Larry Nassar Stabbed Multiple Times

Plenty of sexual perverts aren't drag queens. Just like plenty of fruits aren't watermelons or cherries.

Pretending as if there is someone tremendous about drag queens just because they aren't the only variety of deviant, that's something I don't understand.

What MoonBat is trying to say that as long as there are some guys who rape little girls then when faggots do it it's okay and Democrats are obligated to to promote faggot pedoes as 'normal' and brainwashing vulnerable children into letting pedoes play around in their pants and convince them they need extreme sexual mutilations is therefore justified, too. Just ignore the fact that NAMBLA was a key Founder and major leaders of faggot privilege advocacy organizations like the ILGA.
What MoonBat is trying to say that as long as there are some guys who rape little girls then when faggots do it it's okay and Democrats are obligated to to promote faggot pedoes as 'normal' and brainwashing vulnerable children into letting pedoes play around in their pants and convince them they need extreme sexual mutilations is therefore justified, too. Just ignore the fact that NAMBLA was a key Founder and major leaders of faggot privilege advocacy organizations like the ILGA.
Your projection of lies is noted do you ever operate with the slightest margins of truth? More kids are molested by straight males than any other category yet you never say a word about them. In your frame of mind, you should ask yourself why are you protecting the straight males who are pedos.
Your projection of lies is noted do you ever operate with the slightest margins of truth? More kids are molested by straight white males than any other category yet you never say a word about them.

What do you find objectionable ?
Yes we were.

And we've established that him letting his 12 year old daughter climb in the shower with him was WRONG.
She states that there was nothing going on that was wrong.
Being in a shower with a naked man is WRONG no matter what she says. I'm sure he was grooming her to think that such conduct is perfectly normal. That's why groomers are called "groomers."
Being in a shower with a naked man is WRONG no matter what she says. I'm sure he was grooming her to think that such conduct is perfectly normal. That's why groomers are called "groomers."
Kids are groomed by their parents in every family or did you just float around and do as you please when being raised? The problem is you people are politically attacking people instead of showing true concern for victims. You ignore the big problem to pick on the little problem, you studs are so studly.
Your projection of lies is noted do you ever operate with the slightest margins of truth? More kids are molested by straight males than any other category yet you never say a word about them. In your frame of mind, you should ask yourself why are you protecting the straight males who are pedos.

That stupid 'point' has been a bogus deflection for decades, but you parrots can't learn new lines. Faggots make up around 2% of the population, and commit 35% to over 50% of all kiddie rapes, so of course that makes them a much higher risk around children. Those faggots who posed as 'priests' your ilk refuse to admit were faggots raped boys over 80% of the time. WE also know faggot pedoes will also rape little girls if they don't have any little boys handy in a 'dry spell', as proven by the last FBI undercover operation showed.

But you keep on being you.
That stupid 'point' has been a bogus deflection for decades, but you parrots can't learn new lines. Faggots make up around 2% of the population, and commit 35% to over 50% of all kiddie rapes, so of course that makes them a much higher risk around children. Those faggots who posed as 'priests' your ilk refuse to admit were faggots raped boys over 80% of the time. WE also know faggot pedoes will also rape little girls if they don't have any little boys handy in a 'dry spell', as proven by the last FBI undercover operation showed.

But you keep on being you.
Faggots is not a proper nomenclature for a demographic of humans and your stats have no links.
Kids are groomed by their parents in every family or did you just float around and do as you please when being raised? The problem is you people are politically attacking people instead of showing true concern for victims.
Sorry to hear your parents "groomed" you but that would answer a lot of questions. However, just because your family sexually groomed you by no means makes it something that normal families do.
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Faggots is not a proper nomenclature for a demographic of humans and your stats have no links.

It's far more accurate than 'gay', a word only idiots would use to descibe sick sexual fetishists who rape little kids at far higher rates than any other demographic. Links have been posted for years, so suck on that when your batteries run down.
It's far more accurate than 'gay', a word only idiots would use to descibe sick sexual fetishists who rape little kids at far higher rates than any other demographic. Links have been posted for years, so suck on that when your batteries run down.
Making up stats and words is most disingenuous.
True – nor was he gay or transgender; he was a heterosexual, as are most pedophiles.

How do you "know" that?

Sounds like you are just heterophobic.

IMHO, the situation at Coleman makes it seem as if Nassar is a homo. It looks like he may have got stabbed in a gay lovers quarrel. Someone may have been jealous that Nassar was violating someone else's butt hole instead of theirs.

A surprisingly high number of assaulters against dames come out as Trannies when they make it to the joint you know.
When a person is doing time -- paying their debt to society -- they are in the State's custody. The State is obligated to protect that person regardless of what you think of that person's crime. If you don't like the law you need to change it
When a person is doing time -- paying their debt to society -- they are in the State's custody. The State is obligated to protect that person regardless of what you think of that person's crime. If you don't like the law you need to change it

That's certainly true, and is the main reason why the US Corrections Department has set up special yards for some of the more hated inmates. They don't want sued, they don't want to have to lock down the joint and they don't want to go to the hassle of bussing someone to the hospital or morgue and having to mop up the blood.

But there really isn't much the state can do if someone who had it in for Nassar suitcased a shiv and attacked him like this.
Kids are groomed by their parents in every family or did you just float around and do as you please when being raised? The problem is you people are politically attacking people instead of showing true concern for victims. You ignore the big problem to pick on the little problem, you studs are so studly.
They get off on pedophilia. This is why they keep bringing it up

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