Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

End of the day...Landry is a douchnozzle of the highest order. You don't turn down a meeting with the President of the United States...period. He should KNOW that as a veteran of the US military. It's disrespectful, but par for the course from this new breed of Republican. Call 'em the "Newt Republicans". Mean, nasty and disrespectful. We deserve better from our politicians than "You lie" during a speech by the President.

oh bullshit. I wouldn't meet with the Obama jerk either. he is not THEIR MASTER.

Then you would be a douchenozzle as well. Did you ever serve?
End of the day...Landry is a douchnozzle of the highest order. You don't turn down a meeting with the President of the United States...period. He should KNOW that as a veteran of the US military. It's disrespectful, but par for the course from this new breed of Republican. Call 'em the "Newt Republicans". Mean, nasty and disrespectful. We deserve better from our politicians than "You lie" during a speech by the President.

You turn it down if the guy is a sneaky bugger trying to use anything and everything to destroy you.
Unnamed source and indirect quote. Sorry, try again...

I clicked on the link and it was named. Perhaps you should try again.

Political Punch
Power, pop, and probings from ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper

Political coverage and musings on pop culture from ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper and the ABC News White House team.

No, the source of the quote is NOT named..."according to a source", the REPORTER, Jake Tapper, reported.

Well, you got me there. Now tell me that ALL of the people in the media are liars. And pay close attention to Politico and Huffington Post.

President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation.

Obama to GOP: 'I won' - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee -
Challenged by one Republican senator over the contents of the package, the new president, according to participants, replied: “I won.”

Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ
During his private meeting with congressional Democrats and Republicans on Friday, President Obama ended a philosophical debate over tax policy with the simple declaration that his opinion prevailed because "I won."
Democrats called it a light-hearted moment that drew laughs around the table. Republicans said there was laughter but couldn't recall if any of it came from their ranks.
Obama Says His View on Taxes Prevailed Because 'I Won' -
President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation.
I clicked on the link and it was named. Perhaps you should try again.

No, the source of the quote is NOT named..."according to a source", the REPORTER, Jake Tapper, reported.

Well, you got me there. Now tell me that ALL of the people in the media are liars. And pay close attention to Politico and Huffington Post.

During his private meeting with congressional Democrats and Republicans on Friday, President Obama ended a philosophical debate over tax policy with the simple declaration that his opinion prevailed because "I won."
Democrats called it a light-hearted moment that drew laughs around the table. Republicans said there was laughter but couldn't recall if any of it came from their ranks.
Obama Says His View on Taxes Prevailed Because 'I Won' -
President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation.

Obama To GOP: "I Won"

Thank you for providing MORE indirect quotes from unnamed sources. :rolleyes:

(gosh, in one of the unnamed sources indirect quotes, it even seems like it was a joke (and he DID win)). :D
End of the day...Landry is a douchnozzle of the highest order. You don't turn down a meeting with the President of the United States...period. He should KNOW that as a veteran of the US military. It's disrespectful, but par for the course from this new breed of Republican. Call 'em the "Newt Republicans". Mean, nasty and disrespectful. We deserve better from our politicians than "You lie" during a speech by the President.

You turn it down if the guy is a sneaky bugger trying to use anything and everything to destroy you.

No, you don't. You don't turn down an invitation from the President of the United States. Regardless of what you think of him or his policies, you respect the office of the President, period.

Representative Landry, you are a DOUCHEBAG
End of the day...Landry is a douchnozzle of the highest order. You don't turn down a meeting with the President of the United States...period. He should KNOW that as a veteran of the US military. It's disrespectful, but par for the course from this new breed of Republican. Call 'em the "Newt Republicans". Mean, nasty and disrespectful. We deserve better from our politicians than "You lie" during a speech by the President.

You turn it down if the guy is a sneaky bugger trying to use anything and everything to destroy you.

No, you don't. You don't turn down an invitation from the President of the United States. Regardless of what you think of him or his policies, you respect the office of the President, period.

Representative Landry, you are a DOUCHEBAG

Sure you can...ever heard of the First Amendment? Sure I know you have.
No, the source of the quote is NOT named..."according to a source", the REPORTER, Jake Tapper, reported.

Well, you got me there. Now tell me that ALL of the people in the media are liars. And pay close attention to Politico and Huffington Post.

President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation.

Obama To GOP: "I Won"

Thank you for providing MORE indirect quotes from unnamed sources. :rolleyes:

(gosh, in one of the unnamed sources indirect quotes, it even seems like it was a joke (and he DID win)). :D

I noticed that you didn't bother to answer the question. Are ALL of these news people LYING? It is rather common for news people to NOT name their sources, but I don't expect those with sub par intelligence to know that.
End of the day...Landry is a douchnozzle of the highest order. You don't turn down a meeting with the President of the United States...period. He should KNOW that as a veteran of the US military. It's disrespectful, but par for the course from this new breed of Republican. Call 'em the "Newt Republicans". Mean, nasty and disrespectful. We deserve better from our politicians than "You lie" during a speech by the President.

