Larry Elder Proves Today Democrats Are Still Racists

My God, you are nothing but a troll. Yes, in response to a leftard that said that he lost because REPUBLICANS would not vote for him.

Are you really so stupid that you cannot see how my response was on topic?

What a gaslighting troll you are.
And you are a moron. And that's saying something on this site filled with trumptards.

Your exact words, moron. One more time...

"If only republican votes counted, I'm sure that Elder would have won."

But keep trying to justify it, it gives me great pleasure to keep calling you a moron.
Still crying over Larry? Not only did Newsom shut Larry's trap but he showed that Trump is a whacked out deranged loser who's time has come & gone.

Have another shit sammich.
Blow me.
CA is 100% mail-in.
Their elections are invalid.
So that means Trump didn't really win Utah?
I don't know what Utah had to do with it.....unless the people running the Utah election were as corrupt as the people in California are. I think that's highly unlikely. Course that's something Pelosi wants to change ASAP. She wants every state election to have to run thru one central count....controlled by hand picked Democrats.
But nice try attempting to change the subject.
I don't know what Utah had to do with it.....unless the people running the Utah election were as corrupt as the people in California are. I think that's highly unlikely. Course that's something Pelosi wants to change ASAP. She wants every state election to have to run thru one central count....controlled by hand picked Democrats.
But nice try attempting to change the subject.
Utah mails a ballot to every registered voter...just like California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado and Hawaii. No proof of widespread fraud with Vote by Mail has ever been produced and Oregon has been mailing ballots for over a decade.

Central counting is more secure and efficient.
Utah mails a ballot to every registered voter...just like California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado and Hawaii. No proof of widespread fraud with Vote by Mail has ever been produced and Oregon has been mailing ballots for over a decade.

Central counting is more secure and efficient.
No way mail in's are more safe than in person voting.
No way mail in's are more safe than in person voting.
There are ways it is more secure than in person voting. Signature checking is one way. Signatures aren't checked at the polls. Both methods have good and bad.
There are ways it is more secure than in person voting. Signature checking is one way. Signatures aren't checked at the polls. Both methods have good and bad.
Definitely need to figure out which is the worst. I'll go with the newest being the worst because of the generation involved, and so I'll stick with what worked for 200+ years.
Definitely need to figure out which is the worst.
Why? Neither system is going away. Voting by mail certainly isn't. Turns out people like it a lot. What you CAN do is put systems in place to mitigate the chance of error and/or fraud.
Definitely need to figure out which is the worst. I'll go with the newest being the worst because of the generation involved, and so I'll stick with what worked for 200+ years.
Do you how they voted two hundred years ago? You stood up and said aloud who you voted for and your name and who you voted for were written down in a log. ( if you were a white landowner of course).

We've been voting by mail since the Civil War.
Utah mails a ballot to every registered voter...just like California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado and Hawaii. No proof of widespread fraud with Vote by Mail has ever been produced and Oregon has been mailing ballots for over a decade.

Central counting is more secure and efficient.
Bullshit. The primary problem with mailing out unsolicited ballots is nobody knows who got them.
A shitload of Californians who didn't get their ballots tried voting and were told they had already voted.
How does that happen unless they used identity-theft?
Why? Neither system is going away. Voting by mail certainly isn't. Turns out people like it a lot. What you CAN do is put systems in place to mitigate the chance of error and/or fraud.
Yall won't let those system's be put into place, because If they are attempted, then y'all run around with your hair on fire yelling racist, racist, racist when it's not.

I can't wait till thug/gang culture finally invades your damned neighborhood's, and you see first hand how damned stupid you sheltered knuckle head's really are. It's coming, so I don't want to hear you all crying racist, racist, racist when your communities become little Chicago's.

You might say, well that's racist, but it's not, it's fact. If you crazies want gangs and thug culture in your communities, and I don't care what color they are, because it's not defined by color, but it's more so about character, and culture than any color because it crosses all color's now. If that's anyone's thinking, otherwise that it is a color thing only, then they've got alot to learn in life.

Hollywood music platforms are promoting gang and thug culture as if it is something cool and innocent when most especially those effected negatively by it will beg to differ on such matters.

What we have now is a selfish generation that will use anything in order to get it's way anymore.

I remember when I was a kid, and most of my community was white with blacks being mixed in at a smaller number. We could ride our bikes, and walk to school with no issues what so ever, and we could play in the streets, walk through the neighborhoods without incident or anyone preying upon us. We could meet at the bus stop in large numbers without the bus having to pick every kid up from door to door like we now see in many cases today, and the black's we had loved the safety and peaceful culture, and therefore adopted it as their own creating harmony in the communities.

The same neighborhood these days has become a drug invested, gang banging, thug culture in which makes it unsafe for kids to venture out of their yards much less enjoy the freedom's that we had enjoyed in the past. Fact !!!!!

Education yes was the answer yes, and it helped tremendously, but when our most valued institution's began buying into the idea that everything should be accepted regardless of what it is along the trend lines, then that's when it began going to hell. All progress began regressing, and bad people began getting a voice to increase the regression no matter what the facts were on the ground.

Like King said, it's a character thing, and not a color thing. I agree whole heartedly on that, but it could be that evil forces are constantly looking for people it can exploit, and by the way that some of these area's have fallin over time, it seems that those evil forces had found their mark.
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Do you how they voted two hundred years ago? You stood up and said aloud who you voted for and your name and who you voted for were written down in a log. ( if you were a white landowner of course).

We've been voting by mail since the Civil War.
You gotta try, and just had to put the racist, racist, racist bullcrap in there didn't you ? I'm talking only about the voting that had hoisted our nation to the great and powerful good that it had become in this world over time. Not everything is good, just like not every black or white trends are good, but somehow it came together for good when it was thrived for by all.
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Bullshit. The primary problem with mailing out unsolicited ballots is nobody knows who got them.
A shitload of Californians who didn't get their ballots tried voting and were told they had already voted.
How does that happen unless they used identity-theft?
The voter gets them. If the voter no longer resides at the address, the get returned to the registrar's office and are then used to clean voter rolls.

Define "shitload". 2? 10? Those voters would have been allowed to vote a provisional or "fail safe" ballot. An investigation would ensue and the error would be corrected. It happened a couple times in my county, the voter already had vote history when they went to vote in person. In one case it was a clerical error where an undeliverable ballot got marked as returned good instead of undeliverable and in the 2nd case, the voter clearly already voted a mail in ballot. He either forgot or he was trying to vote twice. Also, potentially, he was tracking his ballot and got nervous when it wasn't showing up so he went to vote in person just in case.

It happens usually due to human error. For the one guy in my county that had not already voted, it was just an error. In a batch of 700 undeliverable ballots, his was the only one marked "good". How does that happen? The mouse rolled, she hit a key with her thumb. Who knows, but it wasn't "identity theft".

To be able to vote for someone else you have to be able to duplicate their signature. So in other words you have to commit forgery, another felony on top of voter fraud, in order to cast ONE fraudulent vote. That's an awful lot of risk for very little reward don't you think?
You gotta try and put that racist, racist, racist bullcrap in there didn't you ? I'm talking only about the voting that had hoisted our nation to the great and powerful good that it had become in this world over time. Not everything is good, just like not every black or white trends are good, but somehow it came together for good when it was thrived for by all.
My point is that how we vote in person no way resembles how we voted 200+ years ago. We don't travel the way we did two hundred years ago. We don't pay taxes the way we did 200 years ago. There are a lot of things we don't do the way we did 200 years ago. There are a hell of a lot more people in the country than there was 200 years ago. You have to grow and adapt.

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