Language of Closet Racism

If you can't take the truth and reality of what white Europeans did to non-whites thats your problem, don't vent your anger frustration with facts onto Mr. Bass.

People here are treating you with respect and you're calling them racists and "crackers" etc. You refer to yourself in the 3rd person as if you are "god".

Isn't it funny how you've tried your best to get us "angry" but no one has made personal attacks on you while you make them on anyone that disagrees with you. Again, where's the racism?
Africans did not enslaved African Americans, deny them use of their African language, culture, religion, regard them as belonging to an inferior race and give them second class citizenship in America.

BS. They set them up for such. Granted we'll give them 5-10 years, but it went on for much longer.

The home country sucked, as did the destination. None of it was fair, but then again, when was life? Would most wish to be here or there? Then get with the program, most barriers have been lifted.
BS. They set them up for such. Granted we'll give them 5-10 years, but it went on for much longer.

The home country sucked, as did the destination. None of it was fair, but then again, when was life? Would most wish to be here or there? Then get with the program, most barriers have been lifted.

Those Africans were just selling POWs for profit and had no idea they were selling them into chattel slavery, since slavery in Africa was far different than slavery in America. Slaves in Africa had property rights and if they converted to Islam[if enslaved by Muslims] they would be free. The Africans sold the people, true indeed, but that does *NOT* make them responsible for the crimes and discrimination and mistreatment they had in America, whites are responsible for that, those that enslaved and mistreated blacks that it. Africans didn't give those POWs second class citizenship in America and separate but unequal, it was American whites, spot being a jackass and get your head out of the sand and acknowledge reality.
People here are treating you with respect and you're calling them racists and "crackers" etc. You refer to yourself in the 3rd person as if you are "god".

Isn't it funny how you've tried your best to get us "angry" but no one has made personal attacks on you while you make them on anyone that disagrees with you. Again, where's the racism?

Thats statement was made towards Shogun who is *NOT* making any respectful posts towards the Bass, Mr Bass doesn't have to take anyone's nonsense and insults and will slap up those who dare to insult him, including you.
No, they just captured them and sold them as slaves to people who sold them as slaves to people in America, INCLUDING BLACKS!!!!!!

Only 5% of our people owned slaves and some of those slave owners were black. Guess what? When you run into a black american on the streets the chances are much greater that he is decended from slave owners than any white you run into on the streets.

Africans still have slavery today and you have the nerve to blame it on white Europeans?????

What's the matter, don't want to admit what your own ancesters did? Are you ashamed?

Guess what? My ancesters were poor white trash, but I don't give a cr*p. Grow up and start taking responsibility for your life yourself. Stop trying to cry "racism" and blame whites for every bad thing that happened to you in your life.

It might help if you try living in today instead of the past, too.

Very, very few American blacks owned slaves and even these American blacks who were free were reduced to second class citizenship, you want to keep running from reality by bringing other people down to the level of these enslaving racist whites.
Africans did not enslaved African Americans, deny them use of their African language, culture, religion, regard them as belonging to an inferior race and give them second class citizenship in America.

How do you know how Africans treated their slaves?

And no Africans, never enslaved African Americans, because they enslaved other Africans.

And do you really think that every African tribe spoke the same language?

The fact is Mr Ass that you have no idea how slaves in Africa were treated, for all you know they were brutalized even more by their original African slave masters than they were by the Europeans or Americans.

You just cannot accept that without the cooperation of African tribes, the slave trade probably wouldn't have existed.
How do you know how Africans treated their slaves?

And no Africans, never enslaved African Americans, because they enslaved other Africans.

And do you really think that every African tribe spoke the same language?

The fact is Mr Ass that you have no idea how slaves in Africa were treated, for all you know they were brutalized even more by their original African slave masters than they were by the Europeans or Americans.

You just cannot accept that without the cooperation of African tribes, the slave trade probably wouldn't have existed.

The fact is you have no idea about how slaves were treated in Africa nor any knowledge about Africa at all. For your unlearned jackass:

Digital History

Slavery in Africa

Slavery existed in Africa before the arrival of Europeans--as did a slave trade that exported a small number of sub-Saharan Africans to North Africa, the Middle East, and the Persian Gulf. But this system of slavery differed from the plantation slavery that developed in the New World.

