Latest emails put the lie to Hillary's excuse for ignoring pleas for Benghazi security


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
Chalk up another lie for Hillary...

Blog: Latest emails put the lie to Hillary's excuse for ignoring pleas for Benghazi security

[An] email shows Clinton getting briefed on embassy security issues, despite her contention at last week's House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing that she did not directly deal with security matters.

When Republicans tried to buttonhole Clinton because State declined numerous requests for additional security at the Benghazi compound that was later over-run, Clinton largely waved them off. Those requests for more protection, she argued several times that day, went to people who deal with security — not her, personally.

One email from April 23, 2009, however, shows top State aide Huma Abedin updating Clinton on a few embassy security issues. In a series of bullet points sent to “H2” at 8:34 a.m., Abedin listed steps State was taking to secure Afghanistan and Pakistan embassies, including “increasing the number of hooches, and doubling up staff in lodging.”

“[W]e need to improve the security perimeter — acquiring property adjacent to our current facilities in Kabul, which is now difficult to secure,” one bullet reads. “Long-term, we need embassies in these countries adequate to serve the mission. It's not so long ago our Embassy in Islamabad was torched; we need a facility which is structurally sound. In Kabul, we need facilities adequate to size the mission needed.”

It was not clear, though, if Clinton responded to the email or followed up in any other way.

Another newly released Libya email forwarded to Clinton and her top policy staffer Jake Sullivan, dated about a year before the Benghazi attack, warned of Islamist threats in Libya that could turn eventually pose a serious danger. State Department policy planning official Andrew Miller sent Sullivan a memo warning that once Qaddafi was ousted, Islamist groups that had focused their energy on canning the brutal dictator could turn their attention elsewhere and become violent.

"Once operations against Qadhafi and the regime are wrapped up, this force for unity is likely to dissipate,” Miller wrote. Sullivan forwarded the memo to Clinton, who asked her staff to “pls print.” “It is at this point that militias, including the Islamists, will probably abandon caution and pursue a more aggressive campaign for power, perhaps including violence.”

These exchanges show that she did consider security issues, even in Libya, making her cold shoulder to Stevens all the more egregious.

Read more: Blog: Latest emails put the lie to Hillary's excuse for ignoring pleas for Benghazi security
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so does this mean that we will hear Hillary say "What Difference Does It Make At This Point"?, being I am running for President?
when it comes to Hillary, it doesnt matter that innocent people die in the most horrific manner, so long as its worth becoming president. and yet Harry Reid and the others were in a pansy fit when someone died under Romneys watch( but of course, they made that debacle up from whole cloth)
Chalk up another lie for Hillary...

Blog: Latest emails put the lie to Hillary's excuse for ignoring pleas for Benghazi security

[An] email shows Clinton getting briefed on embassy security issues, despite her contention at last week's House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing that she did not directly deal with security matters.

When Republicans tried to buttonhole Clinton because State declined numerous requests for additional security at the Benghazi compound that was later over-run, Clinton largely waved them off. Those requests for more protection, she argued several times that day, went to people who deal with security — not her, personally.

One email from April 23, 2009, however, shows top State aide Huma Abedin updating Clinton on a few embassy security issues. In a series of bullet points sent to “H2” at 8:34 a.m., Abedin listed steps State was taking to secure Afghanistan and Pakistan embassies, including “increasing the number of hooches, and doubling up staff in lodging.”

“[W]e need to improve the security perimeter — acquiring property adjacent to our current facilities in Kabul, which is now difficult to secure,” one bullet reads. “Long-term, we need embassies in these countries adequate to serve the mission. It's not so long ago our Embassy in Islamabad was torched; we need a facility which is structurally sound. In Kabul, we need facilities adequate to size the mission needed.”

It was not clear, though, if Clinton responded to the email or followed up in any other way.

Another newly released Libya email forwarded to Clinton and her top policy staffer Jake Sullivan, dated about a year before the Benghazi attack, warned of Islamist threats in Libya that could turn eventually pose a serious danger. State Department policy planning official Andrew Miller sent Sullivan a memo warning that once Qaddafi was ousted, Islamist groups that had focused their energy on canning the brutal dictator could turn their attention elsewhere and become violent.

"Once operations against Qadhafi and the regime are wrapped up, this force for unity is likely to dissipate,” Miller wrote. Sullivan forwarded the memo to Clinton, who asked her staff to “pls print.” “It is at this point that militias, including the Islamists, will probably abandon caution and pursue a more aggressive campaign for power, perhaps including violence.”

These exchanges show that she did consider security issues, even in Libya, making her cold shoulder to Stevens all the more egregious.

Read more: Blog: Latest emails put the lie to Hillary's excuse for ignoring pleas for Benghazi security
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Obama has protected his butt through executive privilege though. Hillary will walk from this. The FBI has a file on her two feet thick but they will not charge her. The FBI squirrels away these folders to use against politicians who may one day attack them. What the FBI has to guard against is one day getting a Director who will shine a light on their own activities. The reason it is taking so long for the FBI investigation is that the FBI is covering their own butts in not charging Hillary and making certain a new FBI director will be unable to find their secret file on Hillary and Bill.
We would have never known about her attempt to contain all the emails if it wasn't for the Benghazi hearings. Now we know why she wanted it that way. I can't wait for the general election debates.
its just sad to think that at least 44 per-cent of Americans could care less when Americans die an agonizing death so long as Hillary will give them free stuff.
too bad Hillary wasnt in the GOP debate this week, any of those hosts would of probably asked Hillary where she had dinner last night.
Wow looks like another Benghazi investigation is needed!!!

Benghazi Fever!!!
Email shows Clinton's State Department cautioned about blaming Benghazi attack on video

Hillary Clinton and other State Department officials were apparently warned by overseas U.S. diplomats about blaming the 2012 Benghazi terror strikes on an “inflammatory” Internet video, according to an email released Saturday by House Republicans probing the fatal attacks.

The email was sent three days after the fatal Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya, and two days before then-National Security Adviser Susan Rice went on TV to say the attacks were inspired by the anti-Islamic video.

The email -- released by the GOP-led House Select Committee on Benghazi -- was sent from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Libya, to the State Department, which Clinton led from 2009 to 2013. But the names of the exact sender and receiver have been redacted.

“The film’s not as explosive of an issue here as it appears to be in other countries in the region,” the unknown sender wrote. “And it is becoming increasingly clear that the series of events in Benghazi was much more terrorist attack than a protest, which escalated into violence.

“It is our opinion that in our messaging, we want to distinguish, not conflate, the events in other countries with this well planned attack by militant extremists.”

Face it, Hillary and Obozo knew they were lying to the American people and the families of the four Americans that were murdered...
Hillary should be wearing orange for failing to provide adequate security for the Ambassador and contributing to his death.

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