Latest Clinton Email Server Dump Reveals 150 More Documents Flagged For Classified Information


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Things just keep getting worse for the Hildabeast. The best of all possible worlds would be for her to be indicted right after she wins the nomination.

Latest Clinton Email Server Dump Reveals 150 More Documents Flagged For Classified Information

Things are rapidly getting worse in the legal department for former Secretary of State and democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The State Department is set to release a batch of 6,000 personal emails belonging to Clinton tonight, but we're already getting a sneak peak of what they contain.

That's right, 150 more documents flagged for classified information. This news comes on top of revelations earlier this month Clinton had at least 300 classified documents passing through her private email server, which intelligence officials are almost certain was hacked by foreign governments. Also keep in mind that out of hundreds of classified documents, at least two found in Clinton's system were deemed top secret (the highest level of classification).

As Guy wrote about last week, the FBI is reportedly using it's "A-Team" to investigate the legal aspects of Clinton's inappropriate handling of classified information with the prosecutor who took down General David Petraeus leading the way. Felonies for Clinton could be on the table if she is in fact indicted.

An FBI "A-team" is leading the "extremely serious" investigation into Hillary Clinton's server and the focus includes a provision of the law pertaining to "gathering, transmitting or losing defense information," an intelligence source told Fox News. The section of the Espionage Act is known as 18 US Code 793. A separate source, who also was not authorized to speak on the record, said the FBI will further determine whether Clinton should have known, based on the quality and detail of the material, that emails passing through her server contained classified information regardless of the markings. The campaign's standard defense and that of Clinton is that she "never sent nor received any email that was marked classified" at the time. It is not clear how the FBI team's findings will impact the probe itself. But the details offer a window into what investigators are looking for -- as the Clinton campaign itself downplays the controversy...A leading national security attorney, who recently defended former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling in a leak investigation, told Fox News that violating the Espionage Act provision in question is a felony and pointed to a particular sub-section...The Clinton campaign did not provide an on-the-record comment on the matter when given questions by Fox News.

Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign's response to increasing pressure surrounding classified information has gone from the former Secretary "never sending or receiving any classified information" to "she never knowingly sent or received classified information."
The steady drip of news is not good. It diverts attention from her campaign and makes her look even less trustworthy, if that's possible.
This is where Ravi would get in trouble. Is she incompetent, a liar, culpable, stupid or criminal. She can be any one or all five
But the news headline today was about HR Haldeman Clinton being clear of any charges.
By who? The FBI? The State department weighed in last week saying she was innocent, but they had no say in her guilt or innocence. Who'd she get to pass judgement this time? The Hillary pac?
But the news headline today was about HR Haldeman Clinton being clear of any charges.
By who? The FBI? The State department weighed in last week saying she was innocent, but they had no say in her guilt or innocence. Who'd she get to pass judgement this time? The Hillary pac?
It disappeared. I even did a search. It was an MSN News front page headline three hours ago.
But the news headline today was about HR Haldeman Clinton being clear of any charges.
By who? The FBI? The State department weighed in last week saying she was innocent, but they had no say in her guilt or innocence. Who'd she get to pass judgement this time? The Hillary pac?
It disappeared. I even did a search. It was an MSN News front page headline three hours ago.
i am still waiting for the email where Hillary calls Moochelle a very insulting group of words pertaining to her size and skin color.
Has it been determined whether the emails were classified when they were sent/received?
Mon, 31 Aug 2015 16:30:27 -0500

WASHINGTON (AP) — Experts in government secrecy law see almost no possibility of criminal action against Hillary Clinton or her top aides in connection with now-classified information sent over unsecure email while she was secretary of state, based on the public evidence thus far..................

..................there is no evidence of emails stored in Hillary Clinton's private server bearing classified markings. State Department officials say they don't believe that emails she sent or received included material classified at the time. And even if other government officials dispute that assertion, it is extremely difficult to prove anyone knowingly mishandled secrets.
How could there not be classified info on it if that's all she defies logic to claim The SOS doesnt handle any classified info
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Mon, 31 Aug 2015 16:30:27 -0500

WASHINGTON (AP) — Experts in government secrecy law see almost no possibility of criminal action against Hillary Clinton or her top aides in connection with now-classified information sent over unsecure email while she was secretary of state, based on the public evidence thus far..................

..................there is no evidence of emails stored in Hillary Clinton's private server bearing classified markings. State Department officials say they don't believe that emails she sent or received included material classified at the time. And even if other government officials dispute that assertion, it is extremely difficult to prove anyone knowingly mishandled secrets.
Who are these people? Is this the Village Voice? How is mishandling of documents, a felony, not going to lead to prosecution? under what basis in law can she just going to skate around this provision?

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