Latest Round of Censorship from the Left

Absolutely unacceptable. The civilization haters are at it again.

Many people have been banned from youtube for the crime of having the wrong (pro president Trump) opinion also. I suppose everyone knew this was coming, the left can not be negotiated with... but... are the conservatives going to finally do something about it or just continue losing with style?
That's what happens when you don't play nice. You support a 70 year old child and, like children, sometimes they need their hands slapped.
So, what do we do with all these criminal children throwing a tantrum in the streets and burning shit?

Trump has fostered an "anything goes" culture and now we're seeing the results. People are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore. I may not agree with everything they do, but the blame rests solidly at Trump's feet.

The world has some nasty people. This virus and the riots are suspicious in nature.
Absolutely unacceptable. The civilization haters are at it again.

Many people have been banned from youtube for the crime of having the wrong (pro president Trump) opinion also. I suppose everyone knew this was coming, the left can not be negotiated with... but... are the conservatives going to finally do something about it or just continue losing with style?

Facebook is a private company with it’s own TOS.

Which “many” people have been banned for having “the wrong opinion” of Trump? I keep hearing this claim.

Brilliant way to say "Me moron". Yes they have their own TOS, it says American law need not apply and people be thrown out for wrong think.

Stefan Molyneux just banned today. I have shared many of his brilliant videos here. The biggest philosophy show ever created.

Fascists will cheer
Stefan Molyneux just banned today. I have shared many of his brilliant videos here. The biggest philosophy show ever created.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. :twirl:

Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux is an absolutely brilliant philosopher. Sounds like you got duped by the far leftists who no one believes. And no, they are not nice.

*Reads the article*

Yup, it is fake news. The far leftists are the only ones who should not be allowed to exist if someone. Freedom of speech is the FIRST American amendment.
If it comes to civil war... I'm on Freedom of speech side. Heads up. I personally don't care if you like it or not.
Everything has its limits. I'm sorry that you can't recognize them, but this civil war stuff is getting old and frankly an empty threat.
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Oh, I agree on that. You just don't know how pissed we are. And "aren't going to take it anymore" means a whole lot more from the likes of me.
What's THAT supposed to mean? You're treading close to threatening violence on the board. You just said the likes of you would do more than what we've seen so far. That's why Trump is going down. The people are starting to see who's really in his corner and they don't like it. I here Siberia is something else in November. Perhaps you'd like it better there when the inevitable happens.
If it comes to civil war... I'm on Freedom of speech side. Heads up. I personally don't care if you like it or not.

" I'm on Freedom of speech side. "

you'll have to be more specific.

the left wants to silence the right

the right wants to silence everyone else....

are you a moderate?
Twitter too.

Conservatives let soycucks run all over them. These are NOT the conservatives

That’s why nobody votes for them. See John MCCain and Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney may single handedly be the biggest loser I have ever come across.
Oh, I agree on that. You just don't know how pissed we are. And "aren't going to take it anymore" means a whole lot more from the likes of me.
What's THAT supposed to mean? You're treading close to threatening violence on the board. You just said the likes of you would do more than what we've seen so far. That's why Trump is going down. The people are starting to see who's really in his corner and they don't like it. I here Siberia is something else in November. Perhaps you'd like it better there when the inevitable happens.
If it comes to civil war... I'm on Freedom of speech side. Heads up. I personally don't care if you like it or not.

Americans are on your side brother.
Oh, I agree on that. You just don't know how pissed we are. And "aren't going to take it anymore" means a whole lot more from the likes of me.
What's THAT supposed to mean? You're treading close to threatening violence on the board. You just said the likes of you would do more than what we've seen so far. That's why Trump is going down. The people are starting to see who's really in his corner and they don't like it. I here Siberia is something else in November. Perhaps you'd like it better there when the inevitable happens.
If it comes to civil war... I'm on Freedom of speech side. Heads up. I personally don't care if you like it or not.

" I'm on Freedom of speech side. "

you'll have to be more specific.

the left wants to silence the right

the right wants to silence everyone else....

are you a moderate?

The right/Americans wants to silence everyone... Is that why freedom of speech is the first amendment?

Far leftist Luciferians always lie, you are no exception.
If it comes to civil war... I'm on Freedom of speech side. Heads up. I personally don't care if you like it or not.
Everything has its limits. I'm sorry that you can't recognize them, but this civil war stuff is getting old and frankly an empty threat.

Cuckservative not happy with where his failures are leading up to? Yes, this would be why you were supposed to do your job.
Oh, I agree on that. You just don't know how pissed we are. And "aren't going to take it anymore" means a whole lot more from the likes of me.
What's THAT supposed to mean? You're treading close to threatening violence on the board. You just said the likes of you would do more than what we've seen so far. That's why Trump is going down. The people are starting to see who's really in his corner and they don't like it. I here Siberia is something else in November. Perhaps you'd like it better there when the inevitable happens.
If it comes to civil war... I'm on Freedom of speech side. Heads up. I personally don't care if you like it or not.

" I'm on Freedom of speech side. "

you'll have to be more specific.

the left wants to silence the right

the right wants to silence everyone else....

are you a moderate?

The right/Americans wants to silence everyone... Is that why freedom of speech is the first amendment?

Far leftist Luciferians always lie, you are no exception.

I am NOT a luciferian.

you lie!

because you are a conservative!

and conservatives ALWAYS lie!
Oh, I agree on that. You just don't know how pissed we are. And "aren't going to take it anymore" means a whole lot more from the likes of me.
What's THAT supposed to mean? You're treading close to threatening violence on the board. You just said the likes of you would do more than what we've seen so far. That's why Trump is going down. The people are starting to see who's really in his corner and they don't like it. I here Siberia is something else in November. Perhaps you'd like it better there when the inevitable happens.
If it comes to civil war... I'm on Freedom of speech side. Heads up. I personally don't care if you like it or not.

