Late demands on the day of the debate... could it kill the debate afterall?

Trump has been on defense and disrespected for months and is desperate to pivot and show he can be on offense and demand respect.

Oh, yeah, THAT'S what's happening. No matter what it is, it's more proof that Biden is the smartest and bestest candidate in the history of ever . . . in your talking points.
Of course. I wont believe it happens until I see it with my own eyes.

Why does the fucking Biden camp come up with this at the last minute?

It must be that their attempts to change his sleeping patterns, so that 9 pm is 9an for joe, isn't working. Those with dementia suffer from a symptom called "Sun Downing," the brain declines later in the day and into the night, so they have been putting him to bed during the day and waking him at night.........that is why he keeps missing days off the campaign trail.......

Here's Creepy Joe turning up for the debate in his pajamas and holding his toothbrush, his Handlers also brought his Portable Bathroom for him:

I could use two pee breaks and the opportunity to "recharge" by bourbon.
There is a reason they wanted the breaks. Obviously, or they wouldn't have asked for it.
My guess is they wanted to keep Joe caffeinated. Caffeine is a proven stimulant as well as enhances mental acuity. Buut.... it is also a diuretic. It makes you pee. Especially as you age.... big time.
So I would think there plan was a caffeine jolt.... pee break... possibly another jolt...pee break etc.

Pretty sure he's on something a bit stronger than a cup of coffee.

Yes his constant pinpoint pupils show he's on something stronger and this is why they don't want him to have a drug test, only certain drugs give someone constant pinpoint pupils, also perhaps thats why they have got him now wearing the sunglasses more so they hide his pinpoint pupils:


Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


I notice how Fox pushes Trumps request but not Bidens demands for breaks in the headline? lol, is Paul Ryan running the website now too?

They're implying Biden is going to "cheat"
Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


I notice how Fox pushes Trumps request but not Bidens demands for breaks in the headline? lol, is Paul Ryan running the website now too?

They're implying Biden is going to "cheat"
Bidens Chief of Staff in Texas has been caught on tape... so I would argue that the follower wont fall to far from the tree....
Breaks in a debate would be unprecedented.
And is an unusual request for sure, and interesting to say the least since the biggest concern about Biden is can he hold up for 90 minutes.
Trump is going to have be super nice tonight-----but tell Joe no to breaks...let the dems use it as excuse not to debate.

So far The Donald has been too NICE with Creepy Joe. WTF The Trump Campaign should have got ME to run their campaign, I would even have worked for free, the gloves would have been OFF on Day One, I would have told The Donald to stay ABOVE the FRAY while me and my team would have operated FULLY from the political sewer, by now we would have had Creepy Joe DEAD AND BURIED, my God by the time WE had finished with Creepy Joe he probably would have already killed himself because he couldn't take the EXTREME HARDCORE onslaught we had going on him, he would have been shown ZERO RESPECT, we would have TREATED him like a RABID DISEASED ANIMAL. Creepy Joe is a FRAIL and DEMENTED old POS, so SLAP him around, knock him to the floor and when he's on the floor kick him until he is finished - not PHYSICALLY but POLITICALLY.

I have run one campaign already and my team TOTALLY DESTROYED the opponent and I mean PERSONALLY DESTROYED them, it was VERY VERY UGLY but nobody cares about that, the fact is we WON and WINNING is ALL that matters, in politics fuck things like being polite and all the moral shit. Go for the JUGULAR and fucking BURY them. I'm into the Politics of Personal Destruction, I'm into showing the opponent No Mercy and literally just finishing them off.

Um, yeah the only thing with you going hard on Biden is one one would be listening...TRUMP can make a tweet and set the entire MSM off on a tangent.
Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


I notice how Fox pushes Trumps request but not Bidens demands for breaks in the headline? lol, is Paul Ryan running the website now too?
YEP.... Biden needs breaks every thirty minuets... Im sure other leaders in negotiations will allow these as well.... This man is unfit to serve as president...

I have to agree. He's unfit. He and Trump are around the same age and Trump is full of energy.
IF the debates happen... here is the deal...
A lot of people won't watch it.
BUUT - they will watch some videos and see about it the next day.
Democrat voters will tune into CNN/ABC etc and they will NOT see the Biden missteps, confusion etc. - these stations will only show Biden's best moments. At the same time they will be showing Trump at his worse, as well as have 100 fact checkers etc. going over every word to pick out anything they can find... so in their mind - BIDEN WINS.
Republican voters will watch Fox or talk radio and will see ALL of the senior moments Biden will have, as well as show Trump at his best. So in their minds..... TRUMP WINS.

So tomorrow there will be all kinds of threads on both sides here claiming victory and they will believe it.
Myself - I will watch most of it, probably not all of it. I get up at 5:30am soo.... there is that.
I am expecting a disaster.
Biden will undoubtedly have several cringe worthy missteps, confusion moments and say things that make no sense.
But at the same time Trump can't ever seem to know when he is ahead and stop talking, so there is a strong likelihood he is going to say some pretty bombastic things - and that will give tons of fodder for the MSM to distract from Biden
Last edited:
Trump has been on defense and disrespected for months and is desperate to pivot and show he can be on offense and demand respect.

Oh, yeah, THAT'S what's happening. No matter what it is, it's more proof that Biden is the smartest and bestest candidate in the history of ever . . . in your talking points.
No, just means Biden and his staff are wise and better negotiators than Trump and his staff.
Trump has been on defense and disrespected for months and is desperate to pivot and show he can be on offense and demand respect.

Oh, yeah, THAT'S what's happening. No matter what it is, it's more proof that Biden is the smartest and bestest candidate in the history of ever . . . in your talking points.
No, just means Biden and his staff are wise and better negotiators than Trump and his staff.

I didn't actually need you to offer more proof of my statement.
He probably needs to shoot up every 30 minutes. Not sure he can maintain focus much longer than 30 mins. without little boost.

Biden probably already has the questions and I am sure he will try to wear an earpiece.

The secret service should employ a jamming device... And not say a word...

Better than jamming, feed him some nonsense and see if he actually said it. I am sure he would.

OMG!!!!! That's awesome!
Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


Resilience is part of the job. If Biden can’t hang for 90 minutes, what are we to expect should he win and gets the call at 3 AM? Democrats should have him step aside and have Harris run. She’s young. She has stamina. What are the Democrats fearing?
He probably needs to shoot up every 30 minutes. Not sure he can maintain focus much longer than 30 mins. without little boost.

Biden probably already has the questions and I am sure he will try to wear an earpiece.

The secret service should employ a jamming device... And not say a word...

Better than jamming, feed him some nonsense and see if he actually said it. I am sure he would.
Wow, is Biden going to face plant an hour into the debate? His handlers are obviously worried.

Wow, are you truly as stupid as your posts? Or are you just told what to post when you arrive for work?

Trump has just been exposed as a conman and you, his loyal follower, are his gullible marks, and here you are posting his lies about Biden like the complete mark you truly are, if you believe this shit.

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