Largest tax increase in history?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Republican hyperbole is already in overdrive. "Largest tax increase in history" "$500 billion tax increase"

Here is what Justice Roberts said..

[IThe Federal Government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance. Section 5000A would therefore be unconstitutional if read as a command. The Federal Government does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance. Section 5000A is therefore constitutional, because it can reasonably be read as a tax.] [/I]

What is considered a tax is the penalty for those who do not have health insurance..........How do Republicans spin that into the largest tax increase in history?
Tax increase. The most loaded words for the present GOP. So they throw it at anything they do not like. And in this case, they are going completely looney tunes.
You can never convince a democrat that stuff ain't free. someone is going to be taxed and heavily to pay for their utopia..
Tax increase. The most loaded words for the present GOP. So they throw it at anything they do not like. And in this case, they are going completely looney tunes.

really,, it's free... innit? sure it is. it's just free for the asking. won't cost a fucking thing.
Republican hyperbole is already in overdrive. "Largest tax increase in history" "$500 billion tax increase"

Here is what Justice Roberts said..

[IThe Federal Government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance. Section 5000A would therefore be unconstitutional if read as a command. The Federal Government does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance. Section 5000A is therefore constitutional, because it can reasonably be read as a tax.] [/I]

What is considered a tax is the penalty for those who do not have health insurance..........How do Republicans spin that into the largest tax increase in history?

Because it *IS* the largest tax increase in US history.

Why do they say that Alaska is the largest state by territory? Because it *is* the largest state by territory, duh.
IF the Republicans win simple majorities in November, then can repeal this tax bill.

Easy peasy, lemon squeazy.
Good gosh it doesn't take a crystal ball to figure it out. Yes, this is going to be a huge tax on all the american citizens. This obamacare will be the ruinnation of jobs, and finances for people. You will be owned by the gov't and anything you make will go to them. Big gov't wants your money.....duh.
Right wingers are brainwashed idiots that don't have the mental capabilities to understand facts, nor do they care.
Their stupidity limits them to only understanding simple catch phrases like "Obamatax"
Republican hyperbole is already in overdrive. "Largest tax increase in history" "$500 billion tax increase"

Here is what Justice Roberts said..

[IThe Federal Government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance. Section 5000A would therefore be unconstitutional if read as a command. The Federal Government does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance. Section 5000A is therefore constitutional, because it can reasonably be read as a tax.] [/I]

What is considered a tax is the penalty for those who do not have health insurance..........How do Republicans spin that into the largest tax increase in history?

Because it *IS* the largest tax increase in US history.

Why do they say that Alaska is the largest state by territory? Because it *is* the largest state by territory, duh.

Saying it does not make it so

Given the small percentage of people who would choose not to have health insurance, and the $250 do you spin that into the largest tax increase in history?

Show me your numbers
Good gosh it doesn't take a crystal ball to figure it out. Yes, this is going to be a huge tax on all the american citizens. This obamacare will be the ruinnation of jobs, and finances for people. You will be owned by the gov't and anything you make will go to them. Big gov't wants your money.....duh.

How can it be a big tax increase for all american citizens when it only applies to those who would choose not to be insured?

The rest of your post is equally unsubstantiated nonsense
Because only an idiot thinks you can add millions into a system and it won't cost anything.

Please, rightwinger, describe what happens in this situation:

1) Unemployed person on food stamps...doesn't have think they are going to pay a tax?
2) Above person goes to doctor for general care where they never use to cause they couldn't pay for it...who pays for it? Is it free?
You can debate whether or not ObamaTax is the largest in history.

The good news is that it is indeed a tax, and the vast majority of people hate it.
Because only an idiot thinks you can add millions into a system and it won't cost anything.

Please, rightwinger, describe what happens in this situation:

1) Unemployed person on food stamps...doesn't have think they are going to pay a tax?
2) Above person goes to doctor for general care where they never use to cause they couldn't pay for it...who pays for it? Is it free?


But that is not what was ruled a tax. Only penalty fees against those without insurance

How do Republicans calculate their "Largest tax increase in history"???

Show me the numbers....It is nowhere near the Largest tax increase in history
Republican hyperbole is already in overdrive. "Largest tax increase in history" "$500 billion tax increase"

Here is what Justice Roberts said..

[IThe Federal Government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance. Section 5000A would therefore be unconstitutional if read as a command. The Federal Government does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance. Section 5000A is therefore constitutional, because it can reasonably be read as a tax.] [/I]

What is considered a tax is the penalty for those who do not have health insurance..........How do Republicans spin that into the largest tax increase in history?

It wasn't too long ago when Republicans claimed they were the party of personal responsibility and one of their planks was to get people to stop getting a free ride.

My how things have changed.
Somehow the GOP seems to think that emergency room care is cheaper than preventive care. And one can clearly see that the cost per capita of the other industrial nations is much below ours, with far better results. Yet the GOP continues to support a system that has high costs for inferior results. It could not be because there are a few people that get very wealthy off of other people's misfortunes in this system, could it.

President Obama phrased it very well. Our health system should be such that a family is not forced into bankruptcy by an accident or an illness. The GOP wants to see 750,000 American families in bankruptcy every year. Just warms the cockles of their little hearts to see how superior they are to these deadbeats.
Somehow the GOP seems to think that emergency room care is cheaper than preventive care. And one can clearly see that the cost per capita of the other industrial nations is much below ours, with far better results. Yet the GOP continues to support a system that has high costs for inferior results. It could not be because there are a few people that get very wealthy off of other people's misfortunes in this system, could it.

President Obama phrased it very well. Our health system should be such that a family is not forced into bankruptcy by an accident or an illness. The GOP wants to see 750,000 American families in bankruptcy every year. Just warms the cockles of their little hearts to see how superior they are to these deadbeats.

The right wingers are just idiots that can't even comprehend simple facts, though if they could, they would never support the GOP :up:
Republican hyperbole is already in overdrive. "Largest tax increase in history" "$500 billion tax increase"

Here is what Justice Roberts said..

[IThe Federal Government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance. Section 5000A would therefore be unconstitutional if read as a command. The Federal Government does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance. Section 5000A is therefore constitutional, because it can reasonably be read as a tax.] [/I]

What is considered a tax is the penalty for those who do not have health insurance..........How do Republicans spin that into the largest tax increase in history?

It wasn't too long ago when Republicans claimed they were the party of personal responsibility and one of their planks was to get people to stop getting a free ride.

My how things have changed.

Can you imagine actually penalizing people who are freeloading off of our healthcare system?
You're right. It's free. It ain't gonna cost anyone a goddamn dime. Yay magic democrats.

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