Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

Obama telling the douche Ryan, to his face, that his plan sucks is still better than cowardly Republicans having press conferences before a meeting with the President stating that it didn't matter what he had to say and that whatever it is, they are against it.

Whatever it is, I'm Against It

Lots of Americans are telling them that the Ryan medicare scheme sucks. They still don't get it.

Apologists for Obama, the single worst president in U.S. history.... have no wiggle room talking about "not getting it."

Obama has presided over record debt, deficits, corruption, inflation, unemployment, sleazy union deals, etc.

You got nothing.
Obama telling the douche Ryan, to his face, that his plan sucks is still better than cowardly Republicans having press conferences before a meeting with the President stating that it didn't matter what he had to say and that whatever it is, they are against it.

Whatever it is, I'm Against It

Lots of Americans are telling them that the Ryan medicare scheme sucks. They still don't get it.

Ryan wants to phase into something sustainable since Medicare is not sustainable at this point= evil, kill grandma

Obamacare wants to cut 500 Billion from Medicare = cool
I think Landry's sentiments echo that of anyone with an ounce of sense. Obama's has zero credibility with anyone save the whackaloon left. He's an epic fail.

Especially after the exhibited arrogance. Fewer people trust this man.

"exhibited arrogance" is the codeword for uppitiness to the white conservatives.

Is it now? Guess what? That shit doesn't hold water.


But you keep playing that suit, will you?:lol:
Obama telling the douche Ryan, to his face, that his plan sucks is still better than cowardly Republicans having press conferences before a meeting with the President stating that it didn't matter what he had to say and that whatever it is, they are against it.

Whatever it is, I'm Against It

Lots of Americans are telling them that the Ryan medicare scheme sucks. They still don't get it.

Apologists for Obama, the single worst president in U.S. history.... have no wiggle room talking about "not getting it."

Obama has presided over record debt, deficits, corruption, inflation, unemployment, sleazy union deals, etc.

You got nothing.

Reelection and whites thinking they are the most oppressed group in America, is what we got. How "oppressed" will you feel then?
I think Landry's sentiments echo that of anyone with an ounce of sense. Obama's has zero credibility with anyone save the whackaloon left. He's an epic fail.

Especially after the exhibited arrogance. Fewer people trust this man.

"exhibited arrogance" is the codeword for uppitiness to the white conservatives.

I'm shocked that you have a rep power of 1. You should PM rdean and ask him to help you out.
"exhibited arrogance" is the codeword for uppitiness to the white conservatives.

I'm shocked that you have a rep power of 1. You should PM rdean and ask him to help you out.

Don't care about rep power. Is this a popularity contest or a message board?

It's a message board. My point, even liberals think your bigotry is over the top, and they don't respect your tendency to play the race card every other post.

Something to consider.
Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power,



Today is not the last 60 years. It's today.

We can't go back to the Great Depression or to WW2 or to the Great Society Days.

We have huge problems and the the only place to start from in fixing them is right here, right now.

The Big 0 has no ideas, no solutions and I don't think he even understands the situation. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That's only a metaphor. It means that the guy at the top is doing something, but that it has no healing effect. The problems get worse and the dope in charge allows the decline to continue either by purpose of through incompetence.

It doesn't really matter why he can't do anything right. All that matters is that he can't.

The next 18 months is about damage control. The entire country needs to unite to try to keep the Big 0 from taking the rest of down with him.

Man are you stupid or is your head so far up your ass you can only hear AM radio? President Obama has offered a number of solutions to on-going problems; the GOP and your kind answer back with name calling, lies, half-truths, rumors and pejoratives.
Name one idea floated or implemented by the GOP in the last 30 years which provided the greatest good for the greatest number of Americans? Trickledown policy has failed, the rich are richer, the middleclass is shrinking and the future for our kids and theirs is bleaker than at anytime in the last 70 years. The GOP tax policy is regressive, fails to fund essential government functions and is callous.

The country will never unite as long as faux patriots wrap themselve in our flag and attack every idea of an administration elected by the people. We will never unite as long as people like you draw conclusions which defy reason, for the only premise your kind offers are those i which essentially restate the premises. We will never unite if the only words written by 'conservatives' on this and other message boards and blogs is fully partisan and puts party/ideology over country.
Man are you stupid or is your head so far up your ass you can only hear AM radio? President Obama has offered a number of solutions to on-going problems;

Please provide a list of and links to the Number Of Solutions Obama Has Offered To On-Going Problems.
Papa Obama had both Houses of Congress under his party.