You turn it down if the guy is a sneaky bugger trying to use anything and everything to destroy you.

No, you don't. You don't turn down an invitation from the President of the United States. Regardless of what you think of him or his policies, you respect the office of the President, period.

Representative Landry, you are a DOUCHEBAG

Respect for the office is not the same as respecting the community organizer who temporarily occupies that office.
End of the day...Landry is a douchnozzle of the highest order. You don't turn down a meeting with the President of the United States...period. He should KNOW that as a veteran of the US military. It's disrespectful, but par for the course from this new breed of Republican. Call 'em the "Newt Republicans". Mean, nasty and disrespectful. We deserve better from our politicians than "You lie" during a speech by the President.

You turn it down if the guy is a sneaky bugger trying to use anything and everything to destroy you.

No, you don't. You don't turn down an invitation from the President of the United States. Regardless of what you think of him or his policies, you respect the office of the President, period.

Representative Landry, you are a DOUCHEBAG

Sorry dear, but he has brought disrespect to the office enough all by himself.

If you have to constantly deal with his consistently rude public smackdowns while you're sitting in the audience......I say screw him.
Well, you got me there. Now tell me that ALL of the people in the media are liars. And pay close attention to Politico and Huffington Post.

Thank you for providing MORE indirect quotes from unnamed sources. :rolleyes:

(gosh, in one of the unnamed sources indirect quotes, it even seems like it was a joke (and he DID win)). :D

I noticed that you didn't bother to answer the question. Are ALL of these news people LYING? It is rather common for news people to NOT name their sources, but I don't expect those with sub par intelligence to know that.

Oh, so we are insulting intelligence now? Really? Seems like it is you that has a comprehension problem. The REPORTER did not hear the president and is reporting on what another person claimed to have heard. What that makes it is an (and pay close attention here, because this is EXACTLY what I said from the onset) indirect quote from an unnamed source. Are you clear or do I need to type much slower?
You turn it down if the guy is a sneaky bugger trying to use anything and everything to destroy you.

No, you don't. You don't turn down an invitation from the President of the United States. Regardless of what you think of him or his policies, you respect the office of the President, period.

Representative Landry, you are a DOUCHEBAG

Sorry dear, but he has brought disrespect to the office enough all by himself.

If you have to constantly deal with his consistently rude public smackdowns while you're sitting in the audience......I say screw him.

Riiiigght...and if someone had done that to "the decider" Bush...


Disrespectful and Landry is a douche.
lol, Respect for the office...

We saw all the RESPECT you folks have for the OFFICE all during the Bush years.

The Obama is NOT PEOPLES masters, I wouldn't meet with the jerk either..
lol, Respect for the office...

We saw all the RESPECT you folks have for the OFFICE all during the Bush years.

The Obama is NOT PEOPLES masters, I wouldn't meet with the jerk either..

Americans, at this point do not want to see him in office for another four years

Besides hope, of the economy improving.... there is no reason for the Left to think this guy will
be re-elected

If the radical Left was being honest to themselves then they would love to have just a little of Bush's economic numbers that they
use to say were "just terrible". Really what is the problem? The MSM and the Left have set the bar so low for this guy, it should not be that hard. After all, if 5% unemployment was just terrible under Bush, then surely under Papa Obama 7% will be made to look like the 2nd coming of Christ.

Sounds just like his election... funny how that works

In what universe would anyone want to return to a Bush economy?

A stock market that LOST 2000 points over eight years and dropped 6000 points in his last year and a half?
A negative GDP in 4 of his 5 last quarters (3 in a row means recession)
A collapsed housing market
Auto industry in collapse
Financial sector in collapse
Losing 700,000 jobs a month

Bush left the country in worse shape since any President since Hoover
lol, Respect for the office...

We saw all the RESPECT you folks have for the OFFICE all during the Bush years.

Provide examples of when members of Congress showed this level of disrespect for the office. Let's not forget Joe "You Lie" Wilson...another douche of the highest order.
I'd be upset too if I were him :( He got voted off the island :lol:
Rep. Jeff Landry's rejection of Obama invitation is a rookie move: Jarvis DeBerry |
Again, Landry's time on Capitol Hill isn't likely to last past January 2013. Louisiana is losing a congressional seat, and in January, the state's other five House Republicans and Cedric Richmond, the only House Democrat, reportedly met over Chinese food and voted Landry off the island. Their plan, which the Louisiana Legislature later approved, sliced up Landry's district into three parts, leaving him a district that heavily favors the re-election of Rep. Charles Boustany.
I'd be upset too if I were him :( He got voted off the island :lol:
Rep. Jeff Landry's rejection of Obama invitation is a rookie move: Jarvis DeBerry |
Again, Landry's time on Capitol Hill isn't likely to last past January 2013. Louisiana is losing a congressional seat, and in January, the state's other five House Republicans and Cedric Richmond, the only House Democrat, reportedly met over Chinese food and voted Landry off the island. Their plan, which the Louisiana Legislature later approved, sliced up Landry's district into three parts, leaving him a district that heavily favors the re-election of Rep. Charles Boustany.

