club, y'all deserve each other.

And, whatever your motive was for omitting the rest of my post.... which again exposed you as a Black Racist fool ...... I'd like to refresh your shitty black memory about the constant LIEberrhoid tactic which you neglected to post because it was probably too embarrassing for the Obamarrhoidal arseholes to countenance:

As I stated to Callow Sallow, the other LIEberrhoidal fool:

"As usual, you LIEberrhoid arseholes turn the TRUTH on its head......and then blame the opposition for what you are guilty of.

This is a perfect doesn't get any more clear.

We have a dipshit in the WH who is an OBVIOUS DISASTROUS FAILURE because of his failed MARXIST Agenda , which he is intransigently committed to ...... and you, and your Obamarrhoidal stooges are blaming the opposition for refusing to waste their time throwing eggs at this concrete wall."


BTW, thanks for popping up on my radar as just another Black Racist idiot slinging around Black Racist shit within the LIEberrhoidal context.

How could I delete part of your post?

Iseeyouareonanotherplaneofnonexistance, have fun.
"I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

No one on the right said that when Bush was president. Worse, when challenged, they can't name a single Bush/Republican success during the entire time they had both houses and the presidency.

Obama got Bin Laden, you can start there.

Then go on to:

White House political aides knew that, no matter what they did, the economy would still be reeling one year later and that Obama would be unfairly blamed. They knew that little credit would be awarded for jobs that weren't lost or bankruptcies that were averted, and little credit has been. But credit is due.

Fred Hiatt - In Obama's first year, successes outweigh missteps -

What the heck has Obama done so far?

Love him or hate him, he's had many success as opposed to the right's zero. Unless tax cuts for rich people can be considered a success. Certainly hasn't helped the majority of Americans.
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Can you please provide the exact quote from President Obama. I believe you are misinformed and the President did NOT, in fact, say "I won".

Of course he did. It was during the stimulus debate though, rather than the healthcare debate.

According to a source present at the meeting, President Obama said, "Look, we are all political animals here, If we don't do this, we may lose seats. I may not be re-elected. But none of that's going to matter if we don't pass this because the economy will be in a crisis and the American people will be hurting."

Among some of the things Republicans requested: tax deductions for some small businesses, making unemployment benefits tax free and a provision that would let businesses losing money carry the losses over to pay fewer taxes in a different fiscal year.

Mr. Obama did voice opinion on some differences on the issue of whether the lowest individual tax rates should be cut from 15 percent to 10 percent and from 10 percent to 5 percent.

As the president, he had told Kyl after the Arizonan raised objections to the notion of a tax credit for people who don't pay income taxes, Obama told Cantor this morning that "on some of these issues we're just going to have ideological differences."

The president added, "I won. So I think on that one, I trump you."

'I Won:' President Obama Works to Be Bipartisan But Shows There Are Clear Limits - Political Punch

Unnamed source and indirect quote. Sorry, try again...

I clicked on the link and it was named. Perhaps you should try again.

Political Punch
Power, pop, and probings from ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper

Political coverage and musings on pop culture from ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper and the ABC News White House team.
GOP lawmaker rejects White House trip, 'lecture' from Obama

By Daniel Strauss - 06/01/11 11:11 AM ET

A freshman GOP lawmaker rejected an invitation to the White House on Wednesday, saying he didn't want to be “lectured” by President Obama .

“I have respectfully declined the president’s invitation to the White House today,” Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) said in a statement. “I don’t intend to spend my morning being lectured to by a president whose failed policies have put our children and grandchildren in a huge burden of debt.”

Landry is skipping a White House meeting with the entire GOP House caucus. Obama will meet with House Democrats on Thursday.

Landry said he would not sit down with Obama to negotiate on a deficit reduction compromise until Obama produces his own budget plan.

“Until the president produces a responsible deficit reduction plan, I’m not going to the White House to negotiate with myself. Our conference has put out for months where we would start the process,” Landry continued.


LOL. Who the hell is Jeff Landry? Obviously, some low level "no name" Congressman from La., who promised the oil industry to vote for resumed drilling, in exchange for a other words, "a whore". He staged a protest in order to appear tough, at the president's expense. BS. Pathetic.[/QUOTE]

Landry is one of 435 elected Representatives with 1 vote in the House and deserves the same respect that I am sure you give to Barney Frank and Charley Rangel.
LOL. Who the hell is Jeff Landry? Obviously, some low level "no name" Congressman from La., who promised the oil industry to vote for resumed drilling, in exchange for a other words, "a whore". He staged a protest in order to appear tough, at the president's expense. BS. Pathetic.

