Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

It's rarely the white conservatives that play the race card. It's the liberals.


"What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?" Gingrich asks. "That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior." -Newt Gingrich.

What's wrong with that statement? It happens to be true. Obama has a problem with what the Brits did to his grandfather...the USA is just as culpable in his mind, and it shows in what he is doing.

T want a cracker?
Example would be greatly appreciated.

of a logical fallacy? Sure look at your last statement from the previous post

Well, what I meant was an example of where, when and why Obama violated the US Contitution. As for logical fallacies, which one do you feel I offered?

So you feel everything he has done is Constitutional by the law and the spirit ?

You do know legal does not equate necessarily with constitutional ?
After all slavery was legal at one time

As for the logical fallacy- don't play dumb
Your statement was logically fallacious because a "negative" fact about someone's personal character has nothing to do with the logical merits of the person's arguments (the cliche statement)

Granted, one could argue that your statement is just a qualifying statement with no intended connection- but I tend to doubt that

When our current Constitution was voted into place, how many of those people were Constitutional scholars ?
I don't care what liberals or conservatives think about me. Do you care what people you don't know, never met or will met think about you?

P.S. I'm not a white conservative, I don't need to play the race card.

It's rarely the white conservatives that play the race card. It's the liberals.


"What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?" Gingrich asks. "That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior." -Newt Gingrich.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." - Joe Biden

"In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian-Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking." - Joe Biden

I can match you racist remark for racist remark.

It's sickening the way people use the race card against one party when they let it slide from another.
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of a logical fallacy? Sure look at your last statement from the previous post

Well, what I meant was an example of where, when and why Obama violated the US Contitution. As for logical fallacies, which one do you feel I offered?

So you feel everything he has done is Constitutional by the law and the spirit ?

You do know legal does not equate necessarily with constitutional ?
After all slavery was legal at one time

As for the logical fallacy- don't play dumb
Your statement was logically fallacious because a "negative" fact about someone's personal character has nothing to do with the logical merits of the person's arguments (the cliche statement)

Granted, one could argue that your statement is just a qualifying statement with no intended connection- but I tend to doubt that

When our current Constitution was voted into place, how many of those people were Constitutional scholars ?

All of them since they wrote it and shared thier thoughts through the Federalist Papers...
Which has beomce a cliche when used by those who are not trained in the law and/or Constitutional Scholars.

and the use of logical fallacies by some who can not support their point, seems to be cliche for many others

Truth is still the truth

After all Papa Obama claims to be a Constitutional lecturer or something and look how bad a job he does at supporting it

Example would be greatly appreciated.
But neither accepted nor acknowledged.
I would high five any rep who turns down a meeting with the POTUS. No matter what letter came after his name. A meeting achieves nothing more than an opportunity to satisfy one's ego.

Exactly wrong.

And this illustrates what's wrong with Conservatism in general. Conservatives don't want compromise..they want capitulation. If you don't play by their rules..they won't play. Period.

And that's no way to govern in a representative democratic republic.



Are you seriously claiming that this is a Conservative thing? Really?

How many times, since Obama's election, on this very board, have the liberals taken that exact attitude? Thousands, as a rough guesstimate (although no doubt some assclown will want an exact number).

Even the President told the GOP that they could come along but they'd 'sit in the back of the bus'. The only reason the left are talking compromise is because you have to compromise now... because Nov 10 sent y'all a very loud reminder. Until then, we had nothing but fucking arrogance from the left.

At the risk of repeating myself... fucking hypocrisy is getting beyond stupid on this board.

This is breath taking given the reality. For eight years Bush governed as if he were a king. From breaking treaties world wide to ramming through tax cuts that everyone knew would bankrupt a nation to starting a war completely based on a lie.

And conservatives have given us Scalia, Alito and Thomas...three of the worst Supreme court judges in history. The SCOTUS is now rife with radicalism and conflict of interest issues. Gore v. Bush was such a mess that Scalia, himself, said it should be a one time decision that should be completely the obscene Citizen's United decision.

Republicans had a great deal of input in to all the sweeping legislation President Obama worked on. The Obamacare package used the Romneycare model..and the stimulus bill was given it's limit by Arlen Spector (who was a Republican at the time) and larded with about 350 billion dollars worth of tax cuts ( which you guys said failed. :lol: ). Republicans contributed only with their ideas..but not their votes. Not only don't the vote for anything, the filibuster like crazy.

