Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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Oh, the conspiracy theories abound. I do agree that things are being obscured.

I'm not saying to believe everything, but here's a couple of plausible things, that woman dying is highly suspect:


Las Vegas Shooting: Video Shows 'Security Guard' Gunman Shoot Into Crowd

Las Vegas massacre survivor dies abruptly after posting her detailed eyewitness account of multiple shooters on Facebook

. In that video I can hear the life of that bumpstock ending abruptly. Talk about the straw that broke the camel's back.. If not banned completely, then it needs to be extremely regulated out of the reach of just anyone purchasing such a thing. Anyone owning any kind of weapons that can cause mass casualties and death should be extremely vetted, kept up with, made sure their collections are inspected for safe keeping, not bragged about, locked up tight, and used only at private gun ranges, or on private property where the public is not invited. 2nd amendment is safe as it should be, but what happened in Vegas is totally unexceptable. The practice of safe gun ownership comes with transparency between law enforcement and citizen. We as good citizens should be able to own great gun collections, but we should be willing to go through the vetting process that our collections would call for. I mean what is it between the gun culture and the nation's laws concerning guns now or forever ? Is it that citizens want to keep their collections secret (off the grid) because they fear government becoming or going rogue in the future ?? The military right now (as has been allowed by the votes and Goodwill of the citizens), if it were to be directed at shutting down a rise up of the citizens against it, then it would win quickly. People know this, so what other reasoning do people have in keeping their collections secretive from the prying eyes of the law ?? One very good reason is that if one group of citizens were to ban together in a rise up against another group of citizens, then the good group let's say, could defend itself against the bad group for whom decided to rise up against the good group. It's no different than defending your home or property against Intruders where as (if we're many before the law could arrive), then you and your family could defend yourselves until help arrived. There is no gauging a situation like that by government, otherwise as to what type of collection or weapons would be needed by the citizen in order to defend themselves against a large group wanting to do harm or to steal one's rations in a global emergency that may place people into such situations. If multiple EMP's were to detonate over an area in a war situation, and people survived until the aftermath came (aftermath being total chaos and calamity), where as people would be forming groups to search for resources, then you would need a way to defend your stockpiles against those groups. The second these days I'm hoping is not so much about fighting our government, but more so about preserving our country by way of preserving our private property, resources, and ourselves if government fails. If government fails by a catostrophic event, and group's form to finish each other off over resources, then your rights to defend yourselves will come into play big time.

TL; DR :coffee:

Paragraphs, dude. Paragraphs.
. The duck, duck program won't let me do that... So it's either give up the adds for longer post in result of or go back with dealing with the aggravating adds in order to properly do paragraphs. Not going back to those adds. LOL.

Never heard of Adblock Plus? USMB kinda changes the format of whatever you type, anyways.
. Wait, that's what I'm using is AdBlock plus. When try to space bar it throws everything out of whack, and I can't get it to straighten back out. So it's either short post and nothing long or just hope that the long post can be interpreted or comprehended right.
Oh, the conspiracy theories abound. I do agree that things are being obscured.

I'm not saying to believe everything, but here's a couple of plausible things, that woman dying is highly suspect:


Las Vegas Shooting: Video Shows 'Security Guard' Gunman Shoot Into Crowd

Las Vegas massacre survivor dies abruptly after posting her detailed eyewitness account of multiple shooters on Facebook