The problem was that he DID get his policies past- most of his ideas are bad ones
Now we see the failure
or in the words of his preacher for 20 years "Chickens coming home to roost"
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I'm shocked that you have a rep power of 1. You should PM rdean and ask him to help you out.

Don't care about rep power. Is this a popularity contest or a message board?

It's a message board. My point, even liberals think your bigotry is over the top, and they don't respect your tendency to play the race card every other post.

Something to consider.

I don't care what liberals or conservatives think about me. Do you care what people you don't know, never met or will met think about you?

P.S. I'm not a white conservative, I don't need to play the race card.
This President, from the get go, has made attempt after attempt to reach across to Republicans. When he first got into office he had meeting after meeting with them. They were given every opportunity to have a voice in his administration.

The GnOP, on the other hand, decided that their course of action was going to be to put up a solid wall of obstructionism. They were going to do their best to ensure this President's failure at all costs...even if that cost was our economy and the future success of our country.

Poll after poll shows that the American people want compromise. The GnOP ONLY wants the President's failure, no matter WHAT the cost...


Please note:

"This President, from the get go, has made attempt after attempt to reach across to Republicans. When he first got into office he had meeting after meeting with them. They were given every opportunity to have a voice in his administration."

I replicated your fist paragraph to underline the BLATANT LIE that you are attempting to foist.

READ THE FLAGRANT BULLSHIT that you just stated by considering this semi-black Dipshit's handling of his DISASTROUS "OBAMACARE" .... and how it was concocted according to his orders by his two Pelosi & Reid stooges IN TOTAL REJECTION OF ANY INPUT BY THE REPUBLICANS with only a final meeting that invited the Republicans for a lecture on the fait accompli.

As I stated to Callow Sallow, the other LIEberrhoidal fool:

"As usual, you LIEberrhoid arseholes turn the TRUTH on its head......and then blame the opposition for what you are guilty of.

This is a perfect doesn't get any more clear.

We have a dipshit in the WH who is an OBVIOUS DISASTROUS FAILURE because of his failed MARXIST Agenda , which he is intransigently committed to ...... and you, and your Obamarrhoidal stooges are blaming the opposition for refusing to waste their time throwing eggs at this concrete wall."

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Man are you stupid or is your head so far up your ass you can only hear AM radio? President Obama has offered a number of solutions to on-going problems;

Please provide a list of and links to the Number Of Solutions Obama Has Offered To On-Going Problems.

"Cash for Clunkers"
Good news with PapaObama Care raiding Medicare and "Death Panels"

we are going to start a similar program for our seniors

Yes sir, roll them in their wheelchairs for a few bucks

In fact, it would be unpatriotic to do any less
This President, from the get go, has made attempt after attempt to reach across to Republicans. When he first got into office he had meeting after meeting with them. They were given every opportunity to have a voice in his administration.

The GnOP, on the other hand, decided that their course of action was going to be to put up a solid wall of obstructionism. They were going to do their best to ensure this President's failure at all costs...even if that cost was our economy and the future success of our country.

Poll after poll shows that the American people want compromise. The GnOP ONLY wants the President's failure, no matter WHAT the cost...


I replicated your fist paragraph to underline the BLATANT LIE that you are attempting to foist.

READ THE FLAGRANT BULLSHIT that you just stated by considering this semi-black Dipshit's handling of his DISTROUS "OBAMACARE" .... and how it was concocted on his orders by his two Pelosi & Reid stooges IN TOTAL REJECTION OF ANY INPUT BY THE REPUBLICANS with only a final meeting that invited the Republicans for a lecture on the fait accompli.

Why do you practice revisionist history? Does it fit the narrative you have concocted for yourself?
Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power,



Today is not the last 60 years. It's today.

We can't go back to the Great Depression or to WW2 or to the Great Society Days.

We have huge problems and the the only place to start from in fixing them is right here, right now.

The Big 0 has no ideas, no solutions and I don't think he even understands the situation. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That's only a metaphor. It means that the guy at the top is doing something, but that it has no healing effect. The problems get worse and the dope in charge allows the decline to continue either by purpose of through incompetence.

It doesn't really matter why he can't do anything right. All that matters is that he can't.

The next 18 months is about damage control. The entire country needs to unite to try to keep the Big 0 from taking the rest of down with him.

Name one idea floated or implemented by the GOP in the last 30 years which provided the greatest good for the greatest number of Americans?

Support for the US Constitution...

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