Latest Obama/Romney Political Polls

Political Polls Matter

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Why would you even post that? It's from july 2012.

How in gods name is it accurate or relevant now?

Time stamp on OP: 07-14-2012, 05:34 PM

:cuckoo: and Liability joined in.


Wrong, you lying ball-lacking nut sack.

I even noted the date of your dopey post and that this was thread necromancy.

You can't even be honest when the relevant facts precede your false claims.

You may actually be a retard.


people only have to follow the conversation in the thread. :lol:
The Obamabot 'Landslide' fantasy is over. Reality is setting in. It's gonna be very close. And Romney may actually win it.
Time stamp on OP: 07-14-2012, 05:34 PM

:cuckoo: and Liability joined in.


Wrong, you lying ball-lacking nut sack.

I even noted the date of your dopey post and that this was thread necromancy.

You can't even be honest when the relevant facts precede your false claims.

You may actually be a retard.


people only have to follow the conversation in the thread. :lol:

Finally you said something honest. And when they do follow the conversation, they will confirm that you are still just a liar.

Not exactly news.
The Obamabot 'Landslide' fantasy is over. Reality is setting in. It's gonna be very close. And Romney may actually win it.
well no doubt iooking good for romney but fight not over yet. Obama and team need keep going in midwest,
You do realize that polls are used to shape public opinion, not as a barometer of public opinion?

4 months ago, the polls were attempting to get republicans to think that the election was over and there was no need to even bother paying attention. Obama was a lock.

Who remembers polls taken in May, or June?

Now, with 2 weeks to go, the polls have to protect their alleged credibility, and therefore, the numbers have tightened to reflect reality. There are still problems with polls. Their questioning is still designed to get a specific answer that can then be spun to the American people, and they still way over sample their favorite political party.

Having said all that, it is very telling the Obama is in a dead heat. That is really bad for him.

This election could end up going the same as 2010.
You do realize that polls are used to shape public opinion, not as a barometer of public opinion?

4 months ago, the polls were attempting to get republicans to think that the election was over and there was no need to even bother paying attention. Obama was a lock.

Who remembers polls taken in May, or June?

Now, with 2 weeks to go, the polls have to protect their alleged credibility, and therefore, the numbers have tightened to reflect reality. There are still problems with polls. Their questioning is still designed to get a specific answer that can then be spun to the American people, and they still way over sample their favorite political party.

Having said all that, it is very telling the Obama is in a dead heat. That is really bad for him.

This election could end up going the same as 2010.

Polls by outside groups are used by campaigns, but the polls themselves were NOT taken in order to shape opinion

it appears your critical thinking skill set is still from your pre puberty years
The Obamabot 'Landslide' fantasy is over. Reality is setting in. It's gonna be very close. And Romney may actually win it.

the only Obama fantasy was in the heads of scared conservatives. :lol:

After seeing Mitt Romney walk all over true conservatives in the GOP primaries, it is understandable how sick in the head you all became.
Lets be honest, with Democrat Voters voting early & often and Thousands of Felon/Illegal Alien votes, this thing will probably be closer than it should be. We'll see what happens i guess.
WASHINGTON - With the election still four months away, President Barack Obama holds "a significant lead" over Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to a new Pew Research Center poll released Thursday. - Obama holds ‘significant lead’ over Romney in new national poll -

Pollster: N.H. could lock up win for President Obama -

President Obama’s re-election chances could hinge on New Hampshire, which is why both the Obama and Romney campaigns are spending so much time there, a national pollster told the Herald.

“For Obama, where he stands right now, if he wins Florida, he just needs one more (swing) state,” said John Zogby, who was visiting the Hub yesterday. He explained that as the likely Electoral College tally now stands, a Florida win could give Obama 268, meaning he would need only two more votes, and New Hampshire has four.

“It’s a whole lot easier to campaign in New Hampshire,” Zogby said.

polls ... follow the timeline'

maybe even follow what Cassidy has to say: Mitt the Shape-Shifter Falls on Obama’s Bayonet

Rational Irrationality : The New Yorker


October 21, 2012
Cassidy’s Count: More Alarm Bells for Obama
Posted by John Cassidy

Read more Rational Irrationality : The New Yorker

closer to an election (post early voting) polls become more and more inaccurate as 11/6 nears.

Early voters are no longer counted after that point as they are no longer "likely" voters, Obama leads Mitt by 57% to 31% in aggregated assessment of early voters.
Its actually the Electoral College that matters. If Romney gets VA, OH, WI, or PA (GOP governor wins) then it gets into a toss-up ElectoralVote

actually some polls are great barometers for this...key groups in key states and how they are leaning towards voting and more...

so actually, the poll is parsed for strategic purposes of winning the Electoral College Vote.


pay attention

closer to an election (post early voting) polls become more and more inaccurate as 11/6 nears.

Early voters are no longer counted after that point as they are no longer "likely" voters, Obama leads Mitt by 57% to 31% in aggregated assessment of early voters.

all polls are not created equal and polls are only tools to be used.

Pity the campaign that ignores polls as a race gets tighter and closer to being over

closer to an election (post early voting) polls become more and more inaccurate as 11/6 nears.

Early voters are no longer counted after that point as they are no longer "likely" voters, Obama leads Mitt by 57% to 31% in aggregated assessment of early voters.

all polls are not created equal and polls are only tools to be used.

Pity the campaign that ignores polls as a race gets tighter and closer to being over


It ain't over until the fat lady sings.
WASHINGTON - With the election still four months away, President Barack Obama holds "a significant lead" over Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to a new Pew Research Center poll released Thursday. - Obama holds ‘significant lead’ over Romney in new national poll -

Wow! How's that GOP Candidate that beat all those true conservatives in the GOP primaries doing against President Obama who was viewed as a weak incumbent?


what Dante said

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