Latest Obama/Romney Political Polls

Political Polls Matter

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Whatever DID happen to that alleged "significant lead" that The ONE supposedly had over Mitt?

in which poll and in what month?

gawd, you are pathetic

Damn are you stupid, dDainty. You retarded quiffy evasive quibbling deflecting pissant.

WAS The ONE leading in the polls, say, back when you posted the poll results with 4 months to go or wasn't he?

WAS it a pretty significant (alleged) "lead" at that time, or wasn't it?

Try to spin everything all you want. The polls -- which even a dimwit motherfucker like YOU chose to post -- still stand in their historical place. And the "lead" once allegedly enjoyed by President Obama in those polls is effectively GONE.

Your wailing and gnashing of teeth won't change that, either.


Whatever DID happen to that alleged "significant lead" that The ONE supposedly had over Mitt?

in which poll and in what month?

gawd, you are pathetic

Damn are you stupid, dDainty. You retarded quiffy evasive quibbling deflecting pissant.

WAS The ONE leading in the polls, say, back when you posted the poll results with 4 months to go or wasn't he?

WAS it a pretty significant (alleged) "lead" at that time, or wasn't it?

Try to spin everything all you want. The polls -- which even a dimwit motherfucker like YOU chose to post -- still stand in their historical place. And the "lead" once allegedly enjoyed by President Obama in those polls is effectively GONE.

Your wailing and gnashing of teeth won't change that, either.


:lol: Classic! Expect much Dante Butt-Hurt after that spanking. Ouch!

Whatever DID happen to that alleged "significant lead" that The ONE supposedly had over Mitt?

in which poll and in what month?

gawd, you are pathetic

Damn are you stupid, dDainty. You retarded quiffy evasive quibbling deflecting pissant.

WAS The ONE leading in the polls, say, back when you posted the poll results with 4 months to go or wasn't he?

WAS it a pretty significant (alleged) "lead" at that time, or wasn't it?

Try to spin everything all you want. The polls -- which even a dimwit motherfucker like YOU chose to post -- still stand in their historical place. And the "lead" once allegedly enjoyed by President Obama in those polls is effectively GONE.

Your wailing and gnashing of teeth won't change that, either.

looking it going your guy way at the moment but still two weeks left and a lot to play for

Whatever DID happen to that alleged "significant lead" that The ONE supposedly had over Mitt?

in which poll and in what month?

gawd, you are pathetic

Damn are you stupid, dDainty. You retarded quiffy evasive quibbling deflecting pissant.

WAS The ONE leading in the polls, say, back when you posted the poll results with 4 months to go or wasn't he?

WAS it a pretty significant (alleged) "lead" at that time, or wasn't it?

Try to spin everything all you want. The polls -- which even a dimwit motherfucker like YOU chose to post -- still stand in their historical place. And the "lead" once allegedly enjoyed by President Obama in those polls is effectively GONE.

Your wailing and gnashing of teeth won't change that, either.


silly, the further out the polls are from the election, the more skewed they are with people who claim to not have made up their minds. as election time approaches...

Internal polls and campaign strategies had the knowledge the race would tighten up and be close regardless of what else might or might not happen.

get a life
in which poll and in what month?

gawd, you are pathetic

Damn are you stupid, dDainty. You retarded quiffy evasive quibbling deflecting pissant.

WAS The ONE leading in the polls, say, back when you posted the poll results with 4 months to go or wasn't he?

WAS it a pretty significant (alleged) "lead" at that time, or wasn't it?

Try to spin everything all you want. The polls -- which even a dimwit motherfucker like YOU chose to post -- still stand in their historical place. And the "lead" once allegedly enjoyed by President Obama in those polls is effectively GONE.

Your wailing and gnashing of teeth won't change that, either.


silly, the further out the polls are from the election, the more skewed they are with people who claim to not have made up their minds. as election time approaches...

Internal polls and campaign strategies had the knowledge the race would tighten up and be close regardless of what else might or might not happen.

get a life
it be predicted to be a close race to be fair for long time.
Damn are you stupid, dDainty. You retarded quiffy evasive quibbling deflecting pissant.

WAS The ONE leading in the polls, say, back when you posted the poll results with 4 months to go or wasn't he?

WAS it a pretty significant (alleged) "lead" at that time, or wasn't it?

Try to spin everything all you want. The polls -- which even a dimwit motherfucker like YOU chose to post -- still stand in their historical place. And the "lead" once allegedly enjoyed by President Obama in those polls is effectively GONE.

Your wailing and gnashing of teeth won't change that, either.


silly, the further out the polls are from the election, the more skewed they are with people who claim to not have made up their minds. as election time approaches...