. In that video I can hear the life of that bumpstock ending abruptly. Talk about the straw that broke the camel's back.. If not banned completely, then it needs to be extremely regulated out of the reach of just anyone purchasing such a thing. Anyone owning any kind of weapons that can cause mass casualties and death should be extremely vetted, kept up with, made sure their collections are inspected for safe keeping, not bragged about, locked up tight, and used only at private gun ranges, or on private property where the public is not invited. 2nd amendment is safe as it should be, but what happened in Vegas is totally unexceptable. The practice of safe gun ownership comes with transparency between law enforcement and citizen. We as good citizens should be able to own great gun collections, but we should be willing to go through the vetting process that our collections would call for. I mean what is it between the gun culture and the nation's laws concerning guns now or forever ? Is it that citizens want to keep their collections secret (off the grid) because they fear government becoming or going rogue in the future ?? The military right now (as has been allowed by the votes and Goodwill of the citizens), if it were to be directed at shutting down a rise up of the citizens against it, then it would win quickly. People know this, so what other reasoning do people have in keeping their collections secretive from the prying eyes of the law ?? One very good reason is that if one group of citizens were to ban together in a rise up against another group of citizens, then the good group let's say, could defend itself against the bad group for whom decided to rise up against the good group. It's no different than defending your home or property against Intruders where as (if we're many before the law could arrive), then you and your family could defend yourselves until help arrived. There is no gauging a situation like that by government, otherwise as to what type of collection or weapons would be needed by the citizen in order to defend themselves against a large group wanting to do harm or to steal one's rations in a global emergency that may place people into such situations. If multiple EMP's were to detonate over an area in a war situation, and people survived until the aftermath came (aftermath being total chaos and calamity), where as people would be forming groups to search for resources, then you would need a way to defend your stockpiles against those groups. The second these days I'm hoping is not so much about fighting our government, but more so about preserving our country by way of preserving our private property, resources, and ourselves if government fails. If government fails by a catostrophic event, and group's form to finish each other off over resources, then your rights to defend yourselves will come into play big time.

TL; DR :coffee:

Paragraphs, dude. Paragraphs.
. The duck, duck program won't let me do that... So it's either give up the adds for longer post in result of or go back with dealing with the aggravating adds in order to properly do paragraphs. Not going back to those adds. LOL.

Never heard of Adblock Plus? USMB kinda changes the format of whatever you type, anyways.
. Wait, that's what I'm using is AdBlock plus. When try to space bar it throws everything out of whack, and I can't get it to straighten back out. So it's either short post and nothing long or just hope that the long post can be interpreted or comprehended right.

There's a couple other things you could try, ghostery and noscript. Then ya find yourself having to allow every little thing.

Clearing cookies, private browsing, etc. I just use AdBlock Plus and keep cookies cleared.
Oh, the conspiracy theories abound. I do agree that things are being obscured.

I'm not saying to believe everything, but here's a couple of plausible things, that woman dying is highly suspect:


Las Vegas Shooting: Video Shows 'Security Guard' Gunman Shoot Into Crowd

Las Vegas massacre survivor dies abruptly after posting her detailed eyewitness account of multiple shooters on Facebook

. In that video I can hear the life of that bumpstock ending abruptly. Talk about the straw that broke the camel's back.. If not banned completely, then it needs to be extremely regulated out of the reach of just anyone purchasing such a thing. Anyone owning any kind of weapons that can cause mass casualties and death should be extremely vetted, kept up with, made sure their collections are inspected for safe keeping, not bragged about, locked up tight, and used only at private gun ranges, or on private property where the public is not invited. 2nd amendment is safe as it should be, but what happened in Vegas is totally unexceptable. The practice of safe gun ownership comes with transparency between law enforcement and citizen. We as good citizens should be able to own great gun collections, but we should be willing to go through the vetting process that our collections would call for. I mean what is it between the gun culture and the nation's laws concerning guns now or forever ? Is it that citizens want to keep their collections secret (off the grid) because they fear government becoming or going rogue in the future ?? The military right now (as has been allowed by the votes and Goodwill of the citizens), if it were to be directed at shutting down a rise up of the citizens against it, then it would win quickly. People know this, so what other reasoning do people have in keeping their collections secretive from the prying eyes of the law ?? One very good reason is that if one group of citizens were to ban together in a rise up against another group of citizens, then the good group let's say, could defend itself against the bad group for whom decided to rise up against the good group. It's no different than defending your home or property against Intruders where as (if we're many before the law could arrive), then you and your family could defend yourselves until help arrived. There is no gauging a situation like that by government, otherwise as to what type of collection or weapons would be needed by the citizen in order to defend themselves against a large group wanting to do harm or to steal one's rations in a global emergency that may place people into such situations. If multiple EMP's were to detonate over an area in a war situation, and people survived until the aftermath came (aftermath being total chaos and calamity), where as people would be forming groups to search for resources, then you would need a way to defend your stockpiles against those groups. The second these days I'm hoping is not so much about fighting our government, but more so about preserving our country by way of preserving our private property, resources, and ourselves if government fails. If government fails by a catostrophic event, and group's form to finish each other off over resources, then your rights to defend yourselves will come into play big time.

