Latest GOP Healthcare Bill Explained

30 million Americans thrown off of healthcare. For what? When we can have single payer and everyone can have healthcare.

Millions thrown out of the hospital to die.

Not something any moral or loving human being could ever support.
The reason the GOP wants to leave everything up to the states is they are lazy. 3 page letter , tax plan 1 page.
And the GOP says they want to keep their majorities in the midterm?
The reason the GOP wants to leave everything up to the states is they are lazy. 3 page letter , tax plan 1 page.

Hell, look at Kansas to realize that even at the state level they won't do shit. They want the insurance companies to be the judge, jury and executer and for anyone that isn't rich to die or receive low quality healthcare.

In the gop world the rich will have their own high class system with high standards
The middle will have there's
And the poor will have death houses or nothing at all.

Class and money will mean everything as it did in the 19th century.
I live in a red state and we've had 50 plus mandates before obamacare, from mental health to autism coverage, we did not have maternity. Most were implemented by Republican governors over the years. We also had a high risk pool back in the late 90's that went bust. We also had some of the highest insurance premium rates in the country before obamacare and they only went up. This state also did not expand Medicaid and probably never will regardless if the govt throws this back on the state's.

A few changes have already been made by Secretary Price for 2018 that does not have to go through legislation. If you remember there were and are rules that can be implemented or changed at anytime. One that can not is the individual mandate that many on this board and out there in the country thinks it's gone. It is not for the moment. His EO left it up to IRS to enforce, and they are. In the first version a few weeks ago the bill had the mandate rolled back to Dec 31,1015, but as we know did not even get a vote.

This new proposed bill will not pass in it's present form and 2018 pretty much will be set by around June 21st as far as plans and rates filed with state departments of insurance and HHS. The way it is now, the uncertainty of what may happen down the road I'm afraid most people will again see double digit increases for 2018. Yes, many of the larger insurance companies (despite what you read) did record a profit for 2016 and rates were suppose to stabilize for 2018, but probably will not happen because of all the screwing around in D.C.
The GOP as a whole hate ACA but are terrified to change it too much less outright repeal it.

The Freedom Caucus continued intransigence to their party's continuing waffling is paying the way to eventual single payer medicare style national health care.
The GOP as a whole hate ACA but are terrified to change it too much less outright repeal it.

The Freedom Caucus continued intransigence to their party's continuing waffling is paying the way to eventual single payer medicare style national health care.

I know the gop hated the ACA and I have been wondering in the past few weeks if Medicare for all is not what some of them are discussing among themselves and one of these days throw up their hands with these reworked proposals and say, like it's a new idea to them, Well we're done here lets just let everyone buy into Medicare.

I read, I believe in an industry online magazine the other day that there was a bill introduced by dems back in Jan and over 100 have signed on as co sponsor's, Medicare for all. I can't remember which one or I can't remember ever seeing it in any other publication's other than insurance. I believe all the sponsor's so far were dems but it said a few repubs were looking at it.

If Medicare for all happens some will be happy and say insurance companies are dead. Well if anyone pays attention there are several of the large insurer's that make most of their profits in Medicare Advantage plans and supplements.

Anyway we'll all just to have to stay tuned in the coming months and see what the next proposal may be.
It's so heartwarming to see the left and the right, setting aside their differences and agreeing on authoritarian government!.
As long as it doesn't take from the working middle-class man and give to the non-working man, I'll be happy.

That is of course, if we don't have socialized healthcare implemented. If socialized healthcare is implemented, then I'm fine having healthcare for those who work, but not for those who don't work (except for children of course).

Anyone who's seen the essential plans knows what I'm talking about... You know, the ones with $0 premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and with free coverage for everything.
National health care is inevitable, so we need to do it the best way possible.
If socialized healthcare is implemented, then I'm fine having healthcare for those who work, but not for those who don't work (except for children of course).

Yep. That's the end game. Get control of health care and you have pretty solid control over everyone. Do as you're told, or die. :)
National health care is inevitable, so we need to do it the best way possible.

Is socialism also 'inevitable', Comrade Fakey?
Do you understand terms?

National health care underwritten by the government is no more socialism any more than is the National Disease Center.

Socialism is the ownership and manager of the means and distribution of production and products in an industry, such as managing the railroads and paying the managers and workers.

Go study terms, please.
If socialized healthcare is implemented, then I'm fine having healthcare for those who work, but not for those who don't work (except for children of course).

Yep. That's the end game. Get control of health care and you have pretty solid control over everyone. Do as you're told, or die. :)
The state already has control us of us, bubba, through We the People's government.
30 million Americans thrown off of healthcare. For what? When we can have single payer and everyone can have healthcare.

Millions thrown out of the hospital to die.

Not something any moral or loving human being could ever support.

Healthcare is not a Right. Never has been. Never shoild be. Single payer doesnt get everyone gealthcare. It ensures I,dint get healthcare, because i wont take Governmentcare.

Life is,only of value when it takes care of itself. If/when you can no longer take care of yourself, its time to go vye bye.
Libertarian individualism is good if you are a nomad hunter who raids the villages for women and goodies.

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