Well, well, well .... :eusa_whistle: If that is true, no wonder he's cranky.
In what universe would anyone want to return to a Bush economy?

A stock market that LOST 2000 points over eight years and dropped 6000 points in his last year and a half?
A negative GDP in 4 of his 5 last quarters (3 in a row means recession)
A collapsed housing market
Auto industry in collapse
Financial sector in collapse
Losing 700,000 jobs a month

Bush left the country in worse shape since any President since Hoover

Papa Obama must like it- He help keep the Bush tax cuts in place
Sadly, it is not enough to cover for Obama's failed economic policies


If the radical Left was being honest to themselves then they would love to have just a little of Bush's economic numbers that they
use to say were "just terrible". Really what is the problem? The MSM and the Left have set the bar so low for this guy, it should not be that hard. After all, if 5% unemployment was just terrible under Bush, then surely under Papa Obama 7% will be made to look like the 2nd coming of Christ.

Sounds just like his election... funny how that works

Last edited:
Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power,



Today is not the last 60 years. It's today.

We can't go back to the Great Depression or to WW2 or to the Great Society Days.

We have huge problems and the the only place to start from in fixing them is right here, right now.

The Big 0 has no ideas, no solutions and I don't think he even understands the situation. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. That's only a metaphor. It means that the guy at the top is doing something, but that it has no healing effect. The problems get worse and the dope in charge allows the decline to continue either by purpose of through incompetence.

It doesn't really matter why he can't do anything right. All that matters is that he can't.

The next 18 months is about damage control. The entire country needs to unite to try to keep the Big 0 from taking the rest of down with him.

Honestly, it wouldn't matter if Obama or the Dems had any plan, because any responsible plan would include both spending cuts and tax increases, something that the Republicans continue to tell us is off the table.

But here is a suggestion for a plan. Bring all of our troops home from everywhere. Cut military spending by approximately $300 billion. Raise the retirement age to 70 and do it at a much quicker pace than we are on track to do now. Currently, anyone born before 1960 or 1961 will have to wait until they are 67 to receive benefits. That should be moved to 70. Next, freeze spending across the board for any program that is not being cut. Next, get rid of the Department of Education. Education should be a local issue. Next, end the Bush tax cuts and increase the long term capital gains tax to 25%. Next, reduce the home mortgage deduction to the first $500,000 of a single or multiple mortgages. Next, get rid of the cap on SS taxes for those who earn over $106,000 or whatever the rate is currently, but reduce the rate over that amount to 4%. Next, increase the Medicare rate by 1%.

There, now there is a plan to start with. I guarantee that nobody would be happy with this plan, but it includes both cuts in spending, short term and long term, as well as some tax increases. I'm sure the right will say that the tax increases will kill economic growth, but it won't. One of the biggest things killing economic growth currently is the uncertainty of the stability of our federal government. Get that fixed and employers and investors will have more confidence that our entire system isn't about to crash, and the economy will start to rebound.
I actually agree with you somewhat. Obama should take up Bush's behavior in regards to Republicans.

Bush governed like Democrats didn't exist.

I think Obama should try to govern as if Republicans didn't exist.

That's the way Obama has been governing from the beginning. He didn't give a crap what the Republicans thought. And since the Democrats had control of the government, they could do whatever they wanted. He still doesn't care what Republicans have to say even after losing the House. But one thing is for sure: He's made many of the same mistakes Bush made. That's why people (like myself) call Obama "Bush-III."

Not true...and I have links and pictures :D

Obama reaches out to Republicans

Post-White House Summit, GOP Leaders Pleased With Obama's Pledge to Reach Out

Obama Reaches Out to Republicans on Health Care, but Bipartisan Bill Looking Unlikely

Obama reaches out to Republicans on tax forms

And this is what President Obama get's in response:

Bipartisanship is overrated, says Steele

GOP rejects Obama's compromise offer on health bill

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." ~ Senator Mitch McConnell



and what is this supposed to prove?

every pres. does same, they all start out well, hey, lets get together and have dialogue, so what?

when ti comes to nut cutting time, the dems went their own way,the ones who rule the roost get to fashion the agenda and if necessary ram bills thru by virtue of how much control they have in the chambers.

the fact is obamacare was carried with nary a single opposition vote, I invite you to find a bill so large and invasive ala SS, Medicare, civil rights etc. that did same, you won't.

Because Lyndon Johnson for instance knew the value of compromise, he had a supra majority too, in 1962- 64 senate seats and 262 house seats, in 1964- 66 and 258, now go check the votes for those bills.....

Further, it has been and will continue to b in the interests of the media to fashion obama as what he campaigned as, a hope and change , lets work outside of the old Washington paradigm, this is completely false when it comes to effect....

anopinion doesn't change or abrogate facts.....

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