Latest Trump CNN Meme

Trump worship is sickening. Our greatest hope is a man who felt the need to brag about his dick size during a presidential debate. The leader of the free world tweets about SNL skits. The most powerful man in the world is picking fights with Morning Joe.
Trump worship is sickening. Our greatest hope is a man who felt the need to brag about his dick size during a presidential debate. The leader of the free world tweets about SNL skits. The most powerful man in the world is picking fights with Morning Joe.

Trump worship is sickening. Our greatest hope is a man who felt the need to brag about his dick size during a presidential debate. The leader of the free world tweets about SNL skits. The most powerful man in the world is picking fights with Morning Joe.

The best part of Trump is that he fights with the media.

It's about fuckin time someone did.

Trump worship is sickening. Our greatest hope is a man who felt the need to brag about his dick size during a presidential debate. The leader of the free world tweets about SNL skits. The most powerful man in the world is picking fights with Morning Joe.

The best part of Trump is that he fights with the media.

It's about fuckin time someone did.

He is a great multitasker. I'll give him that. Fighting the media while blowing Putin.
Trump worship is sickening. Our greatest hope is a man who felt the need to brag about his dick size during a presidential debate. The leader of the free world tweets about SNL skits. The most powerful man in the world is picking fights with Morning Joe.

The best part of Trump is that he fights with the media.

It's about fuckin time someone did.

He is a great multitasker. I'll give him that. Fighting the media while blowing Putin.
Your jealousy is noted.
At least he seems to have gotten his incest thing under control, maybe.
Winning So Bigly!
That's why I've lost all faith in the intelligence of your average voter. Tons of people were running and it came down to who do we hate the least.

We've reached idiocracy.

We've got Al Franken in the senate, next perhaps Kid Rock and Ted Nugent. Kanye West will contest Pence for the WH in 2024 and in 2028 he will lose it in a death match with The Rock.

However, that said I think Trump won't do too bad of a job managing the country compared to any of the political whores either party seems capable of offering. If Ted Cruz was president right now I'd be happy, but I don't think he would be able to blow off the media like Trump has. I'm glad he's in the senate working to roll back regressive legislation.

That's why I've lost all faith in the intelligence of your average voter. Tons of people were running and it came down to who do we hate the least.

We've reached idiocracy.

We've got Al Franken in the senate, next perhaps Kid Rock and Ted Nugent. Kanye West will contest Pence for the WH in 2024 and in 2028 he will lose it in a death match with The Rock.

However, that said I think Trump won't do too bad of a job managing the country compared to any of the political whores either party seems capable of offering. If Ted Cruz was president right now I'd be happy, but I don't think he would be able to blow off the media like Trump has. I'm glad he's in the senate working to roll back regressive legislation.

Fortunately I don't think Trump will do much of anything in the next 4-8 years. It has been seven months of nothing already. He signed some executives orders and nominated a SC judge. He literally could have done all of those things in his underwear from bed.
Fortunately I don't think Trump will do much of anything in the next 4-8 years. It has been seven months of nothing already. He signed some executives orders and nominated a SC judge. He literally could have done all of those things in his underwear from bed.

He has also appointed people hostile to the leftist agenda into key offices. Rick Perry at DOE and Scott Pruitt at EPA delights me. These agencies need to be circumcised at the very least if not neutered or even put down. I'm confident he has people combing through government looking to reduce redundancy and eliminate what I call "welfare positions". People who do nothing that really needs to be done, like stamping paperwork before moving it. Other shit the states should be doing themselves may get cut as well.

I may call Trump the world's richest professional clown, and I agree he embarrasses the shit out of us on several levels but at this point my crop of fucks to give has been destroyed by drought. I believe he's going to unfuck a lot of leftwing bullshit.
Fortunately I don't think Trump will do much of anything in the next 4-8 years. It has been seven months of nothing already. He signed some executives orders and nominated a SC judge. He literally could have done all of those things in his underwear from bed.

He has also appointed people hostile to the leftist agenda into key offices. Rick Perry at DOE and Scott Pruitt at EPA delights me. These agencies need to be circumcised at the very least if not neutered or even put down. I'm confident he has people combing through government looking to reduce redundancy and eliminate what I call "welfare positions". People who do nothing that really needs to be done, like stamping paperwork before moving it. Other shit the states should be doing themselves may get cut as well.

I may call Trump the world's richest professional clown, and I agree he embarrasses the shit out of us on several levels but at this point my crop of fucks to give has been destroyed by drought. I believe he's going to unfuck a lot of leftwing bullshit.

Really? Rick Perry? Remember when Ron Paul had to remind him during a debate in 2012(?) what the department was called? He runs that department now.

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