Latest GOP Healthcare Bill Explained

If you were an authority and authoritative on the Constitution, that would be different.

Your not, so it is not.

WOW. You nedd a lawyer or Constitutional authority to interpret the basjc Engkish in Article I, Section 8 of, and the Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution? I don't. I took hjgh school English.
Sure, you did. I believe you.
You didn't take Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare or VA? Those are the only government health insurance I know of.

Nope. I gave akready sent letters to Medicare and Medicaid that I will not engage in their programs. My legal and medical documents also note my unwillingness to take Government paid ir controlled health services. To the point of death.

Well I suppose if you just drop over dead or commit suicide your family won't have much health care to pay for, unless they happen to call an ambulance, but that is minimal compared to a few days in hospital. If you don't have life insurance I hope you have instructed them to just bury you in the back yard.

You do know Part A of Medicare is free if you worked your 40 quarters. Free, that is your hospital coverage. If you ever change your mind about Medicare assuming you are 65 plus you will pay a penalty.
Well I suppose if you just drop over dead or commit suicide your family won't have much health care to pay for, unless they happen to call an ambulance, but that is minimal compared to a few days in hospital. If you don't have life insurance I hope you have instructed them to just bury you in the back yard.

Trust me, the hole in the top of my head combined with my DNR and my already filed mdducal proxy documents will ensure kjttle to no medical service for me.

I have enough life jnsurance to bury me and cover my debts. Nothing more needed.

You do know Part A of Medicare is free if you worked your 40 quarters. Free, that is your hospital coverage. If you ever change your mind about Medicare assuming you are 65 plus you will pay a penalty.

I am eell aware of that. I'm in my 40s currently. I wjll not take Medicare at age 65. If i cant get insurance, I'll just get sick and die. Easy as that.
Teach your children now how to stay healthy. Don't let them do like millions of others and ignore their health and then expect the government to get them insurance.
Teach your children now how to stay healthy. Don't let them do like millions of others and ignore their health and then expect the government to get them insurance.

Yea that's it let the babies born with defects go uninsured. WTH were we thinking?

Let all the people who have exercised, ate healthy all their life's, don't drink or smoke that develop cancer or heart disease just get the hell out of town. WTH were we thinking?
Well I suppose if you just drop over dead or commit suicide your family won't have much health care to pay for, unless they happen to call an ambulance, but that is minimal compared to a few days in hospital. If you don't have life insurance I hope you have instructed them to just bury you in the back yard.

Trust me, the hole in the top of my head combined with my DNR and my already filed mdducal proxy documents will ensure kjttle to no medical service for me.

I have enough life jnsurance to bury me and cover my debts. Nothing more needed.

You do know Part A of Medicare is free if you worked your 40 quarters. Free, that is your hospital coverage. If you ever change your mind about Medicare assuming you are 65 plus you will pay a penalty.

I am eell aware of that. I'm in my 40s currently. I wjll not take Medicare at age 65. If i cant get insurance, I'll just get sick and die. Easy as that.

Hell man you're young, I thought the crochety old man thing meant you were around Trumps age. By the time you reach 55 there will be Medicare for all.
Hell man you're young, I thought the crochety old man thing meant you were around Trumps age. By the time you reach 55 there will be Medicare for all.

....and I'll be dead. I will not take Government paid or mandated healthcare. Just that simple.....Better DEAD than Red.
It's good to see another program fixated on funneling tax dollars to the insurance company. Democrats shouldn't have all the fun.
Most likely their version of the mandate will cost more in extra premium's in a years time than the penalty today.
30 million Americans thrown off of healthcare. For what? When we can have single payer and everyone can have healthcare.

Millions thrown out of the hospital to die.

Not something any moral or loving human being could ever support.

Healthcare is not a Right. Never has been. Never shoild be. Single payer doesnt get everyone gealthcare. It ensures I,dint get healthcare, because i wont take Governmentcare.

Life is,only of value when it takes care of itself. If/when you can no longer take care of yourself, its time to go vye bye.
^^ Bull pucky
The reason the GOP wants to leave everything up to the states is they are lazy. 3 page letter , tax plan 1 page.
GOP Congressman: If you don’t like your state denying pre-existing conditions, move

House Republican leaders are running into trouble gathering votes for the American Health Care Act (Trumpcare), given a controversial new amendment added to the legislation last week. The MacArthur Amendment — authored by Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-New Jersey) — allows states to ultimately decide what is and what isn’t “essential” coverage that must be included in all health insurance plans sold within a given state. This could mean that patients with pre-existing conditions could be denied coverage depending on what a state government decides is or isn’t an essential benefit.

One of the MacArthur Amendment’s loudest supporters is Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-North Carolina). According to Talking Points Memo’s Alice Ollstein, Rep. Pittenger is unswayed by critics who deem the amendment unnecessarily cruel to people who suffer from pre-existing conditions. In a conversation with reporters present, Rep. Pittenger had a blunt answer for a journalist who asked if patients with pre-existing conditions would pay more for their health insurance under the current version of Trumpcare.

“People can go to the state that they want to live in,” Pittenger said.

Most likely their version of the mandate will cost more in extra premium's in a years time than the penalty today.
The healthcare exchanges now operating are a pool of people that get a cheaper rate because of the group rate..getting healthcare insurance on your own negates that advantage..
The reason the GOP wants to leave everything up to the states is they are lazy. 3 page letter , tax plan 1 page.
GOP Congressman: If you don’t like your state denying pre-existing conditions, move

House Republican leaders are running into trouble gathering votes for the American Health Care Act (Trumpcare), given a controversial new amendment added to the legislation last week. The MacArthur Amendment — authored by Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-New Jersey) — allows states to ultimately decide what is and what isn’t “essential” coverage that must be included in all health insurance plans sold within a given state. This could mean that patients with pre-existing conditions could be denied coverage depending on what a state government decides is or isn’t an essential benefit.

One of the MacArthur Amendment’s loudest supporters is Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-North Carolina). According to Talking Points Memo’s Alice Ollstein, Rep. Pittenger is unswayed by critics who deem the amendment unnecessarily cruel to people who suffer from pre-existing conditions. In a conversation with reporters present, Rep. Pittenger had a blunt answer for a journalist who asked if patients with pre-existing conditions would pay more for their health insurance under the current version of Trumpcare.

“People can go to the state that they want to live in,” Pittenger said.

No I'm not leaving MI, but we need to get rid of the GOP control. That is why we need national healthcare, people move more and are IC's. If the GOP remains in control , soon employers will no longer offer health insurance co share.
Why is it that the budget for many years has paid for coal miners healthcare, yet no one bitched about that..

When actually it should be on the owners of the coal mines. But as we know corporations get away with murder.

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