Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

I live in Arizona and work in the defense industry, the many tea party members I deal with everyday fit right into the "carefully crafted vision of the TEA Parties". Maybe it's just an Arizona thing, but if it walks like a duck....
Yes, and you're such a dispassionate and unbiased observer. :cool:

You believe that "all gays should be sent to an island and burned"? Or, "that Muslims shouldn't be allowed in the military or even in America"? "Mormon's are a cult"? Or that a video on you tube shows Obama saying that he's a muslim? Or that there are only 100 million whites in America?

These are the topics I hear at work. Arizona has a lot of Mormon's and the thier sure seems to be alot of hatred of Mormon's floating around the white evangelical/tea party crowd. I guess since I'm black, they assume I'm not a Mormon and feel free to share.

Mormonism is not biblical Christianity. They can believe what they want to, but it certainly is not biblical mainstream Christianity. Joseph Smith was a false prophet by biblical standards.
I think Landry's sentiments echo that of anyone with an ounce of sense. Obama's has zero credibility with anyone save the whackaloon left. He's an epic fail.
Landry is an ass

He won't have a long career

A lot of politicians are like that...

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This President, from the get go, has made attempt after attempt to reach across to Republicans. When he first got into office he had meeting after meeting with them. They were given every opportunity to have a voice in his administration.

The GnOP, on the other hand, decided that their course of action was going to be to put up a solid wall of obstructionism. They were going to do their best to ensure this President's failure at all costs...even if that cost was our economy and the future success of our country.

Poll after poll shows that the American people want compromise. The GnOP ONLY wants the President's failure, no matter WHAT the cost...

Really? Like inviting Ryan to one of his speeches and then demonizing him?

Obama has engaged in Faux Bi-partisanship. It's a big FARCE. He has no intentions of negotiating in good faith.

It was a little "in your face", no doubt about it. After 2 and a half years of being demonized and obstructed by the GnOP, I don't know if I blame the guy for a little "payback".

Besides, the President was absolutely right about Ryan's plan to destroy would be a disaster.
I think Landry's sentiments echo that of anyone with an ounce of sense. Obama's has zero credibility with anyone save the whackaloon left. He's an epic fail.

Especially after the exhibited arrogance. Fewer people trust this man.
Your worship of Obama borders on frightening at times, G. He's not the Messiah really - you do know that,right?

The longer we (as Americans) go on with this ridiculous bullshit, the longer our politicians have to bleed the nation dry. Is that what you want? If it is, that's fine but be honest about it. Don't pretend that you care about the country - as the founders intended it to be.

What I liked about Landry was that he doesn't kowtow to the POTUS. We need more politicians who focus on those who elected them and not some guy in the Oval Office. The President works for us, he doesn't own the country, he's an employee.

The ridiculous bullshit remains on your side of the political spectrum.


Blame, blame, blame. Let's stick with that and blindly trust a bunch of proven incompetent and corrupt fools to dig us out of this shit. Roger that. One of these days, your grandchildren will say the same thing to you. You may not be concerned about the debt you are passing on to them, but some of us are. You have no right to ruin the future generation's opportunities.
No family.
This President, from the get go, has made attempt after attempt to reach across to Republicans. When he first got into office he had meeting after meeting with them. They were given every opportunity to have a voice in his administration.

The GnOP, on the other hand, decided that their course of action was going to be to put up a solid wall of obstructionism. They were going to do their best to ensure this President's failure at all costs...even if that cost was our economy and the future success of our country.

Poll after poll shows that the American people want compromise. The GnOP ONLY wants the President's failure, no matter WHAT the cost...

Really? Like inviting Ryan to one of his speeches and then demonizing him?

Obama has engaged in Faux Bi-partisanship. It's a big FARCE. He has no intentions of negotiating in good faith.

It was a little "in your face", no doubt about it. After 2 and a half years of being demonized and obstructed by the GnOP, I don't know if I blame the guy for a little "payback".

Besides, the President was absolutely right about Ryan's plan to destroy would be a disaster.

Medicare is ALREADY a disaster. ObamaCare has stolen $500B from it. And now we have Berwick designing the rationing system.

Medicare in its current form either needs real reform ala the Ryan model, or it will turn into an NHS on Steroid nightmare of long waits and rationing.

