Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

I'm LOLing at the butthurt Liberals in this thread who can't face the reality that Obama is a failure!

He was voted in because he's Black, he'll be voted out because he's a failure. Deal with it!


They would do well to remember that no Democrat has ever won re-election with unemployment over 8%. For some reason, Americans like jobs.... maybe Democrats don't but the rest of us, we do.
Or maybe it's rich Democrats (and Republicans) who benefit from high unemployment?

Between 2000 and 2010, with "the Decider" in the White House for eight years, only the USSR managed to lose more jobs in a single decade than we did.

Over the last two years, unemployed Americans have helped the richest 1% of their countrymen (and women) recover trillion$ in financial wealth.

"On the basis of sustaining economic growth, the United States is doing better than nearly all advanced economies. From the first quarter of 2008 to the end of 2010, US gross domestic product (GDP) growth outperformed every G-7 country except Canada.

"But when it comes to jobs, US policymakers fall short of their rosy self-evaluations.

"Despite the second-highest economic growth, Paul Wiseman of the Associated Press (AP) reports: 'the U.S. job market remains the group's weakest. U.S. employment bottomed and started growing again a year ago, but there are still 5.4 percent fewer American jobs than in December 2007.

"That's a much sharper drop than in any other G-7 country.'

"According to an important study by Andrew Sum and Joseph McLaughlin, the US boasted one of the lowest unemployment rates in the rich world before the housing crash - now, it's the highest.[1]"

Why the Rich Love High Unemployment | Truthout
Don't care about rep power. Is this a popularity contest or a message board?

It's a message board. My point, even liberals think your bigotry is over the top, and they don't respect your tendency to play the race card every other post.

Something to consider.

I don't care what liberals or conservatives think about me. Do you care what people you don't know, never met or will met think about you?

P.S. I'm not a white conservative, I don't need to play the race card.

It's rarely the white conservatives that play the race card. It's the liberals.
I live in Arizona and work in the defense industry, the many tea party members I deal with everyday fit right into the "carefully crafted vision of the TEA Parties". Maybe it's just an Arizona thing, but if it walks like a duck....
Yes, and you're such a dispassionate and unbiased observer. :cool:

You believe that "all gays should be sent to an island and burned"? Or, "that Muslims shouldn't be allowed in the military or even in America"? "Mormon's are a cult"? Or that a video on you tube shows Obama saying that he's a muslim? Or that there are only 100 million whites in America?
I don't believe any of that.
These are the topics I hear at work. Arizona has a lot of Mormon's and the thier sure seems to be alot of hatred of Mormon's floating around the white evangelical/tea party crowd. I guess since I'm black, they assume I'm not a Mormon and feel free to share.
Anecdotal. My Democrat in-laws call Obama "that n-gger in the White House". Should I assume that all Democrats feel that way?
I'm LOLing at the butthurt Liberals in this thread who can't face the reality that Obama is a failure!

He was voted in because he's Black, he'll be voted out because he's a failure. Deal with it!


They would do well to remember that no Democrat has ever won re-election with unemployment over 8%. For some reason, Americans like jobs.... maybe Democrats don't but the rest of us, we do.
Or maybe it's rich Democrats (and Republicans) who benefit from high unemployment?

Snipped for irrelevant gibberish

If you're gonna quote me, respond to what I'm saying.... don't throw a few irrelevant strawmen around in the hope of burning some smoke to cloud what I said.

I made a legitimate, and factually accurate comment. No Democrat has ever been re-elected with unemployment over 8%. I said nothing about who likes or does not like unemployment.

Fucking idiot.
It was a little "in your face", no doubt about it. After 2 and a half years of being demonized and obstructed by the GnOP, I don't know if I blame the guy for a little "payback".
Then you recognize that Obama is little more than a spoiled, petulant child. :clap2:
Yes, and you're such a dispassionate and unbiased observer. :cool:

You believe that "all gays should be sent to an island and burned"? Or, "that Muslims shouldn't be allowed in the military or even in America"? "Mormon's are a cult"? Or that a video on you tube shows Obama saying that he's a muslim? Or that there are only 100 million whites in America?
I don't believe any of that.
These are the topics I hear at work. Arizona has a lot of Mormon's and the thier sure seems to be alot of hatred of Mormon's floating around the white evangelical/tea party crowd. I guess since I'm black, they assume I'm not a Mormon and feel free to share.
Anecdotal. My Democrat in-laws call Obama "that n-gger in the White House". Should I assume that all Democrats feel that way?

If you "don't believe any of that" why do you offer a contrasting and a qualifying statement?
Unnamed source and indirect quote. Sorry, try again...

Unnamed source? It's ABC. Indirect quote? Obama said it.

"The president added, "I won. So I think on that one, I trump you."
From the above article:

"According to a source present at the meeting"

That amounts to an indirect quote (the reporter did not hear it being said and relied on an unnamed individual that was present). The source is not identified in the article are they?

According to a source present at the meeting, President Obama said, "Look, we are all political animals here, If we don't do this, we may lose seats. I may not be re-elected. But none of that's going to matter if we don't pass this because the economy will be in a crisis and the American people will be hurting."

So, Obama didn't say the above either? . . . because that's all just 'according to a source'.

And, regardless, the sentiment was right...when there is an ideological difference between his and the majority parties policy and the policy of the minority party...he's absolutely right, he did win and his policies were the ones the American people voted for.

You believe Obama said "I won" or you wouldn't have headed your next sentence off with this (first bolded).

Ideological differences does not mean 'my way or the highway', which is how Obama has 'lead' (and I use the word loosely) over the past two years.

The ABC article you posted also went on to say...

