Last nights violence is why cops treat inner city blacks the way they do.

Man, are you guys gonna let Milkweed get away with this? Come on.

Hey Milkweed Some idiotic whites rioted in 1910 when your boy won the heavyweight title because they were racists.

Thank you for confirming that the blacks who rioted last night were racists.

Youre welcome. Thanks for supporting my position that white cops are racist.

I've no problem admitting that white cops who spend all day in crime ridden black communities where even children are yelling "fuck the police" and or committing crimes are probably prejudiced against blacks, and possibly even consider them to to be inferior to others.

Take a look at this Milkweed

10 Affluent Black Neighborhoods - The Root

And tell me, do you think white cops treat THOSE blacks the same as the blacks in Ferguson are treated?

Good bet that they aren't. Why is that Milkweed? Oh that's right, because they don't ACT like the blacks in Ferguson. In fact they were probably sitting in their living rooms last night watching the news and muttering about the stupid n!ggers who do shit like that.

There is much truth in humor

You dont know? Exactly.

Why should I know? It was over 100 years ago and completely irrelevant. Your abominable strawman is a complete failure.
So is the OJ verdict but you brought that up. What fertilizer do you use on your strawmen?

Ah, I see what's going on here. I bring up something that actually happened in our lifetimes, and you have nothing of relevance to retort with, and in your desperation to feel like you made a point, your posts turn into nothing more than "I know you are but what am I?" You don't really remember when those riots happened, either. Carry on. ;)
I didnt see a prerequisite that it had to have happened in our lifetime. You need to be specific or I will make you look the fool like I just did.

You didn't see much at all, actually. Keep stroking that hollow ego of yours. Its highly entertaining for the rest of us.
Libtards are entertaining because they are silly.
I don't get it. I truly don't. My roommate mentioned the crap going on in Ferguson and I said "they tore up their own town" and she said "that poor boy. They had a right to express their anger" and I said "by destroying their own town??? And that "boy" deserved what he got" and she looked at me like I was crazy. She yelled HE DID NOT! And I said well we have to agree to disagree. But the point is...what is not understood? they TRASHED that town, with businesses owned by other blacks, all for goods..NOT for Michael Brown. Even the parents are blaming everyone other than the guy himself for being a dick to the wrong person who happened to have a gun. What part of this do they refuse to understand???
Well at least your racism has been revealed to her. Hopefully she will act accordingly.
Can you explain why people looted and destroyed building last night? What did it accomplish?
I dont know. I didnt loot or destroy any buildings. Why did white people riot when Jack Johnson beat up the white heavyweight champion?
Let's not get off track here. Just answer the question.
"Last nights violence is why cops treat inner city blacks the way they do."

In which case law enforcement would be in the wrong, as last night's violence is in no way 'representative' of any African-American community, and cannot be used as 'justification' by law enforcement to engage in inappropriate conduct with regard to African-Americans.
I don't get it. I truly don't. My roommate mentioned the crap going on in Ferguson and I said "they tore up their own town" and she said "that poor boy. They had a right to express their anger" and I said "by destroying their own town??? And that "boy" deserved what he got" and she looked at me like I was crazy. She yelled HE DID NOT! And I said well we have to agree to disagree. But the point is...what is not understood? they TRASHED that town, with businesses owned by other blacks, all for goods..NOT for Michael Brown. Even the parents are blaming everyone other than the guy himself for being a dick to the wrong person who happened to have a gun. What part of this do they refuse to understand???
Well at least your racism has been revealed to her. Hopefully she will act accordingly.
Can you explain why people looted and destroyed building last night? What did it accomplish?
I dont know. I didnt loot or destroy any buildings. Why did white people riot when Jack Johnson beat up the white heavyweight champion?
Jack who? So no one can ask why a majority of blacks looted you'll call the person asking a racist? You'll never be able to fix the problem doing that.
Jack Johnson. He beat the hell out of the white heavy weight champion and whites rioted. Why did they do that? I didnt call you a racist. Where do you see that? You cant do anything to fix the problem. You dont have any relevancy to the people having the problem.
Stop deflecting.
Stay on point or get lost.
"Last nights violence is why cops treat inner city blacks the way they do."

