Last Christmas For Tax Free Internet Shopping?


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Next they'll be telling us that it's all for the poor childen. The Government has been chomping at the bit to do this for years. Now they've found a convenient ally to assist them in this...

It’s a scenario all too familiar to retailers: A customer walks in, asks to see a product, discusses it at length with the sales staff, and then pulls out his cellphone.

Jason Brewer, vice president of communications and advocacy for the Retail Industry Leaders Association, explains what happens next: “He uses his smartphone to take a picture of the bar code on the back of the item, and then, right in front of the sales person, he checks prices and orders the item online.”

Why? Because most online outlets don’t charge sales tax, unlike traditional bricks-and-mortar stores. Buying online, especially when it comes to jewelry, cameras, computers and other high-end electronics, can save consumers a hefty chunk of change. But the costs to traditional retailers, not to mention state and local governments, are mounting.

“Not only does the retailer lose the sale, but the sales staff just lost 30 minutes telling the customer about the product,” Mr. Brewer said.

It’s infuriating to store owners, but after years of griping about the lack of fairness, this may well be the last holiday shopping season when bricks-and-mortar stores operate under a sales-tax handicap. A bipartisan consensus appears to be forming in Congress in favor of Legislation that would close this Tax loophole.
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'Bi-Partisan support?' Yea now you know we're getting screwed. :(
So are you for or against this change? I think it's only fair that if brick and mortar stores are forced to be the government's unpaid tax collectors, then internet stores should be required to as well.
So are you for or against this change? I think it's only fair that if brick and mortar stores are forced to be the government's unpaid tax collectors, then internet stores should be required to as well.

Yes i am against this. The Government is only using this as an excuse to get in there and start Taxing the Hell out of everyone via the Internet. They've been wanting to do that for many years. Now they've found their convenient ally to help them kick the door down and storm in. Shame on the Republicans supporting this.
So are you for or against this change? I think it's only fair that if brick and mortar stores are forced to be the government's unpaid tax collectors, then internet stores should be required to as well.

Yes i am against this. The Government is only using this as an excuse to get in there and start Taxing the Hell out of everyone via the Internet. They've been wanting to do that for many years. Now they've found their convenient ally to help them kick the door down and storm in. Shame on the Republicans supporting this.

So why should internet stores not have to charge sales tax?
So are you for or against this change? I think it's only fair that if brick and mortar stores are forced to be the government's unpaid tax collectors, then internet stores should be required to as well.

Yes i am against this. The Government is only using this as an excuse to get in there and start Taxing the Hell out of everyone via the Internet. They've been wanting to do that for many years. Now they've found their convenient ally to help them kick the door down and storm in. Shame on the Republicans supporting this.

So why should internet stores not have to charge sales tax?

Why should they have to? I like things just fine the way they are. Don't you? It creates competition. It forces the brick & mortars to lower prices to compete. And that's good for the People. So the brick & mortars can stop whining and go to hell. And the Republicans who are supporting this can do the same.
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Yes i am against this. The Government is only using this as an excuse to get in there and start Taxing the Hell out of everyone via the Internet. They've been wanting to do that for many years. Now they've found their convenient ally to help them kick the door down and storm in. Shame on the Republicans supporting this.

So why should internet stores not have to charge sales tax?

Why should they have to? I like things just fine the way they are. It creates competition. It forces the brick & mortars to lower prices to compete. And that's good for the People. So the brick & mortars can stop whining and go to hell. And the Republicans who are supporting this can do the same.

A brick and mortar store is, even before the sales tax issue, at a huge financial disadvantage to internet stores. An internet store does not have the overhead that a traditional store maintains. Internet stores can be run out of a spare room w/ one person. That is how they provide the "lowest prices". Traditional stores require people to work, leases or rents, electricity and water and only have so far that they can lower prices before not being able to pay their overhead. In addition, it's simply fair that all business be treated the same under the law.
So why should internet stores not have to charge sales tax?

Why should they have to? I like things just fine the way they are. It creates competition. It forces the brick & mortars to lower prices to compete. And that's good for the People. So the brick & mortars can stop whining and go to hell. And the Republicans who are supporting this can do the same.