Landry is one of 435 elected Representatives with 1 vote in the House and deserves the same respect that I am sure you give to Barney Frank and Charley Rangel.

And what was it Barney Frank did? Don't repeat a "talking point". Make sure you have a link.
LOL. Who the hell is Jeff Landry? Obviously, some low level "no name" Congressman from La., who promised the oil industry to vote for resumed drilling, in exchange for a other words, "a whore". He staged a protest in order to appear tough, at the president's expense. BS. Pathetic.

Landry is one of 435 elected Representatives with 1 vote in the House and deserves the same respect that I am sure you give to Barney Frank and Charley Rangel.

And what was it Barney Frank did? Don't repeat a "talking point". Make sure you have a link.

So what? There is not a single Republican that I respect or that deserves my respect. The country is in the shape that it's in, precisely because of Republican led agendas.
And don't presume to know me or how I think. I don't respect Charles Rangel...he's fallen from grace, as has half of the Republican Senate and House. And Barney Frank wasn't the topic and I don't take instruction from anyone.
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Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) skipped the White House meeting because he didn't have the time to sit around and listen to Obama lecture him, especially after he has proven to be a failure and outright lied that he has lifted the ban on drilling.

I think this would be my natural reaction to Obama if I was in his position. This is what they all should be doing.

GOP lawmaker rejects White House trip, 'lecture' from Obama

By Daniel Strauss - 06/01/11 11:11 AM ET

A freshman GOP lawmaker rejected an invitation to the White House on Wednesday, saying he didn't want to be “lectured” by President Obama .

“I have respectfully declined the president’s invitation to the White House today,” Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) said in a statement. “I don’t intend to spend my morning being lectured to by a president whose failed policies have put our children and grandchildren in a huge burden of debt.”

Landry is skipping a White House meeting with the entire GOP House caucus. Obama will meet with House Democrats on Thursday.

Landry said he would not sit down with Obama to negotiate on a deficit reduction compromise until Obama produces his own budget plan.

“Until the president produces a responsible deficit reduction plan, I’m not going to the White House to negotiate with myself. Our conference has put out for months where we would start the process,” Landry continued.

GOP lawmaker rejects White House trip, 'lecture' from Obama - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Congressmen and woman tend to be such attention whores. I like how he says he won't be part of any political grandstanding by Obama that doesn't do anything for job creation or debt reduction, but then has some pointless grandstanding himself by this little walkout.
Landry is one of 435 elected Representatives with 1 vote in the House and deserves the same respect that I am sure you give to Barney Frank and Charley Rangel.

And what was it Barney Frank did? Don't repeat a "talking point". Make sure you have a link.

So what? There is not a single Republican that I respect or that deserves my respect. The country is in the shape that it's in, precisely because of Republican led agendas.
And don't presume to know me or how I think. I don't respect Charles Rangel...he's fallen from grace, as has half of the Republican Senate and House. And Barney Frank wasn't the topic and I don't take instruction from anyone.

I don't have to presume to know how you think. This idiotic statement based on nothing does that for me.

Obviously, some low level "no name" Congressman from La., who promised the oil industry to vote for resumed drilling, in exchange for a other words, "a whore".

Unlike dumbasses like you, I do respect some Democrats and some Republicans and have voted for them. I respect the office they hold and try to vote them out when they don't support my positions.
And what was it Barney Frank did? Don't repeat a "talking point". Make sure you have a link.

So what? There is not a single Republican that I respect or that deserves my respect. The country is in the shape that it's in, precisely because of Republican led agendas.
And don't presume to know me or how I think. I don't respect Charles Rangel...he's fallen from grace, as has half of the Republican Senate and House. And Barney Frank wasn't the topic and I don't take instruction from anyone.

I don't have to presume to know how you think. This idiotic statement based on nothing does that for me.

Obviously, some low level "no name" Congressman from La., who promised the oil industry to vote for resumed drilling, in exchange for a other words, "a whore".