TL; DR :coffee:

Paragraphs, dude. Paragraphs.
. The duck, duck program won't let me do that... So it's either give up the adds for longer post in result of or go back with dealing with the aggravating adds in order to properly do paragraphs. Not going back to those adds. LOL.

Never heard of Adblock Plus? USMB kinda changes the format of whatever you type, anyways.
. Wait, that's what I'm using is AdBlock plus. When try to space bar it throws everything out of whack, and I can't get it to straighten back out. So it's either short post and nothing long or just hope that the long post can be interpreted or comprehended right.

That's actually why I switched to Brave. The reply box got hosed in Firefox when running AdBlock - and if I recall right even with AdBlock turned off for the site. Either way Brave is good, though it takes quite a bit longer to load up, it runs just as fast as Firefox and it runs this site perfectly.

Ah wait, I take that perfectly back - it won't go to the original post when you use the arrow on top of the quote box. Very minor issue to me heh
After all I've seen so far, I'm not convinced that Paddock is a shooter.

Something is missing.
Well, nobody has mentioned the Illuminati or new world order, so clearly all of the journalists are in on it, too.


Still not convinced, maybe because there are many unanswered questions.

Like, why FBI wipes out phones of the witnesses before they return them?
Or, why some of the witnesses just died?

Or, why there were several Army trucks just across the street from the shooting?

Skip to 10 min mark and watch from there.
After all I've seen so far, I'm not convinced that Paddock is a shooter.

Something is missing.
Well, nobody has mentioned the Illuminati or new world order, so clearly all of the journalists are in on it, too.


Still not convinced, maybe because there are many unanswered questions.

Like, why FBI wipes out phones of the witnesses before they return them?
Or, why some of the witnesses just died?

Or, why there were several Army trucks just across the street from the shooting?

Skip to 10 min mark and watch from there.
. Tried to see if there were muzzle flashes coming from the floor where the room was, but couldn't see any.. Did he have some sort of muzzle flash restricter's that hid the muzzle flashes in order to stay hidden longer from the crowd below ?
I find it interesting that Las Vegas shooting disappeared from the news cycle quicker than Charlottesville.

Second, arguing about how and why "Stephen Paddock" could have done what the government claimed happened in Las Vegas is logically fallacious, because so far the government has not shown physical evidence to prove their description of what happened is real.

Thus any energy expended on the "Paddock" cover story (other than to observe how the chances of it being true are somewhere between slim and fat) is energy being spent to "support the government" - because it is assuming the truth of the government's claim.

That's why I am not convinced, rather skeptical and I think that "Paddock" is an intentional misdirection, which is why the government is happy to support and engage in speculation about "Paddock", but goes into full attack mode when the basic truth of the cover story is challenged.
After all I've seen so far, I'm not convinced that Paddock is a shooter.

Something is missing.
Well, nobody has mentioned the Illuminati or new world order, so clearly all of the journalists are in on it, too.


Still not convinced, maybe because there are many unanswered questions.

Like, why FBI wipes out phones of the witnesses before they return them?
Or, why some of the witnesses just died?

Or, why there were several Army trucks just across the street from the shooting?