Internal polls and campaign strategies had the knowledge the race would tighten up and be close regardless of what else might or might not happen.

get a life
it be predicted to be a close race to be fair for long time.

WASHINGTON - With the election still four months away, President Barack Obama holds "a significant lead" over Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to a new Pew Research Center poll released Thursday. - Obama holds ‘significant lead’ over Romney in new national poll -

Oct. 24: In Polls, Romney’s Momentum Seems to Have Stopped

Oct. 24: In Polls, Romney's Momentum Seems to Have Stopped -

Mr. Romney clearly gained ground in the polls in the week or two after the Denver debate, putting himself in a much stronger overall position in the race. However, it seems that he is no longer doing so.

Take Wednesday’s national tracking polls, for instance. (There are now eight of them published each day.) Mr. Romney gained ground in just one of the polls, an online poll conducted for Reuters by the polling organization Ipsos. He lost ground in five others, with President Obama improving his standing instead in those surveys. On average, Mr. Obama gained about one point between the eight polls.


This is the closest that we’ve come in a week or so to one candidate clearly having “won” the day in the tracking polls — and it was Mr. Obama.

The trend could also be spurious. If the race is steady, it’s not that hard for one candidate to gain ground in five of six polls (excluding the two that showed no movement on Wednesday) just based on chance alone.

What isn’t very likely, however, is for one candidate to lose ground in five of six polls if the race is still moving toward him. In other words, we can debate whether Mr. Obama has a pinch of momentum or whether the race is instead flat, but it’s improbable that Mr. Romney would have a day like this if he still had momentum.

The FiveThirtyEight model looks at a broader array of polls — including state polls — in order to gauge the overall trend in the race.
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October 24, 2012
Brooks vs. Silver: The Limits of Forecasting Elections
Posted by John Cassidy

Brooks vs. Silver: The Limits of Forecasting Elections : The New Yorker

Thursday morning update: Clearly some people don’t like this post, which is fair enough. One of the roles of the columnist is to provoke, and, occasionally, enrage. Rather than address the criticisms in the comments section individually, I’ll say a few things and leave it at that.

Firstly, it was not my intention to make a political point, or to give succor to the Republicans. As I indicated, I agree with Silver that Obama is still ahead where he needs to be ahead, and that he is likely to win. What I query is the apparent precision of the FiveThirtyEight forecasts, and whether its model adds very much to the opinion polls.

Secondly, in reaching for a strong conclusion, I was overemphatic. Clearly the model helps us to think about the likelihood of a Romney victory: the question is how much. In encapsulating the latest polling data in a timely manner, its forecasts provide a valuable benchmark, to which I and many others regularly refer. But that doesn’t mean it is entirely reliable.

Finally, I will be perfectly happy to be proved wrong. After spending many years watching economists and financial analysts struggling to predict the future, I perhaps have a jaundiced view of the usefulness of statistical forecasts in the social sciences. If a super-smart fellow like Silver has indeed demonstrated a reliable way to predict political outcomes, it represents real progress. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. If Silver calls the popular vote and the electoral college correctly again this year, and if his model outperforms the Real Clear Politics poll of polls in the battleground states, I will gladly eat humble pie and send round a bottle of champagne to the FiveThirtyEight offices.
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Silver, of course, spends much of his time analyzing the latest polls and converting them into election projections. On a much more casual basis, so do I, and so does Brooks, who entitled his column: “Confessions of a Poll Addict.” The difference is that Silver has built a mathematical forecasting model, and people take it very seriously: he is widely regarded as a political astrologer who gets things right. In the 2008 Presidential election, he correctly picked the winner of forty-nine states. Political junkies of all stripes, but particularly Democrats, follow his site religiously. Over the past few weeks, as the opinion polls in this year’s Presidential election have tightened, I’ve lost count of the number of people who have said to me something along the lines of, “Yes, but Nate Silver still says Obama’s got a seventy-five per cent chance of winning.”

Read more Brooks vs. Silver: The Limits of Forecasting Elections : The New Yorker
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This morning I go an e-mail from a friend saying, “Four more years of Islamo-Communism and this country will be in ruins.” He was joking, of course. What really concerns him is the prospect of a Republican victory. Could Romney really win? It’s the question that nags at many New Yorkers from morning ’til noon ’til night.

Read more A New Yorker's Dilemma: How to Treat Election Fever : The New Yorker

A New Yorker's Dilemma: How to Treat Election Fever : The New Yorker
in which poll and in what month?

gawd, you are pathetic

Damn are you stupid, dDainty. You retarded quiffy evasive quibbling deflecting pissant.

WAS The ONE leading in the polls, say, back when you posted the poll results with 4 months to go or wasn't he?