This all or nothing crapola is damaging to the country. In a very very big way.
Exactly wrong.

And this illustrates what's wrong with Conservatism in general. Conservatives don't want compromise..they want capitulation. If you don't play by their rules..they won't play. Period.

And that's no way to govern in a representative democratic republic.



Are you seriously claiming that this is a Conservative thing? Really?

How many times, since Obama's election, on this very board, have the liberals taken that exact attitude? Thousands, as a rough guesstimate (although no doubt some assclown will want an exact number).

Even the President told the GOP that they could come along but they'd 'sit in the back of the bus'. The only reason the left are talking compromise is because you have to compromise now... because Nov 10 sent y'all a very loud reminder. Until then, we had nothing but fucking arrogance from the left.

At the risk of repeating myself... fucking hypocrisy is getting beyond stupid on this board.

This is breath taking given the reality. For eight years Bush governed as if he were a king. From breaking treaties world wide to ramming through tax cuts that everyone knew would bankrupt a nation to starting a war completely based on a lie.

And conservatives have given us Scalia, Alito and Thomas...three of the worst Supreme court judges in history. The SCOTUS is now rife with radicalism and conflict of interest issues. Gore v. Bush was such a mess that Scalia, himself, said it should be a one time decision that should be completely the obscene Citizen's United decision.

Republicans had a great deal of input in to all the sweeping legislation President Obama worked on. The Obamacare package used the Romneycare model..and the stimulus bill was given it's limit by Arlen Spector (who was a Republican at the time) and larded with about 350 billion dollars worth of tax cuts ( which you guys said failed. :lol: ). Republicans contributed only with their ideas..but not their votes. Not only don't the vote for anything, the filibuster like crazy.

This all or nothing crapola is damaging to the country. In a very very big way.

bush didn't have congress for 8 years, jesus christ, simple googling will tell you that you boob.... but hey don't let that bother you ..,.nor does it apparently bother you that , say a far reaching bi partisan nclrb crafted with ted kennedy and bush was enacted?... or appointing Democratic federal judgeship's to nominees clinton had nominated before he left office...and the SC being fractured along con vs. lib lines oh yes thats all Bush...clue for you; life existed before 2000...thats a few...

further you're innate inability to a) realize that your OPINION doesn't equal FACT, b) you utterly fail to string together anything consistent and cogent, makes your slap dash idiotic vitriol is just sloppy partisan hyperbole, counter factual contradictions , masquerading as an informed opinion, I'd go further in taking apart your latest rant piece by piece, but having been there done that before and hving seen like redean and TM, you learn nothing and continue to repeat easily disproved OPINION rants, I must consign you to Rdean/TM territory, you really really should, learn how to craft a decent argument.
Exactly wrong.

And this illustrates what's wrong with Conservatism in general. Conservatives don't want compromise..they want capitulation. If you don't play by their rules..they won't play. Period.

And that's no way to govern in a representative democratic republic.



Are you seriously claiming that this is a Conservative thing? Really?

How many times, since Obama's election, on this very board, have the liberals taken that exact attitude? Thousands, as a rough guesstimate (although no doubt some assclown will want an exact number).

Even the President told the GOP that they could come along but they'd 'sit in the back of the bus'. The only reason the left are talking compromise is because you have to compromise now... because Nov 10 sent y'all a very loud reminder. Until then, we had nothing but fucking arrogance from the left.

At the risk of repeating myself... fucking hypocrisy is getting beyond stupid on this board.

This is breath taking given the reality. For eight years Bush governed as if he were a king. From breaking treaties world wide to ramming through tax cuts that everyone knew would bankrupt a nation to starting a war completely based on a lie.

And conservatives have given us Scalia, Alito and Thomas...three of the worst Supreme court judges in history. The SCOTUS is now rife with radicalism and conflict of interest issues. Gore v. Bush was such a mess that Scalia, himself, said it should be a one time decision that should be completely the obscene Citizen's United decision.

Republicans had a great deal of input in to all the sweeping legislation President Obama worked on. The Obamacare package used the Romneycare model..and the stimulus bill was given it's limit by Arlen Spector (who was a Republican at the time) and larded with about 350 billion dollars worth of tax cuts ( which you guys said failed. :lol: ). Republicans contributed only with their ideas..but not their votes. Not only don't the vote for anything, the filibuster like crazy.