Skip to 10 min mark and watch from there.
. Is that section of Mandalay (in the video picture), behind the big screen where Paddock was ? That's the one I was focused on when looking for the muzzle flashes.
The weapon lying there on the floor with scope, tri-pod, and other ominus aspects to it, just amazes me that a madman ended up with such a weapon that was modified even more so, and that he was able to kill and injure so many with such a weapon he somehow aquirred. Some stricter steps concerning the vetting of gun buyers should be implemented in order to make sure a Steven Paddock type doesn't easily do such a thing to innocent American's again. Not sure what those steps are, but we can do better than this. Why gun advocates don't see this as something they would want to have a part in, and to help create a better system or set up just baffles the mind. I mean even I restrict the open invitation to my children to just be able to put their hands on a non loaded weapon in my home or a loaded one. Do people realize that some adults are just like children, and they need to be educated, vetted, and even denide the purchasing of a weapon that could either hurt them or hurt others if they are the wrong individuals to own or have in their possession a firearm ?? Over and over again we talk about this, and see this in these forums, but then we go silent even in the wake of such tragic events like that of Vegas or other atrocious acts that takes place ? Kicking the can down the road invites more death and destruction at the hands of bad people who had the same rights as the good citizens to get a gun. The trouble is figuring out how to surgically get the guns out of the bad guy's hands always, and to keep them out of the bad guy's hands always, yet preserving the second amendment, and not messing with the good guys guns in the process.
Last edited:
The weapon lying there on the floor with scope, tri-pod, and other ominus aspects to it, just amazes me that a madman ended up with such a weapon that was modified even more so, and that he was able to kill and injure so many with such a weapon he somehow aquirred. Some stricter steps concerning the vetting of gun buyers should be implemented in order to make sure a Steven Paddock type doesn't easily do such a thing to innocent American's again. Not sure what those steps are, but we can do better than this. Why gun advocates don't see this as something they would want to be a part in, and to help create a better system or set up just baffles the mind. I mean even I restrict the open invitation to my children to just be able to put their hands on a non loaded weapon in my home or a loaded one. Do people realize that some adults are just like children, and they need to be educated, vetted, and even denide the purchasing of a weapon that could either hurt them or hurt others if they are the wrong individuals to own or have in their possession a firearm ?? Over and over again we talk about this, and see this in these forums, but then we go silent even in the wake of such tragic events like that of Vegas or other atrocious acts that takes place ? Kicking the can down the road invites more death and destruction at the hands of bad people who had the same rights as the good citizens to get a gun. The trouble is figuring out how to surgically get the guns out of the bad guy's hands always, and to keep them out of the bad guy's hands always, yet preserving the second amendment, and not messing with the good guys guns in the process.

The pat answer here is if some people commit a horrific crime with a rifle then we must not let anyone have a rifle.
There is no way to leave people unfettered if you hold all people responsible for the acts of one person.

The best way to keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals is to keep violent criminals off the streets. That alone will reduce both our murder and crime rates.

But we will never be able to prevent every heinous act because we cannot predict the future.
The weapon lying there on the floor with scope, tri-pod, and other ominus aspects to it, just amazes me that a madman ended up with such a weapon that was modified even more so, and that he was able to kill and injure so many with such a weapon he somehow aquirred. Some stricter steps concerning the vetting of gun buyers should be implemented in order to make sure a Steven Paddock type doesn't easily do such a thing to innocent American's again. Not sure what those steps are, but we can do better than this. Why gun advocates don't see this as something they would want to be a part in, and to help create a better system or set up just baffles the mind. I mean even I restrict the open invitation to my children to just be able to put their hands on a non loaded weapon in my home or a loaded one. Do people realize that some adults are just like children, and they need to be educated, vetted, and even denide the purchasing of a weapon that could either hurt them or hurt others if they are the wrong individuals to own or have in their possession a firearm ?? Over and over again we talk about this, and see this in these forums, but then we go silent even in the wake of such tragic events like that of Vegas or other atrocious acts that takes place ? Kicking the can down the road invites more death and destruction at the hands of bad people who had the same rights as the good citizens to get a gun. The trouble is figuring out how to surgically get the guns out of the bad guy's hands always, and to keep them out of the bad guy's hands always, yet preserving the second amendment, and not messing with the good guys guns in the process.

The pat answer here is if some people commit a horrific crime with a rifle then we must not let anyone have a rifle.
There is no way to leave people unfettered if you hold all people responsible for the acts of one person.

