Latest from NJ

Sorry missy. You don't get to ignore my specific questions on most other threads and then get answers to your questions from me.

She has a point, Jillian. You abandon/ignore at will. You shouldn't expect any better.
She has a point, Jillian. You abandon/ignore at will. You shouldn't expect any better.

You seem to be one of the few who thinks she has any points. Most of us know she's useless.

And I don't bother answering people who can't follow a conversation and then twist responses to suit their whim like she does.

And why are you interjecting yourself on behalf of her once again?
This is the most brazen, most egregious abuse of judicial powers that I can imagine! This is the same shit that the Massachusetts Supreme Court pulled a couple of years ago.

Judges do not have the right to order the legislature to write laws and pass laws. They are only supposed to be interpreting the ones on the books.

What if the New Jersey State Legislature can't come to an agreement on the terms of gay marriage? What then? Is the judge going to have the entire New Jersey State Legislature thrown in jail for contempt of court?

I can think of an example.

Someone is brought into court for stealing. Judge says, "you broke the law because the law says you can't steal". The defendant says "I stole because I was hungry", then the judge says "OK, State Legislature, you have 180 days to amend the state constitution to make theft by hungry persons legal".

What? It sounds stupid? It sounds insane? Well, it is! And this ruling is nothing better.

And speaking of rights that are in the Constitution. What about the voters of New Jersey? Has the judiciary of that state suddenly taken away their right to decide on this issue? I thought voting on rights not enumerated in the US Constitution was a right, per the 10th amendment.

ITA. This country's going to Hell in a handbasket, one ruling at a time. When the law does not reflect the will, beliefs and morals of the majority, then what do you have?

Tyranny of the minority. I somehow don't see the intent of precluding tyranny of the majority meaning the majority must suffer every nutjob with a perverted gimmick that comes along.
You seem to be one of the few who thinks she has any points. Most of us know she's useless.

And I don't bother answering people who can't follow a conversation and then twist responses to suit their whim like she does.

And why are you interjecting yourself on behalf of her once again?

First off, Miss Frack, who keeps Mr Frick in constant tow, you have nerve questioning ANYONE interjecting themselves on behalf of another. You and Grump are like Teedle Dum and Tweedle Dee.

Second, she DOES have a point. You do the same to me and others, and try hiding behind that "can't follow a conversation and twist responses" garbage. You post outright lies as truth, so WHO is twisting?

Calling you on that has nothing to do with interjecting myself on anyone's behalf. I merely agreed with her point because she's quite simply spot on with her comment.

Let me know if I can help you out with anything else you need to know.
First off, Miss Frack, who keeps Mr Frick in constant tow, you have nerve questioning ANYONE interjecting themselves on behalf of another. You and Grump are like Teedle Dum and Tweedle Dee.

Second, she DOES have a point. You do the same to me and others, and try hiding behind that "can't follow a conversation and twist responses" garbage. You post outright lies as truth, so WHO is twisting?

Calling you on that has nothing to do with interjecting myself on anyone's behalf. I merely agreed with her point because she's quite simply spot on with her comment.

Let me know if I can help you out with anything else you need to know.

The girl's a nutter, dude. Glad you found each other ;)
So ?? Do you actually care if gay people get married and dont have kids ? I dont understand why people give a rats ass what other people do behind closed doors that doesnt affect them.

The main benefits of marriage are the Blessing of children from my own flesh and blood, and a spouse of the opposite sex to assist in their upbringing, both moot points in a gay relationship.
Piss-poor attempt at deflection, completely ignoring what was actually stated in my response.

The Artful Dodger has NOTHING on you.

I don't engage in that type of "conversation". Hence my "bowing out" when the convo goes to rants like the one you just went on.

Old lesson I learned from my husband.... and I've said this before and I figure it's apt...

Don't try to teach a pig to talk. It won't work and will just annoy the pig.

Have a good night.
I don't engage in that type of "conversation". Hence my "bowing out" when the convo goes to rants like the one you just went on.

Old lesson I learned from my husband.... and I've said this before and I figure it's apt...

You can't teach a pig to talk. It won't work and will just annoy the pig.

Have a good night.

Sure. That's your excuse EVERY TIME you decide to dodge. There's no rant. A valid point was made, and you've been tapdancing in an attempt to deflect ever since.

You tried going on the attack, that didn't work.

