Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

I am stealing that, I have a feeling I am going to need it. :lol:

Roll your own here: Live Chat with the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat! Free flash gizmo generates random liberal rants.

Me: I love America.
AVM: "America"!!! You must concede, Dubya wants New HAMPSHIRE for the oil!!!! Fox News can taunt 30,504 Native Americans, in the name of "Christian values"? Mark Steyn!? Jonah Goldberg. I can't tell one hypocritical sheep for the Homeland Security Department from the other!!

It's like visting DailyKOS!! :lol:

effing classic..thank you!
*tips hat* :)
Roll your own here: Live Chat with the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat! Free flash gizmo generates random liberal rants.

Me: I love America.
AVM: "America"!!! You must concede, Dubya wants New HAMPSHIRE for the oil!!!! Fox News can taunt 30,504 Native Americans, in the name of "Christian values"? Mark Steyn!? Jonah Goldberg. I can't tell one hypocritical sheep for the Homeland Security Department from the other!!

It's like visting DailyKOS!! :lol:

I love this; I am so going to keep using it.

Roll your own here: Live Chat with the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat! Free flash gizmo generates random liberal rants.

Me: I love America.
AVM: "America"!!! You must concede, Dubya wants New HAMPSHIRE for the oil!!!! Fox News can taunt 30,504 Native Americans, in the name of "Christian values"? Mark Steyn!? Jonah Goldberg. I can't tell one hypocritical sheep for the Homeland Security Department from the other!!

It's like visting DailyKOS!! :lol:

I love this; I am so going to keep using it.

I think a good quarter of the lefty posters here are this program. :lol:
Only a quarter?

So you feel everything he has done is Constitutional by the law and the spirit ?

You do know legal does not equate necessarily with constitutional ?
After all slavery was legal at one time

As for the logical fallacy- don't play dumb
Your statement was logically fallacious because a "negative" fact about someone's personal character has nothing to do with the logical merits of the person's arguments (the cliche statement)

Granted, one could argue that your statement is just a qualifying statement with no intended connection- but I tend to doubt that

When our current Constitution was voted into place, how many of those people were Constitutional scholars ?

All of them since they wrote it and shared thier thoughts through the Federalist Papers...

I should have clarified more when I said "voted"

I meant the ratification process through the states not the original convention itself.

OK, appears we are both on the same page. Kudos!
What reality do you guys live in? Have you been living in an underground bunker for the past few years without access to the outside world? Perhaps a drug-induced stupor might explain it. Anyway, let me know when you wake up.

I hear you! The first two years the radical Left and the MSM was talking about how much Papa Obama was getting passed and how much done...

But then, after the rejection of his policies with the Democrats defeat in the House and inability of his programs to do any good for the economy- Now what is the Left trying to say

"We just couldn't get enough done that's why nothing is working"

Or break it enough and offer to fix it with more of the same... "If we can't fix it? It ain't broke..." ;)

Some on the left claim Papa Obama tried to do too much at once.
No doubt from his "inexperience" and "over-exuberance".

Socialism is best served to people, a little at a time. Like the frog in water- hot it will jump out quick; but, slow it will gladly stay until cooked.

Papa Obama may suffer from Premature proclamation with the US..

Well, this explains a lot:


I am stealing that, I have a feeling I am going to need it. :lol:

Roll your own here: Live Chat with the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat! Free flash gizmo generates random liberal rants.

Me: I love America.
AVM: "America"!!! You must concede, Dubya wants New HAMPSHIRE for the oil!!!! Fox News can taunt 30,504 Native Americans, in the name of "Christian values"? Mark Steyn!? Jonah Goldberg. I can't tell one hypocritical sheep for the Homeland Security Department from the other!!

It's like visting DailyKOS!! :lol:

Boy did it go off when I typed "Obama is a racist"...It cited dittoheads, and recommended that I read Bill Clinton's book on healthcare!:lol:
I hear you! The first two years the radical Left and the MSM was talking about how much Papa Obama was getting passed and how much done...

But then, after the rejection of his policies with the Democrats defeat in the House and inability of his programs to do any good for the economy- Now what is the Left trying to say

"We just couldn't get enough done that's why nothing is working"

Or break it enough and offer to fix it with more of the same... "If we can't fix it? It ain't broke..." ;)

Some on the left claim Papa Obama tried to do too much at once.
No doubt from his "inexperience" and "over-exuberance".

Socialism is best served to people, a little at a time. Like the frog in water- hot it will jump out quick; but, slow it will gladly stay until cooked.

Yes, Papa Obama may suffer from Premature proclamation with the US..


Is that Lady Libertys' face I see? :eusa_shhh::eusa_whistle:
I am stealing that, I have a feeling I am going to need it. :lol:

Roll your own here: Live Chat with the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat! Free flash gizmo generates random liberal rants.

Me: I love America.
AVM: "America"!!! You must concede, Dubya wants New HAMPSHIRE for the oil!!!! Fox News can taunt 30,504 Native Americans, in the name of "Christian values"? Mark Steyn!? Jonah Goldberg. I can't tell one hypocritical sheep for the Homeland Security Department from the other!!

It's like visting DailyKOS!! :lol:

Boy did it go off when I typed "Obama is a racist"...It cited dittoheads, and recommended that I read Bill Clinton's book on healthcare!:lol:

I put in 'truth matters'. :lol:

I got....
Truth matters
"MATTERS"!!? Bill O'Reilly? Charles Johnson!!? I can't tell one criminal, concubine for The American SPECTATOR from the other! (Antonin Scalia either, methinks!!!) Come on.

I think there are a few lefties on USMB who actually use this for their opinions. LMAO
Last edited:
I am stealing that, I have a feeling I am going to need it. :lol:

Roll your own here: Live Chat with the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat! Free flash gizmo generates random liberal rants.

