Latest Democrat Scam....Turn All Roads Into Toll Highways


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

We've been paying for this important part of our infrastructure since the day we bought our first car.

Why is the price of gas so high?

Because of taxes.

Yet liberals, and the president himself is proposing a series of toll systems to help pay for the upkeep of our roads.

Dude, what the hell have you been doing with our gasoline taxes all of these years?

Obama Tolling Proposal
April 30, 2014
By Peter Shelly
financing Grow America Act tolling interstates

Will Congress Follow the Administration's Lead on the Issue?

It shouldn't surprise anyone in the tolling industry: the Obama administration's proposal to give states the authority to toll existing interstate highways, ending a ban that has been in effect since 1956, began drawing fire before the ink on the president's $302 billion surface transportation bill (dubbed the "GROW AMERICA Act") was even dry.

Terry O’Sullivan, president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, told The Washington Post, "The gas tax remains the most tested and logical way of meeting our critical investment needs." O'Sullivan does agree that something needs to be done, adding that "For too long, Congress’s duct-tape approach has made our roads and bridges unsafe, destabilized the construction industry and slowed our economy."

The Alliance for Toll-Free Interstates pointed a finger at the federal pilot program for interstate tolling while registering its opposition to the administration measure. “The option for states to place tolls on existing interstate capacity has existed for 23 years, and not a single state has used tolls in this way,” a group spokesperson told McClatchey Newspapers. The alliance is predominantly composed of trucking industry representatives such as the American Trucking Associations, but it also includes UPS, FedEx, McDonald’s and Dunkin’ Donuts.

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) claims that truckers generally oppose the tolling of existing federal highways. A representative of the group told an association publication, "t is disappointing to see that the administration’s proposal would open the door to a localized interstate system by allowing states to apply tolls to existing toll-free interstate lanes. Truckers in states with 'grandfathered' tolling authorities already know the cost of tolls to their business and personal incomes, as well as to an efficient system of goods movement.” OOIDA says truckers also object on the ground that the bill would not prohibit toll revenue from being spent on mass transit and other non-highway transportation projects.

On the other side of the issue, the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association is the leading voice among proponents of the toll funding measure. “Tolling is a proven and effective tool to fund and finance more than 5,000 miles of roads, bridges and tunnels in 35 states,” Patrick Jones, the group’s executive director, told the New York Times. “To ensure our roads and bridges remain safe and reliable requires a variety of solutions. All options should be on the table so that states can choose the funding methods that work best for them.”

IBTTA has gained widespread traction on the issue in the mainstream media. CBS News and other major sources cited the association's endorsement of the tolling measure. Yesterday, Patrick Jones was one of the guests discussing infrastructure and its funding on National Public Radio's "The Diane Rehm Show."

The Times reports that, "The tolls, along with other changes [proposed in the president's bill], could provide an additional $87 billion for aging roadways, tunnels and bridges." Organizations Start to Choose Sides on Obama Tolling Proposal - Toll Roads News

Grow American act????

You mean Screw America Act!!!:up_yours:

This is simply another way to jack up the price of goods and services in this country.

Add another fee to transportation costs and you end up costing the consumer even more.

We've been paying for this important part of our infrastructure since the day we bought our first car.

Why is the price of gas so high?

Because of taxes.

Yet liberals, and the president himself is proposing a series of toll systems to help pay for the upkeep of our roads.

Dude, what the hell have you been doing with our gasoline taxes all of these years?

Obama Tolling Proposal
April 30, 2014
By Peter Shelly
financing Grow America Act tolling interstates

Will Congress Follow the Administration's Lead on the Issue?

It shouldn't surprise anyone in the tolling industry: the Obama administration's proposal to give states the authority to toll existing interstate highways, ending a ban that has been in effect since 1956, began drawing fire before the ink on the president's $302 billion surface transportation bill (dubbed the "GROW AMERICA Act") was even dry.

Terry O’Sullivan, president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, told The Washington Post, "The gas tax remains the most tested and logical way of meeting our critical investment needs." O'Sullivan does agree that something needs to be done, adding that "For too long, Congress’s duct-tape approach has made our roads and bridges unsafe, destabilized the construction industry and slowed our economy."

The Alliance for Toll-Free Interstates pointed a finger at the federal pilot program for interstate tolling while registering its opposition to the administration measure. “The option for states to place tolls on existing interstate capacity has existed for 23 years, and not a single state has used tolls in this way,” a group spokesperson told McClatchey Newspapers. The alliance is predominantly composed of trucking industry representatives such as the American Trucking Associations, but it also includes UPS, FedEx, McDonald’s and Dunkin’ Donuts.