A brick and mortar store is, even before the sales tax issue, at a huge financial disadvantage to internet stores. An internet store does not have the overhead that a traditional store maintains. Internet stores can be run out of a spare room w/ one person. That is how they provide the "lowest prices". Traditional stores require people to work, leases or rents, electricity and water and only have so far that they can lower prices before not being able to pay their overhead. In addition, it's simply fair that all business be treated the same under the law.

It's America,quit whining and just compete. This is just another Government Bailout in the end. And as usual,the Taxpayers will get screwed. They're just using this whining to kick the door down and start Taxing the Hell out of the Internet anyway. Just another bad joke. Any Republican supporting this should be voted out of office as soon as possible. "Conservatives??" What a scam.
Why should they have to? I like things just fine the way they are. It creates competition. It forces the brick & mortars to lower prices to compete. And that's good for the People. So the brick & mortars can stop whining and go to hell. And the Republicans who are supporting this can do the same.

A brick and mortar store is, even before the sales tax issue, at a huge financial disadvantage to internet stores. An internet store does not have the overhead that a traditional store maintains. Internet stores can be run out of a spare room w/ one person. That is how they provide the "lowest prices". Traditional stores require people to work, leases or rents, electricity and water and only have so far that they can lower prices before not being able to pay their overhead. In addition, it's simply fair that all business be treated the same under the law.

It's America,quit whining and just compete. This is just another Government Bailout in the end. And as usual,the Taxpayers will get screwed. They're just using this whining to kick the door down and start Taxing the Hell out of the Internet anyway. Just another bad joke. Any Republican supporting this should be voted out of office as soon as possible. "Conservatives??" What a scam.

Sounds to me like typical liberal blather. Someone wanting to play the game without having to pay any dues. This is the United States of America where equality should be the name of the game. If an internet store isn't willing to play by the same rules that other stores have to abide by, then they should shut down. Brick and mortars shouldn't have to carry the internets share of the load.
A brick and mortar store is, even before the sales tax issue, at a huge financial disadvantage to internet stores. An internet store does not have the overhead that a traditional store maintains. Internet stores can be run out of a spare room w/ one person. That is how they provide the "lowest prices". Traditional stores require people to work, leases or rents, electricity and water and only have so far that they can lower prices before not being able to pay their overhead. In addition, it's simply fair that all business be treated the same under the law.

It's America,quit whining and just compete. This is just another Government Bailout in the end. And as usual,the Taxpayers will get screwed. They're just using this whining to kick the door down and start Taxing the Hell out of the Internet anyway. Just another bad joke. Any Republican supporting this should be voted out of office as soon as possible. "Conservatives??" What a scam.

Sounds to me like typical liberal blather. Someone wanting to play the game without having to pay any dues. This is the United States of America where equality should be the name of the game. If an internet store isn't willing to play by the same rules that other stores have to abide by, then they should shut down. Brick and mortars shouldn't have to carry the internets share of the load.

lol! I assure you im not a Liberal. But the Republicans who support this are. Things are just fine the way they are. We don't need the Government crashing in to start Taxing the hell out of Internet. This is a Bailout for the whiny brick & mortars. Nothing more,nothing less.
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So why should internet stores not have to charge sales tax?

Why should they have to? I like things just fine the way they are. It creates competition. It forces the brick & mortars to lower prices to compete. And that's good for the People. So the brick & mortars can stop whining and go to hell. And the Republicans who are supporting this can do the same.

A brick and mortar store is, even before the sales tax issue, at a huge financial disadvantage to internet stores. An internet store does not have the overhead that a traditional store maintains. Internet stores can be run out of a spare room w/ one person. That is how they provide the "lowest prices". Traditional stores require people to work, leases or rents, electricity and water and only have so far that they can lower prices before not being able to pay their overhead. In addition, it's simply fair that all business be treated the same under the law.
Well then, the obvious answer is that internet stores should be required to hire people, obtain leases and use more electricity and water in order to make things fair.
While yer doing that, can you make a BMW and a Suzuki the same price?
I love it,Billion Dollar brick & mortars lobbying Government for an Internet Taxpayer Bailout. Where have we seen this before? Is there really anyone left who doesn't see how Corporate-Owned our Politicians are? I mean now they're just blatant and in your face about it. The GOP needs to get back to real Conservatism. They're completely lost at this point. We already know there's no hope for the Democratic Party but there is still a slight glimmer of hope for the Republican Party.
Why should they have to? I like things just fine the way they are. It creates competition. It forces the brick & mortars to lower prices to compete. And that's good for the People. So the brick & mortars can stop whining and go to hell. And the Republicans who are supporting this can do the same.