Anyone who has read up on the NHS and RomneyCare realizes that supply will dwindle, and rationing will be the result under a centralized system.
Yes, and you're such a dispassionate and unbiased observer. :cool:

You believe that "all gays should be sent to an island and burned"? Or, "that Muslims shouldn't be allowed in the military or even in America"? "Mormon's are a cult"? Or that a video on you tube shows Obama saying that he's a muslim? Or that there are only 100 million whites in America?

These are the topics I hear at work. Arizona has a lot of Mormon's and the thier sure seems to be alot of hatred of Mormon's floating around the white evangelical/tea party crowd. I guess since I'm black, they assume I'm not a Mormon and feel free to share.

Mormonism is not biblical Christianity. They can believe what they want to, but it certainly is not biblical mainstream Christianity. Joseph Smith was a false prophet by biblical standards.

And Romney and Huntsman think they will win the Republican nomination.

Yes, and you're such a dispassionate and unbiased observer. :cool:

You believe that "all gays should be sent to an island and burned"? Or, "that Muslims shouldn't be allowed in the military or even in America"? "Mormon's are a cult"? Or that a video on you tube shows Obama saying that he's a muslim? Or that there are only 100 million whites in America?

These are the topics I hear at work. Arizona has a lot of Mormon's and the thier sure seems to be alot of hatred of Mormon's floating around the white evangelical/tea party crowd. I guess since I'm black, they assume I'm not a Mormon and feel free to share.

Mormonism is not biblical Christianity. They can believe what they want to, but it certainly is not biblical mainstream Christianity. Joseph Smith was a false prophet by biblical standards.

When did God put you in charge of who is or is not a Christian?

The issue I have with many of my fellow Christians is that y'all are not very Christian. You judge other people. "Ní féidir ach le Dia breithiúnas a dhéanamh orm" (Only God can judge me).
This President, from the get go, has made attempt after attempt to reach across to Republicans. When he first got into office he had meeting after meeting with them. They were given every opportunity to have a voice in his administration.

The GnOP, on the other hand, decided that their course of action was going to be to put up a solid wall of obstructionism. They were going to do their best to ensure this President's failure at all costs...even if that cost was our economy and the future success of our country.

Poll after poll shows that the American people want compromise. The GnOP ONLY wants the President's failure, no matter WHAT the cost...

Really? Like inviting Ryan to one of his speeches and then demonizing him?

Obama has engaged in Faux Bi-partisanship. It's a big FARCE. He has no intentions of negotiating in good faith.

It was a little "in your face", no doubt about it. After 2 and a half years of being demonized and obstructed by the GnOP, I don't know if I blame the guy for a little "payback".

Besides, the President was absolutely right about Ryan's plan to destroy would be a disaster.

Indeed PapaObama Care stealing from current Medicare receipts to fund ObamaCare is much better and better for his ego

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪The REAL Agenda Project America The Beautiful‬‏[/ame]
Obama telling the douche Ryan, to his face, that his plan sucks is still better than cowardly Republicans having press conferences before a meeting with the President stating that it didn't matter what he had to say and that whatever it is, they are against it.

[ame=""]Whatever it is, I'm Against It[/ame]
Obama telling the douche Ryan, to his face, that his plan sucks is still better than cowardly Republicans having press conferences before a meeting with the President stating that it didn't matter what he had to say and that whatever it is, they are against it.

Whatever it is, I'm Against It

Lots of Americans are telling them that the Ryan medicare scheme sucks. They still don't get it.
Obama telling the douche Ryan, to his face, that his plan sucks is still better than cowardly Republicans having press conferences before a meeting with the President stating that it didn't matter what he had to say and that whatever it is, they are against it.

Whatever it is, I'm Against It

Ryan's budget bill - 40 votes yea
Obama's Budget bill - 0 votes yea
Obama telling the douche Ryan, to his face, that his plan sucks is still better than cowardly Republicans having press conferences before a meeting with the President stating that it didn't matter what he had to say and that whatever it is, they are against it.

Whatever it is, I'm Against It

Lots of Americans are telling them that the Ryan medicare scheme sucks. They still don't get it.


I don't suppose you one?

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