Latest FBI Doc Release Shows They Knew Dossier Paid for By Hillary

OLD NEWS!! Even the NaziCon Teanderthal Republicans in Congress have gone over all this with a fine-tooth comb. NOTHING! If there was anything to this - Nunes and Howdy Doody Gowdy would have had Hillary in prison by now.
Neither, Gowdy, Nunes, nor anyone else in congress issues indictments and prosecutes, idiota.
They just hate Trump because he's like all real Americans.


This was all reported to the FISA judges when applying for the warrants. Widely reported and nothing new.
Actually, as reported by several sources to include the US IG ... and now the FBI itself ... The fact that it was Russian-authored Opposition research bought from a foreign spy working with the DOJ and for the FBI -- PAID FOR BY HILLARY CLINTON - and NOT actually LEGITIMATE INTEL, as they briefed the FISA Court it was, was NEVER revealed to the FISA Court.
Nobody publicly knew about the Steele dossier prior to the vote, it was only part of justification for Carter Page surveillance. Carter Page is basically irrelevant at this point.

This has nothing to do with Mueller investigation, because it was started by Papadopoulos bragging to Astralian diplomat.
This was all reported to the FISA judges when applying for the warrants. Widely reported and nothing new.
Actually, as reported by several sources to include the US IG ... and now the FBI itself ... The fact that it was Russian-authored Opposition research bought from a foreign spy working with the DOJ and for the FBI -- PAID FOR BY HILLARY CLINTON - and NOT actually LEGITIMATE INTEL, as they briefed the FISA Court it was, was NEVER revealed to the FISA Court.

A Republican started the request for the dossier on behalf of his preferred candidate, but after his candidate lost out to Trump, the Republican initiator stop paying for it. Then, the DNC picked up where he left off and paid for the completion of the dossier. It was revealed to the FISA judges that the dossier was being funded by an opposing political party.

Your thread is dead.
Wrong. There was no dossier until Hillary started paying Fusion GPS.
The Dossier seems to be some kind of fixation for you folks.

Too bad it only relates to Carter Page who was not even a member of the Trump campaign when the FISA warrant was issued.

Too bad also that it wasn't even the main evidence used to obtain that FISA warrant
The Dossier seems to be some kind of fixation for you folks.

Too bad it only relates to Carter Page who was not even a member of the Trump campaign when the FISA warrant was issued.

Too bad also that it wasn't even the main evidence used to obtain that FISA warrant

Yeah, we tend to fixate on rogue government officials who violate the Constitutional rights of the opposition party candidate.

The FISA warrant allowed the Obama administration to review every phone call made by everybody in the Trump campaign. Your ignorance of the capabilities of NSA phone and email monitoring isn't a convincing argument.

The Steele "dossier" was the main evidence. That's been demonstrated repeatedly.

All you proved is that you're a dumbass that is only capable of mindlessly repeating DNC propaganda.
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The OP is old news and widely reported. Nothing new. Opposition research is LEGAL.
Not if the trump team is looking for it. I can’t believe you are so stupid you just blew up the whole trump tower talking point. Thanks.
Yeah, they keep doing that. On the one hand, they want to claim that the Trump Tower meeting was some kind of crime against humanity, and on the other hand they want to claim that it was perfectly OK for Hillary to hire Russian spies to manufacture dirt against the Trump campaign.

No one ever gave these snowflakes credit for being smart.
This was all reported to the FISA judges when applying for the warrants. Widely reported and nothing new.
Actually, as reported by several sources to include the US IG ... and now the FBI itself ... The fact that it was Russian-authored Opposition research bought from a foreign spy working with the DOJ and for the FBI -- PAID FOR BY HILLARY CLINTON - and NOT actually LEGITIMATE INTEL, as they briefed the FISA Court it was, was NEVER revealed to the FISA Court.
Nobody publicly knew about the Steele dossier prior to the vote, it was only part of justification for Carter Page surveillance. Carter Page is basically irrelevant at this point.

This has nothing to do with Mueller investigation, because it was started by Papadopoulos bragging to Astralian diplomat.
The Carter Page surveillance was actually surveillance of everyone in the Trump campaign. It was highly illegal, and everyone involved should go to prison.
"Steele was ultimately working for the Clinton campaign and DNC, not a private client. And Steele’s use of some “unidentified” sources could raise questions about his collection methods."

Steele was a busy little foreign spy - he worked with the Russians, worked with Fusion GPS, worked with the DOJ, worked for the FBI, worked for the DNC, and worked for Hillary Clinton....

It's even worse than that. The Clinton team was feeding information to Steele as he was compiling his fairy tale (dossier). Not only did the DNC pay for the fairy tale, they helped write it!

Clinton associates fed information to Trump dossier author Steele, memo says
The OP is old news and widely reported. Nothing new. Opposition research is LEGAL.

It goes beyond opposition research. The Obama administration had weaponized the FISA process and had been illegally spying on the TRUMP campaign. The dossier and Russia nonsense is the insurance policy that was created to cover up the illegal FISA abuses just in case TRUMP won the election, and it could also be used if Hillary won to silence TRUMP.

Those directly involved most likely thought TRUMP not having any government experience would resign under pressure. I imagine many blame Comey. We know discussions where made about Rosenstein wearing a wire, which would have never been needed if Comey had simply convinced TRUMP he had his loyalty. Comey further screwed things up by releasing his memos which basically gave TRUMP no reason to trust Rosenstein or Wray.
You assholes should listen to Dan Abrams on Sirius XM. He has laid out the legal matter surrounding the dossier and the FISA warrants with clarity and credibility.

You freaks are wrong about what went down and how. You've been lied to. If you don't make an effort to grasp the facts, you will go.on being ignorant morons.
The OP is old news and widely reported. Nothing new. Opposition research is LEGAL.
Paying Russian agents for dirt. Oh that only matters if it's Trump. LOL

who are the russian agents involved that weren't at the trump tower meeting... that tinkles dicktated to traitor tot to lie about aboard airforce one saying it was about russian adoptions... but he is also trying to hide the blocked number that jr had in his cell phone that was called just b4 the meeting... that mueller has already subpoenaed....& that the incoming (D) chair of the intel committee will also get ahold of?
The OP is old news and widely reported. Nothing new. Opposition research is LEGAL.
Russian-authored Opposition research bought from a foreign spy working with the DOJ and for the FBI, used illegally by the DOJ, NIA, CIA, AND FBI to start up a political assassination, get a traitor/criminal appointed to lead it, and to acquire illegal warrants to conduct their own Watergate, though, is NOT legal.

OLD NEWS!! Even the NaziCon Teanderthal Republicans in Congress have gone over all this with a fine-tooth comb. NOTHING! If there was anything to this - Nunes and Howdy Doody Gowdy would have had Hillary in prison by now.



this is what they released according to your own article from the very biased daily caller?


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