Latest Poll: USA Today - Biden -21/ +37.8 to -59

Soccer moms and Latinos can’t stand him

He still has almost all the black vote

A single poll is meaningless. At least look at the average of them all


For reference at this same point in his term, Trump was at Disapprove +17.6
A single poll is meaningless. At least look at the average of them all

View attachment 561589

For reference at this same point in his term, Trump was at Disapprove +17.6
You should probably factor in the non-stop media assault against literally EVERYTHING about him versus the exact opposite being done to help Biden. Biden is finished but he'll be left in place to take the heat for the destructive decisions being made by Obama, Rice, and CO. until those in the party grow a big enough pair to demand change.
No matter what poll
He is under 45 percent

Folks did not care about the massive spending or wide open borders
The Afghan disaster buries the sick bastard
You should probably factor in the non-stop media assault against literally EVERYTHING about him versus the exact opposite being done to help Biden. Biden is finished but he'll be left in place to take the heat for the destructive decisions being made by Obama, Rice, and CO. until those in the party grow a big enough pair to demand change.

I have seen more negative coverage of Biden than any Dem POTUS in my lifetime from the MSM.

Also, he has about the worst year of any president I can recall, much of which was self-inflicted. But Afghanistan is over and done with and will not be an issue in 2022. Seems COVID is heading that way slowly, though his mandates are keeping it an issue longer than it needs to be.

If in 2022 the supply chain issues are corrected and oil production goes up, by this time next year he will have much to take credit for, rightly or wrongly.
The Afghan disaster buries the sick bastard

No way, it is done and over with. The only people talking about it any longer are those on the far right trying to keep it alive to harm Biden. The average American does not give a flying fuck about Afghanistan and our memory is too short for something that took place in Aug to be an issue 14 months later.
Golfing Gator
The biggest disaster since 911

Done and over with. Most Americans wanted us out of the country, and yes Joe fucked up doing it, but in the end he gave the people what they wanted. If Afghanistan is your hope for his downfall, you are going to be very disappointed.

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