Hereditary slavery, extending over several generations, was rare. Most slaves in Africa were female. Women were preferred because they bore children and because they performed most field labor. Slavery in early sub-Saharan Africa took a variety of forms. While most slaves were field workers, some served in royal courts, where they served as officials, soldiers, servants, and artisans. Under a system known as "pawnship," youths (usually girls) served as collateral for their family's debts. If their parents or kin defaulted on these debts, then these young girls were forced to labor to repay these debts. In many instances, these young women eventually married into their owner's lineage, and their family's debt was cancelled.

Under a system known as "clientage," slaves owed a share of their crop or their labor to an owner or a lineage. Yet they owned the bulk of their crop and were allowed to participate in the society's political activities. These slaves were often treated no differently than other peasant or tenant farmers.
The fact is you have no idea about how slaves were treated in Africa nor any knowledge about Africa at all. For your unlearned jackass:

Digital History

Slavery in Africa

Slavery existed in Africa before the arrival of Europeans--as did a slave trade that exported a small number of sub-Saharan Africans to North Africa, the Middle East, and the Persian Gulf. But this system of slavery differed from the plantation slavery that developed in the New World.

So there were African slave traders. these were the same slave traders that sold slaves to Europeans. So you are absolving them?

Hereditary slavery, extending over several generations, was rare. Most slaves in Africa were female. Women were preferred because they bore children and because they performed most field labor.

Women were preferred because their African owners raped them to produce children to work in the fields.

Slavery in early sub-Saharan Africa took a variety of forms. While most slaves were field workers, some served in royal courts,

That doesn't sound too different from what was practiced in the USA but you seem to condone this type of slavery. Is that because other Africans were the slave masters and not whites?

Under a system known as "pawnship," youths (usually girls) served as collateral for their family's debts. If their parents or kin defaulted on these debts, then these young girls were forced to labor to repay these debts. In many instances, these young women eventually married into their owner's lineage, and their family's debt was cancelled.

Under a system known as "clientage," slaves owed a share of their crop or their labor to an owner or a lineage. Yet they owned the bulk of their crop and were allowed to participate in the society's political activities. These slaves were often treated no differently than other peasant or tenant farmers.[/QUOTE]

So you're telling me that slaves in Africa owned by other Africans liked what was happening to them?

The fact is that slavery was going on on Africa long before any whites came along. Africans enslaved other Africans for centuries. And in some places today, slavery in Africa still exists

Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery

It seems to me that instead of railing against Americans, where Blacks have attained the same absolute and legally guaranteed rights, as their White neighbors, you should be more angry at your African brethren for contributing to the slavery of their fellow Africans and for continuing that very practice today.
Language of Closet Racism

Any person who has grown up in the American public school system has been educated to hold racial prejudices. To illustrate this point, ask any child to tell you about the first date in history he or she remembers learning: "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue." What happened in 1492? "Christopher Columbus discovered America." Did he? The history books I prefer to read have informed me that people were actually already here. Remember, the people who would eventually be driven from their sacred lands, forced to surrender their native tongue and customs, and "American-ize"? The result of children learning such "facts" is a depreciation of an entire people--in this case, Native Americans.

So the American education system (with strong reinforcement from the media) has bred a nation of what I will call "closet racists." Closet racists are unaware of their prejudices. They have learned from text books presented to them by people who are supposedly knowledgeable enough to choose the best possible materials. They are trained, or more precisely, coerced into believing in "the system." If a child were to question a teacher's assertion that "Columbus discovered America," it is more likely that the child would be chastised for showing disrespect than the possibility of the teacher initiating a discussion on the discrepancy. A closet racist is defined, then, as simply a person with racial prejudices who is unaware of those prejudices as such, usually because he or she has never been afforded the opportunity to discuss racial prejudices as such.

The question arising from this assertion is clear: Where is the evidence of this nation of so-called "closet racists?" What links them? What are their characteristics?

The answer, emerging from years of experience facilitating conversations on race issues, interviewing specific cases, and participating in a variety of cultural diversity workshops, is equally clear: language. Closet racists share a distinct and surprisingly easily detectable language when observed in a discussion about race or racism. The intention of this paper is to explore this language through the case study of Jen, a third year college student who participated in Multicultural Education, a class designed to help students find, face, and battle their own prejudices. In order to analyze Jen's closet racist language, interviews were conducted and reaction papers written at the end of each class were collected and analyzed..........

One thing about your brand of racism, Charles ... you don't bother with that pesky "closet" part.:lol:
So there were African slave traders. these were the same slave traders that sold slaves to Europeans. So you are absolving them?

Who is absolving the African slave traders you idiot? The point is that African slave traders were *NOT* responsible for the living and social conditions and treatment of blacks in America.

