Language of the National Debt


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
I asked myself, when should people have become concerned about the National Debt?
It seems to me the answer would be during the Clinton administration .

There was a guy who was telling us about the debt who ran for president, ...and he used charts.
His name was Ross Perot.
People didn't want to hear the country was heading in a negative direction, ...and the media said he had funny looking ears.

The media and the politicians saw the debt was heading out of control and they didn't want to trash the politician they agreed with, so they applied opposite-politics,
they told everyone Clinton was a financial genius.
They informed me that I was now rich because the stock market hit 10k.
Everyone was buying computers and everything computer related so there was a "tech boom"
The only way a president can help an economy is by getting out of the way and lowering taxes, or make an occasional wise deregulation.
Let's give credit where credit is due, Clinton threw approx. 1 billion at the National Debt that was now approaching 6 trillion during his presidency.
....he took money from his budget surplus.

How did Bill Clinton get a budget surplus?
By raising taxes.
The media says "that's how you do it"
I suppose if Bill Clinton kicked down the door of my bank and stole my life savings, I should really be over-joyed.

The media waited until a Republican was in office, then said, "We need to get George W Bush out of there because of the National Debt!"
The debt skyrocketed, then Obama became president, and the debt skyrocketed even more.
The media has been silent about the debt because of a Democrat president.

The issue has hit the news again because the Tea Party is trying to save what's left of America and block the health care bill and the raising of the debt limit.

After the Democrats biched endlessly about the debt during W's presidency, now Pelosi says, regarding the debt ceiling, "what makes you think you don't have to pay your bills?"

I didn't realize that how credit worked.
I'm calling my credit card company tomorrow and telling them they need to raise my limit to 20k because I need to pay my bills.
the only way to get rid of the debt is to get rid of the government.
raising taxes is not the problem.
the problem is spending.
they created the department of homeland security which has a budge 10 times larger than the CIA, and no one talks about it.
we now have 4.4 million federal employees living the good life

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