Latest New Black Panther Call for Race War: “Kill a Cracker For Trayvon” (Video)

I thought only white Republicans could be racist. Curious. You learn something new every day.
Where is the media Outrage on this?
Why is Obama and Holder strangely quiet on this subject?

Latest New Black Panther Call for Race War: “Kill a Cracker For Trayvon” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

LOL, if white supremacist made such a tape there would be sweeping arrests for conspiracy to commit murder. They actively call for Zimmerman's death. They actively call for the killing of white people.

Then, ignorant monkey states that Blacks in LA wouldn't stand for this. Rather they would be rioting in the Streets. First, whenever Blacks rioted over a so called civil rights cause, they destroy their own neighborhoods. Watts, a Black neighborhood, STILL has recovered from the riot. LA, lol, it's a joke of a city. Second, whenever Blacks riot the over-welming majority of the dead and seriously injured are other BLACKS. A few innocent whites fall victim, but the causalities are over-welmingly other Blacks. Lastly, most of the LA rioters became opportunitist. They cared less about Rodney King and more about getting that free big screen TV, new shoes or new couch!

Next the fool rallies against capitalism as RACIST. Actually capitalism is the LEAST racist economic structure. It allows anyone who works hard to get ahead. It discriminates against the lazy foresure. But the lazy can be black, white, brown, yellow or blue. On the reverse, the motivated can be black, white, brown, yellow or blue. In fact what they lazy ignorant assholes desire is communism! First, communism has been proven a failure in whenever it's practice. The most recent causalty is Venezuela. Second, communism ALWAYS creates an ELITIST CLASS of the few and the majority, regardless of skill, drive, education or motivation, have NO chance of making it into that ELISTIST CLASS. Communism that this ignorant monkey desires is build on thrives on discrimination against the masses!!
You won't hear anything about this unless the Aryon Nation or the KKK issues a response.

Blacks can say or do anything they want against whites, because blacks can't be racist... everybody knows that.

A black man kills a white man, it isn't racist. A white man kills a black man, it's racist. That's just the way it is.
At some point their rhetoric will spark some crazy into action, or a few crazies into action. Every once in a while, we need a good riot to clean out the deadwood.

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