Landry Tells Obama "I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

End of the day...Landry is a douchnozzle of the highest order. You don't turn down a meeting with the President of the United States...period. He should KNOW that as a veteran of the US military. It's disrespectful, but par for the course from this new breed of Republican. Call 'em the "Newt Republicans". Mean, nasty and disrespectful. We deserve better from our politicians than "You lie" during a speech by the President.

Landry doesn't work for Obama. He works for his constituents.

I guess you skipped over this, huh, Sparky? Was it too long for ya?
No, you don't. You don't turn down an invitation from the President of the United States. Regardless of what you think of him or his policies, you respect the office of the President, period.

Representative Landry, you are a DOUCHEBAG

Sorry dear, but he has brought disrespect to the office enough all by himself.

If you have to constantly deal with his consistently rude public smackdowns while you're sitting in the audience......I say screw him.

Riiiigght...and if someone had done that to "the decider" Bush... would not have objected, I'll wager.
Honestly, it wouldn't matter if Obama or the Dems had any plan, because any responsible plan would include both spending cuts and tax increases, something that the Republicans continue to tell us is off the table.

But here is a suggestion for a plan. Bring all of our troops home from everywhere. Cut military spending by approximately $300 billion. Raise the retirement age to 70 and do it at a much quicker pace than we are on track to do now. Currently, anyone born before 1960 or 1961 will have to wait until they are 67 to receive benefits. That should be moved to 70. Next, freeze spending across the board for any program that is not being cut. Next, get rid of the Department of Education. Education should be a local issue. Next, end the Bush tax cuts and increase the long term capital gains tax to 25%. Next, reduce the home mortgage deduction to the first $500,000 of a single or multiple mortgages. Next, get rid of the cap on SS taxes for those who earn over $106,000 or whatever the rate is currently, but reduce the rate over that amount to 4%. Next, increase the Medicare rate by 1%.

There, now there is a plan to start with. I guarantee that nobody would be happy with this plan, but it includes both cuts in spending, short term and long term, as well as some tax increases. I'm sure the right will say that the tax increases will kill economic growth, but it won't. One of the biggest things killing economic growth currently is the uncertainty of the stability of our federal government. Get that fixed and employers and investors will have more confidence that our entire system isn't about to crash, and the economy will start to rebound.

How about we cut across the board anything and everything that isn't Constitutionally mandated?

Like the Air Force?
Or Naval aviation.
End of the day...Landry is a douchnozzle of the highest order. You don't turn down a meeting with the President of the United States...period. He should KNOW that as a veteran of the US military. It's disrespectful, but par for the course from this new breed of Republican. Call 'em the "Newt Republicans". Mean, nasty and disrespectful. We deserve better from our politicians than "You lie" during a speech by the President.

Landry doesn't work for Obama. He works for his constituents.

I guess you skipped over this, huh, Sparky? Was it too long for ya?
Take a look at the time stamp of Seawytch's post to which I responded and at the time stamp of your silly post.

Which came first, dumbass? :lol:
Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power, and yet all they can do is work to make Obama fail. One has to wonder if it would be better to crash the entire economy, stop support the old paid for SS and Medicare, and let corporations and wall street create another great depression. Well to do Americans are odd creatures that only work together when disaster strikes all. Sad bunch these greedy republicans. Big money has corrupted our nation's values in a way that is hard to fathom.

"Every Wednesday morning, a group of conspirators meets to plot out how to most effectively attack the federal government. This is not a group of rag-tag terrorists – they wear $2,000 suits and occupy powerful positions in society. But their ideas are politically radical and they do pose a real threat to the normal workings of government in the U.S. They are a group of leading conservatives who believe that government is a malevolent force in society and they have a fierce determination to drastically cut it back. They are convinced that the central problem in our country is too much government – too many social programs, too many regulations, and too much taxation – and they are committed to doing something about it." Government is Good - The Anti-Government Campaign

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy' [see also Democracy after Citizens United | MIT World ]
Obama is a hypocrit and a liar like all dimwit socialists. Landry is right. I didn't know this country elected my mother. Idiots.
"I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

Well, the meeting didn't need another whining GOP bitch at it, either. Plenty of other teagbagging freshmen showed up.

The only Bitch there will be obamaturd. The teaparty has more integrity then the dimwits any day. And you practice teabagging daily, don't you?
"I don't need a failed Pres. giving me a lecture"

Well, the meeting didn't need another whining GOP bitch at it, either. Plenty of other teagbagging freshmen showed up.

