Late Term Abortion and the 'Gay Gene'


Apr 22, 2007
Many people state that homosexuality is something that a person is born with and it's part of their DNA. In the vast majority of cases, I agree with this rationale.

Many people argue (including myself) that detection of birth defects should allow for a late term abortion. Most liberals believe this. In fact most liberals support "Abortion without Limitations." That was Tammy Duckworth's line during her run for the House and she is considered the next in line to win the IL senate seat. It gave her a standing ovation in front of Democrats.

Therefore, if you accept that homosexuality is a part of one's DNA, then we will eventually identify that gene. What will liberals say about abortion if conservatives (or really anyone) starts identifying that gene and aborting these fetuses?

Would liberals support a person's right to abort a healthy fetus simply because the gay gene was detected?

Let the hypocrisy (or ignoring the question) come forward!
Many people state that homosexuality is something that a person is born with and it's part of their DNA. In the vast majority of cases, I agree with this rationale.

Many people argue (including myself) that detection of birth defects should allow for a late term abortion. Most liberals believe this. In fact most liberals support "Abortion without Limitations." That was Tammy Duckworth's line during her run for the House and she is considered the next in line to win the IL senate seat. It gave her a standing ovation in front of Democrats.

Therefore, if you accept that homosexuality is a part of one's DNA, then we will eventually identify that gene. What will liberals say about abortion if conservatives (or really anyone) starts identifying that gene and aborting these fetuses?

Would liberals support a person's right to abort a healthy fetus simply because the gay gene was detected?

Let the hypocrisy (or ignoring the question) come forward!
Good question. I think I could live with a gay kid so I wouldn't but what if someone couldn't live with a gay kid? It's like me with autistic kids. I would hate to have one. I asked my dad if he knew he was having Chris, would he late term abort? He said absolutely. And he couldn't believe someone would suggest he be forced into a lifetime if taking care of an autistic kid. He said he'd rather be dead.

Chris is my cousins kid. He's really stressing out the family and he's scratching them and ruining their furniture.

Life is too short to be saddled with that. Late term abort.

But you make a great point. What if you can't live with a gay kid and you found out 6 months in?
Many people state that homosexuality is something that a person is born with and it's part of their DNA. In the vast majority of cases, I agree with this rationale.

Many people argue (including myself) that detection of birth defects should allow for a late term abortion. Most liberals believe this. In fact most liberals support "Abortion without Limitations." That was Tammy Duckworth's line during her run for the House and she is considered the next in line to win the IL senate seat. It gave her a standing ovation in front of Democrats.

Therefore, if you accept that homosexuality is a part of one's DNA, then we will eventually identify that gene. What will liberals say about abortion if conservatives (or really anyone) starts identifying that gene and aborting these fetuses?

Would liberals support a person's right to abort a healthy fetus simply because the gay gene was detected?

Let the hypocrisy (or ignoring the question) come forward!
That's a personal decision for everyone I guess. Supposedly, a gene is responsible for people's belief in an all powerful supernatural deity too. I wonder how people would react to that.
1. Even if homosexuality is caused by genetics, we dont understand genetics enough to define all possible factors to assert that it is some one gene. It could be a combination of factors, multiple genes and things we have not yet even discovered yet.

2. Human behavior is not determined by genetics anyway, so the whole subject at most can describe genetic predisposition and influences, but none of that PREDETERMINES a persons behavior.
1. Even if homosexuality is caused by genetics, we dont understand genetics enough to define all possible factors to assert that it is some one gene. It could be a combination of factors, multiple genes and things we have not yet even discovered yet.

2. Human behavior is not determined by genetics anyway, so the whole subject at most can describe genetic predisposition and influences, but none of that PREDETERMINES a persons behavior.

That is today's science tomorrow science will be much different.

Science fiction today is science reality tomorrow!

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1. Even if homosexuality is caused by genetics, we dont understand genetics enough to define all possible factors to assert that it is some one gene. It could be a combination of factors, multiple genes and things we have not yet even discovered yet.

2. Human behavior is not determined by genetics anyway, so the whole subject at most can describe genetic predisposition and influences, but none of that PREDETERMINES a persons behavior.

That is today's science tomorrow science will be much different.

Science fiction today is science reality tomorrow!

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When I see my boy off to Prom I don't want it to be a lie

Many people state that homosexuality is something that a person is born with and it's part of their DNA. In the vast majority of cases, I agree with this rationale.

Many people argue (including myself) that detection of birth defects should allow for a late term abortion. Most liberals believe this. In fact most liberals support "Abortion without Limitations." That was Tammy Duckworth's line during her run for the House and she is considered the next in line to win the IL senate seat. It gave her a standing ovation in front of Democrats.

Therefore, if you accept that homosexuality is a part of one's DNA, then we will eventually identify that gene. What will liberals say about abortion if conservatives (or really anyone) starts identifying that gene and aborting these fetuses?

Would liberals support a person's right to abort a healthy fetus simply because the gay gene was detected?

Let the hypocrisy (or ignoring the question) come forward!
It should not matter to the federal government how late An abortion is performed, the reason or who does the butchery it should be a states issue…

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