Now you're trying to play the "high road" routine, and it isn't working either.

The accusation is just, and none of your little diddies that "Daddy" taught you change that fact one bit.
I didn't know that marriage was a right.

marriage between a man and a woman is a fundamental right. gay marriage is not, atleast federally, which is why the NJ supreme court made the decision based on New Jersey state laws. Apparently they are telling the legislature that they have to make it a right. I hate judicial activism like this. What the heck is the point of self government if a bunch of guys in Robes are going to turn around and tell you what to do?
marriage between a man and a woman is a fundamental right. gay marriage is not, atleast federally, which is why the NJ supreme court made the decision based on New Jersey state laws. Apparently they are telling the legislature that they have to make it a right. I hate judicial activism like this. What the heck is the point of self government if a bunch of guys in Robes are going to turn around and tell you what to do?

Kind of screws that whole "democracy" thing, doesn't it?
So ?? Do you actually care if gay people get married and dont have kids ? I dont understand why people give a rats ass what other people do behind closed doors that doesnt affect them.

The breakdown of the family has huge reprocussions throughout society and generations of time. You cant abuse the powers to create life and not get burned by it. And uncontrolled fire always destroys everything in touches.

Not to mention the judicial overreach of these issues specifically underminds the intergrity of our government structure. If the courts continue to overstep its bounds, people will be unable to rely on them for any justice.

Thats the truly scary thing about liberalism. its actions in the Courts, and its actions in claiming every election they lose is stolen is underminding the system. This will firment discord in society and it will eventually lead to bloodshed. Its not a coicidence that there was so much vandalism involved with the 2004 election. The fact is we are in a very precarious position, a powder keg ready to explode. And with the foundations of our government and our families being destroyed there will be serious consequences for all society.

So you better believe I am going to speak out on the direction society is going. Id rather not see the suffering and destruction I know is coming if we keep on this road.
marriage between a man and a woman is a fundamental right. gay marriage is not, atleast federally, which is why the NJ supreme court made the decision based on New Jersey state laws. Apparently they are telling the legislature that they have to make it a right. I hate judicial activism like this. What the heck is the point of self government if a bunch of guys in Robes are going to turn around and tell you what to do?

It seems to me like the system is working like it's supposed to. A court finds a law unconstituional, and advises the legislature they need to craft a law that isn't unconstitutional. That's not activism, that's the court doing its job. You and a few others in here have your panties in a twist because you disagree on what's unconstitutional. If you don't like it, start a campaign to change the constitution.
It seems to me like the system is working like it's supposed to. A court finds a law unconstituional, and advises the legislature they need to craft a law that isn't unconstitutional. That's not activism, that's the court doing its job. You and a few others in here have your panties in a twist because you disagree on what's unconstitutional. If you don't like it, start a campaign to change the constitution.

So that's the answer? Every time some screwball with a gimmick comes along and demands special rights that cater only to that gimmick, "change the Constitution" is the answer?

I disagree. I think the Constitution should be interpreted with some common sense and logic rather than moral relativism and dishonest literalism.
But what's right and wrong may be different for a group of peole than another group, etc.

I think abortion is immoral/unethical, but it's around. I think murder and stealing is also immoral/unethical. Murder in self-defense is moral/ethical. I think stem cell research (on a whole) is moral/ethical.

However, only two of those things others view differently than me (the first and last).
But what's right and wrong may be different for a group of peole than another group, etc.

I think abortion is immoral/unethical, but it's around. I think murder and stealing is also immoral/unethical. Murder in self-defense is moral/ethical. I think stem cell research (on a whole) is moral/ethical.

However, only two of those things others view differently than me (the first and last).

Right and wrong are right and wrong dude. Your response is the favorite argument of those who usually want to live outside the bounds of what is acceptable to society, and or those that support such.

No sale.
So that's the answer? Every time some screwball with a gimmick comes along and demands special rights that cater only to that gimmick, "change the Constitution" is the answer?

I disagree. I think the Constitution should be interpreted with some common sense and logic rather than moral relativism and dishonest literalism.

As I said, you are entitled to disagree with the judges decision, but that doesn't make an accusation of judicial activism appropriate.

The recognition of a gay civil union isn't a "special" right as you suggest. A special right would be one that straight couples aren't entitled to, like for instance, if gays wanted a civil union that gave them tax-free status.

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