The best way to keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals is to keep violent criminals off the streets. That alone will reduce both our murder and crime rates.

But we will never be able to prevent every heinous act because we cannot predict the future.
. Yes, the enforcement to get the bad guy's off the streets, and out of the communities is key to alot of this, and the looking at stricter licensing for more lethal weapons ownership could also be key. We just need to get our common sense back, and deal with those who are destroying our abilities to use good common sense in anything we do. I agree that we shouldn't punish the good citizens for the acts of a few, but we must restrict the ability of someone to do the damage that was done in Vegas or upon the streets of Chicago etc. If we are going to call ourselves a civilized society, then we must do things that promote a civilized society, and take actions to keep our people safe.
Las Vegas police are investigating reports of an active shooter at the Mandalay Bay Casino on the city's famous strip.


Las Vegas police are investigating reports of a shooting at Mandalay Bay Casino. Photo: Twitter: ABC7 Eyewitness News
Several artists performing at the Route 91 Harvest music festival have reported hearing gunshots.
Police are heading to the scene last on Sunday night local time near Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.

There are reports of a country music festival, Route 90 Harvest, on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Mandalay Bay is located on the south end of the Vegas strip and across from McCarran International Airport.

Las Vegas shooting: Reports of active shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino


Must See Footage: Muzzle Flashes Seen Coming From Helicopter During Las Vegas Massacre
Las Vegas police are investigating reports of an active shooter at the Mandalay Bay Casino on the city's famous strip.


Las Vegas police are investigating reports of a shooting at Mandalay Bay Casino. Photo: Twitter: ABC7 Eyewitness News
Several artists performing at the Route 91 Harvest music festival have reported hearing gunshots.
Police are heading to the scene last on Sunday night local time near Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.

There are reports of a country music festival, Route 90 Harvest, on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Mandalay Bay is located on the south end of the Vegas strip and across from McCarran International Airport.

Las Vegas shooting: Reports of active shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

View attachment 154929

Must See Footage: Muzzle Flashes Seen Coming From Helicopter During Las Vegas Massacre

Helicopters have a flashing strobe on them. That's not very convincing to me.
Las Vegas police are investigating reports of an active shooter at the Mandalay Bay Casino on the city's famous strip.


Las Vegas police are investigating reports of a shooting at Mandalay Bay Casino. Photo: Twitter: ABC7 Eyewitness News
Several artists performing at the Route 91 Harvest music festival have reported hearing gunshots.
Police are heading to the scene last on Sunday night local time near Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.

There are reports of a country music festival, Route 90 Harvest, on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Mandalay Bay is located on the south end of the Vegas strip and across from McCarran International Airport.

Las Vegas shooting: Reports of active shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

View attachment 154929

Must See Footage: Muzzle Flashes Seen Coming From Helicopter During Las Vegas Massacre

Helicopters have a flashing strobe on them. That's not very convincing to me.

Las Vegas police are investigating reports of an active shooter at the Mandalay Bay Casino on the city's famous strip.


Las Vegas police are investigating reports of a shooting at Mandalay Bay Casino. Photo: Twitter: ABC7 Eyewitness News
Several artists performing at the Route 91 Harvest music festival have reported hearing gunshots.
Police are heading to the scene last on Sunday night local time near Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.

There are reports of a country music festival, Route 90 Harvest, on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Mandalay Bay is located on the south end of the Vegas strip and across from McCarran International Airport.

Las Vegas shooting: Reports of active shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino


Vegas Survivor Who Died Suddenly Planned Group To Disprove MSM


Las Vegas police are investigating reports of an active shooter at the Mandalay Bay Casino on the city's famous strip.


Las Vegas police are investigating reports of a shooting at Mandalay Bay Casino. Photo: Twitter: ABC7 Eyewitness News
Several artists performing at the Route 91 Harvest music festival have reported hearing gunshots.
Police are heading to the scene last on Sunday night local time near Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.

There are reports of a country music festival, Route 90 Harvest, on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Mandalay Bay is located on the south end of the Vegas strip and across from McCarran International Airport.