The only Bitch there will be obamaturd. The teaparty has more integrity then the dimwits any day. And you practice teabagging daily, don't you?

Wow. Like, wow. This one post tells me so much about the forum.
Just another pathetic pissant Republican who wants a cheap headline by being rude to the president for no reason. Like the Miller guy.

yea kinda like when that pissant Pelosi got her cheap headlines by being rude to those who did not grovel before her.........
Well, the meeting didn't need another whining GOP bitch at it, either. Plenty of other teagbagging freshmen showed up.

The only Bitch there will be obamaturd. The teaparty has more integrity then the dimwits any day. And you practice teabagging daily, don't you?

Wow. Like, wow. This one post tells me so much about the forum.

you aint seen nothing yet fella.....if this gives you a nose bleed you had better leave now and never turn back.....Eric aint nothing like the horrors in this place......if not....proceed....
Well, the meeting didn't need another whining GOP bitch at it, either. Plenty of other teagbagging freshmen showed up.

The only Bitch there will be obamaturd. The teaparty has more integrity then the dimwits any day. And you practice teabagging daily, don't you?

Wow. Like, wow. This one post tells me so much about the forum.

You will find that people here develop a distinct distaste for some on the other side. Most are relatively civil.
Landry doesn't work for Obama. He works for his constituents.

I guess you skipped over this, huh, Sparky? Was it too long for ya?
Take a look at the time stamp of Seawytch's post to which I responded and at the time stamp of your silly post.

Which came first, dumbass? :lol:

Your comment:

"Landry doesn't work for Obama. He works for his constituents."

is not a time-specific or time-dependent observation.

You fail (of course) to understand the point I was making, which is that this clown can be a bomb-thrower and an attention-whore all he wants, because he knows he is losing his seat.

He's willing to be this week's Joe "You Lie!" Wilson, or Joe "I apologize, BP" Barton, or Mike "Mau Mau" Huckabee to get his name out there.
Maybe he's angling for a slot in the Roger Ailes Jockey Club.

Either way, you fools will cheer them all as they chip away at the office of the presidency, and common decency.
I guess you skipped over this, huh, Sparky? Was it too long for ya?
Take a look at the time stamp of Seawytch's post to which I responded and at the time stamp of your silly post.

Which came first, dumbass? :lol:

Your comment:

"Landry doesn't work for Obama. He works for his constituents."

is not a time-specific or time-dependent observation.

You fail (of course) to understand the point I was making, which is that this clown can be a bomb-thrower and an attention-whore all he wants, because he knows he is losing his seat.

He's willing to be this week's Joe "You Lie!" Wilson, or Joe "I apologize, BP" Barton, or Mike "Mau Mau" Huckabee to get his name out there.
Maybe he's angling for a slot in the Roger Ailes Jockey Club.

Either way, you fools will cheer them all as they chip away at the office of the presidency, and common decency.

I bet you once thought Nancy Pelosi was intelligent.
Take a look at the time stamp of Seawytch's post to which I responded and at the time stamp of your silly post.

Which came first, dumbass? :lol:

Your comment:
"Landry doesn't work for Obama. He works for his constituents."

is not a time-specific or time-dependent observation.

You fail (of course) to understand the point I was making, which is that this clown can be a bomb-thrower and an attention-whore all he wants, because he knows he is losing his seat.

He's willing to be this week's Joe "You Lie!" Wilson, or Joe "I apologize, BP" Barton, or Mike "Mau Mau" Huckabee to get his name out there.
Maybe he's angling for a slot in the Roger Ailes Jockey Club.

Either way, you fools will cheer them all as they chip away at the office of the presidency, and common decency.

I bet you once thought Nancy Pelosi was intelligent.

He probably even thought this was for the socialist "fist"

I guess you skipped over this, huh, Sparky? Was it too long for ya?
Take a look at the time stamp of Seawytch's post to which I responded and at the time stamp of your silly post.

Which came first, dumbass? :lol:

Your comment:

"Landry doesn't work for Obama. He works for his constituents."

is not a time-specific or time-dependent observation.

You fail (of course) to understand the point I was making, which is that this clown can be a bomb-thrower and an attention-whore all he wants, because he knows he is losing his seat.

He's willing to be this week's Joe "You Lie!" Wilson, or Joe "I apologize, BP" Barton, or Mike "Mau Mau" Huckabee to get his name out there.
Maybe he's angling for a slot in the Roger Ailes Jockey Club.