Women were preferred because their African owners raped them to produce children to work in the fields.

Those women were concubines, not rape victims to produce children you moron.

That doesn't sound too different from what was practiced in the USA but you seem to condone this type of slavery. Is that because other Africans were the slave masters and not whites?

Thats a helluva lot different that what was practised in the United States where slaves and even free blacks during slavery had basically no rights, slaves in America were considered as 3/5 human, not so in America.

The fact is that slavery was going on on Africa long before any whites came along. Africans enslaved other Africans for centuries. And in some places today, slavery in Africa still exists

Who said slavery did exist in Africa before the coming of Europeans you idiot? Setting up and knocking down another strawman? The fact is that Africans did *NOT* enslave African Americans and people#s of African descent in the "New World" and are therefore *NOT* responsible for the living, social and economic conditions and racism and discrimination that people's of African descent in the New World faced. You can't blame them nor make them responsible for the crimes of the white man in America and the New World.
One thing about your brand of racism, Charles ... you don't bother with that pesky "closet" part.:lol:

Another weak NCO coming up with basically no counter argument whatsoever. Mr Bass isn't a racist for pointing out the obvious that exists in America simply because its being done and carried by a mostly white society.
Another weak NCO coming up with basically no counter argument whatsoever. Mr Bass isn't a racist for pointing out the obvious that exists in America simply because its being done and carried by a mostly white society.

Well, at least you've moved on to a new topic. Congratuations, and thank you.
Well, at least you've moved on to a new topic. Congratuations, and thank you.

LOL, the prohomosexual agenda is mostly done and carried out by whites too, but Mr Bass will stop short of saying its a plot to make blacks more gay and by extension weak because no evidence exists for that.
Here's and excerpt from the UN's World Conference Against Racism RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, XENOPHOBIA AND RELATED INTOLERANCE in 2001 that acknowledges what Gunny, SkullPilot and that nutcase Shogun keep denying:

Passages Specifically Addressing African and African Descendants

13. We acknowledge that slavery and the slave trade, including the transatlantic slave trade, were appalling tragedies in the history of humanity not only because of their abhorrent barbarism but also in terms of their magnitude, organized nature and especially their negation of the essence of the victims, and further acknowledge that slavery and the slave trade are a crime against humanity and should always have been so, especially the transatlantic slave trade and are among the major sources and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and that Africans and people of African descent, Asians and people of Asian descent and indigenous peoples were victims of these acts and continue to be victims of their consequences;

14. We recognize that colonialism has led to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and that Africans and people of African descent, and people of Asian descent and indigenous peoples were victims of colonialism and continue to be victims of its consequences. We acknowledge the suffering caused by colonialism and affirm that, wherever and whenever it occurred, it must be condemned and its reoccurrence prevented. We further regret that the effects and persistence of these structures and practices have been among the factors contributing to lasting social and economic inequalities in many parts of the world today;

The hell with it, read the entire link, it tells the truth that Mr Bass has been saying the entire time.
Well Mr Ass,

I never denied that slavery existed. Nor do I deny that it still exists. but you will not admit that Slavery was not a singularly White crime.
Well Mr Ass,

I never denied that slavery existed. Nor do I deny that it still exists. but you will not admit that Slavery was not a singularly White crime.

That part is irrelevant when it comes to the treatment of African Americans and thats simply a red herring you're trying to throw out there but Mr Bass isn't falling for it.
I just want to point something out to those of you who imagine that Whites Slavers didn't track down free blacks in Africa and enslave them

You're dead wrong about that, you know.

Yes, Blacks also captured Blacks and sold them, too, but some of you keep inisisting that Whites just stopped by the local slave market and bought the Blacks from Black slavers,

Not true.

Big fat lie, actually.
I just want to point something out to those of you who imagine that Whites Slavers didn't track down free blacks in Africa and enslave them

You're dead wrong about that, you know.

Yes, Blacks also captured Blacks and sold them, too, but some of you keep inisisting that Whites just stopped by the local slave market and bought the Blacks from Black slavers,

Not true.

Big fat lie, actually.

There was a demand for African slaves by Europeans so in return they offered weapons, cheap goods and liquor for captured Africans. The huge demand led to increased slave raiding by Africans, it wasn't always like that in the beginning *BEFORE* the huge demand. Its important to point out that African slaves were only turned to when native American populations wee nearly completely wiped out by forced slave labour imposed by Europeans.

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