In which case law enforcement would be in the wrong, as last night's violence is in no way 'representative' of any African-American community, and cannot be used as 'justification' by law enforcement to engage in inappropriate conduct with regard to African-Americans.
Can you explain why people looted and destroyed buildings last night? What did it accomplish?
I don't get it. I truly don't. My roommate mentioned the crap going on in Ferguson and I said "they tore up their own town" and she said "that poor boy. They had a right to express their anger" and I said "by destroying their own town??? And that "boy" deserved what he got" and she looked at me like I was crazy. She yelled HE DID NOT! And I said well we have to agree to disagree. But the point is...what is not understood? they TRASHED that town, with businesses owned by other blacks, all for goods..NOT for Michael Brown. Even the parents are blaming everyone other than the guy himself for being a dick to the wrong person who happened to have a gun. What part of this do they refuse to understand???
Well at least your racism has been revealed to her. Hopefully she will act accordingly.
Can you explain why people looted and destroyed building last night? What did it accomplish?
Another question is..IF it were about blacks being mistreated by whites...why did they burn that poor black womans business when she begged them to leave it alone?
Because all the Black people in the world were in Ferguson last night burning things. We all held the match and threw it on her shop at the same time.
Out of gas, huh?
Like I said. You are nothing but a race baiting agitator.
In fact you are less than nothing. You are a boil on the ass of humanity.
I don't get it. I truly don't. My roommate mentioned the crap going on in Ferguson and I said "they tore up their own town" and she said "that poor boy. They had a right to express their anger" and I said "by destroying their own town??? And that "boy" deserved what he got" and she looked at me like I was crazy. She yelled HE DID NOT! And I said well we have to agree to disagree. But the point is...what is not understood? they TRASHED that town, with businesses owned by other blacks, all for goods..NOT for Michael Brown. Even the parents are blaming everyone other than the guy himself for being a dick to the wrong person who happened to have a gun. What part of this do they refuse to understand???
Well at least your racism has been revealed to her. Hopefully she will act accordingly.
Yes. Let it be known that all who agree the process worked properly are racist.
Ya know what? You should stop posting because you have ZERO credibility.
You are here just to agitate and cause problems.
Too bad you have zero influence on my decision to post.....well at least too bad for you. If my posts bother you refrain from reading them and you wont be agitated.
"Last nights violence is why cops treat inner city blacks the way they do."

In which case law enforcement would be in the wrong, as last night's violence is in no way 'representative' of any African-American community, and cannot be used as 'justification' by law enforcement to engage in inappropriate conduct with regard to African-Americans.

I haven't seen a single person on this board at ALL suggest that cops should be able to engage in INAPPROPRIATE CONDUCT towards blacks.

PS - You sound even dumber than you are when you call them African-Americans, they aren't from Africa . Do you whites European Americans? NO
I don't get it. I truly don't. My roommate mentioned the crap going on in Ferguson and I said "they tore up their own town" and she said "that poor boy. They had a right to express their anger" and I said "by destroying their own town??? And that "boy" deserved what he got" and she looked at me like I was crazy. She yelled HE DID NOT! And I said well we have to agree to disagree. But the point is...what is not understood? they TRASHED that town, with businesses owned by other blacks, all for goods..NOT for Michael Brown. Even the parents are blaming everyone other than the guy himself for being a dick to the wrong person who happened to have a gun. What part of this do they refuse to understand???
Well at least your racism has been revealed to her. Hopefully she will act accordingly.
Can you explain why people looted and destroyed building last night? What did it accomplish?
Another question is..IF it were about blacks being mistreated by whites...why did they burn that poor black womans business when she begged them to leave it alone?
Because all the Black people in the world were in Ferguson last night burning things. We all held the match and threw it on her shop at the same time.
Out of gas, huh?
Like I said. You are nothing but a race baiting agitator.
In fact you are less than nothing. You are a boil on the ass of humanity.

I, and others, strongly suspect that Milkweed is white.
Man, are you guys gonna let Milkweed get away with this? Come on.

Hey Milkweed Some idiotic whites rioted in 1910 when your boy won the heavyweight title because they were racists.

Thank you for confirming that the blacks who rioted last night were racists.

Youre welcome. Thanks for supporting my position that white cops are racist.

I've no problem admitting that white cops who spend all day in crime ridden black communities where even children are yelling "fuck the police" and or committing crimes are probably prejudiced against blacks, and possibly even consider them to to be inferior to others.

Take a look at this Milkweed

10 Affluent Black Neighborhoods - The Root

And tell me, do you think white cops treat THOSE blacks the same as the blacks in Ferguson are treated?

Good bet that they aren't. Why is that Milkweed? Oh that's right, because they don't ACT like the blacks in Ferguson. In fact they were probably sitting in their living rooms last night watching the news and muttering about the stupid n!ggers who do shit like that.