Either way, you fools will cheer them all as they chip away at the office of the presidency, and common decency.
My, my, the hypocrisy is strong with this one.

Where was your oh-so-selective outrage about disrespect for the office of the presidency and common decency when your fellow idiot leftists were making asinine "Bush = Hitler!!" comparisons and calling him Chimp?

Oh, that's right. It was nowhere to be found.

You're dismissed, Synth. Take your pre-teen girly crush on Obama and go back to DU.
Last edited:
Take a look at the time stamp of Seawytch's post to which I responded and at the time stamp of your silly post.

Which came first, dumbass? :lol:

Your comment:

"Landry doesn't work for Obama. He works for his constituents."

is not a time-specific or time-dependent observation.

You fail (of course) to understand the point I was making, which is that this clown can be a bomb-thrower and an attention-whore all he wants, because he knows he is losing his seat.

He's willing to be this week's Joe "You Lie!" Wilson, or Joe "I apologize, BP" Barton, or Mike "Mau Mau" Huckabee to get his name out there.
Maybe he's angling for a slot in the Roger Ailes Jockey Club.

Either way, you fools will cheer them all as they chip away at the office of the presidency, and common decency.

I bet you once thought Nancy Pelosi was intelligent.

...and hot.
I'd be upset too if I were him :( He got voted off the island :lol:
Rep. Jeff Landry's rejection of Obama invitation is a rookie move: Jarvis DeBerry |
Again, Landry's time on Capitol Hill isn't likely to last past January 2013. Louisiana is losing a congressional seat, and in January, the state's other five House Republicans and Cedric Richmond, the only House Democrat, reportedly met over Chinese food and voted Landry off the island. Their plan, which the Louisiana Legislature later approved, sliced up Landry's district into three parts, leaving him a district that heavily favors the re-election of Rep. Charles Boustany.

Just for clarification. The guy's tooting his own horn because he got penciled-out. Real brave, THAT one.
Landry is a hypocrite like most republicans today, his own party failed badly these past sixty years in which they had power, and yet all they can do is work to make Obama fail. One has to wonder if it would be better to crash the entire economy, stop support the old paid for SS and Medicare, and let corporations and wall street create another great depression. Well to do Americans are odd creatures that only work together when disaster strikes all. Sad bunch these greedy republicans. Big money has corrupted our nation's values in a way that is hard to fathom.

"Every Wednesday morning, a group of conspirators meets to plot out how to most effectively attack the federal government. This is not a group of rag-tag terrorists – they wear $2,000 suits and occupy powerful positions in society. But their ideas are politically radical and they do pose a real threat to the normal workings of government in the U.S. They are a group of leading conservatives who believe that government is a malevolent force in society and they have a fierce determination to drastically cut it back. They are convinced that the central problem in our country is too much government – too many social programs, too many regulations, and too much taxation – and they are committed to doing something about it." Government is Good - The Anti-Government Campaign

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy' [see also Democracy after Citizens United | MIT World ]

So besides attacking Landry, what is your plan? Or rather, what do you suggest the govt do with the crisis? The current administration's plan seems to be continue the unsustainable spending without addressing major cuts. Fact is that Dems can continue down this wealth envy path and even tax them at 100% and still you would not even make the interest payments. The big 3 have to be addressed if there is to be any hope for the future. Neither side really wants to touch then though.
Just another pathetic pissant Republican who wants a cheap headline by being rude to the president for no reason. Like the Miller guy.

hahahahah, we can't have people being "RUDE" to the little dictator Obama, only he and his cult members can be that..:lol::lol::lol:
Take a look at the time stamp of Seawytch's post to which I responded and at the time stamp of your silly post.

Which came first, dumbass? :lol:

Your comment:

"Landry doesn't work for Obama. He works for his constituents."

is not a time-specific or time-dependent observation.

You fail (of course) to understand the point I was making, which is that this clown can be a bomb-thrower and an attention-whore all he wants, because he knows he is losing his seat.

He's willing to be this week's Joe "You Lie!" Wilson, or Joe "I apologize, BP" Barton, or Mike "Mau Mau" Huckabee to get his name out there.
Maybe he's angling for a slot in the Roger Ailes Jockey Club.

Either way, you fools will cheer them all as they chip away at the office of the presidency, and common decency.

I bet you once thought Nancy Pelosi was intelligent.
I still think Nancy Pelosi is intelligent. And one of our most effective Speakers ever, whether you agree with her or not. She knew how to politic for votes and move legislation.

Sucks for you, though.

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