A brick and mortar store is, even before the sales tax issue, at a huge financial disadvantage to internet stores. An internet store does not have the overhead that a traditional store maintains. Internet stores can be run out of a spare room w/ one person. That is how they provide the "lowest prices". Traditional stores require people to work, leases or rents, electricity and water and only have so far that they can lower prices before not being able to pay their overhead. In addition, it's simply fair that all business be treated the same under the law.
Well then, the obvious answer is that internet stores should be required to hire people, obtain leases and use more electricity and water in order to make things fair.
While yer doing that, can you make a BMW and a Suzuki the same price?

How about a better answer. If internet stores don't have to collect sales tax then brick and mortar stores should no longer have to collect sales tax either. That would be fine with me. Everyone can just keep track of their purchases and send the government the requisite amount. How do you think that will work?
The Billion Dollar brick & mortars should quit all their whining and invest more in online retail. See,that's how it's supposed to work in America. You compete,you don't beg for Government Bailouts. Keep the Government out of Internet retail Taxation. Things are just fne the way they are.
I love it,Billion Dollar brick & mortars lobbying Government for an Internet Taxpayer Bailout. Where have we seen this before? Is there really anyone left who doesn't see how Corporate-Owned our Politicians are? I mean now they're just blatant and in your face about it. The GOP needs to get back to real Conservatism. They're completely lost at this point. We already know there's no hope for the Democratic Party but there is still a slight glimmer of hope for the Republican Party.

You are aware aren't you that the majority of brick and mortar stores in this nation are small businesses? They are the ones that get hammered by the inequity of sales tax collections. Your story in your opening OP happens in various forms daily in retail stores thoughout the country. Are you one of the unscrupulous type of people that avail yourself of the education and help that the employee paid by the small business gives you, so that you can go order the item you were just educated about online?
A brick and mortar store is, even before the sales tax issue, at a huge financial disadvantage to internet stores. An internet store does not have the overhead that a traditional store maintains. Internet stores can be run out of a spare room w/ one person. That is how they provide the "lowest prices". Traditional stores require people to work, leases or rents, electricity and water and only have so far that they can lower prices before not being able to pay their overhead. In addition, it's simply fair that all business be treated the same under the law.
Well then, the obvious answer is that internet stores should be required to hire people, obtain leases and use more electricity and water in order to make things fair.
While yer doing that, can you make a BMW and a Suzuki the same price?

How about a better answer. If internet stores don't have to collect sales tax then brick and mortar stores should no longer have to collect sales tax either. That would be fine with me. Everyone can just keep track of their purchases and send the government the requisite amount. How do you think that will work?

Better yet,
How about if the mere fact that I purchase something doesn't make it a taxable event.
Well then, the obvious answer is that internet stores should be required to hire people, obtain leases and use more electricity and water in order to make things fair.
While yer doing that, can you make a BMW and a Suzuki the same price?

How about a better answer. If internet stores don't have to collect sales tax then brick and mortar stores should no longer have to collect sales tax either. That would be fine with me. Everyone can just keep track of their purchases and send the government the requisite amount. How do you think that will work?

Better yet,
How about if the mere fact that I purchase something doesn't make it a taxable event.

That works for me. :)
Stop begging for Government Bailouts. You can't compete,so be it. That's how it's supposed to work. The Republicans supporting this really is shocking. Then again,i guess it shouldn't be. The phony "Conservatives" took over a long time ago i guess. We desperately need a Third Party.
Stop begging for Government Bailouts. You can't compete,so be it. That's how it's supposed to work. The Republicans supporting this really is shocking. Then again,i guess it shouldn't be. The phony "Conservatives" took over a long time ago i guess. We desperately need a Third Party.

Why do you think one business should be forced to provide a service for the government and another should be exempt from having to provide that service? Tell me why the government should be setting one company at an advantage over another? The only "bail out" that I'd like to see is the government bailing out of trying to stack the playing field.

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