Las Vegas shooting: Reports of active shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

View attachment 154929

Must See Footage: Muzzle Flashes Seen Coming From Helicopter During Las Vegas Massacre

Helicopters have a flashing strobe on them. That's not very convincing to me.

Las Vegas police are investigating reports of an active shooter at the Mandalay Bay Casino on the city's famous strip.


Las Vegas police are investigating reports of a shooting at Mandalay Bay Casino. Photo: Twitter: ABC7 Eyewitness News
Several artists performing at the Route 91 Harvest music festival have reported hearing gunshots.
Police are heading to the scene last on Sunday night local time near Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.

There are reports of a country music festival, Route 90 Harvest, on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Mandalay Bay is located on the south end of the Vegas strip and across from McCarran International Airport.

Las Vegas shooting: Reports of active shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino


Vegas Survivor Who Died Suddenly Planned Group To Disprove MSM

View attachment 154938

View attachment 154940

Now THAT is highly suspect!
The weapon lying there on the floor with scope, tri-pod, and other ominus aspects to it, just amazes me that a madman ended up with such a weapon that was modified even more so, and that he was able to kill and injure so many with such a weapon he somehow aquirred. Some stricter steps concerning the vetting of gun buyers should be implemented in order to make sure a Steven Paddock type doesn't easily do such a thing to innocent American's again. Not sure what those steps are, but we can do better than this. Why gun advocates don't see this as something they would want to be a part in, and to help create a better system or set up just baffles the mind. I mean even I restrict the open invitation to my children to just be able to put their hands on a non loaded weapon in my home or a loaded one. Do people realize that some adults are just like children, and they need to be educated, vetted, and even denide the purchasing of a weapon that could either hurt them or hurt others if they are the wrong individuals to own or have in their possession a firearm ?? Over and over again we talk about this, and see this in these forums, but then we go silent even in the wake of such tragic events like that of Vegas or other atrocious acts that takes place ? Kicking the can down the road invites more death and destruction at the hands of bad people who had the same rights as the good citizens to get a gun. The trouble is figuring out how to surgically get the guns out of the bad guy's hands always, and to keep them out of the bad guy's hands always, yet preserving the second amendment, and not messing with the good guys guns in the process.

The pat answer here is if some people commit a horrific crime with a rifle then we must not let anyone have a rifle.
There is no way to leave people unfettered if you hold all people responsible for the acts of one person.

The best way to keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals is to keep violent criminals off the streets. That alone will reduce both our murder and crime rates.

But we will never be able to prevent every heinous act because we cannot predict the future.
. Yes, the enforcement to get the bad guy's off the streets, and out of the communities is key to alot of this, and the looking at stricter licensing for more lethal weapons ownership could also be key. We just need to get our common sense back, and deal with those who are destroying our abilities to use good common sense in anything we do. I agree that we shouldn't punish the good citizens for the acts of a few, but we must restrict the ability of someone to do the damage that was done in Vegas or upon the streets of Chicago etc. If we are going to call ourselves a civilized society, then we must do things that promote a civilized society, and take actions to keep our people safe.

More lethal?

A semiautomatic rifle is no more lethal than any other rifle.

And you will never restrict the ability of people to commit mass murder.
Las Vegas police are investigating reports of an active shooter at the Mandalay Bay Casino on the city's famous strip.


Las Vegas police are investigating reports of a shooting at Mandalay Bay Casino. Photo: Twitter: ABC7 Eyewitness News
Several artists performing at the Route 91 Harvest music festival have reported hearing gunshots.
Police are heading to the scene last on Sunday night local time near Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.

There are reports of a country music festival, Route 90 Harvest, on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Mandalay Bay is located on the south end of the Vegas strip and across from McCarran International Airport.

Las Vegas shooting: Reports of active shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

View attachment 154929

Must See Footage: Muzzle Flashes Seen Coming From Helicopter During Las Vegas Massacre

Hey, there were more flashes on the ambulance that drove by. You should investigate, looks like another shooter! :ack-1:
Las Vegas police are investigating reports of an active shooter at the Mandalay Bay Casino on the city's famous strip.