Unlike dumbasses like you, I do respect some Democrats and some Republicans and have voted for them. I respect the office they hold and try to vote them out when they don't support my positions.

Dumbass? You don't know me...don't pretend that you do. I don't know you, or want to. Your opinion is worthless to me. Kiss off.
Or break it enough and offer to fix it with more of the same... "If we can't fix it? It ain't broke..." ;)

Some on the left claim Papa Obama tried to do too much at once.
No doubt from his "inexperience" and "over-exuberance".

Socialism is best served to people, a little at a time. Like the frog in water- hot it will jump out quick; but, slow it will gladly stay until cooked.

Yes, Papa Obama may suffer from Premature proclamation with the US..


Is that Lady Libertys' face I see? :eusa_shhh::eusa_whistle:

I thought it was the Jack Nicholson Joker's girlfriend in Batman: the movie.

Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) skipped the White House meeting because he didn't have the time to sit around and listen to Obama lecture him, especially after he has proven to be a failure and outright lied that he has lifted the ban on drilling.

I think this would be my natural reaction to Obama if I was in his position. This is what they all should be doing.

GOP lawmaker rejects White House trip, 'lecture' from Obama

By Daniel Strauss - 06/01/11 11:11 AM ET

A freshman GOP lawmaker rejected an invitation to the White House on Wednesday, saying he didn't want to be “lectured” by President Obama .

“I have respectfully declined the president’s invitation to the White House today,” Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) said in a statement. “I don’t intend to spend my morning being lectured to by a president whose failed policies have put our children and grandchildren in a huge burden of debt.”

Landry is skipping a White House meeting with the entire GOP House caucus. Obama will meet with House Democrats on Thursday.

Landry said he would not sit down with Obama to negotiate on a deficit reduction compromise until Obama produces his own budget plan.

“Until the president produces a responsible deficit reduction plan, I’m not going to the White House to negotiate with myself. Our conference has put out for months where we would start the process,” Landry continued.

GOP lawmaker rejects White House trip, 'lecture' from Obama - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Congressmen and woman tend to be such attention whores. I like how he says he won't be part of any political grandstanding by Obama that doesn't do anything for job creation or debt reduction, but then has some pointless grandstanding himself by this little walkout.

Oh, so you found a way to bitch about him no matter what he did.

Instead of showing some balls for not kissing Obama's ass, he's just a politician that's trying to score political points. Course that would be true if he was a DEMOCRAP!!! Problem is he's a freshman which means he hasn't learned the game yet.

But if he showed up you'd say he was Repug with no character. A pushover. Not worthy of YOUR stuck up President who tends to talk down at people that have tons more experience than he has.
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I wasn't trying to rebut your typical white conservative tea party blather. You believe the nonsense you believe and the rest of us will continue on in reality. Revise history all you want. Go read some more David Barton.

Shitty Jones,

Ah yes......the repetitive adjective "WHITE" as distinguished by simply ommitting this adjective in almost all your posts whatever the issue.

Apparently, you are one of those fucking BLACK RACISTS like Bass the Racist Ass, and the other Black Racist jerk Rattle MarcATL......well, welcome to your feces glutted club, y'all deserve each other.

And, whatever your motive was for omitting the rest of my post.... which again exposed you as a Black Racist fool ...... I'd like to refresh your shitty black memory about the constant LIEberrhoid tactic which you neglected to post because it was probably too embarrassing for the Obamarrhoidal arseholes to countenance:

As I stated to Callow Sallow, the other LIEberrhoidal fool:

"As usual, you LIEberrhoid arseholes turn the TRUTH on its head......and then blame the opposition for what you are guilty of.

This is a perfect doesn't get any more clear.

We have a dipshit in the WH who is an OBVIOUS DISASTROUS FAILURE because of his failed MARXIST Agenda , which he is intransigently committed to ...... and you, and your Obamarrhoidal stooges are blaming the opposition for refusing to waste their time throwing eggs at this concrete wall."


BTW, thanks for popping up on my radar as just another Black Racist idiot slinging around Black Racist shit within the LIEberrhoidal context.

How could I delete part of your post?

Iseeyouareonanotherplaneofnonexistance, have fun.

Shitty Jones,

Yourbabblingismorestupidthanonewouldthinkispossible, drop dead.
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