Last three GOP House leaders left amid sex, ethics scandals. Still, Boehner the worst?

Once again the radical left opens up a can o' worms that they forgot was on the bottom shelf. Sex scandal? The current top democrat presidential candidate survived for decades by threatening the lives of women who were molested by her husband. Bill Clinton is such a freaking joke that most Americans view him as that crazy pervert uncle that you don't want to be around alone.
Bill Clinton is not running.

Isn't he? God knows Hillary can't be running on HER record! She's running on the naive notion from you on the Left that another Clinton in the White House will bring back prosperity! She won't have the Dot Com Boom to make that happen and is a nightmare when it comes to good luck on that!

Obama won 330 electorals in 2012!!! On a 8% unemployment rate!!! People know Clinton had far better economics and a surplus. It is going to be ugly for your party in 2016.
Boehner wasn't the problem, the problem was/is the TPM, social conservatives, and other rightwing extremists who adhere blindly to failed, errant conservative dogma, having nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance.
Boehner wasn't the problem, the problem was/is the TPM, social conservatives, and other rightwing extremists who adhere blindly to failed, errant conservative dogma, having nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance.

You haven't seen sound, responsible governance in your lifetime, none of us have. Tell me, when's the last time a president vetoed a piece of legislation because he felt it was unconstitutional?
johnny boy was a rhino and closet lib who did nothing for the gop- thats why the libs liked him.
How about a link and stats to back up your ridiculous BS claims, or just admit you're pulling this crap out of your ass and you're nothing but a fucking liar.

Yea, you're right. Seems the 113th wasn't the worst in history. That was the 112th.

Turns Out the 113th Congress Wasn’t the ‘Least Productive’

Hastert, sex and blackmail.
Livingston, sex
Gringrich, ethics, sex

Do I really need to provide links on Hastert, Livingston and Gringrich? Or you like being made to look like a stupid fuck?

The first year in office, the House was the least productive in American history. Then it got worse every year after that.

You said the house was the least productive, where are the stats on them, you provided only the number of bills that were enacted which require senate action and the presidents signature. Come on commie, put up or shut up.
I defined least productive as not passing legislation. A very good indicator indeed.
Who knows what exactly you are looking for? The good thing is "I don't care". The bad thing is "you are still a nitwit".

And I was right about the last three speakers.

If you want to find something I was wrong about, go for it. Don't expect me to find it for you. Especially when I know it's not there.

The truly funny part is I suspect you think closing down the government was being productive. That's just the way your kind thinks. It's OK, it's the propaganda speaking.

The job of Congress isn't to pass legislation for the sake of passing legislation, R-Derp! That's how we ended up with BarryCare! I know this is hard for a big government progressive like yourself to grasp but most of the time...the less Congress does...the better it is for the country.
congressmen are legislators, that is their job title/description and what they are paid for...and they can legislate to remove previous legislation

While you're right that they "can", ignore that when a President sitting in the Oval Office threatens vetoes if he doesn't like what you're attempting to pass and a Senate President who doesn't let your legislation come to the floor for discussion, let alone a makes passage of legislation to remove previous legislation all but impossible. That's pretty much what the GOP has faced in the House since 2010. I'm always amused by how the same people who declared that the GOP were "obstructionists" back in 2009 and 2010...somehow didn't think the Democrats were once they got smoked in the 2010 mid-terms.
Boehner wasn't the problem, the problem was/is the TPM, social conservatives, and other rightwing extremists who adhere blindly to failed, errant conservative dogma, having nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance.

The Obama Administration = "sound, responsible governance"? Really, Clayton?

It's the Choom Gang only wearing suits! This White House group will go down in history as being totally overwhelmed by the jobs they were given...a collection of idiots and incompetents like we've never seen before!
You have to be pretty freaken stupid to want to be in politics with that crazy ass congress.

Once again the radical left opens up a can o' worms that they forgot was on the bottom shelf. Sex scandal? The current top democrat presidential candidate survived for decades by threatening the lives of women who were molested by her husband. Bill Clinton is such a freaking joke that most Americans view him as that crazy pervert uncle that you don't want to be around alone.
Bill Clinton is not running.

Isn't he? God knows Hillary can't be running on HER record! She's running on the naive notion from you on the Left that another Clinton in the White House will bring back prosperity! She won't have the Dot Com Boom to make that happen and is a nightmare when it comes to good luck on that!

Obama won 330 electorals in 2012!!! On a 8% unemployment rate!!! People know Clinton had far better economics and a surplus. It is going to be ugly for your party in 2016.

