Largest Veteran/Patriot March ever planned


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.


"That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and therefore ought to be avoided, as far as the circumstances and protection of the community will admit; and that, in all cases, the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power."

Recommended Bill of Rights from the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 1778

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How do lovers of the 2nd Amendment feel about Academi, aka Xe Services, aka Blackwater, aka murderous guns for hire?

A standing private mercenary army on American soil with their own fighter jets.

Is that what the Founders had in mind?
How do lovers of the 2nd Amendment feel about Academi, aka Xe Services, aka Blackwater, aka murderous guns for hire?

A standing private mercenary army on American soil with their own fighter jets.

Is that what the Founders had in mind?

Seeing that people regularly sailed their own heavy cruisers during the 19th century, it seems to be fine.
How do lovers of the 2nd Amendment feel about Academi, aka Xe Services, aka Blackwater, aka murderous guns for hire?

A standing private mercenary army on American soil with their own fighter jets.
Is that what the Founders had in mind?
Seeing that people regularly sailed their own heavy cruisers during the 19th century, it seems to be fine.
Except that a 19th century privateer is slightest less destructive than an F16 fighter jet.
How do lovers of the 2nd Amendment feel about Academi, aka Xe Services, aka Blackwater, aka murderous guns for hire?

A standing private mercenary army on American soil with their own fighter jets.
Is that what the Founders had in mind?
Seeing that people regularly sailed their own heavy cruisers during the 19th century, it seems to be fine.
Except that a 19th century privateer is slightest less destructive than an F16 fighter jet.

A 19th century privateers was as destructive (relative to its era) as an F16 is today (relative to its era); just as a musket was the standard military firearm of the 18th Century, as an M4 is the standard military firearm of the 21st Century.

However, you lied. They do not have an F-16.

SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) — A subsidiary of U.S. military security contractor Blackwater Worldwide has purchased a fighter plane from the Brazilian aviation company Embraer, a Brazilian newspaper reported Sunday.

The 314-B1 Super Tucano propeller-driven fighter
— the same used by the Brazilian military — was bought for $4.5 million and delivered to EP Aviation at the end of February, according to the Estado de S. Paulo newspaper.

The report included the plane's registration number with the U.S. Federal Aviation Agency, and the FAA website confirmed it is registered by EP Aviation.

It was not clear if it was Embraer's first sale of a military-style aircraft to a private company. EP Aviation has 33 planes and helicopters registered with the FAA, according to the agency's website, only one of which is from Embraer.

Officials with Brazil's government and Embraer declined to comment on the Estado report. Phone calls to Blackwater were not returned.

The sale was apparently approved, the Estado report noted, by Brazil's president in a deal negotiated with the U.S. government.


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"relative to its era"? Your mental gymnastics wouldn't even qualify for the Special Olympics.

Do you need a 30-round magazine for deer hunting? If so, then you're a terrible shot.

Do you need a 30-round magazine for home defense? If so, then you're a terrible shot.

Do any of you gun monkeys have the balls to fight a guerrilla war against the US military? No, so why do you pretend like you're going to bear arms in defense of freedom?
"relative to its era"? Your mental gymnastics wouldn't even qualify for the Special Olympics.

Do you need a 30-round magazine for deer hunting? If so, then you're a terrible shot.

Do you need a 30-round magazine for home defense? If so, then you're a terrible shot.

Do any of you gun monkeys have the balls to fight a guerrilla war against the US military? No, so why do you pretend like you're going to bear arms in defense of freedom?

You were caught lying. Leave.

I need a 30 round magazine when Tienanmen Square 2.0 comes to the United States.

I will need several 30 round magazine if Hurricane Sandy 2.0 smacks Long Island (again) and we lose power for over 30 days.

SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) — A subsidiary of U.S. military security contractor Blackwater Worldwide has purchased a fighter plane from the Brazilian aviation company Embraer, a Brazilian newspaper reported Sunday.

The 314-B1 Super Tucano propeller-driven fighter
— the same used by the Brazilian military — was bought for $4.5 million and delivered to EP Aviation at the end of February, according to the Estado de S. Paulo newspaper.

The report included the plane's registration number with the U.S. Federal Aviation Agency, and the FAA website confirmed it is registered by EP Aviation.

It was not clear if it was Embraer's first sale of a military-style aircraft to a private company. EP Aviation has 33 planes and helicopters registered with the FAA, according to the agency's website, only one of which is from Embraer.

Officials with Brazil's government and Embraer declined to comment on the Estado report. Phone calls to Blackwater were not returned.

The sale was apparently approved, the Estado report noted, by Brazil's president in a deal negotiated with the U.S. government.


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How do lovers of the 2nd Amendment feel about Academi, aka Xe Services, aka Blackwater, aka murderous guns for hire?

A standing private mercenary army on American soil with their own fighter jets.
Is that what the Founders had in mind?
Seeing that people regularly sailed their own heavy cruisers during the 19th century, it seems to be fine.
Except that a 19th century privateer is slightest less destructive than an F16 fighter jet.

Well, you know, all those guys with hand guns, etc. will be a match for those F16s. :D
The Afghans would agree with you.

Yeah..because the terrain has nothing to do with it. :D

Are you saying that the United States is flat and without any forests? Have humans lost the ability to dig holes?

Are you saying that fat rednecks on social security are going to get out of their motorized Wal-Mart wheelchairs to dig foxholes for their American guerrilla revolution?


As for "lying", sure, whatever you want to call it. I misread an earlier report. I made a mistake. See how easy that was? I'm glad that I was wrong and that Academi doesn't have their own F-16s. But at least my "lie" didn't cost the American people trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. Republicans can't say the same thing.

Are you saying that fat rednecks on social security are going to get out of their motorized Wal-Mart wheelchairs to dig foxholes for their American guerrilla revolution?


Fat --- rednecks --- old in wheelchairs --- using Wal-Mart as an insult, when most Americans shop at Wal Mart, myself included.

Are you a writer for MSLSD?

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Yeah..because the terrain has nothing to do with it. :D

Are you saying that the United States is flat and without any forests? Have humans lost the ability to dig holes?

Are you saying that fat rednecks on social security are going to get out of their motorized Wal-Mart wheelchairs to dig foxholes for their American guerrilla revolution?


As for "lying", sure, whatever you want to call it. I misread an earlier report. I made a mistake. See how easy that was? I'm glad that I was wrong and that Academi doesn't have their own F-16s. But at least my "lie" didn't cost the American people trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. Republicans can't say the same thing.

A simple pill called "Compoze" and I'm a new man.
Oh goody. A bunch of fat old men with drool and tobacco stains on their tshirts climbing on an old rustbucket broke down Harley trying to chug their way down the highway with their 'Don't tread on me" flag firmly shoved up their asses and a "Don't take my Medicare!" sign flopping in the wind.

I can't wait.
I'm going to guess that less than 500 people will show up for this "largest rally ever".

Just like the "millions" of truckers and bikers who "shut down DC".


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