There is much truth in humor

Doesnt matter how people act unless they are breaking the law. Your desire for people to act a certain way should not influence a professional on how they do their job.
I don't get it. I truly don't. My roommate mentioned the crap going on in Ferguson and I said "they tore up their own town" and she said "that poor boy. They had a right to express their anger" and I said "by destroying their own town??? And that "boy" deserved what he got" and she looked at me like I was crazy. She yelled HE DID NOT! And I said well we have to agree to disagree. But the point is...what is not understood? they TRASHED that town, with businesses owned by other blacks, all for goods..NOT for Michael Brown. Even the parents are blaming everyone other than the guy himself for being a dick to the wrong person who happened to have a gun. What part of this do they refuse to understand???
Well at least your racism has been revealed to her. Hopefully she will act accordingly.
If brown was white he still got what he deserved.

I disagree. No one should be shot when they are surrendering.


How did you conclude that Brown was surrendering? Did you read the grand jury evidence? Of course you didn't.

I told you before to get your news from a more reliable source such as Drudge, but you didn't listen and you continue to wallow in your ignorance.

IF the evidence proved that Brown was surrendering everyone would agree with you. Get it? However the folks that served on the grand jury viewed the evidence and came to a different conclusion. Most of the rest of us – the ones who get our news from Drudge and other reliable news outlets – also disagree with you. There are a few things you do not know because you didn't even try to find out: (1) forensic evidence shows that Brown was advancing on officer Wilson when he was shot (the blood evidence proves this beyond a doubt); (2) forensic evidence also shows Brown's hands were not in the air; and (3) eyewitnesses (including Black eye-witnesses) confirmed that Brown was advancing towards Wilson after being told to stop and get on the ground One witness testified that Brown had his head down and was charging Wilson like a football player. Maybe this explains the gunshot wound to the top of Brown's head. Whatcha think?

Your opinion would mean more if it were an informed and educated opinion and it is neither.

Of course no one would be surprised that Brown charged Wilson. He did the same damn thing to the store owner just moments earlier. Remember? Brown was a thug. Unfortunately he thought he could do anything and get away with it. He was wrong.


Drudge. Drudge. Drudge.

I will give you the last word. You don't know enough for me to debate you . My goal was to inform you and I've done that so I'm outta here.
"Last nights violence is why cops treat inner city blacks the way they do."

In which case law enforcement would be in the wrong, as last night's violence is in no way 'representative' of any African-American community, and cannot be used as 'justification' by law enforcement to engage in inappropriate conduct with regard to African-Americans.
And yet, it will, indeed, serve to reinforce stereotypes in connection with Black populations rioting and burning down their own neighborhoods.

A stereotype that had been born in the post-WWI race riots of 1918-1919, re-awakened in the turbulent 1960s, and damned-near forgotten since then, until the Rodney King, Travon Martin and Michael Brown sort of events of the 1990s and the early 21st...

There is a long-standing pattern here which continues to repeat, time after time, generation after generation...

Patterns tend to reinforce stereotypes as if they were hard clinical data, yes?

Right and wrong... fair and unfair... none of that Happy Horseshit matters a damn... it's the way the Real World works.
I don't get it. I truly don't. My roommate mentioned the crap going on in Ferguson and I said "they tore up their own town" and she said "that poor boy. They had a right to express their anger" and I said "by destroying their own town??? And that "boy" deserved what he got" and she looked at me like I was crazy. She yelled HE DID NOT! And I said well we have to agree to disagree. But the point is...what is not understood? they TRASHED that town, with businesses owned by other blacks, all for goods..NOT for Michael Brown. Even the parents are blaming everyone other than the guy himself for being a dick to the wrong person who happened to have a gun. What part of this do they refuse to understand???
Well at least your racism has been revealed to her. Hopefully she will act accordingly.
Can you explain why people looted and destroyed building last night? What did it accomplish?
Another question is..IF it were about blacks being mistreated by whites...why did they burn that poor black womans business when she begged them to leave it alone?
Because all the Black people in the world were in Ferguson last night burning things. We all held the match and threw it on her shop at the same time.
Out of gas, huh?
Like I said. You are nothing but a race baiting agitator.
In fact you are less than nothing. You are a boil on the ass of humanity.
If you keep saying that long enough you might feel better about your agitation. I didnt mean to have such an emotional impact on you.
I don't get it. I truly don't. My roommate mentioned the crap going on in Ferguson and I said "they tore up their own town" and she said "that poor boy. They had a right to express their anger" and I said "by destroying their own town??? And that "boy" deserved what he got" and she looked at me like I was crazy. She yelled HE DID NOT! And I said well we have to agree to disagree. But the point is...what is not understood? they TRASHED that town, with businesses owned by other blacks, all for goods..NOT for Michael Brown. Even the parents are blaming everyone other than the guy himself for being a dick to the wrong person who happened to have a gun. What part of this do they refuse to understand???
Well at least your racism has been revealed to her. Hopefully she will act accordingly.
If brown was white he still got what he deserved.