" I'm on Freedom of speech side. "

you'll have to be more specific.

the left wants to silence the right

the right wants to silence everyone else....

are you a moderate?

The right/Americans wants to silence everyone... Is that why freedom of speech is the first amendment?

Far leftist Luciferians always lie, you are no exception.

I am NOT a luciferian.

you lie!

because you are a conservative!

and conservatives ALWAYS lie!

You lied again and have now been assigned a name, Luciferian.

I am not a conservative, if conservatives were like me America would still exist as a nation in two decades.
Oh, I agree on that. You just don't know how pissed we are. And "aren't going to take it anymore" means a whole lot more from the likes of me.
What's THAT supposed to mean? You're treading close to threatening violence on the board. You just said the likes of you would do more than what we've seen so far. That's why Trump is going down. The people are starting to see who's really in his corner and they don't like it. I here Siberia is something else in November. Perhaps you'd like it better there when the inevitable happens.
If it comes to civil war... I'm on Freedom of speech side. Heads up. I personally don't care if you like it or not.

" I'm on Freedom of speech side. "

you'll have to be more specific.

the left wants to silence the right

the right wants to silence everyone else....

are you a moderate?

The right/Americans wants to silence everyone... Is that why freedom of speech is the first amendment?

Far leftist Luciferians always lie, you are no exception.

I am NOT a luciferian.

you lie!

because you are a conservative!

and conservatives ALWAYS lie!

You lied again and have now been assigned a name, Luciferian.

I am not a conservative, if conservatives were like me America would still exist as a nation in two decades.

the devil you say
Absolutely unacceptable. The civilization haters are at it again.

Many people have been banned from youtube for the crime of having the wrong (pro president Trump) opinion also. I suppose everyone knew this was coming, the left can not be negotiated with... but... are the conservatives going to finally do something about it or just continue losing with style?

Facebook is a private company with it’s own TOS.

Which “many” people have been banned for having “the wrong opinion” of Trump? I keep hearing this claim.

Brilliant way to say "Me moron". Yes they have their own TOS, it says American law need not apply and people be thrown out for wrong think.

Stefan Molyneux just banned today. I have shared many of his brilliant videos here. The biggest philosophy show ever created.

Nice guy....

“...the Germans were in danger of being taken over by what they perceived as Jewish-led Communism. And Jewish-led Communism had wiped out tens of millions of white Christians in Russia and they were afraid of the same thing. And there was this wild overreaction and all this kind of stuff.”
Stefan Molyneux describes the Holocaust in YouTube video, Migratory Patterns of Predatory Immigrants, March 20, 2016

Looks like the banned videos from 3 white supremacists: Molyneux, David Duke and Richard Spencer.

...why exactly should they be required to host things that their rules?

Nothing to do with their opinion on Trump.
They won't do it, but Trump and the GOP should put real legal pressure on these platforms and force them to spend 100's of millions of dollars in defense. Be sure to drag it out a half-decade or so.
Absolutely unacceptable. The civilization haters are at it again.

Many people have been banned from youtube for the crime of having the wrong (pro president Trump) opinion also. I suppose everyone knew this was coming, the left can not be negotiated with... but... are the conservatives going to finally do something about it or just continue losing with style?

Facebook is a private company with it’s own TOS.

Which “many” people have been banned for having “the wrong opinion” of Trump? I keep hearing this claim.

Brilliant way to say "Me moron". Yes they have their own TOS, it says American law need not apply and people be thrown out for wrong think.

Stefan Molyneux just banned today. I have shared many of his brilliant videos here. The biggest philosophy show ever created.

Nice guy....

“...the Germans were in danger of being taken over by what they perceived as Jewish-led Communism. And Jewish-led Communism had wiped out tens of millions of white Christians in Russia and they were afraid of the same thing. And there was this wild overreaction and all this kind of stuff.”
Stefan Molyneux describes the Holocaust in YouTube video, Migratory Patterns of Predatory Immigrants, March 20, 2016

Looks like the banned videos from 3 white supremacists: Molyneux, David Duke and Richard Spencer.

...why exactly should they be required to host things that their rules?

Nothing to do with their opinion on Trump.

As far as I am aware Stefan is a Jew or at least one of his parents was. Pathetic... pathetic... Oh he is also white, is that a problem?

The quote has nothing wrong about it whatsoever. Considering this guy speaks hours every day and this was the worst you found, the discussion is over.
Oh, I agree on that. You just don't know how pissed we are. And "aren't going to take it anymore" means a whole lot more from the likes of me.
What's THAT supposed to mean? You're treading close to threatening violence on the board. You just said the likes of you would do more than what we've seen so far. That's why Trump is going down. The people are starting to see who's really in his corner and they don't like it. I here Siberia is something else in November. Perhaps you'd like it better there when the inevitable happens.
If it comes to civil war... I'm on Freedom of speech side. Heads up. I personally don't care if you like it or not.

" I'm on Freedom of speech side. "

you'll have to be more specific.

the left wants to silence the right

the right wants to silence everyone else....

are you a moderate?
I'm an independent. Otherwise I'm on the same side I'm always on... MINE.

Ummm... The Left isn't getting banned on Twitter, Facebook, ext... ext... So uhhh... Yeah.
Facebook is a private company with it’s own TOS.

Which “many” people have been banned for having “the wrong opinion” of Trump? I keep hearing this claim.
I don't know about the trump deal... But people have been banned for "learn to code" and "men aren't women" posts.

Here is straight with Jack and company:

Can’t play sound on videos at the moment, but found this which I assume is referring to the same thing: Twitter boss says it has been 'too aggressive' about banning right-wing activists

Sounds like Twitter overreacted in bans.

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