This all or nothing crapola is damaging to the country. In a very very big way.
Well, this explains a lot:

Exactly wrong.

And this illustrates what's wrong with Conservatism in general. Conservatives don't want compromise..they want capitulation. If you don't play by their rules..they won't play. Period.

And that's no way to govern in a representative democratic republic.



Are you seriously claiming that this is a Conservative thing? Really?

How many times, since Obama's election, on this very board, have the liberals taken that exact attitude? Thousands, as a rough guesstimate (although no doubt some assclown will want an exact number).

Even the President told the GOP that they could come along but they'd 'sit in the back of the bus'. The only reason the left are talking compromise is because you have to compromise now... because Nov 10 sent y'all a very loud reminder. Until then, we had nothing but fucking arrogance from the left.

At the risk of repeating myself... fucking hypocrisy is getting beyond stupid on this board.

This is breath taking given the reality. For eight years Bush governed as if he were a king. From breaking treaties world wide to ramming through tax cuts that everyone knew would bankrupt a nation to starting a war completely based on a lie.

And conservatives have given us Scalia, Alito and Thomas...three of the worst Supreme court judges in history. The SCOTUS is now rife with radicalism and conflict of interest issues. Gore v. Bush was such a mess that Scalia, himself, said it should be a one time decision that should be completely the obscene Citizen's United decision.

Republicans had a great deal of input in to all the sweeping legislation President Obama worked on. The Obamacare package used the Romneycare model..and the stimulus bill was given it's limit by Arlen Spector (who was a Republican at the time) and larded with about 350 billion dollars worth of tax cuts ( which you guys said failed. :lol: ). Republicans contributed only with their ideas..but not their votes. Not only don't the vote for anything, the filibuster like crazy.

This all or nothing crapola is damaging to the country. In a very very big way.

Seems to me he got the consent of the Congress for tax cuts...and the economy was doing just fine.

Tell us two things Swallow? WHY did Obama extend them (Tax Cuts), and WHY do you feel threatened by people wanting to keep thier money that they earned? Is it a threat to your livlihood or something? :eusa_whistle:
Exactly wrong.

And this illustrates what's wrong with Conservatism in general. Conservatives don't want compromise..they want capitulation. If you don't play by their rules..they won't play. Period.

And that's no way to govern in a representative democratic republic.



Are you seriously claiming that this is a Conservative thing? Really?

How many times, since Obama's election, on this very board, have the liberals taken that exact attitude? Thousands, as a rough guesstimate (although no doubt some assclown will want an exact number).

Even the President told the GOP that they could come along but they'd 'sit in the back of the bus'. The only reason the left are talking compromise is because you have to compromise now... because Nov 10 sent y'all a very loud reminder. Until then, we had nothing but fucking arrogance from the left.

At the risk of repeating myself... fucking hypocrisy is getting beyond stupid on this board.

This is breath taking given the reality. For eight years Bush governed as if he were a king. From breaking treaties world wide to ramming through tax cuts that everyone knew would bankrupt a nation to starting a war completely based on a lie.

And conservatives have given us Scalia, Alito and Thomas...three of the worst Supreme court judges in history. The SCOTUS is now rife with radicalism and conflict of interest issues. Gore v. Bush was such a mess that Scalia, himself, said it should be a one time decision that should be completely the obscene Citizen's United decision.

Republicans had a great deal of input in to all the sweeping legislation President Obama worked on. The Obamacare package used the Romneycare model..and the stimulus bill was given it's limit by Arlen Spector (who was a Republican at the time) and larded with about 350 billion dollars worth of tax cuts ( which you guys said failed. :lol: ). Republicans contributed only with their ideas..but not their votes. Not only don't the vote for anything, the filibuster like crazy.

This all or nothing crapola is damaging to the country. In a very very big way.

There you go again, confusing Conservatives for Republicans. Bush was not a Conservative. Get that?


Are you seriously claiming that this is a Conservative thing? Really?

How many times, since Obama's election, on this very board, have the liberals taken that exact attitude? Thousands, as a rough guesstimate (although no doubt some assclown will want an exact number).