Me: I love America.
AVM: "America"!!! You must concede, Dubya wants New HAMPSHIRE for the oil!!!! Fox News can taunt 30,504 Native Americans, in the name of "Christian values"? Mark Steyn!? Jonah Goldberg. I can't tell one hypocritical sheep for the Homeland Security Department from the other!!

It's like visting DailyKOS!! :lol:

Boy did it go off when I typed "Obama is a racist"...It cited dittoheads, and recommended that I read Bill Clinton's book on healthcare!:lol:
I jacked up the settings:

Obama is a racist

Roll your own here: Live Chat with the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat! Free flash gizmo generates random liberal rants.

Me: I love America.
AVM: "America"!!! You must concede, Dubya wants New HAMPSHIRE for the oil!!!! Fox News can taunt 30,504 Native Americans, in the name of "Christian values"? Mark Steyn!? Jonah Goldberg. I can't tell one hypocritical sheep for the Homeland Security Department from the other!!

It's like visting DailyKOS!! :lol:

Boy did it go off when I typed "Obama is a racist"...It cited dittoheads, and recommended that I read Bill Clinton's book on healthcare!:lol:

I put in 'truth matters'. :lol:

I got....
Truth matters
"MATTERS"!!? Bill O'Reilly? Charles Johnson!!? I can't tell one criminal, concubine for The American SPECTATOR from the other! (Antonin Scalia either, methinks!!!) Come on.

I think there are a few lefties on USMB who actually use this for their opinions. LMAO

:lol: Too good! Thanks to Daveman for shring this.
Or break it enough and offer to fix it with more of the same... "If we can't fix it? It ain't broke..." ;)

Some on the left claim Papa Obama tried to do too much at once.
No doubt from his "inexperience" and "over-exuberance".

Socialism is best served to people, a little at a time. Like the frog in water- hot it will jump out quick; but, slow it will gladly stay until cooked.

Yes, Papa Obama may suffer from Premature proclamation with the US..


Is that Lady Libertys' face I see? :eusa_shhh::eusa_whistle:

I know Comrade; I know

Why have hamburger when you have steak at home (or at least rump roast)

Some on the left claim Papa Obama tried to do too much at once.
No doubt from his "inexperience" and "over-exuberance".

Socialism is best served to people, a little at a time. Like the frog in water- hot it will jump out quick; but, slow it will gladly stay until cooked.

Yes, Papa Obama may suffer from Premature proclamation with the US..


Is that Lady Libertys' face I see? :eusa_shhh::eusa_whistle:

I know Comrade; I know

Why have hamburger when you have steak at home (or at least rump roast)


To quote Cheech Marin: "My eyes are burnin'..." :eek:
Roll your own here: Live Chat with the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat! Free flash gizmo generates random liberal rants.

Me: I love America.
AVM: "America"!!! You must concede, Dubya wants New HAMPSHIRE for the oil!!!! Fox News can taunt 30,504 Native Americans, in the name of "Christian values"? Mark Steyn!? Jonah Goldberg. I can't tell one hypocritical sheep for the Homeland Security Department from the other!!

It's like visting DailyKOS!! :lol:

Boy did it go off when I typed "Obama is a racist"...It cited dittoheads, and recommended that I read Bill Clinton's book on healthcare!:lol:

I put in 'truth matters'. :lol:

I got....
Truth matters
"MATTERS"!!? Bill O'Reilly? Charles Johnson!!? I can't tell one criminal, concubine for The American SPECTATOR from the other! (Antonin Scalia either, methinks!!!) Come on.

I think there are a few lefties on USMB who actually use this for their opinions. LMAO

California Girl

California, indeed!!!? It looks like we can say GOODBYE to gender equality and the environment!!! Pay attention. Whatever! The Boy King's War Against Free Money must end now!!!
Boy did it go off when I typed "Obama is a racist"...It cited dittoheads, and recommended that I read Bill Clinton's book on healthcare!:lol:

I put in 'truth matters'. :lol:

I got....
Truth matters
"MATTERS"!!? Bill O'Reilly? Charles Johnson!!? I can't tell one criminal, concubine for The American SPECTATOR from the other! (Antonin Scalia either, methinks!!!) Come on.

I think there are a few lefties on USMB who actually use this for their opinions. LMAO

California Girl

California, indeed!!!? It looks like we can say GOODBYE to gender equality and the environment!!! Pay attention. Whatever! The Boy King's War Against Free Money must end now!!!

Apparently, I have to spread rep. Damn Gunny and his obsessive control of rep!
Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power, and yet all they can do is work to make Obama fail.

OK first of all Democrats controlled congress from the 1950s to the 1990s. So please learn facts before you post. The republicans controlled it during the clinton and bush years where the economy was good and then the pelosi/reid morons took over in 2006 and wow it's been downhill ever since.

One has to wonder if it would be better to crash the entire economy, stop support the old paid for SS and Medicare, and let corporations and wall street create another great depression.
First of all what have democrats done for SS and medicare, nothing...yeah nothing, they just want it to go bankrupt so we can put even more government programs (ie control) on the people. And didnt Obamacare reduce medicare by $500 billion or so, less than the Ryan Budget?

Well to do Americans are odd creatures that only work together when disaster strikes all. Sad bunch these greedy republicans. Big money has corrupted our nation's values in a way that is hard to fathom.
Yeah those greedy republicans, not like the democrats who say it's great to pay taxes, but then pay none. If you're gonna support a tax increase then you should pay your taxes. OH and lets look at money in politics, what about union dues? Take money from the regular joe and give it to candidates that are socialists, love abortion, and make the middle class even poorer, by making us buy more expensive light bulbs, freon, so we dont have global warming, but hey the rich democrats like al gore can afford that stuff!!

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