While Republican leaders felt that Obama was at least receptive to their ideas, unlike their Democratic counterparts, they continued to express reservations about the plan despite the meeting.

Obama's definition of receptive is different than my definition.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Obama spends almost 6 minutes demonizing his opponents‬‏[/ame]

Obama demonizes Republicans for stopping the fiscal insanity

Obama seems to think that because there's ideological differences between the parties that there can't be compromise. He believes it's okey-dokey to belittle and demonize Republicans. He sure has a funny way of being a 'uniter'.

Also just wanted to point out, for the record, that "the T" was incorrect when attributing an "I won" being said to McCain during the HC summit by the President.

Yes he was, as I pointed out in my first post to you.
Today is not the last 60 years. It's today.

We can't go back to the Great Depression or to WW2 or to the Great Society Days.

We have huge problems and the the only place to start from in fixing them is right here, right now.

The Big 0 has no ideas, no solutions and I don't think he even understands the situation. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That's only a metaphor. It means that the guy at the top is doing something, but that it has no healing effect. The problems get worse and the dope in charge allows the decline to continue either by purpose of through incompetence.

It doesn't really matter why he can't do anything right. All that matters is that he can't.

The next 18 months is about damage control. The entire country needs to unite to try to keep the Big 0 from taking the rest of down with him.

Name one idea floated or implemented by the GOP in the last 30 years which provided the greatest good for the greatest number of Americans?

Support for the US Constitution...

A pharse which has become a cliche when used by those who are not trained in the law and/or are Constitutional Scholars.
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It's a message board. My point, even liberals think your bigotry is over the top, and they don't respect your tendency to play the race card every other post.

Something to consider.

I don't care what liberals or conservatives think about me. Do you care what people you don't know, never met or will met think about you?

P.S. I'm not a white conservative, I don't need to play the race card.

It's rarely the white conservatives that play the race card. It's the liberals.

Tank, Big Hoss and William Joyce are liberals? Let's compare their rep points to mine, when I have a couple thousand posts.
You believe that "all gays should be sent to an island and burned"? Or, "that Muslims shouldn't be allowed in the military or even in America"? "Mormon's are a cult"? Or that a video on you tube shows Obama saying that he's a muslim? Or that there are only 100 million whites in America?
I don't believe any of that.
These are the topics I hear at work. Arizona has a lot of Mormon's and the thier sure seems to be alot of hatred of Mormon's floating around the white evangelical/tea party crowd. I guess since I'm black, they assume I'm not a Mormon and feel free to share.
Anecdotal. My Democrat in-laws call Obama "that n-gger in the White House". Should I assume that all Democrats feel that way?

If you "don't believe any of that" why do you offer a contrasting and a qualifying statement?
I'm trying to illustrate that your use of the broad brush is foolish.

Looks like you still don't get it.
I don't care what liberals or conservatives think about me. Do you care what people you don't know, never met or will met think about you?

P.S. I'm not a white conservative, I don't need to play the race card.

It's rarely the white conservatives that play the race card. It's the liberals.

Tank, Big Hoss and William Joyce are liberals? Let's compare their rep points to mine, when I have a couple thousand posts.

:lol: :lol: :lol: As if rep points actually mean something! TFF

Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) skipped the White House meeting because he didn't have the time to sit around and listen to Obama lecture him, especially after he has proven to be a failure and outright lied that he has lifted the ban on drilling.

I think this would be my natural reaction to Obama if I was in his position. This is what they all should be doing.

GOP lawmaker rejects White House trip, 'lecture' from Obama

By Daniel Strauss - 06/01/11 11:11 AM ET

A freshman GOP lawmaker rejected an invitation to the White House on Wednesday, saying he didn't want to be “lectured” by President Obama .

“I have respectfully declined the president’s invitation to the White House today,” Rep. Jeff Landry (La.) said in a statement. “I don’t intend to spend my morning being lectured to by a president whose failed policies have put our children and grandchildren in a huge burden of debt.”

Landry is skipping a White House meeting with the entire GOP House caucus. Obama will meet with House Democrats on Thursday.

Landry said he would not sit down with Obama to negotiate on a deficit reduction compromise until Obama produces his own budget plan.

“Until the president produces a responsible deficit reduction plan, I’m not going to the White House to negotiate with myself. Our conference has put out for months where we would start the process,” Landry continued.

GOP lawmaker rejects White House trip, 'lecture' from Obama - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Lecturing the right wing on anything is mostly a waste of time. They lost the ability to learn with they turned their backs on science.
Name one idea floated or implemented by the GOP in the last 30 years which provided the greatest good for the greatest number of Americans?

Support for the US Constitution...

Which has beomce a cliche when used by those who are not trained in the law and/or Constitutional Scholars.

and the use of logical fallacies by some who can not support their point, seems to be cliche for many others

Truth is still the truth

After all Papa Obama claims to be a Constitutional lecturer or something and look how bad a job he does at supporting it
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I don't believe any of that.

Anecdotal. My Democrat in-laws call Obama "that n-gger in the White House". Should I assume that all Democrats feel that way?

If you "don't believe any of that" why do you offer a contrasting and a qualifying statement?
I'm trying to illustrate that your use of the broad brush is foolish.

Looks like you still don't get it.

I posted the real life topics and sentiments I hear while living in Arizona and working in the defense industry. You can read the comments section of the Arizona Republic or East Valley Tribune to verify my statements.

Looks like you are an enabler.
Support for the US Constitution...

Which has beomce a cliche when used by those who are not trained in the law and/or Constitutional Scholars.

and the use of logical fallacies by some who can not support their point, seems to be cliche for many others

Truth is still the truth

After all Papa Obama claims to be a Constitutional lecturer or something and look how bad a job he does at supporting it

When, exactly?

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