Even the President told the GOP that they could come along but they'd 'sit in the back of the bus'. The only reason the left are talking compromise is because you have to compromise now... because Nov 10 sent y'all a very loud reminder. Until then, we had nothing but fucking arrogance from the left.

At the risk of repeating myself... fucking hypocrisy is getting beyond stupid on this board.

This is breath taking given the reality. For eight years Bush governed as if he were a king. From breaking treaties world wide to ramming through tax cuts that everyone knew would bankrupt a nation to starting a war completely based on a lie.

And conservatives have given us Scalia, Alito and Thomas...three of the worst Supreme court judges in history. The SCOTUS is now rife with radicalism and conflict of interest issues. Gore v. Bush was such a mess that Scalia, himself, said it should be a one time decision that should be completely the obscene Citizen's United decision.

Republicans had a great deal of input in to all the sweeping legislation President Obama worked on. The Obamacare package used the Romneycare model..and the stimulus bill was given it's limit by Arlen Spector (who was a Republican at the time) and larded with about 350 billion dollars worth of tax cuts ( which you guys said failed. :lol: ). Republicans contributed only with their ideas..but not their votes. Not only don't the vote for anything, the filibuster like crazy.

This all or nothing crapola is damaging to the country. In a very very big way.
Well, this explains a lot:


I am stealing that, I have a feeling I am going to need it. :lol:
Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power,



Today is not the last 60 years. It's today.

We can't go back to the Great Depression or to WW2 or to the Great Society Days.

We have huge problems and the the only place to start from in fixing them is right here, right now.

The Big 0 has no ideas, no solutions and I don't think he even understands the situation. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That's only a metaphor. It means that the guy at the top is doing something, but that it has no healing effect. The problems get worse and the dope in charge allows the decline to continue either by purpose of through incompetence.

It doesn't really matter why he can't do anything right. All that matters is that he can't.

The next 18 months is about damage control. The entire country needs to unite to try to keep the Big 0 from taking the rest of down with him.

Obama is having these meetings attempting to look like he's willing to work with the GOP.

It's a total waste of time because nothing ever gets done in those meetings.

It does a couple of things, ether one is bad for Congress; It makes the GOP look like suckups. If they refuse to go Obama can claim they are obstructionists.

It's all political maneuvering so anyone who doesn't show up really is distinguishing themselves.
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This is breath taking given the reality. For eight years Bush governed as if he were a king. From breaking treaties world wide to ramming through tax cuts that everyone knew would bankrupt a nation to starting a war completely based on a lie.

And conservatives have given us Scalia, Alito and Thomas...three of the worst Supreme court judges in history. The SCOTUS is now rife with radicalism and conflict of interest issues. Gore v. Bush was such a mess that Scalia, himself, said it should be a one time decision that should be completely the obscene Citizen's United decision.

Republicans had a great deal of input in to all the sweeping legislation President Obama worked on. The Obamacare package used the Romneycare model..and the stimulus bill was given it's limit by Arlen Spector (who was a Republican at the time) and larded with about 350 billion dollars worth of tax cuts ( which you guys said failed. :lol: ). Republicans contributed only with their ideas..but not their votes. Not only don't the vote for anything, the filibuster like crazy.

This all or nothing crapola is damaging to the country. In a very very big way.
Well, this explains a lot:


I am stealing that, I have a feeling I am going to need it. :lol:

Roll your own here: Live Chat with the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat! Free flash gizmo generates random liberal rants.

Me: I love America.
AVM: "America"!!! You must concede, Dubya wants New HAMPSHIRE for the oil!!!! Fox News can taunt 30,504 Native Americans, in the name of "Christian values"? Mark Steyn!? Jonah Goldberg. I can't tell one hypocritical sheep for the Homeland Security Department from the other!!

It's like visting DailyKOS!! :lol:
Well, what I meant was an example of where, when and why Obama violated the US Contitution. As for logical fallacies, which one do you feel I offered?

So you feel everything he has done is Constitutional by the law and the spirit ?

You do know legal does not equate necessarily with constitutional ?
After all slavery was legal at one time

As for the logical fallacy- don't play dumb
Your statement was logically fallacious because a "negative" fact about someone's personal character has nothing to do with the logical merits of the person's arguments (the cliche statement)

Granted, one could argue that your statement is just a qualifying statement with no intended connection- but I tend to doubt that

When our current Constitution was voted into place, how many of those people were Constitutional scholars ?