Las Vegas police are investigating reports of a shooting at Mandalay Bay Casino. Photo: Twitter: ABC7 Eyewitness News
Several artists performing at the Route 91 Harvest music festival have reported hearing gunshots.
Police are heading to the scene last on Sunday night local time near Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.

There are reports of a country music festival, Route 90 Harvest, on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Mandalay Bay is located on the south end of the Vegas strip and across from McCarran International Airport.

Las Vegas shooting: Reports of active shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

View attachment 154929

Must See Footage: Muzzle Flashes Seen Coming From Helicopter During Las Vegas Massacre

Hey, there were more flashes on the ambulance that drove by. You should investigate, looks like another shooter! :ack-1:

What about the tops of school buses? :eek:
Las Vegas police are investigating reports of an active shooter at the Mandalay Bay Casino on the city's famous strip.


Las Vegas police are investigating reports of a shooting at Mandalay Bay Casino. Photo: Twitter: ABC7 Eyewitness News
Several artists performing at the Route 91 Harvest music festival have reported hearing gunshots.
Police are heading to the scene last on Sunday night local time near Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.

There are reports of a country music festival, Route 90 Harvest, on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Mandalay Bay is located on the south end of the Vegas strip and across from McCarran International Airport.

Las Vegas shooting: Reports of active shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

View attachment 154929

Must See Footage: Muzzle Flashes Seen Coming From Helicopter During Las Vegas Massacre

Hey, there were more flashes on the ambulance that drove by. You should investigate, looks like another shooter! :ack-1:

What about the tops of school buses? :eek:

There are shooters everywhere!

Just ask MindWars, she’ll tell ya.
The weapon lying there on the floor with scope, tri-pod, and other ominus aspects to it, just amazes me that a madman ended up with such a weapon that was modified even more so, and that he was able to kill and injure so many with such a weapon he somehow aquirred. Some stricter steps concerning the vetting of gun buyers should be implemented in order to make sure a Steven Paddock type doesn't easily do such a thing to innocent American's again. Not sure what those steps are, but we can do better than this. Why gun advocates don't see this as something they would want to be a part in, and to help create a better system or set up just baffles the mind. I mean even I restrict the open invitation to my children to just be able to put their hands on a non loaded weapon in my home or a loaded one. Do people realize that some adults are just like children, and they need to be educated, vetted, and even denide the purchasing of a weapon that could either hurt them or hurt others if they are the wrong individuals to own or have in their possession a firearm ?? Over and over again we talk about this, and see this in these forums, but then we go silent even in the wake of such tragic events like that of Vegas or other atrocious acts that takes place ? Kicking the can down the road invites more death and destruction at the hands of bad people who had the same rights as the good citizens to get a gun. The trouble is figuring out how to surgically get the guns out of the bad guy's hands always, and to keep them out of the bad guy's hands always, yet preserving the second amendment, and not messing with the good guys guns in the process.

The pat answer here is if some people commit a horrific crime with a rifle then we must not let anyone have a rifle.
There is no way to leave people unfettered if you hold all people responsible for the acts of one person.

The best way to keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals is to keep violent criminals off the streets. That alone will reduce both our murder and crime rates.

But we will never be able to prevent every heinous act because we cannot predict the future.
. Yes, the enforcement to get the bad guy's off the streets, and out of the communities is key to alot of this, and the looking at stricter licensing for more lethal weapons ownership could also be key. We just need to get our common sense back, and deal with those who are destroying our abilities to use good common sense in anything we do. I agree that we shouldn't punish the good citizens for the acts of a few, but we must restrict the ability of someone to do the damage that was done in Vegas or upon the streets of Chicago etc. If we are going to call ourselves a civilized society, then we must do things that promote a civilized society, and take actions to keep our people safe.

More lethal?

A semiautomatic rifle is no more lethal than any other rifle.

And you will never restrict the ability of people to commit mass murder.

and in some cases a semi is less lethal then other rifles
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