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) claims that truckers generally oppose the tolling of existing federal highways. A representative of the group told an association publication, "t is disappointing to see that the administration’s proposal would open the door to a localized interstate system by allowing states to apply tolls to existing toll-free interstate lanes. Truckers in states with 'grandfathered' tolling authorities already know the cost of tolls to their business and personal incomes, as well as to an efficient system of goods movement.” OOIDA says truckers also object on the ground that the bill would not prohibit toll revenue from being spent on mass transit and other non-highway transportation projects.

On the other side of the issue, the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association is the leading voice among proponents of the toll funding measure. “Tolling is a proven and effective tool to fund and finance more than 5,000 miles of roads, bridges and tunnels in 35 states,” Patrick Jones, the group’s executive director, told the New York Times. “To ensure our roads and bridges remain safe and reliable requires a variety of solutions. All options should be on the table so that states can choose the funding methods that work best for them.”

IBTTA has gained widespread traction on the issue in the mainstream media. CBS News and other major sources cited the association's endorsement of the tolling measure. Yesterday, Patrick Jones was one of the guests discussing infrastructure and its funding on National Public Radio's "The Diane Rehm Show."

The Times reports that, "The tolls, along with other changes [proposed in the president's bill], could provide an additional $87 billion for aging roadways, tunnels and bridges." Organizations Start to Choose Sides on Obama Tolling Proposal - Toll Roads News

Grow American act????

You mean Screw America Act!!!:up_yours:

This is simply another way to jack up the price of goods and services in this country.

Add another fee to transportation costs and you end up costing the consumer even more.

We should NEVER be asked to support a toll way that was built on an existing roadbed that was built with tax money!

We've been paying for this important part of our infrastructure since the day we bought our first car.

Why is the price of gas so high?

Because of taxes.

Yet liberals, and the president himself is proposing a series of toll systems to help pay for the upkeep of our roads.

Dude, what the hell have you been doing with our gasoline taxes all of these years?

Obama Tolling Proposal
April 30, 2014
By Peter Shelly
financing Grow America Act tolling interstates

Will Congress Follow the Administration's Lead on the Issue?

It shouldn't surprise anyone in the tolling industry: the Obama administration's proposal to give states the authority to toll existing interstate highways, ending a ban that has been in effect since 1956, began drawing fire before the ink on the president's $302 billion surface transportation bill (dubbed the "GROW AMERICA Act") was even dry.

Terry O’Sullivan, president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, told The Washington Post, "The gas tax remains the most tested and logical way of meeting our critical investment needs." O'Sullivan does agree that something needs to be done, adding that "For too long, Congress’s duct-tape approach has made our roads and bridges unsafe, destabilized the construction industry and slowed our economy."

The Alliance for Toll-Free Interstates pointed a finger at the federal pilot program for interstate tolling while registering its opposition to the administration measure. “The option for states to place tolls on existing interstate capacity has existed for 23 years, and not a single state has used tolls in this way,” a group spokesperson told McClatchey Newspapers. The alliance is predominantly composed of trucking industry representatives such as the American Trucking Associations, but it also includes UPS, FedEx, McDonald’s and Dunkin’ Donuts.

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) claims that truckers generally oppose the tolling of existing federal highways. A representative of the group told an association publication, "t is disappointing to see that the administration’s proposal would open the door to a localized interstate system by allowing states to apply tolls to existing toll-free interstate lanes. Truckers in states with 'grandfathered' tolling authorities already know the cost of tolls to their business and personal incomes, as well as to an efficient system of goods movement.” OOIDA says truckers also object on the ground that the bill would not prohibit toll revenue from being spent on mass transit and other non-highway transportation projects.

On the other side of the issue, the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association is the leading voice among proponents of the toll funding measure. “Tolling is a proven and effective tool to fund and finance more than 5,000 miles of roads, bridges and tunnels in 35 states,” Patrick Jones, the group’s executive director, told the New York Times. “To ensure our roads and bridges remain safe and reliable requires a variety of solutions. All options should be on the table so that states can choose the funding methods that work best for them.”

IBTTA has gained widespread traction on the issue in the mainstream media. CBS News and other major sources cited the association's endorsement of the tolling measure. Yesterday, Patrick Jones was one of the guests discussing infrastructure and its funding on National Public Radio's "The Diane Rehm Show."

The Times reports that, "The tolls, along with other changes [proposed in the president's bill], could provide an additional $87 billion for aging roadways, tunnels and bridges." Organizations Start to Choose Sides on Obama Tolling Proposal - Toll Roads News

Grow American act????

You mean Screw America Act!!!:up_yours:

This is simply another way to jack up the price of goods and services in this country.

Add another fee to transportation costs and you end up costing the consumer even more.