I disagree. No one should be shot when they are surrendering.
He wasn't surrendering. Learn to comprehend what is said. Facts support Wilson, period.
Yes he was surrendering. Thats what numerous eye witnesses said.
Not according to Grand Jury testimony.
You are believing "the street" because it furthers your agenda.
Apparently most people are either too stupid to realize it or just want an excuse to bitch about police.

Last night we tried the liberal hands off approach. Tonight they need to crack skulls.

Yeah, that will fix things and get everything under control.

Even if Michael Brown had been a serial murderer and dimwit Wilson dialed up his mugshot on his Hello Kitty Edition smartphone before stopping him in the road, the Ferguson PD and the authorities have fucked this up from the start. Governor Nixon is the biggest idiot of all. Go figure, he's related to DIck.

If the past 10 days of media teasers with ",,,grand jury announcement coming soon" didn't start the fires burning, then announcing all day yesterday that the announcement would come at 8:00PM was the corker, working up the crowds into a palpable frenzy. Why? Idiots asked for it.

I warned you stupid white people a long time ago that this was the beginning of some terrible things, not the end.
I don't get it. I truly don't. My roommate mentioned the crap going on in Ferguson and I said "they tore up their own town" and she said "that poor boy. They had a right to express their anger" and I said "by destroying their own town??? And that "boy" deserved what he got" and she looked at me like I was crazy. She yelled HE DID NOT! And I said well we have to agree to disagree. But the point is...what is not understood? they TRASHED that town, with businesses owned by other blacks, all for goods..NOT for Michael Brown. Even the parents are blaming everyone other than the guy himself for being a dick to the wrong person who happened to have a gun. What part of this do they refuse to understand???
Well at least your racism has been revealed to her. Hopefully she will act accordingly.
If brown was white he still got what he deserved.

I disagree. No one should be shot when they are surrendering.


How did you conclude that Brown was surrendering? Did you read the grand jury evidence? Of course you didn't.

I told you before to get your news from a more reliable source such as Drudge, but you didn't listen and you continue to wallow in your ignorance.

IF the evidence proved that Brown was surrendering everyone would agree with you. Get it? However the folks that served on the grand jury viewed the evidence and came to a different conclusion. Most of the rest of us – the ones who get our news from Drudge and other reliable news outlets – also disagree with you. There are a few things you do not know because you didn't even try to find out: (1) forensic evidence shows that Brown was advancing on officer Wilson when he was shot (the blood evidence proves this beyond a doubt); (2) forensic evidence also shows Brown's hands were not in the air; and (3) eyewitnesses (including Black eye-witnesses) confirmed that Brown was advancing towards Wilson after being told to stop and get on the ground One witness testified that Brown had his head down and was charging Wilson like a football player. Maybe this explains the gunshot wound to the top of Brown's head. Whatcha think?

Your opinion would mean more if it were an informed and educated opinion and it is neither.

Of course no one would be surprised that Brown charged Wilson. He did the same damn thing to the store owner just moments earlier. Remember? Brown was a thug. Unfortunately he thought he could do anything and get away with it. He was wrong.


Drudge. Drudge. Drudge.

I will give you the last word. You don't know enough for me to debate you . My goal was to inform you and I've done that so I'm outta here.
You seem stressed like Spoonboy. The witnesses even got back on TV today and said Brown was surrendering. You can type unitl you are blue in the face...or red?.. but I would never take the jurys decision over what the witnesses say they saw.
Well at least your racism has been revealed to her. Hopefully she will act accordingly.
If brown was white he still got what he deserved.

I disagree. No one should be shot when they are surrendering.
He wasn't surrendering. Learn to comprehend what is said. Facts support Wilson, period.
Yes he was surrendering. Thats what numerous eye witnesses said.
Not according to Grand Jury testimony.
You are believing "the street" because it furthers your agenda.
It wasnt the street. It was the 2 witnesses that saw the murder.
Well at least your racism has been revealed to her. Hopefully she will act accordingly.
If brown was white he still got what he deserved.

I disagree. No one should be shot when they are surrendering.
He wasn't surrendering. Learn to comprehend what is said. Facts support Wilson, period.
Yes he was surrendering. Thats what numerous eye witnesses said.
Not according to Grand Jury testimony.
You are believing "the street" because it furthers your agenda.
She like most libtards don't believe facts or the truth.

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