Let's be honest, Matthew...Barack Obama didn't win reelection on job performance...because he was awful at the job of being President. He won reelection because the main stream media and a whole lot of other people went "all in" on him back in 2008 and nobody wanted to admit that the Emperor had no clothes!

Mitt Romney was the perfect person for that job. A moderate with a long history of bi-partisanship...someone who understood economics and how to turn around troubled organizations.

If you were interviewing for that position and Obama and Romney both applied...who in their right mind would hire Barry with his non-existent resume?
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Once again the radical left opens up a can o' worms that they forgot was on the bottom shelf. Sex scandal? The current top democrat presidential candidate survived for decades by threatening the lives of women who were molested by her husband. Bill Clinton is such a freaking joke that most Americans view him as that crazy pervert uncle that you don't want to be around alone.
Bill Clinton is not running.
His wife is and she is just as guilty for going after those women.
Once again the radical left opens up a can o' worms that they forgot was on the bottom shelf. Sex scandal? The current top democrat presidential candidate survived for decades by threatening the lives of women who were molested by her husband. Bill Clinton is such a freaking joke that most Americans view him as that crazy pervert uncle that you don't want to be around alone.
Bill Clinton is not running.

Isn't he? God knows Hillary can't be running on HER record! She's running on the naive notion from you on the Left that another Clinton in the White House will bring back prosperity! She won't have the Dot Com Boom to make that happen and is a nightmare when it comes to good luck on that!
So you admit we were prosperous under Clinton. And the economy failed under Republicans. I prefer to go with what works.
Once again the radical left opens up a can o' worms that they forgot was on the bottom shelf. Sex scandal? The current top democrat presidential candidate survived for decades by threatening the lives of women who were molested by her husband. Bill Clinton is such a freaking joke that most Americans view him as that crazy pervert uncle that you don't want to be around alone.
Bill Clinton is not running.

Isn't he? God knows Hillary can't be running on HER record! She's running on the naive notion from you on the Left that another Clinton in the White House will bring back prosperity! She won't have the Dot Com Boom to make that happen and is a nightmare when it comes to good luck on that!
So you admit we were prosperous under Clinton. And the economy failed under Republicans. I prefer to go with what works.

We were prosperous under Clinton because of the Dot Com Boom! Do you see a Dot Com Boom on the horizon? Because if you don't...then Hillary Clinton is going to have one hell of a time matching what her hubby lucked into.
The 2014 elections gave the Republicans control of the Senate (and control of both houses of Congress) for the first time since the 109th Congress. With 247 seats in the House of Representatives and 54 seats in the Senate, this Congress began with the largest Republican majority since the 71st Congress of 1929–1931.
Combined with the GOP’s dominance at the state legislative level add the party’s control of 31 of 50 gubernatorial mansions.

How did that happen....?
People are waking up to the fact that Democrats suck. Any of the Republican candidates would make a much better president than a scandal-ridden criminal, a sorta Socialist and maybe..... senile Uncle Joe.
How did that happen....?

Because no one voted dipshit. Just like all midterms.

What is wrong with you people. Delusional much?

Who cares ?

Does that mean they didn't seat the republicans ?


Or do you sleep better knowing you lost because your side wasn't motivated enough to get their asses to the polls ?
Once again the radical left opens up a can o' worms that they forgot was on the bottom shelf. Sex scandal? The current top democrat presidential candidate survived for decades by threatening the lives of women who were molested by her husband. Bill Clinton is such a freaking joke that most Americans view him as that crazy pervert uncle that you don't want to be around alone.
Bill Clinton is not running.

Isn't he? God knows Hillary can't be running on HER record! She's running on the naive notion from you on the Left that another Clinton in the White House will bring back prosperity! She won't have the Dot Com Boom to make that happen and is a nightmare when it comes to good luck on that!
So you admit we were prosperous under Clinton. And the economy failed under Republicans. I prefer to go with what works.

Clinton lost the House and Senate big time after two years.

How does that work in you left wing little mind.
Once again the radical left opens up a can o' worms that they forgot was on the bottom shelf. Sex scandal? The current top democrat presidential candidate survived for decades by threatening the lives of women who were molested by her husband. Bill Clinton is such a freaking joke that most Americans view him as that crazy pervert uncle that you don't want to be around alone.
Bill Clinton is not running.

Isn't he? God knows Hillary can't be running on HER record! She's running on the naive notion from you on the Left that another Clinton in the White House will bring back prosperity! She won't have the Dot Com Boom to make that happen and is a nightmare when it comes to good luck on that!
So you admit we were prosperous under Clinton. And the economy failed under Republicans. I prefer to go with what works.

Clinton lost the House and Senate big time after two years.