We should NEVER be asked to support a toll way that was built on an existing roadbed that was built with tax money!

This is double taxation......we still are paying for this.
Every gallon of gas is taxed 49.9 cents, diesel is 55.4 cents.

We consume 365.65 million gallons of gas daily.

Every Congressional budget has additional monies going to the highways.

Billions in the stimulus package went to roads and bridges.

I realize we need to keep up infrastructure.

But I think some serious money is misspent and we could do better spending on highway maintenance. The costs are high however with the money collected, it seems we are paying a lot for little.
Every gallon of gas is taxed 49.9 cents, diesel is 55.4 cents.

We consume 365.65 million gallons of gas daily.

Every Congressional budget has additional monies going to the highways.

Billions in the stimulus package went to roads and bridges.

I realize we need to keep up infrastructure.

But I think some serious money is misspent and we could do better spending on highway maintenance. The costs are high however with the money collected, it seems we are paying a lot for little.

Governments receive a larger profit share from the sale of gas than the oil companies do.

This is why they sell so much of it overseas. Because if they only sold it here they couldn't pay their bills.
Trucking companies will pass these added costs directly to the shippers, manufacturers and consignees, who will in turn build those increases into the cost of food, and consumer goods...which spells higher prices on everything...and you'd be surprised to discover how much that will be, as the shipping increases will be on incoming raw materials as well as the outbound finished goods.
Trucking companies will pass these added costs directly to the shippers, manufacturers and consignees, who will in turn build those increases into the cost of food, and consumer goods...which spells higher prices on everything...and you'd be surprised to discover how much that will be, as the shipping increases will be on incoming raw materials as well as the outbound finished goods.

So while Obama demonizes the GOP for not letting him raise the Minimum-Wage, he's actively working to cancel out that wage increase.
How much has Obama given out in the last 2 years in corporate welfare in the stock market?

$85 billion a month for the last 18 months comes to......where's my calculator......$1.53 trillion......

Yup.....he's for the little guy, fo sure.....
92 million Americans not working
145 million total working
115 million paying income taxes
47 million living in poverty
46 million collecting food stamps
14.2 million collecting disability

Only 79% of us are paying taxes for everyone else.

9,734,161 officially unemployed
19,294,542 actually unemployed

The actual unemployment rate is 13.2%

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
I swear I already posted this - but, no big deal.

What bothers me is how fuel tax money at all levels of government are used.

While the post on how much per gallon is in taxes, is that just federal or state and county. Heck, even some towns and cities levy their own taxes on it!!! :mad:

Here in Vegas, everywhere I turn are signs at the stupidity - and greed or nepotism - of those who spend the tax monies. Millions spent to improve bus stops so more people will use the bus system which is losing money big time. And let's not even talk about the big double-deckers that go for over $100,000 each!

And finally, pedestrian bridges.


There are dozens of these monstrosities all over town! You go one direction up a ramp that is further than just crossing the street. Then, you walk across the bridge about 4 times of width of the street to go down another ramp as long as the one getting you up it! :mad:

I have yet to see a single individual cross one of those things! All that $$$$$ for NOTHING!
When they built Houstons first tollway back in the early eighties they said once it was paid for it would no longer be a tollroad.......still paying.
But to tell you the truth I really dont mind them as long as they leave other options for those who dont want to pay.
I like them because they generally dont have as much congestion and the people who drive them are way more likely to have insurance and they aren't driving some piece of shit with bald tires.
Every gallon of gas is taxed 49.9 cents, diesel is 55.4 cents.

We consume 365.65 million gallons of gas daily.

Every Congressional budget has additional monies going to the highways.

Billions in the stimulus package went to roads and bridges.

I realize we need to keep up infrastructure.

But I think some serious money is misspent and we could do better spending on highway maintenance. The costs are high however with the money collected, it seems we are paying a lot for little.
The way I hear it told, something like 20% of the federal highway trust fund goes for urban mass transit and silly things like bike paths.
When they built Houstons first tollway back in the early eighties they said once it was paid for it would no longer be a tollroad.......still paying.
But to tell you the truth I really dont mind them as long as they leave other options for those who dont want to pay.
I like them because they generally dont have as much congestion and the people who drive them are way more likely to have insurance and they aren't driving some piece of shit with bald tires.

Dude, truckers have to pay this, and guess who ends up paying for that bro?:dunno:

Your ass does.:hmpf:
This has nothing to do with parties.

Congress and the president are a bunch of wasteful assholes, and until they learn to budget themselves I'm giving them not one wooden nickle more.
I think we should let these people jack everything up and we can all go to Jake Sharkey's fucken home and cram the fucking bill down his fucken throat.....

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