WAS it a pretty significant (alleged) "lead" at that time, or wasn't it?

Try to spin everything all you want. The polls -- which even a dimwit motherfucker like YOU chose to post -- still stand in their historical place. And the "lead" once allegedly enjoyed by President Obama in those polls is effectively GONE.

Your wailing and gnashing of teeth won't change that, either.

looking it going your guy way at the moment but still two weeks left and a lot to play for

It is going Romney's way. And less than two weeks to go is still a fair amount of time.

But President Obama's re-election prospects come down to how INTERESTED his erstwhile "supporters" may be in getting him another 4 years to flop around in, like a hooked fish on the deck.

Face facts, one and all. The President has tried to run FROM his record, but in the end, most folks will vote based, primarily, on what his record IS. At the very least, that does not constitute a compelling reason to go vote.

It's over. The charlatan behind the curtain has been exposed. And he sucks.
Damn are you stupid, dDainty. You retarded quiffy evasive quibbling deflecting pissant.

WAS The ONE leading in the polls, say, back when you posted the poll results with 4 months to go or wasn't he?

WAS it a pretty significant (alleged) "lead" at that time, or wasn't it?

Try to spin everything all you want. The polls -- which even a dimwit motherfucker like YOU chose to post -- still stand in their historical place. And the "lead" once allegedly enjoyed by President Obama in those polls is effectively GONE.

Your wailing and gnashing of teeth won't change that, either.

looking it going your guy way at the moment but still two weeks left and a lot to play for

It is going Romney's way. And less than two weeks to go is still a fair amount of time.

But President Obama's re-election prospects come down to how INTERESTED his erstwhile "supporters" may be in getting him another 4 years to flop around in, like a hooked fish on the deck.

Face facts, one and all. The President has tried to run FROM his record, but in the end, most folks will vote based, primarily, on what his record IS. At the very least, that does not constitute a compelling reason to go vote.

It's over. The charlatan behind the curtain has been exposed. And he sucks.

Fred Thompson called. Your reverse mortgage is ready.
looking it going your guy way at the moment but still two weeks left and a lot to play for

It is going Romney's way. And less than two weeks to go is still a fair amount of time.

But President Obama's re-election prospects come down to how INTERESTED his erstwhile "supporters" may be in getting him another 4 years to flop around in, like a hooked fish on the deck.

Face facts, one and all. The President has tried to run FROM his record, but in the end, most folks will vote based, primarily, on what his record IS. At the very least, that does not constitute a compelling reason to go vote.

It's over. The charlatan behind the curtain has been exposed. And he sucks.

Fred Thompson called. Your reverse mortgage is ready.

Fred would have been VASTLY better as President than the asshole you favor. You drool over the FAIL in CHIEF.
looking it going your guy way at the moment but still two weeks left and a lot to play for

It is going Romney's way. And less than two weeks to go is still a fair amount of time.

But President Obama's re-election prospects come down to how INTERESTED his erstwhile "supporters" may be in getting him another 4 years to flop around in, like a hooked fish on the deck.

Face facts, one and all. The President has tried to run FROM his record, but in the end, most folks will vote based, primarily, on what his record IS. At the very least, that does not constitute a compelling reason to go vote.

It's over. The charlatan behind the curtain has been exposed. And he sucks.

Fred Thompson called. Your reverse mortgage is ready.

It is going Romney's way. And less than two weeks to go is still a fair amount of time.

But President Obama's re-election prospects come down to how INTERESTED his erstwhile "supporters" may be in getting him another 4 years to flop around in, like a hooked fish on the deck.

Face facts, one and all. The President has tried to run FROM his record, but in the end, most folks will vote based, primarily, on what his record IS. At the very least, that does not constitute a compelling reason to go vote.

It's over. The charlatan behind the curtain has been exposed. And he sucks.

Fred Thompson called. Your reverse mortgage is ready.


dDainty revels in lame ad hominem fails. That's his calling card, too.
WASHINGTON - With the election still four months away, President Barack Obama holds "a significant lead" over Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to a new Pew Research Center poll released Thursday. - Obama holds ‘significant lead’ over Romney in new national poll -

It's July. No poll is of any real relevance... other than to the desperate hacks trying to 'prove' their guy is leading.

Interestingly, the BBC who, while a left leaning organization, tend to research pretty thoroughly and not let politics interfere with the research, claim that Romney and Obama are tied.

idiot. didn't even read the post. :lol: Dante wasn't trying to prove anything. It's about the latest polls, just as the OP says.

and what is of relevance is how the campaigns and pacs will read the polls looking for where to targey their money and efforts and to whom they target it.

and if you want to argue that campaigns and pacs are NOT using polls to target groups and states.... let the bullshit fly


Latest Obama/Romney Political Polls
WASHINGTON - With the election still four months away, President Barack Obama holds "a significant lead" over Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to a new Pew Research Center poll released Thursday. - Obama holds ‘significant lead’ over Romney in new national poll -

Political Polls Matter: 4 answers

It's July. No poll is of any real relevance... other than to the desperate hacks trying to 'prove' their guy is leading.