How does that work in you left wing little mind.
I know it pains Progressives to admit this but without Newt and the Contract with America...Bill Clinton is probably just one more tax and spend Democrat who doesn't come close to balancing a budget even with the revenues that the Dot Com Boom was bringing in!
Once again the radical left opens up a can o' worms that they forgot was on the bottom shelf. Sex scandal? The current top democrat presidential candidate survived for decades by threatening the lives of women who were molested by her husband. Bill Clinton is such a freaking joke that most Americans view him as that crazy pervert uncle that you don't want to be around alone.
Bill Clinton is not running.

Isn't he? God knows Hillary can't be running on HER record! She's running on the naive notion from you on the Left that another Clinton in the White House will bring back prosperity! She won't have the Dot Com Boom to make that happen and is a nightmare when it comes to good luck on that!
So you admit we were prosperous under Clinton. And the economy failed under Republicans. I prefer to go with what works.

Clinton lost the House and Senate big time after two years.

How does that work in you left wing little mind.
Follows the same pattern of most Americans not voting in the midterms. Everyone knows that. Did it really have to be explained?
Once again the radical left opens up a can o' worms that they forgot was on the bottom shelf. Sex scandal? The current top democrat presidential candidate survived for decades by threatening the lives of women who were molested by her husband. Bill Clinton is such a freaking joke that most Americans view him as that crazy pervert uncle that you don't want to be around alone.
Bill Clinton is not running.

Isn't he? God knows Hillary can't be running on HER record! She's running on the naive notion from you on the Left that another Clinton in the White House will bring back prosperity! She won't have the Dot Com Boom to make that happen and is a nightmare when it comes to good luck on that!
So you admit we were prosperous under Clinton. And the economy failed under Republicans. I prefer to go with what works.

Clinton lost the House and Senate big time after two years.

How does that work in you left wing little mind.
Follows the same pattern of most Americans not voting in the midterms. Everyone knows that. Did it really have to be explained?

So what ?

The stupid claim that there are more out there is really of no use if it does not materially affect voting results.

Sorry to have to explain that to you.
Bill Clinton is not running.

Isn't he? God knows Hillary can't be running on HER record! She's running on the naive notion from you on the Left that another Clinton in the White House will bring back prosperity! She won't have the Dot Com Boom to make that happen and is a nightmare when it comes to good luck on that!
So you admit we were prosperous under Clinton. And the economy failed under Republicans. I prefer to go with what works.

Clinton lost the House and Senate big time after two years.

How does that work in you left wing little mind.
Follows the same pattern of most Americans not voting in the midterms. Everyone knows that. Did it really have to be explained?

So what ?

The stupid claim that there are more out there is really of no use if it does not materially affect voting results.

Sorry to have to explain that to you.
But it does explain how, during the last midterm, Republicans were able to terrify their gullible base with Isis, Ebola and children running from danger who will take their jobs. A trifecta of stupid. Must have been embarrassing for the lemming base to find out all three stories lost their urgency the day after the election. No, that would be giving them too much credit. More likely is they thought their leadership solved all three problems over night after the election.
Isn't he? God knows Hillary can't be running on HER record! She's running on the naive notion from you on the Left that another Clinton in the White House will bring back prosperity! She won't have the Dot Com Boom to make that happen and is a nightmare when it comes to good luck on that!
So you admit we were prosperous under Clinton. And the economy failed under Republicans. I prefer to go with what works.

Clinton lost the House and Senate big time after two years.

How does that work in you left wing little mind.
Follows the same pattern of most Americans not voting in the midterms. Everyone knows that. Did it really have to be explained?

So what ?

The stupid claim that there are more out there is really of no use if it does not materially affect voting results.

Sorry to have to explain that to you.
But it does explain how, during the last midterm, Republicans were able to terrify their gullible base with Isis, Ebola and children running from danger who will take their jobs. A trifecta of stupid. Must have been embarrassing for the lemming base to find out all three stories lost their urgency the day after the election. No, that would be giving them too much credit. More likely is they thought their leadership solved all three problems over night after the election.

ISIS doesn't exist as an issue? They vanished the day after the election? I swear, couldn't post dumber things than you do if you TRIED!!!

What's amusing is that you progressives managed to get Barry elected to another four years of "Leading from Behind!" by scaring the gullible with a non-existent WAR ON WOMEN!!! and because Romney doesn't put his dog in a car seat! A candidate who actually HAD the leadership qualities that we needed is sitting at home right now because of false narratives raised by you and a partisan main stream media led by fat ass Candy Crowley giving Barry and the Choom Gang protection from attack!
So what happened to the War on Women that we were constantly told by you progressives would be waged on females if the GOP won those mid-terms? Is that going to start any time soon?

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