All of them since they wrote it and shared thier thoughts through the Federalist Papers...

I should have clarified more when I said "voted"

I meant the ratification process through the states not the original convention itself.


Are you seriously claiming that this is a Conservative thing? Really?

How many times, since Obama's election, on this very board, have the liberals taken that exact attitude? Thousands, as a rough guesstimate (although no doubt some assclown will want an exact number).

Even the President told the GOP that they could come along but they'd 'sit in the back of the bus'. The only reason the left are talking compromise is because you have to compromise now... because Nov 10 sent y'all a very loud reminder. Until then, we had nothing but fucking arrogance from the left.

At the risk of repeating myself... fucking hypocrisy is getting beyond stupid on this board.

This is breath taking given the reality. For eight years Bush governed as if he were a king. From breaking treaties world wide to ramming through tax cuts that everyone knew would bankrupt a nation to starting a war completely based on a lie.

And conservatives have given us Scalia, Alito and Thomas...three of the worst Supreme court judges in history. The SCOTUS is now rife with radicalism and conflict of interest issues. Gore v. Bush was such a mess that Scalia, himself, said it should be a one time decision that should be completely the obscene Citizen's United decision.

Republicans had a great deal of input in to all the sweeping legislation President Obama worked on. The Obamacare package used the Romneycare model..and the stimulus bill was given it's limit by Arlen Spector (who was a Republican at the time) and larded with about 350 billion dollars worth of tax cuts ( which you guys said failed. :lol: ). Republicans contributed only with their ideas..but not their votes. Not only don't the vote for anything, the filibuster like crazy.

This all or nothing crapola is damaging to the country. In a very very big way.

Seems to me he got the consent of the Congress for tax cuts...and the economy was doing just fine.

Tell us two things Swallow? WHY did Obama extend them (Tax Cuts), and WHY do you feel threatened by people wanting to keep thier money that they earned? Is it a threat to your livlihood or something? :eusa_whistle:

Obama is gonna have to decide if he wants to say the economy is recovering or if it's going to shit because of the continuation of the Bush tax program.

For now he's claiming the economy is doing fine.

Course everything looks great from the front 9 of the Andrews AF base golf-course.
Well, this explains a lot:


I am stealing that, I have a feeling I am going to need it. :lol:

Roll your own here: Live Chat with the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat! Free flash gizmo generates random liberal rants.

Me: I love America.
AVM: "America"!!! You must concede, Dubya wants New HAMPSHIRE for the oil!!!! Fox News can taunt 30,504 Native Americans, in the name of "Christian values"? Mark Steyn!? Jonah Goldberg. I can't tell one hypocritical sheep for the Homeland Security Department from the other!!

It's like visting DailyKOS!! :lol:

effing classic..thank you!
This is breath taking given the reality. For eight years Bush governed as if he were a king. From breaking treaties world wide to ramming through tax cuts that everyone knew would bankrupt a nation to starting a war completely based on a lie.

And conservatives have given us Scalia, Alito and Thomas...three of the worst Supreme court judges in history. The SCOTUS is now rife with radicalism and conflict of interest issues. Gore v. Bush was such a mess that Scalia, himself, said it should be a one time decision that should be completely the obscene Citizen's United decision.

Republicans had a great deal of input in to all the sweeping legislation President Obama worked on. The Obamacare package used the Romneycare model..and the stimulus bill was given it's limit by Arlen Spector (who was a Republican at the time) and larded with about 350 billion dollars worth of tax cuts ( which you guys said failed. :lol: ). Republicans contributed only with their ideas..but not their votes. Not only don't the vote for anything, the filibuster like crazy.

This all or nothing crapola is damaging to the country. In a very very big way.

Seems to me he got the consent of the Congress for tax cuts...and the economy was doing just fine.

Tell us two things Swallow? WHY did Obama extend them (Tax Cuts), and WHY do you feel threatened by people wanting to keep thier money that they earned? Is it a threat to your livlihood or something? :eusa_whistle:

Obama is gonna have to decide if he wants to say the economy is recovering or if it's going to shit because of the continuation of the Bush tax program.

For now he's claiming the economy is doing fine.

Course everything looks great from the front 9 of the Andrews AF base golf-course.

unless you're in a bunker;)

wow, a double double entendre , extra moonbat points??? :lol:

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