Interestingly, the BBC who, while a left leaning organization, tend to research pretty thoroughly and not let politics interfere with the research, claim that Romney and Obama are tied.

LOL, you call those who cite polls 'desperate hacks', and then you cite a poll which just happens to show Romney in a better light than some others do.


polls are snapshots in time. they are usually meaningless in the ways the average person attaches significance to them, but polls guide campaigns and their messages

back in July when right leaning news orgs were saying Romney was in deep trouble.


was fun goading GOPers that far out
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In September I came back to this thread after two months ....

WASHINGTON - With the election still four months away, President Barack Obama holds "a significant lead" over Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to a new Pew Research Center poll released Thursday. - Obama holds ‘significant lead’ over Romney in new national poll -

then some numb nuts posted this:

The polls are the first comprehensive surveys to have been conducted since Romney chose Paul Ryan as his running mate and suggest he has received a small positive bump from his selection.

Daily tracking polls from both Rasmussen Reports and Gallup also put Romney slightly ahead nationally, although the RealClearPolitics conglomerate Poll of Polls — which does not include the Purple Poll as it was not conducted nationally — still has Obama with a three-point lead.

Overall, the four Purple polls taken together show Romney with a single-point lead of 47 percent to 46, reversing July’s figures when Obama led by 47 percent to 45.

Purple Strategies said Romney has received a huge boost among independent voters, now holding an 11 percentage point lead in that group, up from five points in July.

Read more on Poll: Ryan Bump Gives Romney Lead in Swing States Ohio, Fla., Va.
Poll: Ryan Bump Gives Romney Lead in Swing States Ohio, Fla., Va.

By the time its November
It will not even be close
I truly believe that, I did not 2 weeks ago

and here we are...

Poll: Obama retakes lead after short-lived Romney Tampa bounce - The Hill's Ballot Box

Poll: Obama retakes lead after short-lived Romney Tampa bounce
By Meghashyam Mali - 09/02/12 07:32 AM ET

A new poll finds President Obama retaking a narrow lead over Mitt Romney, after the GOP candidate enjoyed a short-lived bump from the Republican National Convention

According to the new Reuters/Ipsos national tracking poll released Saturday, Obama holds a 44 percent to 43 edge over his GOP rival.

Romney enjoyed a bounce last week when he officially accepted his party’s nomination at the GOP convention in Tampa, Fla.

Gallup Polls Show No Sign of Republican Bounce After Convention - Businessweek

Bloomberg News
Gallup Polls Show No Sign of Republican Bounce After Convention
By Mike Dorning on September 03, 2012

Party nominees usually receive a bounce in support after national political conventions and the extended case for their campaigns made in the televised proceedings.

Romney’s speech at his party’s convention also received low marks from the public. Only 38 percent rated his speech good or excellent, the lowest favorable response to any of the eight acceptance speeches that Gallup has tested since Republican Bob Dole was nominated in 1996, according to a poll that the research group released this morning.

Fewer Americans than in previous years said the convention overall made them more likely to support Republican.

Polls only matter to what ever side they favor.
In other words polls only matter to democrats when obama is leading
and they only matter to Republicans when Romney is leading.

Not true. They matter to the people who pay for them. News Orgs and others pay for polls to be done and pay for access to polls others have done. It's a huge side business in election cycles.

Shows how little you actually know about politics

Not true. They matter to the people who pay for them. News Orgs and others pay for polls to be done and pay for access to polls others have done. It's a huge side business in election cycles.

Shows how little you actually know about politics

Polls are like preseason football.

yes, and there are trends that get exploited,

there is a huge industry involved here
come back in October...

WASHINGTON - With the election still four months away, President Barack Obama holds "a significant lead" over Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to a new Pew Research Center poll released Thursday. - Obama holds ‘significant lead’ over Romney in new national poll -

Wow! How's that GOP Candidate that beat all those true conservatives in the GOP primaries doing against President Obama who was viewed as a weak incumbent?


WASHINGTON - With the election still four months away, President Barack Obama holds "a significant lead" over Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to a new Pew Research Center poll released Thursday. - Obama holds ‘significant lead’ over Romney in new national poll -

Obama still holding on.

Poor Mitt, he's not like us and the poor GOP base -- they chose this Imbecile as their leader. Chose Mitt over all other GOP candidates.

Sucks to be you :eusa_angel:

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